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pook_SAM Pack v1.0

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Working out the animation challenges for the SA10. Currently everything works, with the exception that AI can still fire when the tubes are stowed. I have a plan to create (another!) script that stores the weapons in an array then removes them until the launchers are raised again. That should do the trick, but AI will likely complain about it.

Showing the 30N6E radar array in both "stowed" and "ready" animations... mast, array, supporting bits are all animated. Working on completion of the commander/gunner views.


This one shows the 5P85S SA10 launcher (SA10-B) detailing the mast, and launch tube caps. Those are animated to disappear upon launch. :) The datalink mast also raises. They are mostly complete... I still need to iron out a few of the other animations before it is ready for release:


The missiles animate upwards just like the SA15 missiles, complete with long smoke trails and launch debris. It is hard to read exactly how good the missiles work with AI. That part may take some extra work to get just right.

For those that are wondering, the 3D model for the 30N6E, along with the base "CDF" texture, are credit to sa8Gecko... dated from 2007 with permissions for use :)

The new 4 faction texture sets are derivatives of the same basic texture. New RVMAT's and material files. Not that good but better than nothing!

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The SA10 site just downed an enemy aircraft from 5km away on Chernarus! :D Using some script magic to make the site (yes I said SITE) fire at targets beyond normal engagement ranges. Fun stuff! You Wild Weasel pilots are going to become very busy when this is released! You can see the smoke plume trailing off into the distance:


Edit to add: Successful engagements out to 7km so far! Threshold is 20km.

LARGE image of the firing sequence... you can see the debris from the launch cap in this one too:


Firing sequence from the launchers....


... and from the target! The marker @ 6.6km is the location of the launcher. I didn't expect the AI to turn away from it at that distance. That's Gnat's awesome Coaler plane :)


Edited by hcpookie

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Found the MLOD for the 76N6 radar... now we have faction textures covering all bases for both 76N6 and 30N6E / 96L6 mast-based radar arrays. And YES those are the ladders I made w/ the attachto trick a while ago... now resident as part of the model! Proper texture maps too, so no more "embossed" look of the wrong texture on the metal! Script-based support means if the radar dies, all nearby launchers and guidance radars have their skills diminished slightly, meaning Wild Weasel SEAD missions will provide benefit.



Edited by hcpookie

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and that, sir, is how to make a SAM launcher! awesome :D

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Found the MLOD for the 76N6 radar... now we have faction textures covering all bases for both 76N6 and 30N6E / 96L6 mast-based radar arrays. And YES those are the ladders I made w/ the attachto trick a while ago... now resident as part of the model! Proper texture maps too, so no more "embossed" look of the wrong texture on the metal! Script-based support means if the radar dies, all nearby launchers and guidance radars have their skills diminished slightly, meaning Wild Weasel SEAD missions will provide benefit.
Hey, did you get my source upload?

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v1.6 released! See first post for d/l info and readme info. PLEASE READ THE SA-10 INFORMATION IN THE README! :)

@ Chortles... I just logged on this morning and saw your PM. I'll take a look at it today.

SA10 Notes, also in the readme:


S-300PS (SA-10B Grumble)


The S-300 system is a long-range engagement radar that can serve both strategic and tactical air defense needs. The system consists of the 5P85S semi-autonomous and 5P85D supplementary mobile launchers. The system relies upon the 30N6E "Flap Lid" radar system for missile guidance and tracking, and the 76N6 "Clam Shell" acquisition radar systems.

The extensive performance envelope of the system and its advanced radar systems make it roughly equivalent to the Patriot systems but on a mobile platform. The system's capabilities are impressive and should not be under-rated.

SA-10 Notes:


Since this represents a missile *system* and not just a launch vehicle, here are some additional considerations:

The addon includes these SA-10 vehicles: 5P85S Launcher, 5P85D Launcher, 30N6E Mobile Radar, 76N6 mast-mounted Radar, and 30N6E mast-mounted Radar, and MAZ-7910 support trucks. All default factions on all three sides (West, East, Independent) are represented. As the mast radar units are empty they don't "belong" to a faction. They are named by their representative faction colors, but can be interchanged to suit any terrain/color combination. Launch sounds taken from real life launch footage.

