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What is your pc specs

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From all these result's it seems to be that you need a lot of RAM and a fast processor for OFP:R to run nicely im thinking the new island uses a heck of a lot of RAM and the improved graphics does too.

It seems multiplayer can run at higher graphics spec than Single Player mode and thecampaign...

I think that would be the use of script's and a lot more AI...

Which causes thats slowness

So if you have been playing OFP:R for any length of time say 3 hours or so in a row, well then go put on the kettle as you will have time for a cup of tea before it eventually shut's down.

it's definatley a RAM Killer.

Well it's good to know my PC isnt broken... Just a lack of RAM

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dont have Res yet. confused.gif

AMD Athlon 1.2 GHz

256 MB ram (going to get upgraded soon)

Windows XP upgrde(upgraded on top of Win Me)

Geforce 2 Ultra 64MB DDR Sdram 4x AGP

40 GB hard Drive (7200 RPM)

19inch .20 runs at 1600x1200

I hope Res runs on this baby.


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XP 1800+

512 DDR

Geforce 3

Win XP Pro

CPU benchmark varies by as much as 1000 points; sometimes it's around 3800, sometimes around 4800. I run Resistance at 1280x1024 32bit all preferences set to highest but auto-dropdown at 8x, high terrain detail, 1000m viewdistance, max visual quality, max framerate, all options on except w-buffer. EAX and sound hardware acceleration active. Runs smoothly on the whole.

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T-Bird 1,3 GHz

20Gig HD

Asus A7AV266 Motherboard

Asus GeForce 4 TI4400 128 MB

256 Mb Ram 266Mhz

OFP Benchmark 2538

19" screen, video res 1280*768*32

Terrain detail high

Resistance indeed takes up a lot of memory , and tommorow i gonna buy me some more (512 MB Ram ) , and hopefully fps will be a bit higher then, and less slide-show biggrin.gif Not that gameplay is bad now, but sometimes screens stops for a few secs, and its annyoing.. I also noticed that closing the game, is taking a bit of a time as well, since Resistance installed..

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How will res run on this machine?

1200 Mhz AMD Athlon T-bird


GF4 Ti4400

21 inch monitor


High terrain, normal viewdistance.

So, should the FPS be good, or sucky?

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Pentium 4 1.3 ghz

512 RDRAM Pc600

Geforce 3 Ti500

SB Live! Value 1024

20 GB 7200 RPM Harddrive

I run OFP at 1280x960x32 at about 30 fps, I doubt I will have any problems with resistance.

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You will have problems if you run at Very High detail - no video card in existence can manage it without seriously compromising on view distance. Resistance is an altogether different beast to OFP.

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I think BIS may have made a mistake thinking everyone owns expensive super computers,because resistance needs one to run properly!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Vinsen Opf tweak guide

<span id='postcolor'>


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Kep Kelagin @ July 03 2002,00:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">T-Bird 1,3 GHz

20Gig HD

Asus A7AV266 Motherboard

Asus GeForce 4 TI4400  128 MB

256 Mb Ram 266Mhz

OFP Benchmark 2538

19" screen, video res 1280*768*32

Terrain detail high

Resistance indeed takes up a lot of memory , and tommorow i gonna buy me some more (512 MB Ram ) , and hopefully fps will be a bit higher then, and less slide-show  biggrin.gif  Not that gameplay  is bad now, but sometimes screens stops for a  few secs, and its annyoing.. I also noticed that closing the game, is taking  a bit of a time as well, since Resistance installed..<span id='postcolor'>

same here.

I think that ofpr need at least 300Mb to run well.

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I played a little around with the memory usage and some maps, you can find the results somewhere over here.

It would be fine, if someone could reverify this results. One conclusion of this tests would be, that a maschine with 128MB can't play the new campaign.

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Athlon 1800+, 512 RAM, Via Chipset, GeForce 4400, Win98SE.

