Mattastic 97 Posted December 30, 2014 Sorry about that Matt, I didn't touch the LWH helmet w/o goggles, due to the reason I wasn't aware it also had the same issues. Would you like me to go over it and make a fix? That would be great, I really appreciate your help. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Siege-A 4056 Posted December 30, 2014 Fix uploaded. PM with link sent. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mattastic 97 Posted December 30, 2014 Fix uploaded. PM with link sent. Thanks, you have been so helpful. I am going to get, now probably, version 1.9 out soon to get over all this mess. Everything in the last changelog will be 100% good to go as well as even more that I have done in the meantime. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mattastic 97 Posted December 31, 2014 Version 1.9 is out, it will fix all issues and add some more new features. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sonsalt6 105 Posted December 31, 2014 Updated mod 1.9 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted January 3, 2015 Thanks for sending us the newest release :cool: Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage. Marine Expeditionary Force v1.9Community Base addons A3ASDG Joint Rails ================================================ We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic. This means soon you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have. When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mattastic 97 Posted January 3, 2015 The poll on the thread that will decide the next weapon pack that the mod will have compatible units for is tied right now. If you haven't voted and are interested in doing so please vote within the next week. Very soon I will begin work on version 2.0 which is going to incorporate this new compatibility. Thanks for the continued support for the mod from everyone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
christian2526 68 Posted January 3, 2015 Have u seen the pm i send you? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PFCMako 10 Posted January 5, 2015 Am I going to be the one to say this okay. Firstly, I love the chestrigs so don't take this as a complete hate post but the tactical backpacks, especially the tan one are sorta plain. I also hate the NATO uniforms, is there going to be any opportunity in the future that there may also be a AAF retexture with the same quality? Everything new unit I've been seeing related to the marines have all jumped onto this uniform as there primary fatigues and I cannot stand running around in them, of course thats my opinion but theres a limited choice (3 uniforms to one camouflage). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mattastic 97 Posted January 5, 2015 Am I going to be the one to say this okay.Firstly, I love the chestrigs so don't take this as a complete hate post but the tactical backpacks, especially the tan one are sorta plain. I also hate the NATO uniforms, is there going to be any opportunity in the future that there may also be a AAF retexture with the same quality? Everything new unit I've been seeing related to the marines have all jumped onto this uniform as there primary fatigues and I cannot stand running around in them, of course thats my opinion but theres a limited choice (3 uniforms to one camouflage). AAF retextures came with the last update. More updates will come to include more gear and detailing existing gear. The current version released is by no means a finished product. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mattastic 97 Posted January 12, 2015 Created a Facebook page for the modification. Please feel free to use it as another method to communicate your comments/suggestions on the mod. Details on Version 2.0 are going to be posted very soon here, there, and on all my other pages. (MEF Facebook Page) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mattastic 97 Posted January 14, 2015 Version 2.0 Details -Adding "2nd Recon Btn" class Includes 0321 Reconnaissance Man unit(s) 3 New Uniforms in Desert & Woodland MARPAT -Adding "Infantry Billets" class -Adding RH Weapons Compatible Unit Config -Updating UI -Updating Overall Unit Config -Fixing Zeus Compatibility Release of Version 2.0 Will come sometime next week. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mattastic 97 Posted January 17, 2015 (edited) Zeus Compatibility is fixed! Will come with Version 2.0 release next week. ---------- Post added at 18:03 ---------- Previous post was at 16:45 ---------- So I am trying to go ahead and check off ALiVE compatibility while I am doing similar work. My groups configuration is based on the ORBAT and standard given on the ALiVE Wiki. However, in the mission, I get the TACOM message, "no groups available". ALiVE does seem to be placing my custom helicopters though which is what makes this more confusing. The groups work perfectly in game and with Zeus. I will show my code below, and would appreciate it if someone could show me what i'm doing wrong. class CfgGroups { class West { class MEF { name = "MEF"; class Infantry { name = "Infantry"; class MEF_InfSquad { name = "Rifle Squad"; side = 1; faction = "MEF"; rarityGroup = 0.3; class Unit0 { side = 1; vehicle = "MEF_WMARPAT_LS_UL"; rank = "LIEUTENANT"; position[] = {0,5,0}; }; class Unit1 { side = 1; vehicle = "MEF_WMARPAT_LS_UL"; rank = "SERGEANT"; position[] = {3,0,0}; }; class Unit2 { side = 1; vehicle = "MEF_WMARPAT_LS_AS"; rank = "CORPORAL"; position[] = {5,0,0}; }; class Unit3 { side = 1; vehicle = "MEF_WMARPAT_LS"; rank = "CORPORAL"; position[] = {7,0,0}; }; class Unit4 { side = 1; vehicle = "MEF_WMARPAT_LS"; rank = "PRIVATE"; position[] = {9,0,0}; }; class Unit5 { side = 1; vehicle = "MEF_WMARPAT_LS_UL"; rank = "SERGEANT"; position[] = {12,0,0}; }; class Unit6 { side = 1; vehicle = "MEF_WMARPAT_LS_AS"; rank = "CORPORAL"; position[] = {14,0,0}; }; class Unit7 { side = 1; vehicle = "MEF_WMARPAT_LS"; rank = "CORPORAL"; position[] = {16,0,0}; }; class Unit8 { side = 1; vehicle = "MEF_WMARPAT_LS"; rank = "PRIVATE"; position[] = {18,0,0}; }; class Unit9 { side = 1; vehicle = "MEF_WMARPAT_LS_UL"; rank = "SERGEANT"; position[] = {21,0,0}; }; class Unit10 { side = 1; vehicle = "MEF_WMARPAT_LS_AS"; rank = "CORPORAL"; position[] = {23,0,0}; }; class Unit11 { side = 1; vehicle = "MEF_WMARPAT_LS"; rank = "CORPORAL"; position[] = {25,0,0}; }; class Unit12 { side = 1; vehicle = "MEF_WMARPAT_LS"; rank = "PRIVATE"; position[] = {27,0,0}; }; }; class MEF_InfTeam { name = "Fire Team"; side = 1; faction = "MEF"; rarityGroup = 0.3; class Unit0 { side = 1; vehicle = "MEF_WMARPAT_LS_UL"; rank = "SERGEANT"; position[] = {0,5,0}; }; class Unit1 { side = 1; vehicle = "MEF_WMARPAT_LS_AS"; rank = "CORPORAL"; position[] = {3,0,0}; }; class Unit2 { side = 1; vehicle = "MEF_WMARPAT_LS"; rank = "CORPORAL"; position[] = {5,0,0}; }; class Unit3 { side = 1; vehicle = "MEF_WMARPAT_LS"; rank = "PRIVATE"; position[] = {7,0,0}; }; }; class MEF_InfTeam_AT { name = "Team Anti-Tank"; side = 1; faction = "MEF"; rarityGroup = 0.3; class Unit0 { side = 1; vehicle = "MEF_WMARPAT_LS_UL"; rank = "SERGEANT"; position[] = {0,5,0}; }; class Unit1 { side = 1; vehicle = "MEF_WMARPAT_LS_AT"; rank = "CORPORAL"; position[] = {3,0,0}; }; class Unit2 { side = 1; vehicle = "MEF_WMARPAT_LS"; rank = "CORPORAL"; position[] = {5,0,0}; }; class Unit3 { side = 1; vehicle = "MEF_WMARPAT_LS"; rank = "PRIVATE"; position[] = {7,0,0}; }; }; class MEF_InfSentry { name = "Security Patrol"; side = 1; faction = "MEF"; rarityGroup = 0.3; class Unit0 { side = 1; vehicle = "MEF_WMARPAT_LS_UL"; rank = "SERGEANT"; position[] = {0,5,0}; }; class Unit1 { side = 1; vehicle = "MEF_WMARPAT_LS"; rank = "CORPORAL"; position[] = {3,0,0}; }; }; }; }; }; }; Edited January 17, 2015 by Mattastic Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DenyWilCo 22 Posted January 20, 2015 So, how's this coming along? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mattastic 97 Posted January 20, 2015 So, how's this coming along? Things are coming along just fine. Zeus compatibility is fixed. I've 90% of the work for the RH Weapons compatibility. ALiVE is somewhat compatible, trying to get 100%. All existing units have updates to their config.The "Infantry Billets" is coming along, probably the area that I have done the least work, but will have it done. The new recon units are 75% done also. I think I might go ahead and add Ghosthawk, Hummingbird, Pawnee, and Blackfoot units. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DenyWilCo 22 Posted January 21, 2015 That sounds awesome mate. Can't wait to see how it looks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mattastic 97 Posted January 26, 2015 (edited) I have been really busy this week and am doing my best to finalize this update and get it released. There were a couple more updates that I did in addition to those that I previously stated so it has taken some extra time. It will be ready by tomorrow evening. Thank you all for your patience. Here's what is coming in Version 2.0: Added ALiVE Compatibility Added "2nd Recon Btn" class-Includes 0321 Reconnaissance Man unit(s)-4 New Uniforms in Desert & Woodland MARPAT Added "Infantry Billets" class-Includes Squad Billet Units [sL,FTL,AR,AAR,RFL] Added RH Weapons "Infantry Billets" class-Includes RH Squad Billet Units [sL,FTL,AR,AAR,RFL]-Includes RH Groups Added 4 Re-Textured Helicopters-Ghosthawk UH-80-Blackfoot AH-99-Pawnee AH-9-Hummingbird MH-9 Updated Weapon Config-Adjusted ROF on M240B & M249 SAW-Fixed Muzzle Flashes for M4's & M16A4 w/o M203--To fix the muzzle flash on the other weapons, simply put a silencer on them then take it off. Updated Overall Unit Config-Attachments on Units Weapons-Customized Loadouts more Updated UI Fixed Zeus Compatibility Edited January 26, 2015 by Mattastic Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mattastic 97 Posted January 27, 2015 (edited) Version 2.0 is Released! Enjoy! Edited January 27, 2015 by Mattastic Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sonsalt6 105 Posted January 27, 2015 Updated mod v2.0 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vernei 12 Posted January 27, 2015 Version 2.0 is Released! Enjoy! Hi Mattastic, thanks for the great mod. I use your uniform/vests/headgear for an amphibious assault Zeus game mode mission that is on the Imrali terrain. We launch from an LHD using AH-1Zs, UH-1Ns, AV-8Bs, LCACs, AAVs, HMMWVs, MRAPs, and LAVs. One things I'd love to see is if you could make a proper Marine Corps flight suit and crewman suit. I've looked and looked and looked and there just isn't a single Marine Corps flight suit modeled anywhere I can find, despite the fact that they are worn by aviators, maintenance personnel, infantrymen and armored crews. I would love to see this ingame: (111 kB) There are also green versions: The flight suits are very popular even outside of aviation due to their level of comfort. Thanks again for the great mod. USMC 0231 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mattastic 97 Posted January 27, 2015 I do plan to include aviators and crewman gear down the road. I have a former marine in my clan that wore a combat onesie in Iraq, so i have a close reference to consult when it is time. Thanks for the use and support of the mod! Send me that mission and it's requirements, I'd like to check it out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kilo1-1 1 Posted January 27, 2015 Teriyaki's Uniform mod has both versions of that flight suit in it. You should check it out, they are great. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted January 28, 2015 Thanks for sending us the newest release :cool: Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage. Marine Expeditionary Force v2.0Community Base addons A3ASDG Joint Rails ================================================ We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic. This means soon you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have. When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dragon01 903 Posted January 28, 2015 Nice, the light gray paint really gives those helos a sleek, future-ish look. That said, I'd love to see dedicated "Marine" helos someday (preferably cooler-looking than Army ones, as is the case IRL :) ). The BIS helicopters are all derived from land-based ones, none of them really had much in terms of carrier capability. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mattastic 97 Posted January 28, 2015 Nice, the light gray paint really gives those helos a sleek, future-ish look. That said, I'd love to see dedicated "Marine" helos someday (preferably cooler-looking than Army ones, as is the case IRL :) ). The BIS helicopters are all derived from land-based ones, none of them really had much in terms of carrier capability. I would like to have helicopters like that also. I don't really have a team working directly with me on this everyday. So, I am limited to my own capabilities. Suffice to say I am not capable of making those choppers happen alone, at least not yet. I juggle work, school, and an arma clan so getting things done at the level there at is a challenge itself. However now that I have a lot of the things I want and then some out of the way I can focus my time on doing some more centralized work. Like trying to bring one of those types of asset into the mod, perhaps a Venom. Ground vehicles are also something in the plans. I don't really have an end game for this mod. Pretty much will go on as a project of mine until I run out of things I can do. The current textures of the helos will do for now, I plan on doing more detail work to them in the future. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites