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How to attach cars etc from start?

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How do i spawn a chopper with a car in ropes under it?

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How do i spawn a chopper with a car in ropes under it?

Maybe you mean something like that => EDIT : Can't post any link for one day because i'm just registered :butbut: Search on armaholic LIFTER for ArmA 3



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I meant something more like " veh1 moveinsling heli1 " or something.

---------- Post added at 22:33 ---------- Previous post was at 22:27 ----------

myRope = ropeCreate [veh1, [0,0,-2], veh2, [0,0,0], 10] <---- was the answer

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Hi guys have a problem with the attachto command init code for unit to attach cargo parachute to ammo create or vehicle. I am trying to air drop a T80MBT along with a group of paratroopers from ivorys il76. I have the paratroopers named a1 through to a8 and set init moveInCargo aircraft is flying and waypoint set i have staggered Eject triggers set to each paratrooper to stagger the jump it works great! I would like the T80 to air drop in the middle on the jump after the 4th paratrooper and work of a trigger the same as the paratroopers and i also wanted 3 cargo chutes attached to the tank and each at a slight out word angle for a more realistic para drop after all tanks are heavy!! Can it be done Guys? i have looked everywhere to sort this I have been at for days now can do with some help please also just a thought is there anyway of having the para troopers use a circle chute?

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You should really create your own thread for that, or at the very least highjack a thread that is related to your problem.

Anyway, questions about parachute scripts are rather frequent and there are several pre-made scripts available. Seems like you just didn't search properly.

Take a look here for example:


Edited by Tajin

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Hi guys have a problem with the attachto command... blah blah blah... But I can't be arsed searching
Hey there friend, walk before you try to run mate.. Ask the right question in the right manner and you'll get some expert help.

There are many seasoned scripter's here that can AND are willing to help you. But as this is your first post, perhaps you're not sure how you should at least try to help yourself. As Tajin says... SEARCH.

If you've got a script or trigger not quite working for you, then post it so we can help you in your solution.

With regard to your question, you can post in the following thread if the posts already there don't answer your questions.

Forget the attachto command at the moment and see here Parachute-Ammobox

Here's some additional reading before you ask your question the above thread. (If you do ask, please post your trigger or script example)

BTC-Logistic-A3-BETA updates By Beerkan

Hope this helps.

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Hey guys thanks for the info and i did search but not hard enough it seems there is alot off stuff on this. Beerkan i love your parachute ammobox works perfect no faffing around and Tajin Epic Armour Drop just what im looking for I WANT IT! lol. the problem is im new scripting but willing to learn the script seems to work off server side have no idea what this or how set it up. But i would like the script to work in SPmode and the editor and to work of a trigger the scripts i have all work of the sqf files and i just call it off the trigger the epic script has to go into a init.sqf and i assume you would call it the same way no joy! but there was one guy saying he had it working of a radio trigger but gave no clue to how he done it. How do i get the trigger to spawn the tank an call the Script??? and lads i have looked hi an low all day in fact to fix this any help on this one would be much appreciated.

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Hey guys thanks for the info and i did search but not hard enough it seems there is alot off stuff on this. Beerkan i love your parachute ammobox works perfect no faffing around and Tajin Epic Armour Drop just what im looking for I WANT IT! lol. the problem is im new scripting but willing to learn the script seems to work off server side have no idea what this or how set it up. But i would like the script to work in SPmode and the editor and to work of a trigger the scripts i have all work of the sqf files and i just call it off the trigger the epic script has to go into a init.sqf and i assume you would call it the same way no joy! but there was one guy saying he had it working of a radio trigger but gave no clue to how he done it. How do i get the trigger to spawn the tank an call the Script??? and lads i have looked hi an low all day in fact to fix this any help on this one would be much appreciated.

Two words: "New Thread"

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Three more words: "linebreaks", "interpunctuation" and "headache"


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Give a break Tajin i wrote the post at my work and off my phone granted i could have wrote it better. But if you cant understand the problem im describing then your not the man to fix it! so in two more words "Move On"

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Wait a second, you're the one asking for help here! So at least do it right.

I do understand your problems very well but I don't intend on helping anyone who isn't willing to do his part.

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If anyone is still looking at this thread I could use some help on this as well, since currently I am working on a custom mission where I want to have it where reinforcements come in to drop vehicles off to help out the ground forces.

I'm not sure how that setSlingLoad command works, do you put it in the init field of the vehicle that you wanted to have a load or what? When I put it in the init field of the vehicle it comes with an error like this: Type Bool, expected Nothing.

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Would help if you posted what exactly you wrote in the init-field. ;)

Anyway, it doesn't really matter where you put it.

The only thing that is special about init-fields is that you can access the object they're related to with the "this" variable.

Aside from that, the code can go pretty much anywhere. In a trigger, in the init-field of another unit, in a script-file, it really doesn't matter as long as the parameters are correct.