SA-10 Missile Avoidance:


The S-300 missiles CAN be spoofed, but the simulation of this system, being of the relative same class as the Patriot, makes spoofing this missile extremely difficult. It is not impossible! Countermeasures and terrain-following flight paths will greatly enhance survivability since the missile system will NOT engage targets flying below a certain altitude.

SA-10 Site Use:


The intent of the SA10 system is to provide theater-level defense site. Therefore I recommendation use of the site "spawner" units which automatically create a fully functional SA10 site upon placement. See in the readme for class names of the "spawner" units. The spawn scripts are based on the Patriot site script that was fixed for MP, therefore site spawns should be MP-friendly and warrants test validation. To use the "spawner" units, simply place them manually in the editor, or via enemy spawn scripts in any mission scenario. The spawner INIT EH will proceed to create a fully operational SA10 site.

The SA-10 site consists of:

- 4x launchers with 4 missile each, for a total of 16 ready missiles at the site.

- Additional ammo for the launchers, with a 10-minute reload time to simulate real world reload needs.

- 1x 30N6E radar vehicle, which is the central control vehicle for the site's governance script.

- 1x 76N6 mast radar array, with a possible 2nd 30N6E masted array.

- 1x SA-15 unit, which is standard deployemnt practice since the SA-15 is intended to protect the site as a "point defense" unit.

- Various bunkers and nets.

Note that the spawned vehicles at the site are LOCKED to avoid any script problems

The "spawner" site will be 200m across, with random placement of support vehicles within this circle. The "spawner" site leader is governed by a script that simulates the radar and missile capabilities, and will engage targets BVR out to 20km in the game... YES, 20km! The script does NOT however have the ability to overcome the "shoot behind mountains" problems in-game, therefore very hilly terrain such as Chernarus or Clafghan will require careful site placement to ensure the SAM's don't shoot into mountains.

SA-10 Site Suppression:


The site is controlled by a governance script which is based on the existence of the 30N6E radar vehicle. Destruction of the central 30N6E vehicle will severely cripple the capabilities of the launchers, rendering them to only "standard" visual engagements of out to 2-3km. This means that accurate Wild Weasel SEAD missions can be simulated!

The site's single 9k331 SA-15 system acts as a "point defense" system for short-range engagements only. It will react to close in threats. It is an autonomous vehicle, not part of the main site group, and therefore will still engage targets regardless of the status of the 30N6E vehicle.

Since in-game targeting of the radar array is limited to "visual" ranges, Wild Weasel missions may be challenging. The governance script could be adopted for use by other addon developers to develop a BVR engagement script to enable a better ARM missile simulation, giving Wild Weasel missions a better chance...

The launchers consist of 4 missile tubes each, for a total of 16 S-300 missiles ready before reload. In-game time to reload is 10 minutes. Reload/support vehicles are NOT modelled since they tend to be unable to properly drive to the launch vehicles for rearm purposes, therfore this is simulated by simply giving the site vehicles (and ONLY the site vehicles) extra magazines.

Use of individual vehicles:


If a scenario warrants, the individual launch and 30N6E radar vehicles can be driven. These vehicles are scripted to support proper raising/lowering of the equipment. These scripts should also be AI-compatible and allow the AI to properly engage targets. The MAZ-7910 Trucks have 1 cargo seat. They currently serve no logistical purpose.


// S-300 (SA-10) classnames, also in the README:


