vilas 478 Posted December 6, 2015,amerykanie-dozbrajaja-al-kaide PL military analysis website "USA arms Al-Queda" , text says about Orwells 1984 and how those things of double standards, area of constant war are happening, article was written cause worldtribune website claims they have proof that US CIA paid fighters in Syria regular salary and that generally the more wars supported there - the more migrants flow which can destroy Europe we know, Al-Arabija television network claims that USA drops lots of weapons to fighters there a lot of trained by USA fighters are members of ISIS google translation : i wonder if in for example 2017 people still will be laughing from "conspiracy theories" that say that whole this mess (islamization of europe caused by migrants flow caused by wars and fall of dicators that cared after their homelands and were little connected with Russia ) leads to civil war in EU as consequence and such civil war in EU (caused by either islamic jihad here plus by our natives oppose to change our lives and culture and countries) will lead to change Europe into United States of Europa ruled by small group of guys in USA but with surveilance and terror and brainwashing from Orwells book Year 1984 for sure all EU islam-happy left leads to clash between natives and migrants (clash of 2 noncompatible cultures) for sure removal of "dictators" was realized by western hands , for sure effect or constant war in Middle East and Africa leads to flood of migrants here, Quadaffi himself said about it in 2011, now despite jihadic ideas west still supports those who fight with Assad (guy that guaranted to non muslims rights), US has SaudiA as friends, Turkey is in NATO despite their conflicts with Greece in history, despite Ottoman Empire etc. now EU talks again with Turkey on EU join, when Quadafi ruled Lybia people there had a lot of social care, health care etc. now this is collapsed state divided into regions and ISIS is there too, only result of such war in future can be loosing all our freedoms , wealth, safety, peace, and consequence to not allow people to defend against is last EU legislation to ban weapons for citizens, moreover, Iran claims to catch... Israeli colonel fighting among ISIS :o when there will be civil war in EU due to flow of non compatible culture, i am afraid that next step will be "united Europe" ruled by some Jews in USA which very well know what islam is and how it will explode when mixed with secular anti-religious post Christian Europe , joke is as usual - tool plays its own game , they are not just tool in hands of few rich guys in Bilderberg club and CIA, they do jihad , as in 80s in A-stan US do not foresee natural consequence of supporting jihadists, which play ally but have own goal - world caliphate ,but brainwashed by propaganda people in west do not see that only hope to have safe streets, safety, peace, lack of violence , prosperity, wealth is big fence around and homogenic society which guarantee lack of civil wars inside , the sooner west will understand, the less blood will be on streets the bigger chance for Europeans to sustain what Europe was in 80s and 90s and 00 (safety, peace, no violence, wealth, prosperity) question remains open - had most rich banksters supporting financially in 1933 NSDAP had had (past tense ? hehe) knew what Hitler had been going to do? NSDAP was also partly financed by some rich banksters behing ocean, now behind ocean rich guys support ideology that says about its own supremacy and need to kill others, result was back than that US became prosperous and rich after such crisis in 30s, our families were dying, and instead of strong economies producing goods - debts and banksters having more and more power over all citizens including US ones , now someone also plays his game - knowing how much differs european culture from islamic world - someone tries to set as many muslims in europe as it is possible before big boom, it is like pushing feminists into club of conservatists which discuss "how deep throat and cooking skills should have ideal obeying wife and where to hide mistress when wife is back from kitchen" - it will explode cause 2 sides have opposite goal and only thick tall wall stops 2 groups from killing each other, the one who calls to destroy such wall is the one who waits for violence (maybe weapon dealer or bandage dealer) and the only one who wants peace is one who calls to build thicker and taller wall between those 2 groups , just like example of foxes, wolves and chickens and sheeps , the one who call to mix them is the one who want blood (fist predators will kill herbivores, than pissed off farmers will shoot predators), the one who call for building fences is the one who wants one specie to remain in peace, but media say that this second is evil cause he want to build fence which is racist, no this second wants peace instead of blood, if wolves are too hungry and to numerous... it should not be problem of sheeps, once someone is doiing injections to wolves so they will fertilate more, once someone starts to tell farmers to destroy fences or even destroys those fences, confiscates from farmer his old rifle, and wolves start to attack - probably this "someone" soon will offer to farmer new surveilance cameras on credit to watch farm , maybe he will sell to farmer new rifle as well, farmer will loose sheeps, sheeps will loose lives, wolves will loose lifes later too, only guy who started it sold surveilance system for barn and new rifle, only he has profits, anyone around has problem - without destroying fence - sheeps would be alive , wolves would be alive , farmer would not have debt due to credits, maybe theory is not true but worth rethinking, cause more and more i read about how US rich "elites" started some mess (for which also US boys paid with their lives just to hear now that allie is the one who was first enemy ) i hope such theories are false and US is not preparing hell in Europe due to some crisis in US FED , i wish to have hope that this is simply jihad due to religious fanatism in islam only - cause than US may help to solve it, but this is less and less convincing, without it Europe will have to rely on Russia ... 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ProfTournesol 956 Posted December 6, 2015 (BBC) Leytonstone Tube station stabbing a 'terrorist incident' A stabbing at a Tube station in east London is being treated as a "terrorist incident", the Met Police has said. Police were called to reports of people being attacked at Leytonstone around 19:00 GMT on Saturday. The knifeman reportedly shouted "this is for Syria". A man was arrested after being Tasered by police. One man suffered serious knife injuries while two others received minor injuries. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vilas 478 Posted December 6, 2015 good they start admiting it, cause some time ago if muslim shouting allah akbar shoot people than media were thinking "maybe it was stress in job, or inequality or global worming" political correctness hiding real reason of attack - doesn't help to fight extremism cause it denies existing of extremism first step to win war - is to identify enemy, than destroy enemy, but without identifying enemy there is no possibility to fight with enemy (or insane ideas like "lets go together with SaudiA happy against jihadist extreme" lol) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dontknowhow 33 Posted December 6, 2015 810th Naval infantry brigade (stationed in Crimea), you mean? No, I mean these guys: On 17 April President Putin admitted for the first time publicly that Russian special forces were involved in the events of Crimea, for the purposes of protecting local people and creating conditions for a referendum.[16][17][18][19][20][21] Later he admitted that Russian Armed Forces had blocked Ukrainian Armed Forces in Crimea during the events. Oh and I've seen those rather low-res satellite showing some tanks and arty (BTW pics from Syrian airbases were much more detailed), I didn't see any red star or tri-color flag at the roofs of tanks. Seriously speaking, those sat pics can't tell to what country belong that tanks or arty pieces, they only thing you can do is see that it is some tank or gun. When Russian troops really had landed in Syria, the sat pics clearly showed that it is Russian planes, ground vehicles were visible quite clearly too. In case of Ukraine the pics were of weird quality. But it's just coincidence, when Russia officially stated that it is moving troops to Syria, sat pics were quite good, when it denies the presence of troops in Donbass, sat pics are of weird quality. Are you an intelligence expert? Don't think so. I'm sure you will understand that your opinion is quite irrelevant. Not even Lavrov, who went as far as saying that those photos where from a videogame, questioned their interpretation. Donbass? 56, according to UNIAN Ukrainian agency. Not so much, the amount of US SF troops in Syria (officially stated, how many are there covertly - I don't know) is almost the same. No, I was talking about Crimea and Georgia. You know, those places you pretend belong to Russia now. Indeed, according to international laws people voted for their fate. ah, those fancy international laws come back. Awesome Pray tell, what international laws allow annexation after an invasion and a dodgy referendum? Like citizens of Mayotte and parliament of Kosovo before. That's right. With a couple of differences: in Kosovo there was a civil war, there was no invasion (aside from some Albanian troops I was unaware of, apparently), and it was voted in a parliamentary vote after a period of UN government Sure Libya and Syria aren't comparable, after success of European operation Libya became trashyard and safe heaven for islamists, Syria is still resisting and it is still sane country, :biggrin: I'm sorry, but the last part of this statement is really funny. Shall we look at how much ISIS has in Syria and Libya? I wish it will throw all the rebels to hell and return to normal life. Of course your do, because you are fine with dictatorships. People used to democracy, like myself, usually not so much. Not by coincidence I hope the opposite. Not to mention that Assad is in any case part of the problem. I'd remind you that any armed rebellion in Western countries would result the same way (or even harder) for those who try to make it. Harder than barrel bombs? Have you even seen attack choppers shooting? I don't even remember attack choppers flying. Do you even know what you are talking about? You know, western countries prefer to solve internal problems in a civilized way: voting. Hell, just google for 'US cops kill suspect' and see how many people are killed just when the policemen suppose they can harm them (teenagers are included). Is US a dictatorship? wait wait wait. Are you saying that the US is like Syria because cops are trigger happy, which is a known problem and has also been criticized by officials and the press? Are you serious? Or because this will show the fact that Europe was among main reasons of current Libyan disaster and transformation of one of the richest and most stable African countries into territory terrified by civil war and poverty. because, before Europe's intervention, everyone in Libya was rich and everything was quite. Sure, Libya was very stable. Those evil Europeans. They go bombing a country in civil war; how dare they? Sneaking troops in a country at peace, and then use them to invade it, that's the way to go. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oxmox 73 Posted December 6, 2015 German Vice Chancellor warns Saudi Arabia over Islamist funding (Reuters, Dec. 6) German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel urged Saudi Arabia on Sunday to stop supporting religious radicals, amid growing concern among some lawmakers in Berlin about the funding of militant mosques by the world's biggest oil exporter. The unusual criticism of the Gulf state follows a report by Germany's foreign intelligence agency which suggested that Saudi foreign policy was becoming more "impulsive". "....we must at the same time make clear that the time to look away is past. Wahhabi mosques are financed all over the world by Saudi Arabia. In Germany, many dangerous Islamists come from these communities," he said. Saudi Arabia follows the ultra-conservative Wahhabi form of Islam, and some outsiders see it as a cause of the international jihadist threat. Another senior Social Democrat, Thomas Oppermann, also homed in on Saudi Arabia, saying Wahhabism offered a ideology for IS insurgents and contributed to the radicalization of moderates. Germany is worried about growing support for Salafism. The domestic intelligence agency says the number of Salafists has risen to 7,900, up from 5,500 just two years ago. "We don't need or want it in Germany," he told the weekly Welt am Sonntag. German spy agency warns of Saudi intervention destabilizing Arab world (DW & TT) Germany's foreign intelligence agency BND has released a disparaging report on Saudi Arabia. Their assessment says the country is destabilizing the Middle East with proxy wars in Yemen and elsewhere in the region. Internal power struggles and the desire to emerge as the leading Arab power threaten to make the key Western ally a source of instability, according to the BND intelligence service. "The careful diplomatic stance of older members of the Saudi royal family has been replaced by an impulsive policy of intervention," the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) said. The spy agency accused bin Salman, second in line to the throne, and his father, King Salman, as trying to create an image of Saudi Arabia being the leader of the Arab world. The BND added that bin Salman's quest to cement his place in the nation's leadership could also irritate other members of the royal family. Since King Salman's succession to power in January 2015, there's been a more forceful response to the regional standoff between Iran and Saudi Arabia largely set in motion by Prince Mohammed. The BND said that this could mainly be observed in Saudi Arabia's military intervention in Yemen as well as its increased support for Syrian rebels in a bid to remove Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The overthrow of Syria’s president Bashar al-Assad remains a priority for the kingdom, the BND says. Saudi Arabia has previously been accused of supplying arms and funding to jihadist groups fighting in Syria, including Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (IS) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spooky lynx 73 Posted December 6, 2015 (edited) edit Edited December 6, 2015 by Spooky Lynx Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oxmox 73 Posted December 6, 2015 Could you guys, dontknow & spooky, post without an insane amount of quotations.....this is not so comfortable to read. ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dontknowhow 33 Posted December 6, 2015 Could you guys, dontknow & spooky, post without an insane amount of quotations.....this is not so comfortable to read. ;) really? And I'm spending a lot of time finding the right part to quote. You prefer one single quote? Then it's hard to find out what the specific line in the answer is about. Oh well, it was off topic anyway :D This might actually be on the most useful posts in the thread Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vilas 478 Posted December 6, 2015 ISIS recruits scientists to build weapon of mass destruction (chemical, biological, dirty ) to attack one of Europeans countries, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oxmox 73 Posted December 7, 2015 (Title is part of the content) Campaign against ISIS: U.S. Pilots have fired weapons in less than half of the nearly 