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Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

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i hope this makes a wave in other countries so people like him who want to earn money on the backs of others (modders!) get hunted by the tax system across the world *rubs hands*

yknow... one could certainly help with that. Tax institutions are always gratefull for hints.


by the by... this made my evening, thank you for the news :D

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First off glad to see that A3L has been flushed down the shitter.


SADLY, a few other (communities) have stepped in to replace it.


As of right now im sitting on about 2337 hours of arma 3 play time, I have played MANY different types from the MILSIM to CTI, LIFE, ZOMBIES, you name it ive played it.


I didnt buy arma3 to be in a milsim group, i unlike many joined the marines in 05 and fought a few little known battle with 2/3 F.


So naturally i found a place with the 15th MEU and after a few weeks there i left laughing my ass off at people that had never served a day leading people and telling them (This is how they do it in the marines) LOL most of them would literally die if they did a PT test.


SO, after bouncing around i found a nice community called blackwing gaming and it was an altis life community and i had ALOT of fun there, eventually i got into the PD and helped put together a good group of cops and we had a blast!


Gunfights,funny situations,raids, you name it we did it. so after about 3 months there i donated 50$ to help out and received nothing in return really. I mean there was a donator shop that would sell the same gear you could get anywhere but at a 10% discount which i thought was fair. blackwing was running 4 servers 3 game 1 TS off of 2 boxes and a strong DDos package which ran them about 600$ US a month so i felt like helping out.


Now i have been following this post since the day it was made and i was pretty angered to see that people were putting down LIFE communities and some even saying they should not be allowed to exist.... IN FACT if you play on a life server and come here people look donw on you and put you down.


Id like to point a few things out.


NOWHERE have a seen better shooters and well rounded arma3 warriors than on life servers PVP on life servers is intense and fast and AGAINST ANOTHER PLAYER!!

MOST to almost ALL milsim communities battle various forms of AI (sorry not real enough for me)

Also, stop reading here right now.. go to twitch and click the arma3 tab but first notice that arma3 is in the top 4 rows........guess what........ it stays there! because of LIFERS!! and zombies and BattleRoyale's......... NOW  that you are browsing the A3 page try to find a milsim stream... come on.... you can do it......... oh wait there wasnt any was there? yeh........ likely not


SO, yeh as of right now arma 3 has sold just over 2 MILLION COPIES!!! 


id bet my ass that over half were because of LIFE MODS!! EXILE and other zombie mods are likely 2nd. but most people buy arma 3 because you can DO ANYTHING with it!!! you can milsim,or life,or kill zombies. its up to you.


Another things for the decision making challenged people, dont donate to a community until you have been there for a few months.  

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you missed the point of the thread - it's tackling the issues relating to illegal monetizing of other peoples mods by certain (not all) life servers.

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you missed the point of the thread - it's tackling the issues relating to illegal monetizing of other peoples mods by certain (not all) life servers.

no, i gather that they were taking public mods and removing keys and asking 30$ for a expedited joining process and that caiden's responses were poor at best and he was caught in MANY lies along the way. however if you read all 72 pages as i have done you will see many people dissing ALL LIFE servers and anything that isnt hardcore bot killin (AI) milsim ;) go back re-read then respond

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These 'public' mods you talk about, what do you know about where they came from?

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read the title of the thread!


I have my own thoughts about Life gaming and about hardcore milsim by teenagers pretending to be military, but they remain my own, as this ain't what the thread is about.  re your views on some milsimmers being way too serious, I wholly agree - check my sig links lol. anyways, back on topic...

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What if they have a different name now?

And if they are allowed to monetize now?

Would change anything?


To add to Slatt's post a page back, the EULA specifies that we have to be licensed (which no modders as far as I know aren't, to include me) to resell or allowed to sell any product that is associated with Bohemia Interactive Simulations. So if me as a modder isn't authorized to sell my work, then a Life server, regardless of who operates it, can't either as again, we can't sell a mod that's provided free of charge on various sites (Armaholic, PWS, etc.).


Besides nobody authorized any server who did charge (BIS, a modder) to resell it, as if I can't do it, how is he allowed to?

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Would or could this be stretched as far as YT and Patreon. So looking at, for instance, A3L. I'm not exactly sure how they go about collecting money for using mods, but I would imagine its done in a 'round about' type way. Now, could this be said of YT'er's that make money from their videos, or now even more so perhaps, via Patreon.

Does this not add up to the same thing. Using mods, or indeed the game, for gain, could/can be seen in many ways, this is probably why BI are not really that interested in this. Be seen to catch and punish one individual and you have to go catch and punish them all, in whatever way those people are making their money 'illegally', from the game. That may not be in the interest of BI or indeed some content makers.


Then you have to ask, why do BI need to protect the content makers. That would be for the content maker to pursue themselves. Isn't the EULA really a joke, or do content makers see it as protecting.. Because really it doesn't look like it is protecting where it perhaps should. Does this not shed a light on why so much, really good, player/group made content, will never get released, beyond a small amount of lets say, more trusted, groups/players. Because you have to ask yourself, why would they release, and for those that do, is it not just a case of, accept it and move on.

If BI pursued individuals could it be seen then as double standards, perhaps.


Just a thought, that's all.

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I'm not sure what you mean, while enforcement of the EULA is literally very hard to do, it takes a matter of it being brought to attention for them to do something, like most things. So A3L simply got too full of themselves and now can't legally sell mods that you can't legally sell in the first place. It's that simple.


But I see the EULA as protecting, as since we're dealing with an A3L server, or servers, BIS can see that my mod is on Armaholic, and obviously I'm not getting  a red cent for it, and therefore can legally pursue and tell the A3L server to not charge. And if it continues and if BIS feels it worth it, bring them to court. Or I can throw the EULA in your face and you can't say I'm wrong and I can also bring it to BIS's attention and therefore they can do what they want, etc. The EULA is also designed to protect the company, so if I say, decided to charge for my mod, then I'm literally the bad guy and therefore subject to any legal ramifications, and can tell me to go fuck myself and I can't do shit.

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I'm not sure what you mean, while enforcement of the EULA is literally very hard to do, it takes a matter of it being brought to attention for them to do something, like most things. So A3L simply got too full of themselves and now can't legally sell mods that you can't legally sell in the first place. It's that simple.


But I see the EULA as protecting, as since we're dealing with an A3L server, or servers, BIS can see that my mod is on Armaholic, and obviously I'm not getting  a red cent for it, and therefore can legally pursue and tell the A3L server to not charge. And if it continues and if BIS feels it worth it, bring them to court. Or I can throw the EULA in your face and you can't say I'm wrong and I can also bring it to BIS's attention and therefore they can do what they want, etc. The EULA is also designed to protect the company, so if I say, decided to charge for my mod, then I'm literally the bad guy and therefore subject to any legal ramifications, and can tell me to go fuck myself and I can't do shit.


So, lets look at it this way. I'm not sure what content you have made, so you'll have to forgive me for that.


But lets say I have one of your addon/mods/scripts and it makes the game look super great. Then I put that on YT in a short little scenario and get tens of thousands of views. I would say now, that I wouldn't do that, or indeed get that many views.

However, just for this example.


I then earn money from the video, plus put up a Patreon link for you to subscribe too weekly/monthly, so you can see more of the same.


Would I be using your content in a way that you would approve of ? ..

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People are still talking on this thread. Wow i thought this topic was done and over with a long time ago.

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U clearly missed eggbeasts post from a couple weeks ago with the fresh drama

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So, lets look at it this way. I'm not sure what content you have made, so you'll have to forgive me for that.


But lets say I have one of your addon/mods/scripts and it makes the game look super great. Then I put that on YT in a short little scenario and get tens of thousands of views. I would say now, that I wouldn't do that, or indeed get that many views.

However, just for this example.


I then earn money from the video, plus put up a Patreon link for you to subscribe too weekly/monthly, so you can see more of the same.


Would I be using your content in a way that you would approve of ? ..


Correct, I myself wouldn't care (and appreciate it really) as it's not you actively selling my mod, or anybody else's and as long as the video is approved by YouTube to be monetized, then you can do all you want and record all you want, regardless of content. A lot of viewers do get money from YouTube regardless of mods, and one reason many people put up videos, and not violate any EULA from a game company. Even if you show it in either a positive or negative manner, I can't do shit to you. I can complain but really nothing I can really do about it, and so on.


However, if you put my mod under your Steam username and charge for it, then you've done the wrong thing.

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Correct, I myself wouldn't care (and appreciate it really) as it's not you actively selling my mod, or anybody else's and as long as the video is approved by YouTube to be monetized, then you can do all you want and record all you want, regardless of content. A lot of viewers do get money from YouTube regardless of mods, and one reason many people put up videos, and not violate any EULA from a game company. Even if you show it in either a positive or negative manner, I can't do shit to you. I can complain but really nothing I can really do about it, and so on.


However, if you put my mod under your Steam username and charge for it, then you've done the wrong thing.


That's an interesting view. So if I choose to setup a server, that was showing incredible gameplay, that lets say wouldn't be available anywhere else (the incredible gameplay I mean), because the player would need to use your mod (for example) to get that gameplay. But I didn't directly sell your mod, but instead told them I'll charge, or 'ask', for donations to my server and provided that was what they did, they could join in our server to have this great gameplay experience. Leaving it to them to download the mod ie not charging directly, but charging for the gameplay experience. So that would be fine ?


Although lets say, the gameplay experience was put together really well by my server, the performance was good, many members etc. But to get this incredible gaming experience they would need yours, or a specific mod/s. So for me not to charge directly, but instead indirectly charging for the experience, is not a concern to the mod maker.