I run in 1600x1200 (I thought it made no difference, but it does in terms of definition)

Antialiasing at 4xS

Terrain detail at Very High (dunno what difference it makes, but seriously bogs the FPS)

Visibility at 900 (anything beyond brings crashes & error messages related to Virtual Memory - a pity, because 900 is not a lot when yu are shooting with a Tank: you don't see the ennemy, but the ennemy sees you through the fog...)

Windows Swap file on automatic (fixed doesn't work, cf. my post in this forum)

All textures to max (esp. Special Effects)

Image quality at default (sort of middle: increasing it hurts FPS too much)

Frame rates 13-20

Auto-drop down x2

The movies are stuttering so badly that you have to skip them. In game FPS suffer serious stuttering at the beginning, then seem to get OK after a few minutes.

But quitting the mission and quitting the game mean each time some 2 mn of disk churn before you recover the hand (don't know what is happening during this time & why quitting the game takes so long).

I think that we should develop a point of view on the best settings. In any case, Resistance gets easily to the point where my machine can't cope any more (waiting for 10 GHz CPU and 2 Gigas memory?confused.gif?confused.gif).

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You want to drop terrain detail down to high for a start, very high seems to be a future proof type thing, I don't believe there's a system out there that can run max detail, high resolution at very high.

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P4 1400

256mb ram

TNT2 32mb (big piece of shit, i'm gonna change it for a Gf 4mx this month)

Windows Xp home

19 inch screen, resolution set at 1024x768x16, OFP Benchmark 2400 sad.gif

I'm gonna buy Resistance today (hopefuly), so i'll tell you later how does it run.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Kep Kelagin @ July 02 2002,23:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">T-Bird 1,3 GHz

20Gig HD

Asus A7AV266 Motherboard

Asus GeForce 4 TI4400  128 MB

256 Mb Ram 266Mhz

OFP Benchmark 2538

19" screen, video res 1280*768*32

Terrain detail high

Resistance indeed takes up a lot of memory , and tommorow i gonna buy me some more (512 MB Ram ) , and hopefully fps will be a bit higher then, and less slide-show  biggrin.gif  Not that gameplay  is bad now, but sometimes screens stops for a  few secs, and its annyoing.. I also noticed that closing the game, is taking  a bit of a time as well, since Resistance installed..<span id='postcolor'>

ok,, I now have THE best system ever,, just built, and runs like a wet dream.. cost  Å1200

p4 2.4ghz, O/c'd to 2.8gz nitro cooler.

896 rdram

7.200 rpm western somethink hd.

geforce 4 ti4600

winxp pro..

Benchmark is 5000-6200 it varies. once it was 6800.

I RUN ALL AT MAX, resolution at 1204x1078x32 bit colour.

View distance @ 1000

i get occasional stutter, which i believe is the RAM filling up,, and the HD page file being used.

it slows when looking over mountain tops, but mainly its very slick and smooth..

IM in considerable DEBT after buying this machine,, but it was worth it to run resistance as well as it does. biggrin.giftounge.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (placebo @ July 03 2002,15:28)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">You want to drop terrain detail down to high for a start, very high seems to be a future proof type thing, I don't believe there's a system out there that can run max detail, high resolution at very high.<span id='postcolor'>

The terrain on VERY HIGH DETAIL, is CRAP,, tanks cant even drive over it, infact tanks have difficulty driving on HIGH MODE as it is.

ALthough the new terrain DOES look nice, especially at sunset when the shadows are in full action.

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I actually think very high terrain detail looks worse than high detail - it just looks unrealistic with millions of bumps all as far as the eye can see. High detail is still bumpy, but in a more real way.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The terrain on VERY HIGH DETAIL, is CRAP,, tanks cant even drive over it<span id='postcolor'>

But I can find a nice hull down position now..

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it is totally unrealistic,, now, tanks can only drive on the roads, otherwise they bounce all over the place.

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Well i hope OFP:R will run here, cause the origional OFP is having trouble as it is on this Apple 2. Lets pray it makes it.

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A small tip:

Texture resolution settings are very important, if you use the best resolution available the game will run slowly unless you have LOT of memory. Same thing happens in SOF2, high res textures just take so much memory to run. I suggest that you run game with 1024x1024 max texture resolution.

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