In this case the parameters are

1. The object that is doing the lifting

2. The object that gets lifted

As seen here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setSlingLoad

It doesn't matter where the second object is, it automatically gets moved in position when you use the command.

However, it does matter if the chopper is actually able to lift that object. You won't be able to slingload an MBT to a Littlebird for example.

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Hi Tharos, there is a module for this in the editor. Modules> Misc> Sling Load.

Just sync the module to your vehicle and the object you want loaded and it will be sling loaded on mission start.

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Hi Tharos, there is a module for this in the editor. Modules> Misc> Sling Load.

Just sync the module to your vehicle and the object you want loaded and it will be sling loaded on mission start.

Wow, there's a module for that?

That's ridiculous, it's taking way more time to place the module and sync it than typing "veh1 setSlingLoad veh2".

BI to the rescue I guess, heh.

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Two words: "New Thread"

Have you tried to make a new thread when you just registered? I guess you should try.

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Have you tried to make a new thread when you just registered? I guess you should try.

You would be right, you can't make a new thread as a newly register user. And you want to know a fact? I did try and it informed me that I couldn't make a thread until after a certain amount of time had past, so you want to know what I did?!?! That's right I waited until I was able to properly start a new thread, I didn't go and hijack another's thread just because of that fact. And you want to know what I did in that time too? Well you see unlike most people I read the forum rules, and based on that I'm damn sure your remark here is textbook flame-baiting.

And there was also no need to bring that post back up either as it just drags this thread further off topic, that's why I haven't posted anymore here, until this post, because your just looking for something to happen with that response.

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You would be right, you can't make a new thread as a newly register user. And you want to know a fact? I did try and it informed me that I couldn't make a thread until after a certain amount of time had past, so you want to know what I did?!?! That's right I waited until I was able to properly start a new thread, I didn't go and hijack another's thread just because of that fact. And you want to know what I did in that time too? Well you see unlike most people I read the forum rules, and based on that I'm damn sure your remark here is textbook flame-baiting.

And there was also no need to bring that post back up either as it just drags this thread further off topic, that's why I haven't posted anymore here, until this post, because your just looking for something to happen with that response.

The guy did not do anything wrong, and as far as I can tell he was nice and polite even though you all jumped on him like he insulted all of you somehow. You could have always reported his post and asked moderator to make it a thread if this was such a big deal, but it is not an excuse to be rude to people who come to these forum to ask for help. Here, you heard it, now go and report me for textbook flame-baiting.

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there was also no need to bring that post back up either

Exactly! So leave it alone finally, would you?

@Shock, there's no need for such an outburst. You better should have just left it with your last paragraph and kicked some football or so. Before doing something, always make yourself aware of your actions' consequences and if you might regredit it later.

@KK, independent from what I personally think of your skills and knowledge, I honestly have to admit that as long as I am active in here (which is some months now), I haven't seen a post of you yet (in this very forum) actually helping people solve their SQF problems. Instead, you're only correcting the mistakes of those who actually (try to) do so, which - granted - is not a bad thing, but is in my eyes not really beneficial in terms of how this forum is ment to be used.

@Moderator(s), please close this thread to finish this off topic "trip".


Edited by Heeeere's Johnny!

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@KK, independent from what I personally think of your skills and knowledge, I honestly have to admit that as long as I am active in here (which is some months now), I haven't seen a post of you yet actually helping people solve their SQF problems. Instead, you're only correcting the mistakes of those who actually (try to) do so, which - granted - is not a bad thing, but is in my eyes not really beneficial in terms of how this forum is ment to be used.

Are you taking the piss Waltenberg?

Why don't you check out his website where he helps people solve their SQF problems?

Half the topics on this forum don't even need to exist anyway. Hardly anyone uses the search function on this website and the same questions get asked and answered again and again ad nauseum.

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Are you taking the piss Waltenberg?

Why don't you check out his website where he helps people solve their SQF problems?

Half the topics on this forum don't even need to exist anyway. Hardly anyone uses the search function on this website and the same questions get asked and answered again and again ad nauseum.

I'm sorry I didn't make myself clear here. I was writing about his posts in THIS very forum. I know his website, I know the content there, he's got my deep respect and admiration for what he's putting up there as I really like it - and I did not talk about that. And I'll leave it at that now.

Edited by waltenberg

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It's just that KK, in all his wisdom, is a very blunt individual. That can very easily come across as snide or what not. Some people are just blunt as hell. Some are just assholes looking to nit pick you (code) at every corner to make themselves feel better. I do know one or two things though.. None of this effects how much fun I have in Sp editing and how much I want to /wrists sometimes in MP scripting.

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I'm sorry I didn't make myself clear here. I was writing about his posts in THIS very forum. I know his website, I know the content there, he's got my deep respect and admiration for what he's putting up there as I really like it - and I did not talk about that. And I'll leave it at that now.

Fair enough, but if he's gone to all the trouble of putting a decent website together, then why should people bother going on it if he's sat here answering every ones queries for them?

I imagine he wants a bit of traffic on kkblog, which is his prerogative.

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