/** 5P85S Launcher (Semi-autonomous) **/

class pook_5P85S_RU // East - RU

class pook_5P85S_TAK // East - Tak

class pook_5P85S_INS // East - ChDKZ

class pook_5P85S_TKINS // East - TAK-Militia

class pook_5P85S_CDF // West - CDF

class pook_5P85S_CDF_IND // Independent - CDF

class pook_5P85S_GUE // Independent - NAPA GUE

class pook_5P85S_TKGUE // Independent - TAK-Locals

/** SP85D Launcher (Supplemental) **/

class pook_5P85D_RU // East - RU

class pook_5P85D_TAK // East - Tak

class pook_5P85D_INS // East - ChDKZ

class pook_5P85D_TKINS // East - TAK-Militia

class pook_5P85D_CDF // West - CDF

class pook_5P85D_CDF_IND // Independent - CDF

class pook_5P85D_GUE // Independent - NAPA GUE

class pook_5P85D_TKGUE // Independent - TAK-Locals

/** 30N6E Radar Vehicle **/

class pook_30N6E_RU // East - RU

class pook_30N6E_TAK // East - Tak

class pook_30N6E_INS // East - ChDKZ

class pook_30N6E_TKINS // East - TAK-Militia

class pook_30N6E_CDF // West - CDF

class pook_30N6E_CDF_IND // Independent - CDF

class pook_30N6E_GUE // Independent - NAPA GUE

class pook_30N6E_TKGUE // Independent - TAK-Locals

/** SA10 SAM Site Spawner - can be placed via or script **/

class pook_SA10_spawnerRU // EAST - Russian

class pook_SA10_spawnerTAK // EAST - Takistani

class pook_SA10_spawnerINS // EAST - ChDKZ

class pook_SA10_spawnerTKINS // EAST - Takistani Militia

class pook_SA10_spawnerCDF // WEST - CDF

class pook_SA10_spawnerCDF_IND // Independent - CDF

class pook_SA10_spawnerGUE // Independent - GUE

class pook_SA10_spawnerTKGUE // Independent - TAK-Locals

/** 76N6 EWR/Acquisistion Radar **/

class pook_76N6_radar // NATO Desert

class pook_76N6_radarCHDKZ // CHDKZ Green

class pook_76N6_radarCDF // CDF Forest Green / Brown

class pook_76N6_radarTAK // TAK Green / Sand

class pook_76N6_radarRUS // RUS Jungle

class pook_76N6_radarNATO // NATO Woodland

class pook_76N6_radarBROWN // DUALA Brown

/** 30N6E Mast-mounted Engagement Radar **/

class pook_30N6E_radarCHDKZ // CHDKZ Green

class pook_30N6E_radarCDF // CDF Forest Green / Brown

class pook_30N6E_radarTAK // TAK Green / Sand

class pook_30N6E_radarRUS // RUS Jungle

class pook_30N6E_radarNATO // NATO Woodland

class pook_30N6E_radarBROWN // DUALA Brown

/** MAZ7910 flatbed truck **/

class pook_MAZ7910_RU // East - RU

class pook_MAZ7910_TAK // East - Tak

class pook_MAZ7910_INS // East - ChDKZ

class pook_MAZ7910_TKINS // East - TAK-Militia

class pook_MAZ7910_CDF // West - CDF

class pook_MAZ7910_CDF_IND // Independent - CDF

class pook_MAZ7910_GUE // Independent - NAPA GUE

class pook_MAZ7910_TKGUE // Independent - TAK-Locals

class pook_MAZ7910_PMC // Independent - PMC

class pook_MAZ7910_PMCWest // West - PMC

class pook_MAZ7910_CIV // CIV - Civillian - Chernarus

class pook_MAZ7910_CIVEuro // CIV - Civillian - Euro

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Mods, could I request this thread be moved to the "Addons - Complete" topic?

---------- Post added at 12:18 ---------- Previous post was at 12:16 ----------

Wow that was fast - thank you! :)

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Updated mod v1.6 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


Hey hcpookie , you can upload updates or new mods to withSIX yourself now!

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Mods, could I request this thread be moved to the "Addons - Complete" topic?)

Done :blues:

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SA10 observations: I have noticed the SA10 site appears to shoot at vehicles that have dipped below the minimum height. I need to ensure there is a break-out or check to keep the vehicle from being constantly targeted.

I'm also working on some solutions to make indirect/proximity fuses work. I created a sphere of basic objects in the fireGeo LOD, and so the "sphere" is about 20m diameter. Visual is basically empty, so you don't see it. For testing, I'm using an attachTo command for the target airplane. All the "near misses" the AI achieves now result in hits! The missiles will hit the sphere and explode. Since the SA10 has a relatively large indirect damage distance and high indirect damage value, the proximity to the airplane pretty much nails the entire proximity fuse issue!

