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What is your pc specs

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My settings are as follows:


Cockpits set at 64x64(never in flight any way and don't have time to admire how nice they might be anyway)

Objects 2048x2048

Landscape 2048x2048

Special effects 64x64

Autodropdown x4

this gives me a benchmark of 2768

Terrain Detail - NormalVisual Quality - 7

Frame Rate - 15

Visibility - 900

and set at 1024x768x32 @ 70hz refresh

game runs pretty smooth like this...

I run a T'Bird 1.33 on an Aopen AK73 proA MOBO

with 768mb SDRAM, a Radeon 8500LE (made by supergrace) o'clocked to 252 memory clock and 281 engine clock on Omega Plutonium x1.1.02 driver set

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what does autodrop down mean, and how do you over clock your video card and processor

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If you get these drivers i have for my radeon there is a clocking proggy that comes with it, there is also an artifact tester that lets you know if you've gone to far with the overclock, i would strongly advise against doing this timmy m8, UNLESS a: you can afford to cook your video card and buy a new one, and b: you have VERY good cooling in your system, i run on intake 80 mm case fan, one outtake 80 mm case fan, a hommade cooling card with an 80mm fan built onto a puncture board (kinda like the stuff PCI cards are made from, you can buy it from radioshack, i'm guessing your american right?) that sits in an empty PCI slot next to the Video card, the card also has cooling fins i placed across all the RAM chips my system runs at about 100 to 110 degrees f on full load, one thing i never understood is why card manufacturers insist on building cards upsides down, HEAT rises and therefore will not escape very well from the RAM on the card etc if you have an ATX case...anyways a bit off topic there sorry, email me at hk@dvsquad.com and i'll go into more detail if you like. Oh and i have NO IDEA what Autodropdown does sorry confused.gif

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Auto-dropdown has been a bit of a mystery since OFP came out. In the Start Menu Readme for the game it says that for max performance you should change it to 0 and for max graphics set it to 8x, but several people (including myself) believe that that's the wrong way around - surely auto-dropdown means dynamically reducing texture detail depending on framerate? And the values seem to concur with this, i.e. 0 means no dropdown and 8x means lots.

Whatever the case, the actual effect on the game seems negligible. I've compared 0 to 8x with everything else set the same and I didn't notice any difference at all. I thought that maybe the different options were related to scaling down textures over distance but the level of detail and fogging didn't change as far as I could tell.

I wouldn't worry about it too much. wink.gif

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AMD Athlon XP 2100


64mb GeForce 2

ABIT AT7 Motherboard

SB Live!

My OFP detected benchmark is 5000 but that things so inconsistant is unbelievable.

I generally run everything maxed, with a view distance of 1200. It runs really nicely but I still get clipping errors. (Seeing through soldiers helmets etc) Is this a T&L bug?

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