Now o.k. you could argue that players could get that experience by simply downloading the mod/s themselves and didn't have to join the server/group that I had formed. Isn't that really what A3L were doing, or should they have hidden it better. Because to me you see, it is still a misuse of content, therefore against, an already, inadequate EULA, one that can't really be enforced unless you have really deep pockets.

Because really all I would be doing, would be the same as A3L, just done in a, little more, indirect way.


There are a few examples of this, around, that content makers seem to not see, or maybe turn a blind eye too, but chase down those that seem to make it very obvious.


What A3L did was well into the breaking of rules, without a doubt, but there is lots of that around, some very close to the game itself. But players seem to ignore or not see those. I won't mention names, but to me they're fairly obvious concerns I'd have if I were the dev of the game or the content maker.


At the end of it all, the point being.. money is still in the equation.

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Monetization of YT is a bit different then demanding "donations" for implementation of mods into some server, or trying to benefit of mods by doing the "donation" disguise saying that "it helps improve the game", when all they do is add more mods to it or rip stuff out mods.

I have yet to see a life server that does this donation thing to actually create its own assetts.

In that case of the dude who got busted by tax office - the money he received, spent on the mod could have produced quite a bit of assetts (actually paying modellers/creators for it).

In case of YT you can run adblock and they will not receive any penny. And even if most people don't, they still need thousands of views with enabled ads to make any money worth speaking off. They are still using your content (amongst other contents) to make money.

But they are not selling your stuff (indirectly)/ redistributing your assetts under different name/ trying receive all the praise for it. And that's the big deal here. If Life mods wouldnt shit on modders rights, rip someone elses moddels and try to make money it, we wouldnt have this drama.


Although lets say, the gameplay experience was put together really well by my server, the performance was good, many members etc. But to get this incredible gaming experience they would need yours, or a specific mod/s. So for me not to charge directly, but instead indirectly charging for the experience, is not a concern to the mod maker.

What makes you think that this is not one of our concerns? That's part of the issue on a wider scope. We've had serveral "business" jerks who came to the modelling group trying to find idiots who work for them for free, to create some survival/life/rpg mod exlusive for their server to make money via "donations" and do the whole "oh but it costs soooo much to run this server" thing.

Its not wrong to receive donations for the experience, but since none of this comes back to the modders who enabled this in the first place it's just asinine and poisons the modding community - since every server who does that will not share any of its content voluntarily with others. This leads to even more rampant stealing of assetts and trying to obfuscate this in some way.

The reason why milsim/"normal arma" servers are not really a problem in this is because they dont run persistent missions where progress of your character really matters. So you are not bound to one or 2 servers compared to any roleplay(survival or life)

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What makes you think that this is not one of our concerns?

..even more stuff...


I would imagine that it would be one of your concerns, that is why I put it, in the context I did. When reading the prior post that it concerned. It would certainly be one of my concerns.


YT, Patreon. Both are grey areas imo. The EULA, I believe, is almost unenforceable, it was the tax man that got the other guy, if it had not been for that, well..


I was more interested in how other content makers viewed the EULA and in what way they saw a difference, from the other outlets just mentioned. Whereas people may not be selling your content, but making possibly more money by just showing it off.

Still, there you go.

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x3kj pretty much said what I was going to say, but yeah it doesn't matter what mod you use, it's not a clear violation if you ask for donations for your server as its needed to run. Besides running a server isn't that much, I've paid around 78USD for using a server for 3 months, so whatever charges any A3L server is charging, is like that company that ratcheted up the price for that cancer pill by what? 5000% or so? There's no excuse for a high charge on it, so again, A3L servers just want to screw the community thinking that they can't be caught.


And charging for "exclusive" content that you can get on Play With Six, or Armaholic.com, or Arma3.de or any other mirror sites for free is again, not legit.

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Aint it against BI´s terms that Project Life, charge money for getting access to their alpha?

They say that BI cleared it, and they are accepted for BI Monetization..

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(Sorry for my English)

I found a server Arma 3, which provides access to the functionality of the game and in-game things (uniforms, weapons of custom mods content of Armagh and 3 dlc) for Donat. On the server, there are several levels Donat, the higher the level, the more content and game mechanics becomes available to the player, such as the ability to use grenades and buy some machines (such as Ifrit, etc.). Some things, machines and weapons are available only to premium groups that can be reached only by means of Donat. I think that violates the license  on the use of Arma 3, because the server makes on providing access to user modes under the pretext of helping the hosting server. Recently opened on the server in-store only Donat, which sells weapons and other things only to those who use Donat.

Where can I report (if it possible, in russian language) more detailed information on this server? 

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contact BohemiaBeck through PM in this forum, he is the legal team man. Not sure if he speaks russian...

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contact BohemiaBeck through PM in this forum, he is the legal team man. Not sure if he speaks russian...


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