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ARMA 2: OA Beta build 124879 - Steam Mp Lobby (1.63 build, Steam only)

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As of this build, dayz servers using this build do not show up anymore on dayz commander.

is this by design?

aswell when can we get date/time stamped rpt logs like arma3 has?

it would be a major improvement for high load servers that require often restarts etc!

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DayZCommander polls the gamespy for server information, this beta patch uses the steam browser, so yes it's intended.

You can specify the time stamp in the server.cfg file.

timeStampFormat = "short"; //none, short and full are the options

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timeStampFormat = "short"; //none, short and full are the options

That would be inside the rpt file, i mean as with the file name like it currently is on A3.

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Ah, well you could simply write a batch file to move the .rpt files and rename them according to date upon restarts.


@echo off
set rptloc="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation ArrowheadWL\wasteland\arma2oaserverWL.rpt"
set oldrptloc="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 Operation ArrowheadWL\wasteland\old rpt log\arma2oaserverWL%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2%%date:~-4,4%_%time:~-11,2%%time:~-8,2%%time:~-5,2%.rpt"
move /y %rptloc% %oldrptloc%

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Since GameSpy is shutting down soon for real and BattlEye is only supporting 1.63 steam beta versions after that, I decided to try out further the new version. I noticed a huge dealbreaker with the conversion to steam for probably every single server owner/community.

GUID is recalculated and thus is different for 1.62 and 1.63 versions, even if the CD-KEY remains completely the same (A2 OA CD-Key linked to steam account somehow the reason for GUID recalc?).

This means that EVERY SINGLE GUID BAN on every server is obsolete, the doors are wide open for old already banned scripters/cheaters and rulebreakers.

Papuwarfare, the server I'm running has nearly 5000 bans, all confirmed cheaters/scripters or serious rule breakers. I'm definitely not willing to open up the flood gates for all these already banned players because of the change to steam.

The UID you can find out in-game still remains the same, if not for some automated system that checks the bans for both the new and old GUID the least that could be done is some kind of OLD GUID -> NEW GUID converter so people can convert the bans.txt to the new GUIDs (conversion might be hard if they are linked to steam accounts...). Easiest thing would probably do to implement a check that verifies both the old guid format and the new one versus the bans.txt file?

But seriously, please do something about it, I'm glad A2:OA is still seeing some love from BIS even if it's just a little bit, just don't leave this new system so half-assed like I just explained above.

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I'm sorry if this is slightly off-topic, but here we go:

Are you guys aware that the low-level moveTo, or rather moveToFailed command in Arma2 (1.62.95248) is dangerously broken? The result of a moveTo command can be either moveToCompleted or moveToFailed. What seems to be broken here is the moveToFailed command, that does not (maybe even never?!) get fired when it really should be. An AI unit then simply stops moving at all. This is a terrible situation and easily breaks every single FSMs (intended for doFSM) ever written. The FSM will wait for a moveToFailed, but that never will happen. So the FSM is stuck.

This certainly was not always the case. I even miss the failedToMove (something) RPT output. Nothing like this gets written to the log file any longer. But I'm completely sure that was regularly the case (while testing my own stuff) if you gave impossible to reach moveTo destinations...

What has happened? When? Are you guys aware of this? And will it get fixed? (And is this also present in Arma3? Since I'm not scripting there yet, I have no clue about that...)

Not happy about this.


If you guys want me to, I could maybe try to cook up a simple repro mission later. But I'd gladly pass if not necessary.

Edit: damn, I really picked the wrong thread for this. Can this be moved to "List of regressions between 1.62 and 1.63 betas" maybe?

Edit 2: to further specify: a unit that failes to moveTo still reports "Negative: can't make it there" ingame, yet moveToFailed never fires. :(

I've also checked the community tracker (for Arma2 and Arma3), but nothing came up searching for moveToFailed. I'll have a look at this later and see if I can come up with a nice repro-mission.

Edit 3: Added repro-mission: http://non.sense.ch/shared/moveToFailed.Chernarus.pbo that clearly shows that moveToFailed never gets fired anymore, and that units easily get stuck during a moveTo without reporting anything...

Edited by ruebe
added built information: 1.62.95248

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GUID is recalculated and thus is different for 1.62 and 1.63 versions, even if the CD-KEY remains completely the same (A2 OA CD-Key linked to steam account somehow the reason for GUID recalc?).

This means that EVERY SINGLE GUID BAN on every server is obsolete, the doors are wide open for old already banned scripters/cheaters and rulebreakers.

leaving alone, i'm too stupid to enter correctly my cd-keys in steam client, installation/download of arma through steamclient results in different cd-keys used than during retail installation.

looks like steam is using the rft key for oa and two completely different keys for baf/pmc?

you can verify this by looking up the registry keys under

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2]

well, you won't find real cd-keys there, but some hex values representing the keys!

this could explain, why you see different GUID's than before, as the client is in fact using a different cd-key too ...

if anybody out there has a copy of his registry settings of the retail arma installation, he can easy verify if i'm correct! go ahead, proof me wrong ...

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I bought my copy from Steam originally, haven't changed any cd-keys and I haven't got any DLC:s either. Just by switching from 1.62 to 1.63 the guid is different but the UID in-game is the same. Confirmed with 2 clients.

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Since GameSpy is shutting down soon for real and BattlEye is only supporting 1.63 steam beta versions after that, I decided to try out further the new version. I noticed a huge dealbreaker with the conversion to steam for probably every single server owner/community.

GUID is recalculated and thus is different for 1.62 and 1.63 versions, even if the CD-KEY remains completely the same (A2 OA CD-Key linked to steam account somehow the reason for GUID recalc?).

This means that EVERY SINGLE GUID BAN on every server is obsolete, the doors are wide open for old already banned scripters/cheaters and rulebreakers.

Papuwarfare, the server I'm running has nearly 5000 bans, all confirmed cheaters/scripters or serious rule breakers. I'm definitely not willing to open up the flood gates for all these already banned players because of the change to steam.

The UID you can find out in-game still remains the same, if not for some automated system that checks the bans for both the new and old GUID the least that could be done is some kind of OLD GUID -> NEW GUID converter so people can convert the bans.txt to the new GUIDs (conversion might be hard if they are linked to steam accounts...). Easiest thing would probably do to implement a check that verifies both the old guid format and the new one versus the bans.txt file?

But seriously, please do something about it, I'm glad A2:OA is still seeing some love from BIS even if it's just a little bit, just don't leave this new system so half-assed like I just explained above.

Please have some patience, a BE update will be released shortly that will enable support for old (cd-key-based) GUID bans. Note however that player GUIDs will still remain different as they will no longer be based on cd-keys in the future.

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I'm glad to hear that, I was afraid it was going to stay as it is now.

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yes such an update would be realy nice.

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It's been a while now and still the old banned GUID:s are not detected...


Line breaks: short¦ly

Pronunciation: /ˈʃɔËtli /


1. In a short time; soon:

the new database will shortly be available for consultation

the flight was hijacked shortly after takeoff


2. In a few words; briefly:


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