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FN-Fal and G3 need to be more powerful,pistols needd to be less powerful and maybe remove full auto from the FAL.

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I would like to have some more control when gathering weapons from fallen enemys etc. It would have been nice with som kind of summary of weapons collected after a mission. Now it feels like that only the computer knows.

And as several people has pointed out: the missions sometimes ends to fast. Wouldn´t be fair to let the player to decide when to end the game, after all objecties are met of course?

And the mission where you´re going to blow up the bridge has a little bug. If you are standing at the bridge and would like to point out a waypoint for one of your soldiers next to you, then the "system" sees through the bridge thinking that the waypoint are set benath the bridge which aren´t corrcet.

Otherwise a good game!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hit_Sqd_Maximus @ Aug. 09 2002,23:39)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Snipers are completely worthless in multiplayer, why not just give a regular soldier a LAW and an M21? Then you could just shoot infantry that walks by and rpg any armor or jeeps, and now with resistance you can load ammo into vehicles and instead of 4 laws and 2 m21 clips, you have 10 laws and 5 m21 clips.<span id='postcolor'>

Since you say multiplayer I assume you know what effects snipers have on ai. And, in the hands of a skilled player, he can remain hidden from other players as well. I've been shot a few times by a bush with a rifle.

Also, why the big increase in law rockets?

I don't see why the normal soldiers should have such problems when finding a m21 lying around - they may not be that practiced with it but they are not complete dolts on how to operate it.

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I didnt say to have snipers hold more. I said that they couldnt hold an at4 w/ a rocket if they want any clips of ammo.

What is wrong w/ having regular soldiers hold sniper rifles not as accurate as a sniper? I didnt say to have it were they CANT operate it, just not as well as a sniper or spec op. I just ment that the way it is set up now, I can grab a law and an m21 and do more damage than a sniper will ever be able to do and die less times.

I dont know what I ment by the loading ammo into trucks sad.gif

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So much here and I have so little to add but;

More than a year on and OFP is still my favourite game. I've been playing the original 1985 campaign again and while there are a few things I'd like to see in a sequel ( dynamic campaign especially ) I think OFP is almost as good as its going to be.

The only two things that are really bothering me right now are the weapon salvage bug ( which we have a workround for ) and the superhuman perception of the AI in low visibility conditions. The latter especially making a few missions outragously tough.

Fix these ( and I'm sure that will be soon ) and I'll be more than happy for a long time to come. OFP may be getting old in computer game terms but as yet nothing has come close to it in terms of depth or scale.

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Oh yeah, almost forgot: When the computing horsepower becomes available, I want big Islands. BIG islands. We're talking 20km by 20km minimum. Think about a dynamic campaign on that sucker smile.gif

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As I have pointed out before, it would have been nice to have a "weapon summary" after each mission.

But it would also be nice if you could choose which men you would like to have on your missions. And this should be limited. More like "Ghost Recon" would have been nice.

As it is now, you can loose every single guy but when the next mission starts you have a full pool of soldiers.

Btw, I don´t see any difference between a rookie and a veteran.

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Suggested AI infantry tweaks:

- When moving around freely (i.e. "engage at will") and under threat (i.e. "danger"), AI soldiers should sprint, not jog. A sprinter is much harder to hit in OFP than a jogger. Walking cautiously is OK across very short distances only.

- When moving around freely and set to "stealth", AI soldiers should walk cautiously, never sprint. Walking cautiously appears to lower chances of enemy AI detection, while sprinting works quite the opposite.

- When given a target/watch command, AI soldiers walking cautiously should keep facing their target/watch point, walking backwards/sidewards if need be.


- When ordered to "stand up", the AI should still be able to crouch. The AI will crouch, but not too often.

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I already posted this one in the ME section but noone answered my question so I assume it is not embedded in OFP yet. I want to be able to read out the actual system time at my comp and synchronize ingame clock for missions with it. Means if it is 18.00 pm at my computer my OFP should be able to read out that time and sync the mission start with it. So in my mission the clock will also show 18.00 and the sun is setting :-)

I guess this should not be to hard to implement by overriding the mission time given in mission.sqm and replacing it from OFP engine with the actual time right when the mission is loaded. A switch in the options menu would be a nice feature to run at sytem or given mission time.

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As many have already mentioned, not giving players enough (or any time) to collect weapons before missions end is annoying. Also previously mentioned, I to would like a list of all weapons taken at the end of a mission, under the statistics screen where it shows all your kills. It should also show all team kills aswell...

Also here's a few other things on that same topic that I find tedious:

On the mission where you meet the boat and get a stack of new weapons, including AA's. The next mission starts saying you've now driven to the desert, and as I checked the contents of the truck at the end of the mission, I would have thought all would still be there, but NO. In this desert mission (which is destroy the helo's at the airport). The truck was empty?.

Why don't we have an option to EQUIPE truck, just like we do to equip the team? it's seems pointless in having the darn truck, especially when a single round for the AA weapons use 6 inventory slots, and you can't get other team mates to carry ammunition for weapons they don't have? I don't see why I can't have someone else on the team carry additional ammo, and operate as support. Like in WW2 with belt fed weapons, you'd have a loader who would carry additional ammo.

Other annoyances I have with collecting weapons and ammo during missions:

On a few missions, hold base, or attack camp etc. There are trucks in the camp, Yet when I tell a soldier to take <item> (by using the action menu) I can't tell where to take it from?.. the action menu does not list where it is, and on most occasions they end up taking the item FROM the truck, and not from a dead soldier?.

Also on the action menu, I can't see if telling a solider to take <item> will cause that soldier to drop another <item> they are already carrying, (other than the obvious like taking a PK when they are carrying a RPG).

It's completely insane, to tell each soldier individually to put <item> to truck, when you have 10 soldiers, that's a LOAD of commands that have to be issued. Why oh Why can't we have an action menu option, that says "PUT SELECTED WEAPON". but as it is now if you select more than 1 ai soldier, just about all the action options (if not all) disappear, even if each solider has identical weapons ?.. why can't i select all soldiers who are using AK74's and tell them to put AK74 to truck with a single action command?...

Lastly I waste so much time having to select a weapon, in order to put it to a truck?.. If i have a Ak74, but only want to put a RPG to truck, i have to select the RPG before i get the put menu option?.. and the instant my character puts the RPG to the truck, i have to wait while my character automatically selects the Ak74 ?.. ARGHH wastes so much time. Especially when you take for instance, using the climb up (or down) ladder commands, you start off with the weapon in hand, but when you go up or down a ladder, you have to manually put weapon back in hand?.. so WHY the inconsistency?.. one action command forces weapon in hand, yet another action command does not?..

Thanks for listening.


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Something else I would like to comment on is the Ammo levels. Mainly relating to LAW's, RPG's and AA's.

If I have a RPG and only 1 round of ammo showing on my gear screen. Why is it that when I load the RPG, the gear screen still shows that round of ammo as using inventory space, when infact it's not using any inventory space as it is loaded IN the RPG ?.

If this could be addressed it would mean you could effectively carry 2 rounds of AA stinger ammo, one loaded, and one using 6 inventory slots.

I can't see how or why a weapon that is loaded, has the ammo it's loaded with using inventory space. That defies logic.



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I would like the command menu system improved, to be something similar to SWAT 3. Easy to use, and no confusion. Even after a year of OFP I still forget keys to press!

For example: OK, off the top of your head, no cheating, what's the key combo to Disengage? If you remember it, you've probably cheated biggrin.gif

PS: I await the usual flames.

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I think... ~34

of the top of my head, but I mean you get the description live....

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I think that with a bit better menu organisation, commanders could order their troops so much faster. In real life, how much time would it take for a commander to shout "GO PRONE"? A second, agree?

In OFP you have to press "Combat Mode", select "Go Prone", oh shit I pressed 6 instead of 7, erm, press backspace, press 7, maybe 2-3+ seconds if you've not got the nimblest of fingers.... biggrin.gif

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I know its a very small point, but it still gets on my nerves.

When you fire an MP5 you would expect pistol sized spent cartridges to be extracted, but you get rifle sized ones instead, maybe same with Bizon and then when you fire the G3 or FAL you get pistol sized cartridges extracted. All other weapons are fine, but these are bent, i know its a small thing so it may be easy to fix too smile.gif

Another thing is the Kozlice extracts empties too, strangely enough even though its a single shot breech loading rifle/ shotgun. confused.gif

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On the mulitplayer front, I would just like some info on the patch...even if its still a couple weeks away, it would be nice to know a rough estimate of when we can expect it and what issues it will address...there are bits and pieces around the forums, but an official word as to when it can be expected and what it will fix would be great! Multiplay seems to be dropping off sharply...Im not saying its dead, but you can certainly see that there are fewer players coming and going in the dedicated servers. Hopefully the patch will restore the multiplayer end of things and give the multiplay community a new spark....and releasing some info as to when a patch might be available would certainly help to ease my mind and probably that of other players as well. It seems that BIS has been very quiet for the past couple weeks, lets hope its due to all the hard work going into the new patch smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Narler @ Sep. 02 2002,09:32)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Something else I would like to comment on is the Ammo levels. Mainly relating to LAW's, RPG's and AA's.

If I have a RPG and only 1 round of ammo showing on my gear screen.  Why is it that when I load the RPG, the gear screen still shows that round of ammo as using inventory space, when infact it's not using any inventory space as it is loaded IN the RPG ?.

If this could be addressed it would mean you could effectively carry 2 rounds of AA stinger ammo, one loaded, and one using 6 inventory slots.

I can't see how or why a weapon that is loaded, has the ammo it's loaded with using inventory space. That defies logic.


Narler<span id='postcolor'>

I found that the only way to think of this (as is) is that the inventory slots are a measure of weight, not space. But I wouldn't mind seeing it change either.

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Here's a good one IMHO:

A command to get troops and vehicles to face whatever direction you point at, and not turn until you tell them to rejoin formation. This could be the same as the "move to" command, except they don't move to the spot you click on, they just face it. I guess just a shortcut to face the direction you are facing would be ok too.

Another very helpful addition would be to improve the AI so that soldiers try to find cover as their main priority when in Danger or Stealth mode while they (or actually you, the leader) are not advancing, or you have told them to stay in a certain spot. They should NEVER sit out in the open when there is a place to hide a couple of meters away from them. Yes, there is a "find cover" command, but does it work? Doesn't seem to. They find cover and start moving around, or they find a really useless excuse for cover, like standing a few meters away from a bush, rather than hiding behind it.

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There already is such a function. Simply hold Alt and click where you want your men to look (tho make sure you have em selected).

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i would like an automatic scavange feature where ai will load weapons into the car or truck u slect, also with ammo crates and gear view i like it how u can order your men to drop there items from that view, what i would like is to be able to slect weapons for them in that view which they would then go and pick up by passing the action menu, and also for your own player when beside an ammo crate etc.

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