18,000 sorties (CNN, Dec 7) The U.S. is running out of bombs to drop on ISIS The U.S. Air Force has fired off more than 20,000 missiles and bombs since the U.S. bombing campaign against ISIS began 15 months ago, according to the Air Force, leading to depleted munitions stockpiles and calls to ramp up funding and weapons production. "B-1s have dropped bombs in record numbers. F-15Es are in the fight because they are able to employ a wide range of weapons and do so with great flexibility. We need the funding in place to ensure we're prepared for the long fight," Welsh said in the statement. "This is a critical need." The bombing campaign has left the U.S. Air Force with what an Air Force official described as munitions depot stocks "below our desired objective." American pilots have fired weapons in less than half of the nearly 18,000 sorties they have in the first 10 months of 2015, according the latest figures available. That's up from 2014, when pilots fired their weapons just one third of the time. @ In other words the U.S. Airforce did wake up after Russia started its bombing campaign ? The first russian airstrikes did start at the end of September, 2015. How is it to understand that up to less than the half of all bombing raids against the IS did happen without any weapon use.....suddenly they find targets ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dontknowhow 33 Posted December 7, 2015 suddenly they find targets ? Where do you see that? The message I get is different: all these bombs, plus the Russians and the rest of the coalition, and ISIS is still there, strong and vigorous Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vilas 478 Posted December 10, 2015 i wonder what would happen if Trump would win elections in USA next year, McCain meeting leaders of ISIS in 2013, Obama destabilizing Lybia, Syria, - mess started by USA hits Europe and US now rejects any responsibility , the same time EU refuses USA data of internet users and USA again insist on agreement to send Europeans data to US (Safe Harbor agreement), what the hell, after another rape of underage girl - Fins organize citizens patrol and radicalize more and more (btw in Sweden "far right" from few percent gained to 25% nowadays and if elections would be tommorow, they may get the same result as ruling party), natives will be more and more radicalizing due to clash of cultures that are not compatible with each other and problem will be just in EU not in USA (which partly started it) with islamic problems in Europe we will have real far right, not imaginary "far right" (cause so far we have imaginary, when leftists claim that being against jihad and showing what nazi ideology immams spread is racism and fascism) but there will be real nazism and real racism and real fascism born , not leftist propaganda against people quoting immams, as visible on photo people starts to wear KKK like hoods, and such Europe will not be "far right" in " " but really far right, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ProfTournesol 956 Posted December 10, 2015 (Vice News) The Iraqi Army Is Poised to Score a Major Victory Against the Islamic State The Iraqi army may be on the cusp of one of its most significant military victories over the Islamic State. For the past 18 months, the Islamic State has been in control of the Iraqi city of Ramadi — located just 70 miles from Baghdad — after it routed the Iraqi army in May, 2014. On Tuesday, the Iraqi military announced it have liberated over 60 percent of the city. A VICE News reporter embedded with the Iraq army in Habbaniya, just 20 miles outside of Ramadi, reported that the Iraqi army has taken the entire west of the city, and that the Islamic State is partially surrounded. Iraqi Special forces are advancing from the the south and west, Iraqi federal police are in the east, while the Iraqi national army is pushing from the north. Though the Iraqi army is typically bolstered by Iranian-backed Shia militias, the VICE reporter, who is not being identified for security reasons, said that he has not encountered any of those militias in the assault on Ramadi. Ramadi is a majority Sunni city, and the presence of Shia militias could have created tensions between the locals and the Iraqi forces. The last major Iraqi advance against the Islamic State involved Iranian-backed militias, who were instrumental in the effort to kick IS out of the city of Tikrit last March. After IS abandoned the city, there were reports of revenge attacks carried out by pro-government militia troops on the city's mostly Sunni population. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1328 Posted December 15, 2015 Saudi Arabia announces 34-countries Islamic coalition to fight terrorism Finally, although I wonder, how much of real-deal and how much of PR and what will happen behind the scenes. We'll see the outcome in time. No one could better do the job, than they anyway. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vilas 478 Posted December 15, 2015 sounds funny: theocracy ruled by sharia wants to fight against those who want to impose theocracy and sharia, lol, i see no difference - both fight with other religions, both are radical muslims, both have sharia, meme: Amish - doesn't convert others by force, doesn't kill others they should go into secularity if they really want to fight reason of terrorism which is radical religion maybe they simply want to make more mess there to make bigger wave of migrants to conquer Europe or simply it is their (Sunnis) reaction on Sheeites and Russia coalition i do not believe in their good intentions, rather Sunnis vs Sheeits war or proxy war of USA with Russia lets see if they will be fighting islamists (hehe sounds funny in this situation) or they will start fight more moderate Kurds and Assad , i simply cannot believe in fight between those who want the same - sharia rule the world, jihad, Quoran as main book, behead sexual minorities etc. if they wanted fight against radical islam - first thing is their internal policy - for example stop executing lgtb , stop demading to obey rammadan , stop demanding others to obey their religious laws etc Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ProfTournesol 956 Posted December 15, 2015 sounds funny: theocracy ruled by sharia wants to fight against those who want to impose theocracy and sharia, lol, True indeed. That's a good way to hide its own infamy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ProfTournesol 956 Posted December 18, 2015 (BBC) Why Taliban special forces are fighting Islamic State A very interesting article about the fierce fighting between Talibans and IS. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vilas 478 Posted December 20, 2015 Saudi Arabia's propaganda plus i found info that Saudi Arabia hires lots of Colombian soldiers as PMC to fight in Yemen Arabs on one forum wrote that Saudi Arabia buys South American mercenaries to invade Yemen Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vilas 478 Posted December 26, 2015 Amnesty International (like Helsinki Human Right Fundation - well known for helping criminals to have better conditions in prison) called today Russian anti ISIS strikes as crime against huumanity in strange world we living - people fight for rights of those who want to kill/rob/rape/whatever us (criminals, jihadists), but all those "fundations, and organizations" do not care about honest decent people who are not jihadists, who are not bandits, who are not criminals etc. just if murderer has good gym in prison, if ISIS is not bombed, pathetic where was AI when jihadists were beheading Yazids, Christians, where were left wing anti-christian feminists when muslim-countries women had face burn by acid Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ProfTournesol 956 Posted December 26, 2015 Amnesty International (like Helsinki Human Right Fundation - well known for helping criminals to have better conditions in prison) called today Russian anti ISIS strikes as crime against huumanity in strange world we living - people fight for rights of those who want to kill us (criminals, jihadists) Well, crushing civillians under bombs is a war crime. But it was quite common during WW2, wasn't it ? How many French were killed by US/UK bombs ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vilas 478 Posted December 26, 2015 i am sure if you asked those civilians in Middle East "should infidels be beheaded ? should chrisitans be forced to obey rammadan? should apostates be killed?" you would get a lot percent of "yes" btw ISIS uses non-Muslims as human parts to transplant organs for Muslims radical islam is similar to nazism - superiority and uber/unter human idea 5 years sentence - Brunei penalize celebrating Christmass ! somalia also bans and penalize Christmass and another country too (i foget name at the moment) but islamic countries are penalizing celebrating Christmass for it in few countries in this globe one can be inprisoned for few years Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spooky lynx 73 Posted December 29, 2015 First video of Mi-28 in real combat I've ever seen. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oxmox 73 Posted January 12, 2016 Suicide bomber kills 10 people, mainly Germans, in Istanbul (Reuters, Jan. 12) A suicide bomber thought to be from Syria killed at least 10 people, many of them German tourists, in Istanbul's historic heart on Tuesday, an attack senior security officials said was probably planned by Islamic State. President Tayyip Erdogan condemned the bombing in Sultanahmet square, near the Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia, major tourist sites in the center of one of the world's most visited cities. He said a Syrian was thought responsible and that the blast would only harden Turkey's resolve in fighting terrorism. Sources in Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu's office said most of those killed were Germans and he had spoken by phone with Chancellor Angela Merkel to express condolences. Merkel earlier said she was very worried Germans might be among the victims. Reuters Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ProfTournesol 956 Posted January 12, 2016 Will Erdogan bomb the PKK like the last time ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tonci87 163 Posted January 12, 2016 Actually I´m surprised Erdogan didn ´t try to blame it on the Kurds. Maybe they got the information who he is from another secret service. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites