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Dynamic weather script and addon: tort_DynamicWeather

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Thx Rydy. Have put everything into submenus in the 0-8 btw (we talked about that).

First prototype.---

EDIT: New one. https://www.dropbox.com/s/oawbc3epnd1j92a/%40tort_DynamicWeather2_dev.7z?dl=0

It works, code needs some cleaning up (lots of unused stuff in the archive).

Please report bugs only if they seem to be nasty and hidden, because I am aware there is still somethin to do.

Do not use for serious mission playing.

---------- Post added at 17:50 ---------- Previous post was at 17:42 ----------

Syntax of "script\config\islands.sqf":

case "altis": {
  tort_island_overcast = [0.5, 0, 1, -0.5, 0.05];        //init, min, max, weight, turbulence
  tort_island_fog =   [0.05, 0, 0.2, -0.7, 0];           //init, min, max, weight, turbulence
  tort_island_wind =  [1, 150, 0, 3, 0, 360, -0.5, 0.2]; //initS, initD, minS, maxS, minD, maxD, weight, turbulence
  tort_island_rain =  [0, 0, 1, -0.5, 0, 0.85];          //init, min, max, weight, turbulence, threshold

So there initial weather for specific islands is defined. Have not yet set meaningful values. As this is code you can also use expressions like "0.5 + random 0.5" there.

Mod must reside in "[arma3]\@tort_dynamicweather2\"

Edited by tortuosit

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Next version 2 script and mod:


As before, do not use it for serious mission playing.

I'm interested if rain runs out of control. There were problems - e.g. you have set rain threshold to 1 or rain min=max=0, but it was still raining (ArmA took control under unknown circumstances) and I think I have fixed it.

Edited by tortuosit

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Next v2 script and mod:


I think it works pretty well, I'd like you to use it in small missions, not long term projects, because not extensively tested.

I will probably change wind values from beaufort to m/s, as it's more common for sniper business. I think beaufort conversion was a wrong decision.

Edited by tortuosit

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LSD, no userconfig and the existing userconfig from old script is not used. I wanted to make it much simpler.

All stuff is in @tort_dynamicweather2 directory (do not rename it).

Most interesting then is: "[Arma 3]\@tort_DynamicWeather2\script\config\"

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Tested it now for couple of hours ^^ In my opinion much better than before, the waether feels more natural, especially love the "permaclouds,no rain" config

Fantastic work man

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Thanks... I think it's a solid base for weather handling which can be done on top of what is there now... Also there's a lot of work to do, e.g. in the turbulence variable, which is important for speed and amount of changes, I will see how the formulas work out.

I am thinking about adding a process on top, which acts on a higher level and changes extrema/variables from time to time, maybe some automatic magic or I am also thinking about as simple as possible to configure timed events. Because the foundations are there, and you just need to change the extrema and script will go there. Not much magic in the mod currently.

And yeah I can understand you, I also like presets with lots of clouds, no rain and not much wind. A bit fog additionally. Also what I don't like at ArmAs weather engine is, if the overcast level is maybe at 0.8, you have full clouds but still cast shadows...

Interface for scripters and modders is not finished and has to be documented.

Island presets are mostly just copy and paste jobs and not well thought out per island.

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Hey there, looking for some guidance. I'm using the following code:

0 = ["sunny", "random", [0.2, 0], [0.05, 0.2], [0, 1, 0.4, 0.8, 0, 1], 0, 0] execVM "@tort_DynamicWeather\script\tort_DynamicWeather.sqf";

Lately i'm not sure if its with the most recent patches (RC 1.42x), but i am getting a lot of foggy cycles. 80% of the time it seems to be heavy fog. AM i using the wrong code or can i change it somehow to reduce fog chances? I'm just looking for random cycles every shift between all weathers.

Thanks for the awesome script! I am using this method since i am building it into my missiosn rather then running as addon

---------- Post added at 22:02 ---------- Previous post was at 21:56 ----------

BTW using original script. Reading through the threads now i see some new enhancements coming, but this is for a dynamic mission so i guess i'll wait till its been tested further.

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You have set minimum fog to 0.4 and maximum to 0.8, which is a lot and probably unplayable, because fog also appears very differently on different islands. And keep in mind there is a time of more ground fog probability in the morning (defined at main script start), which may make it even more dramatic and thick.

Try this:

0 = ["sunny", "random", [1, 0.1], [0.05, 0.3], [0, 1, 0, 0.2, 0, 1], 0, 0]

So fog will generally be between 0 and 0.2. But because of "random" or the first arg of [1, 0.1], every cycle is random. Because of the 2nd arg of [1, 0.1] with a probability of 10% next weather event will not respect your borders I.e. then full fog may happen. HTH

I think the new script incarnation works pretty well, only I have not documented the command line yet. But you can see things in the code.

Edited by tortuosit

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Thanks, i'll try this out and the new code as well :)

---------- Post added at 13:24 ---------- Previous post was at 11:51 ----------

hey tortuosit, can you share how i would be able to trigger the new version via script to have random cycles? I'm unable to figure it out and keep running into issues where game crashes with error "included XXX\XXX\config\config.sqf is missing. Would like to test and also report any issues i find in my dynamic mission testing. Thanks again.

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I must say I am not at my gamiing rig next hours and had my focus on the mod version. For most random effect what you will basically have to do is calling the four scripts like it is done in init.sqf; their turbulence argument to 1. That argument should be the last arg, except for rain, there its the forelast.

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v2... Added some more control to the addons menu, also slight change to the weather info screen. Then I will focus script/docu, to make it more easy to use for mission creators. JCae2798 I'm sorry I cannot assist much currently due to spare time. Will change next week.

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v2... Added some more control to the addons menu, also slight change to the weather info screen. Then I will focus script/docu, to make it more easy to use for mission creators. JCae2798 I'm sorry I cannot assist much currently due to spare time. Will change next week.

Great work so far. I think that the ability to sync weather in MP environment, have more realistic weather (based on location, time of year, etc.) and more gradual changes are really good features for an infantry simulator. So plz don't let this die. If you no longer have any time to work on it. Maybe you could offer your work to the ACE3 team. I read yesterday that "Proper & consistent network synced weather" is a key feature they want to bring to A3.

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v2... Added some more control to the addons menu, also slight change to the weather info screen. Then I will focus script/docu, to make it more easy to use for mission creators. JCae2798 I'm sorry I cannot assist much currently due to spare time. Will change next week.

No worries and thanks for the update. I've been playing/testing the addon version you shared and so far its working OK. Reason i asked for script is i wanted to build it into mission but honestly maybe i'll leave it up to the users who want to choose for more control :)

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So new version comes up next week?

v2 branch new version 0.9.2:


Better control of every module or whole mod (0-8 support menu you will find a "machine room"). Also you see in weather info screen, which module is running. I think it's important to allow user to turn off weather processing (or parts of it) in case of bugs or unexpected behavior, if you want to use it in longer missions.

@domokun I know there should be a layer of magic added on top of this now. Won't let this aspect die. I currently have just spare time but I hope it will change. And BTW, w0000t?! ACE3 lives? Or Apr. 1?

Edited by tortuosit

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v2 branch new version 0.9.2:


Better control of every module or whole mod (0-8 support menu you will find a "machine room"). Also you see in weather info screen, which module is running. I think it's important to allow user to turn off weather processing (or parts of it) in case of bugs or unexpected behavior, if you want to use it in longer missions.

@domokun I know there should be a layer of magic added on top of this now. Won't let this aspect die. I currently have just spare time but I hope it will change. And BTW, w0000t?! ACE3 lives? Or Apr. 1?

Good on you! ACE3 doesn't live yet but the birthing is due "sometime this month":


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New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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All this script talk is confusing. I can't just download it, paste to my arma 3 directory and play?

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Yes you can! :)


The documentation seems to be a bit outdated. Names of config files seem to have changed, and there is no .cmd file for editing or copying the config files anymore.

Is there no need for copying files to the userconfig directory anymore?

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Is there no need for copying files to the userconfig directory anymore?


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The documentation seems to be a bit outdated. Names of config files seem to have changed, and there is no .cmd file for editing or copying the config files anymore.

Is there no need for copying files to the userconfig directory anymore?

- The documentation is outdated, its all about v1 version of the script, which is discontinued.

- Just put the mod to a3\@tort_dynamicweather2\ - all config in there (Arma 3\@tort_DynamicWeather2\script\config\)

- tort_dynamicweather2 is not yet documented and unfinished and inofficial and lacking some more magic... Also scope on mod, not so much on script yet.

- Confusion is my fault, I need to make a proper new thread, edit the old etc-... but no time now.

New DynamicWeather2 0.93 version (some more control in the 0-8 menu):



Sorry for the confusion. tort_dynamicweather2 is a rewrite and a new mod. Please do not yet upload or merge with existing dynamic weather! If I think it's ready and documented, I will create a new thread and start it officially. I will then offer proper pictures for you.

Please put the latest v1 version up, its 1.3.3.

Edited by tortuosit

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