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Has resistance fixed soundblaster crackeling?

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Has resistance fixed the anoying and bad sound quality caused by windows xp and the soundblaster live and audigy? can anyone tell me please?

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Nope, i think we have to wait till creative labs come up with new drivers, and as usual that may take an eternity, at least for the normal SBLive series.

I don´t even consider buying another product from them, customer support is bad and all i have are soundproblems, not only in OFP but also some audio applications and other games.

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i wouldnt say it was 'fixed', but i'm definitely getting less of a problem, i think that maybe a sound addon could make things worse again though, its nice to have decent sounds, but if the sound files are big it will cause more probs in graphic and sound stutter/crackle, because the problem is in the data transfer on the PCI bus, which sound and graphics pass through together, therefore the larger the sound = more data trying to pass through.

Hmmm maybe thats why the sounds in resistance are so crap, maybe theyre trying to please everyone, and those with the 'crackl free' system can upgrade their sounds anyways

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Yeah, me the same; that crackling sound bug is really annoying , and its a shame that an expensive card as the SB hasnt got any good support with it sad.gif

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Yepp, it's still the same. WKK Gimbal came up with a great simple quick fix. When the crackling sound starts just switch to third person view and then back to first person and the bug will disappear.

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"WKK Gimbal came up with a great simple quick fix"

No he didn't. Many others found out before. pah wink.gif

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yeah i found that out for myself aswell, but then was screwed when it came to dedicated servers with no 3ppv, like i tried saying earlier the best thing for a quick fix is to minimize the the sound quality and therefore the filesize of the soundfiles, but resistance addresses that issue for me with "Crap" low quality sound samples

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I found out if you turn down the Hardware Accelerator in windows it seems to help. Because believe me I have tried everything and this is the best so far. Are if you want it to stop completely disable it in Flashpoint but who would do that lol.

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Personally i havent had any sound probs with win XP and SB audidgy, but i can tell you that, new SB live drivers are expected to be released in the next 2 weeks, and Audidgy drivers in August, hope this helps. biggrin.gif

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I'd highly recommend that anyone with the capacity to download those 377MB Compaq 244 drivers to do so.

They're BY FAR the best Audigy (Live! too) drivers to date. I've been using them for over a month. I can finally turn on Direct Sound and EAX in OFP 1.58+ and hear things PERFECTLY. Everything has the proper positioning, reverb, volume and decay.

I have zero crackling with any application or game. Find out which PCI slot(s) share NO IRQ's with the other slots (or devices). This is where your Audigy/Live! should go. It helps immensely. Also, install the PFD VIA driver if you're running a VIA chipset. This will give your PCI a little breathing room, which the Live/Audigy need ....damn bus hogs. Oh...and turn on PCI delay transaction in your BIOS if you have an Audigy. Also helps.

again, my two cents.


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compaq drivers? arnt those for a compaq computer only? how would they differ from the regular creative drivers? if this really does fix the issue, where can i get the drivers?

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Nope, they are for Creative Labs cards regardless of where you bought them, they are simply hosted on Compaq's site. Download the driver package, unzip it using WinZIP (don't run the executable!wink.gif, delete the \Audio\Setup\CTOem.cfg file in the directory structure you extracted the files to, then follow these steps (courtesy of http://shs-sound.paraknowya.com/):

Upgrade Install Notes.

1: Unistall all the old Applications and Driver frist DO NOT click on Reboot at this time just levae it run.

2: Open the Windows Explorer go to WINNT\Inf or Windows\Inf folder click on Search button tpye in the

(Containing Text) Creative what look for is oem(number).inf and matching oem(number)PNF file and del it but

if own other Creative Lab product it good idea to open each INF to in sure you have rigth one before del tham.

Ok now you ready to Reboot.

3: The Hardware Wizard will pop open just Cancel it

4: Del the Folder ?:Program Files\Creative but if have other Creative Lab product only del the folder

?:\Program Files\Creative\SBAudigy or SBLive.

5: Now ready to install drivers on your CD you have made or in the temp folder go to ?:\Audio\Drivers\ and run

CTZAPXX.exe install and reboot.

6: Now ready to install Applications on your CD you have made or in the temp folder go to ?:\Audio\Setup\ and run

Setup.exe you may want to do a Custom install that part up to you then reboot.

On a different note, regarding the size of the audio files used by Resistance and PCI bus bandwidth utilization, keep in mind that the sampling rate for those sounds is fixed -- the only way that new sounds would consume more bandwidth is if the sounds are longer, but not if they are just different or louder. Bandwidth usage is determined solely by the length and bitrate of the sample.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I can finally turn on Direct Sound and EAX in OFP 1.58+ and hear things PERFECTLY. Everything has the proper positioning, reverb, volume and decay.

<span id='postcolor'>

It's due to the new soundcode in 1.58, not because of those drivers. They don't fix anything. Not worth the download.

The crackling sound has to do with drivers.

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I have one of the new audigy cards. The drivers are just terrible. What has become of creative they used to produce excellent drivers.

I am considering taking out my audigy card and puting back my Live card as atleast that worked.

I had to turn EAX and hardware support off to stop getting blue screen crashs.

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Here's a quick thought. Try reading ALL the posts in the thread instead of simply posting your problem. We suggested a fix already and it works for most (if not all) of us.

The Live! is an EXTREMELY subpar card in comparison with the Audigy. This would not be a wise idea.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (denoir @ July 04 2002,18:02)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Yepp, it's still the same. WKK Gimbal came up with a great simple quick fix. When the crackling sound starts just switch to third person view and then back to first person and the bug will disappear.<span id='postcolor'>

Too bad, I play the game in Veteran, so 3rd person view is non-existent.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">because the problem is in the data transfer on the PCI bus, which sound and graphics pass through together<span id='postcolor'>

I have a SBLive which runs through PCI, but my GeForce 2 runs through 4X AGP port. I'm pretty sure they don't share the bandwidth through one connection.

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