The considerations I have is:

- how to ensure the target sphere is only damaged by SA10 missiles

- how/when to attach the target spheres to the "targeted" planes

- how/when to remove the target spheres once the planes fall outside of the "is a valid target" parameters

Once I solve these issues we'll have even more lethal SAM engagements! Good or bad :)

Also looking into how to make SEAD missions work better. AI in the A-10's tend to fire rockets first and ignore any AGM that may be loaded, so they get pretty close to the target before firing at it. So they suffer a bit more loss than human pilots would encounter.

I can perform a "doTarget" command via scripting simple enough. This gives you the "red circle" like when your squad leader tells you to target something. The problem is, so far, all of the AGM missiles will NOT lock on the radar vehicle until they get within the 2km range. VERY frustrating. I'm getting good at using the A10 cannon however :) I am not sure if the AGM's (either BIS or anyone's) can even target something from a longer distance. That is going to be the key to making the SEAD missions work. I suspect we will need to update the AGM missiles' control ranges or other values to get them to correctly target the radars from farther away than 2km. I imagine the GPS simulated munitions will do the trick for SEAD at longer distances until we get those AGM missiles working better.

can you change this "pook_SAM Pack v1.0" for Arma 3 ?

This isn't a request thread. A3 conversions take time and I haven't even started on it however.

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Proximity Fuses are now simulated! I figured a way to make the missiles correctly model the proximity fuse, finally making use of the indirect damage values! More to come on this development.

SA3 site works! Based on the SA10 site with obvious changes to the scripts. Real SA3 missile firing sound. P12 "spoon rest" acquisition radar. Radome "dome" is a weather shield commonly erected around radar arrays. This saves me having to make the complicated SA3 radar model :D

Here is a link to a pic of the real deal (actually an SA5 radome) showing the "inflatable shelter" for the radar array:



P12 radar wrecked:


Finally, the SA3 correctly discards the first-stage booster rocket... note only the 2nd stage (main stage) is present:



Edited by hcpookie

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Update: Doing some testing of the proximity fuses! They work... for better or worse. I'm doing a bit more research and updates with the other existing missiles... SA11, SA17, SA15, and then I'll have it ready to release.

For the SA3: Not so bad. The proximity fuse, being of an older design, needs to be a bit closer to your plane, about 10m or so... basically just off the wingtip. It inflicts slightly less damage since it is an older, standard blast-fragmentation charge.

For the SA10: "WORSE" :) The Real Life warhead has an adaptive shaped charge, meaning it can tailor the direction of the blast somewhat toward the target. So to simulate this, the game missile will be able to inflict damage from about 20m away from the plane. No more does the missile have to "touch" the plane! This perfectly avoids the "crazy missile" flights, and raises the bar on your evasive skills. You can't just spam it with chaff and hope it misses.

The proximity damage is USUALLY fatal, but not always. I have survived near misses and lived to tell the tale.

The proximity fuse doesn't always "connect" to the plane, so you may get lucky and have a missile fly-by without causing proximity damage.

Here you can see the approximate distance the SA10 proximity fuses detonate:




- FIX: Russian faction SA10 site now spawning Russian soldier AA crew.

- FIX: SA10 site minimum engagement altitude raised to 150m.

- FIX: SA10 site firing after radar dies... crew now disembarks useless launchers.

- FIX: SA10 site spawning empty SA15 vehicle

- FIX: SA10 site failing to spawn radar vehicle gunner

- FIX: SA10 site behavior tweaked to be slightly less agressive.

- FIX: 30N6E minor texture fixes.

- FIX: 5P85D minor texture and 3D model fixes.

- FIX: SA3 launcher 3D model improved.

- FIX: 76N6 RVMAT fixed; updated textures and added new variations

- FIX: Minor RPT errors.

- NEW: 76N6 ladders now work; added maintenance platforms

- NEW: SA3 booster stage discard (see sample mission)

- NEW: SA3 real life sound clip

- NEW: SA3 performance matched to real world data

- NEW: SA3 smoke trail matched to real world data

- NEW: P12 "spoon rest" Acquisition radar

- NEW: SA3 site spawner with new vehicles and layout.

- NEW: Radar domes / weather covers based on real world data

- NEW: Sites now spawn point defense systems... either AAA or close-range SAMs

Edited by hcpookie

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pookie < Man you made my dream come true... i wanted the SA10 in Arma2 so baaad.... will download it and check it out asap. Great work!

