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addAction and BIS_fnc_MP...help with script

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Hi All,

After watching BangaBob's / H8er's video (BTW...thanks for the video tutorial!) on AttachTo and BIS_fnc_MP I deciced to use his approach for my script. I wanted to addAction to the object (in this case _gun1) instead of the player in the initPlayerLocal.sqf

But I want _gun1 to have the addAction so any player in MP from either side, to access the addAction based on certain conditions. I thought the script below would ensure it works on the server so all players will see the addAction...but it's not working?


// ...code that creates _gun1 with createVehicle...//
if (isServer) then {
[[_gun1],"BEAKS_addAction",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP;

BEAKS_addAction = {
_gun1 = (_this select 0);
_gun1 setVariable ["reinforce",true];
_gun1 addAction ["REINFORCE EMPLACEMENT",{call BEAKS_ReinforceStaticWeapon}, nil, 9, true, true, "","(_target getVariable ""reinforce"") && (_target distance _this ) < 5 && !(alive ((crew _target) select 0))"];

BEAKS_ReinforceStaticWeapont = {
_gun1 = (_this select 0);
_gun1 setVariable ["reinforce",false];	// addAction should not be available
[_gun1] execVM "ReinforceStaticWeapon.sqf";	// _gun1 setVariable ["reinforce",true] inside ReinforceStaticWeapon.sqf to make the addAction available again

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Typo maybe?

first: BEAKS_ReinforceStaticWeapon

second: BEAKS_ReinforceStaticWeapont

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_gun1 addAction ["REINFORCE EMPLACEMENT",{call BEAKS_ReinforceStaticWeapon}, nil, 9, true, TRUE, "","(_target getVariable ""reinforce"") && (_target distance _this ) < 5 && !(alive ((crew _target) select 0))"];

Im glad you found the video useful :D

Try replacing your addaction arguments with this. Priority is Max 6 (Not 9). And you don't want 'hide-on-use' TRUE. So i have replaced that argument with FALSE.

Give it a go.

_gun1 addAction ["REINFORCE EMPLACEMENT",{call BEAKS_ReinforceStaticWeapon}, nil, 6, true, FALSE, "","(_target getVariable ""reinforce"") && (_target distance _this ) < 5 && !(alive ((crew _target) select 0))"];

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You are declaring the functions after they are being called - try and move the function definitions to before the calling part


BEAKS_addAction = {
   _gun1 = (_this select 0);
   _gun1 setVariable ["reinforce",true];
   _gun1 addAction ["REINFORCE EMPLACEMENT",{call BEAKS_ReinforceStaticWeapon}, nil, 9, true, true, "","(_target getVariable ""reinforce"") && (_target distance _this ) < 5 && !(alive ((crew _target) select 0))"];

BEAKS_ReinforceStaticWeapont = {
   _gun1 = (_this select 0);
   _gun1 setVariable ["reinforce",false];    // addAction should not be available
   [_gun1] execVM "ReinforceStaticWeapon.sqf";    // _gun1 setVariable ["reinforce",true] inside ReinforceStaticWeapon.sqf to make the addAction available again

if (isServer) then {
   [[_gun1],"BEAKS_addAction",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP;

The other thing you could do is precompile the functions in your init.sqf (or script package init file)



BEAKS_addAction = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "AwesomeMod\Functions\GunAddAction.sqf";
BEAKS_ReinforceStaticWeapon = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "AwesomeMod\Functions\GunReinforce.sqf";


   _gun1 = (_this select 0);
   _gun1 setVariable ["reinforce",true];
   _gun1 addAction ["REINFORCE EMPLACEMENT",{call BEAKS_ReinforceStaticWeapon}, nil, 9, true, true, "","(_target getVariable ""reinforce"") && (_target distance _this ) < 5 && !(alive ((crew _target) select 0))"];


   _gun1 = (_this select 0);
   _gun1 setVariable ["reinforce",false];    // addAction should not be available
   [_gun1] execVM "ReinforceStaticWeapon.sqf";    // _gun1 setVariable ["reinforce",true] inside ReinforceStaticWeapon.sqf to make the addAction available again

(also the typo as Buliwyf pointed out)

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Thanks Guys!

With you advice, in the end I decided to add the addAction the player instead, as there will be only a few players in the MP game I'm creating (max 4 Vs 4) and shouldn't be to taxing on the system whereas there could be dozens of StaticWeapons with the addAction.

I did use some techniques from your video however BangaBob/H8er.

I have not fully tested it all out yet but here's what I used.

in the initPlayerLocal.sqf

	player setVariable ["addAction", TRUE, TRUE];
player addAction ['<t size=''0.85''>REINFORCE EMPLACEMENT </t>' + '<t size=''0.85''  color=''#ff0000''>$25 </t>', {player setVariable ["addAction", FALSE, TRUE];
	[cursorTarget] execVM "ReinforceStaticWeapon.sqf"}, nil, 6, true, true, "", 
	"_allowAddAction = player getVariable ""addAction"";
	(cursortarget iskindof 'staticWeapon') && (cursortarget distance _this ) < 5 &&  !(alive gunner cursorTarget) && alive cursorTarget && _allowAddAction"]; 

and then in ReinforceStaticWeapon.sqf I've added at the end of the script

sleep 5;
player setVariable ["addAction", TRUE, TRUE];	// Cannot call addAction for REINFORCE EMPLACEMENT until this script is done

Thanks for you help and keep up the good videos...BangaBob/H8er please continue to elaborate on all the details for scripting & editing in your videos (10-15 minutes is worth the watching if it's instructive!)

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I don't know if it will help, but when I use spawnObject with FNC_MP I have to refer to the object as (object1 select 0) since its returned as an array.

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