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Arma 2 Must have Mods

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Hi all. Just picked up Arma 2 and was wondering if there is any mods you just can't go without in the game. anything from texture replacement to AI mods just let me know and I will give them a try.

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It depends what kind of PC you have and what kind of gameplay.

If you like cooler sounds for weapons, vehicle's and stuf download JSRS.

If you have a good computer and like more realistic explosions ect. download Blastcore

If your a Die Hard for realism download ACE.

there are also allot of nice maps out there like Fallujah, Panthera ect.

as for units. there are more than can be named same as for weapons and vehicle's lots to try out ;)

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Look at this page on armaholic http://www.armaholic.com/list.php?c=arma2_oa_files

there are addons (soldiers, guns, cars, planes, tanks, maps), then you have modules, modules aka mods are large conversion mods, they are like vietnam, Invasion 1944,

and many other, these mods basically convert your whole game to that genre whatever the mod is about.

A mod I'd recommend is COWarMod http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=14699 mod i built, it compiles addons and mods from arma2 and OA into one

mod that deal with gameplay, effects, fixes, functions, AI enhancement, ect,. all into one mod, mod contains over 230 mods in it, adn its customizable.

I'd also recommend ACE2 a more realism mod http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12155

here are all the listed features the mod has: http://wiki.ace-mod.net/wagn/Features

Theres many other mods too, just look through the section and see what catches your interest, any questions we can surely help

or point you in the right direction.

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try our overhaul modpack - rangemaster and bafx for literally hundreds of new / improved vehicles and aircraft...


add in PRACS and you have an awesome game theatre

our standard mission for playing this vs PRACS' awesome takistani expansion with RobertHammer and others' weapons, bigpickles sounds, and icebreakers african duala map... it's an easy way into modding the game


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What Arma do you have?

If only arma 2, then Go buy Arma 2 OA and combine it with arma 2 to ARMA 2 CO

CBA is your basic addon without it almost no other addon will work.

Definitely go for ACE. and ACEX Once you learn to use it, you will never want to play without it.

Also get ACRE or TFAR if you want to play multiplayer. theese comunication addons are adding so much immersion you gonna cry in delight.

Also go for ShacTac mods they are really good.

Fire team hud for easy maintained formations.

Bunny hop For jumping over obstacles

Map autobrightenes So your map go dark when its dark

Advanced interaction For advanced interaction with teammates.

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Thanks for the replies everyone will be sure to try some stuff out! Since we're on the subject of content for ARMA can anyone recommend some nice single player missions for me? I do plan on moving to multi-player once fibre optic comes round my way. Also how is the community doing in terms of a playerbase? has it been largely affected since arma 3's release?(Last I heard the server list was spammed up with Day-z). If someone could recommend a good team to start and learn with it would be great also.

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well check us out any time mate - we play wed and sundays 8pm GMT, either UK forces vs somali or us vs vietnam. always co-op. we don't recruit much but happy to have a new guy jump in for a game. we're not too formal or anything. we have other clans that join us for games to bring up numbers. A2 is a tricky world to navigate.

click join xtra in my sig above and you can read more.

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I would pretty much consider Cold War Rearmed a must-have mod for Arma 2/Operation Arrowhead. It's an amazingly well done total conversion of the original Operation Flashpoint, which started this whole thing. You can find out more about it here: http://cwr2.arma2.fr/

If you're into small-scale coop (which might be a good way to get started and learn the ropes), we're playing every second Saturday at 4pm. Here's a thread with details:


Feel free to PM me if you have any questions!

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