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I imagine the counter-SEAD missions to now be like:

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I imagine the counter-SEAD missions to now be like:

Thought I was watching game-play from the new early access 'Squad' game for a minute. ;)

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pookie < Man you made my dream come true... i wanted the SA10 in Arma2 so baaad.... will download it and check it out asap. Great work!

It was sa8gecko's 30N6E 3D model and his textures that I used to start that off! ;)

v1.7 "released"! Enjoy those proximity fuses :p

See first post for updated notes and download location.




v1.7: 6/5/2015

- FIX: Russian faction SA10 site now spawning Russian soldier AA crew.

- FIX: SA10 site minimum engagement altitude raised to 150m.

- FIX: SA10 site firing after radar dies... crew now disembarks useless launchers.

- FIX: SA10 site spawning empty SA15 vehicle

- FIX: SA10 site failing to spawn radar vehicle gunner

- FIX: SA10 site behavior tweaked to be slightly less agressive.

- FIX: 30N6E minor texture fixes.

- FIX: 5P85D minor texture and 3D model fixes.

- FIX: SA3 launcher 3D model improved.

- FIX: 76N6 RVMAT fixed; updated textures and added new variations

- FIX: Minor RPT errors.

- NEW: 76N6 ladders now work; added maintenance platforms

- NEW: SA3 booster stage discard (see sample mission)

- NEW: SA3 real life sound clip

- NEW: SA3 performance matched to real world data

- NEW: SA3 smoke trail matched to real world data

- NEW: P12 "spoon rest" Acquisition radar

- NEW: SA3 site spawner with new vehicles and layout.

- NEW: Radar domes / weather covers based on real world data

- NEW: Sites now spawn point defense systems... either AAA or close-range SAMs

UPDATE: I uploaded a sample mission that demonstrates the SA3 booster stage disconnect. Look for it in the same place as the addon download (in the first link). :)

Edited by hcpookie

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I cant download the file. When I try I get a message the file can not be scanned for virusses and when I click "close" I get redirected back to your file page.

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confirmed - it gets stuck at 69/77mb

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I re-uploaded the RAR files and also ZIP'ed it. Curious that they both prompt me with "I can't check for viruses". I *DO* get the option to check the box that "I understand and download anyway"...

I tried splitting the archive but it is too small to split :) SO it should be OK to download assuming you trust I haven't uploaded anything bad. :) I'm not sure how to keep this from happening. I'm going to try something else and see if it will stop that prompt.

Well it isn't the file size... I just split it into 2 RAR files, 1of2 and 2of2. At 49mb, I'm still getting prompted. Not sure what's up. My AV scanner is showing no alerts. I suspect it may be on OneDrive's end, perhaps they have a service outage today. I *can* download them if I click OK to that prompt...

Please let me know if, by going to that page if clicking the "OK" check box works... apologies for this hassle!

I also am having troubles downloading the file I just uploaded :( I made a new RAR archive, and split it between "1of2" and "2of2" downloads... so the big one of those is like 49mb. So these smaller ones are just me zipping the different PBO files, not an actual "split archive". I successfully downloaded that! There must be something wrong on OneDrive that keeps interrupting the downloads. As FREE service, I guess I'm getting what I paid for :)

Again, I apologize for the hassle!

Edited by hcpookie

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pookie < I was able to download the pack 1.7 but the original one you have uploaded by pausing the download after it stalled and then resuming the download... but the later zip files im unable to download because the service reports that it is unable to scan it for viruses...

By the way i noticed you had Tiger vehicle in your folder... do you plan to work on the vehicle or was it just an idea that never came to be?

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Yeah it downloads OK, just need to be patient while OneDrive sorts itself.

Tiger? What?

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Sorry for being such a pain before Hcpookie!:o It`s just that I`ve see RKLS Rapier System for A 2 with a Land Rover and radar I`ve been eyeing for quite some time ,perhaps you could fix the range limitation of it by spawning in a short range radar that is syncronized with the radar like a "hand off" "Data-Link" system,it starts to provide the steering info for it.

Or decides when it spwans in a new missile,then deletes the first one.:cool:

Thanks for a great mod-even if I no longer play A2! But still hoping for it to show in A3.....

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