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Looks good, Cannot wait to see the final product.

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UPDATE - 27/01/2015


I spared some time to work on this beast.

The most relevant change was new woodland textures to replace the old standard BIS ones.

They're not god-tier quality but i'm happy enough for now.

Next, some complained about the high loss of details over distance, i tried to change that a bit but i'm afraid it's just how the engine works and there's no way to improve details from afar without sacrificing performance.

If you notice any major performance issues please let me know.

I also did some other minor changes here and there, added sling load capability (even though the game has no helicopter capable of lifting them).

Finally, i changed how the editor menu displays them, AKA it's a copy of the old A2 style faction.

You can read the rest in the changelog.






V0.5 - 27/01/2015

-Detail improvements over distance

-Driver now has the magic radar/compass again

-Tweaked exhaust smoke

-Commander M240 now has muzzle flash

-Commander now sits at correct height

-Commander M240 max zoom reduced

-Commander M240 now has proper zeroing

-Changed editor menu layout

-Toned down hull reflections

-New woodland textures

-Added sling loading functionality

DL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/umv92ztp0rahdiv/%40Cha_Lav25.rar?dl=0

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Hey, thanks for the update. We tried slingloading it to the Huron but were not able to, the slingloading assistant also does not recognize it.

edit: just read that no heli can lift it right now. Is that due to the weight?

edit 2: While testing it with AGM we found that only 2 40mm grenades from an m203 to the side lead to the LAV cooking off and exploding, which is a bit extreme in my opinion

Edited by stoffl

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Yes sir.

I also did some other minor changes here and there, added sling load capability (even though the game has no helicopter capable of lifting them).

I tried yesterday with my Mi-8 too.

Even by "cheating" and giving it unreasonable lift capacity, like 20 tons, it gets hooked but doesn't take off.

I think it has to do with the helicopter engine power or some other magic trick in the config files.

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Uhm i though it would be something like that.

Thanks for the info!

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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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thanks for your reply I might write a config addon for the huron then.

edit 2: While testing it with AGM we found that only 2 40mm grenades from an m203 to the side lead to the LAV cooking off and exploding, which is a bit extreme in my opinion

Just quoted myself since your reply came before my last edit. Is this something you can fix or is this more of an AGM thing?

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Thank you!! :D

edit 2: While testing it with AGM we found that only 2 40mm grenades from an m203 to the side lead to the LAV cooking off and exploding, which is a bit extreme in my opinion

I have no idea how AGM modifies vehicles armor or hitpoints (could it be you hit the fuel cell?).

In real life side armor can be pierced even with small arms fire as far as i know though, so it's not totally unreasonable.

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I don't know if this mod is still being supported/developed but I thought I would leave some stuff here at what I think would enhance the mod greatly. These are just suggestions and I know that its an arma 2 port so this may be non achievable.





LAV-25 PC (More commonly known as ASLAV-25 PC, Used By ADF Can Also Be A Medical Evac And Command Post)




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The mod is still supported, there hasn't been any update in a while because i've been busy with other projects.

I don't plan to make every single version as you asked, though LAV-AT and ASLAV-PC have been on the wishlist for a while now.

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The mod is still supported, there hasn't been any update in a while because i've been busy with other projects.

I don't plan to make every single version as you asked, though LAV-AT and ASLAV-PC have been on the wishlist for a while now.

Nice, The ASLAV and ASLAV-PC would fit nice with the new S-70's you released. ;)

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I come here to wait for the ASLAV and ASLAV-PC.:yay:

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The mod is still supported, there hasn't been any update in a while because i've been busy with other projects.

I don't plan to make every single version as you asked, though LAV-AT and ASLAV-PC have been on the wishlist for a while now.

As a LAV lover, a Laver if you will, I would love to see the LAV AT in this mod. The group I run has used quite a number of Chairborne Industry mods in the past but the LAV mod is particularly favored by us.

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a Laver if you will

The next project is most likely going to be the Gavin... ehrm M113 and it happens to share the same turret for the AT.

I might be able to kill two birds with one stone... :rolleyes:

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The older LAV-AT's use the M220/901A and it's terrible. We are looking to field the new LAV-ATWS in the next couple of years if everything goes as planned. They did a remarkable job when they were brought out here for testing.

Unfortunately the LAV-25 model that BI created is full of inconsistencies and is the much older A1 model.

Edited by Wilco

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I read the new AT turret was in the works some time ago, didn't think it had already passed trials and distribution already began.

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It hasn't started distribution. My company was involved in a month long training event for the new system. That testing evolution was essentially to see how well it did when attached to line platoons in an LAR company. They directly competed against the older LAV-AT's. I can say that the system is a MAJOR upgrade from the old 220's.

Article about it:


Edited by Wilco

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There are a few issues still with the LAV-25A2.

Most notable are the Commander's Optics. When turned in the optics should be 360, however they are tied to the M240 swing range. This is making it very difficult to properly command when turned in, cause when the gunner is facing rear, the Commander is forced to also look to the rear when he may wish to be looking where the are going to otherwise spotting for targets in another sector.

Also, the commanders optics are underpowered in the A2. It appears they have the same zoom factor as when turned out on (possibly liked to the M240 like the swing). They should have the same power as the gunner to verify targets and coordinate the gun. As of right now I have to hope the gunner PIDs correctly and have no ability to asses properly.

I've also noticed that if in thermal/night vision while (Commander) turned in, then you turn out....you sometimes retain thermal vision/night vision.

M240 should not be able to be fired from inside the vehicle. And when you do....it resets the Bushmaster to AP ammo no matter what ammo the gunner attempts to use.

Hoping you can look into this soon, its pretty close to being complete. Minus these few issues we love it.

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There are a few issues still with the LAV-25A2.

Most notable are the Commander's Optics. When turned in the optics should be 360, however they are tied to the M240 swing range. This is making it very difficult to properly command when turned in, cause when the gunner is facing rear, the Commander is forced to also look to the rear when he may wish to be looking where the are going to otherwise spotting for targets in another sector.

Also, the commanders optics are underpowered in the A2. It appears they have the same zoom factor as when turned out on (possibly liked to the M240 like the swing). They should have the same power as the gunner to verify targets and coordinate the gun. As of right now I have to hope the gunner PIDs correctly and have no ability to asses properly.

I've also noticed that if in thermal/night vision while (Commander) turned in, then you turn out....you sometimes retain thermal vision/night vision.

M240 should not be able to be fired from inside the vehicle. And when you do....it resets the Bushmaster to AP ammo no matter what ammo the gunner attempts to use.

Hoping you can look into this soon, its pretty close to being complete. Minus these few issues we love it.

The m240 on the pintle mount has a few issues, some of which can't be solved by me unfortunately (see: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=20088&nbn=3#bugnotes). Anyway i'll get back to it when i can, thank you for your feedback! :)

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The m240 on the pintle mount has a few issues, some of which can't be solved by me unfortunately (see: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=20088&nbn=3#bugnotes). Anyway i'll get back to it when i can, thank you for your feedback! :)

Now I know BF3-BF4 is not realistic as it could be but. To offer a temporary solution why don't you make the commander's weapon a RWS?


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I think that is actually what the aussies did with their ASLAVs.

However i wanted to maintain the pintle mount, i guess i'll have to figure something out, maybe it's just me not looking in the right direction. :D

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