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Satellite Image Overlap Issue

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So if I got it, horizontal scale should be 2.5, 5, 7.5,10 ?

If so, I'm not late yet to switch from 4 to 5m...

What 's the size of your map? I read the thread back and I think you mentioned a horizontal scale of 10 meters there but you mentioned 4 and 5 just now :) and what are the exact settings you use for generating the sat layer? I'll generate a terrain in L3DT tomorrow with the same measurements / texture sizes and see if I can figure out something that works.

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First project was on 1024*10m and thats fine.

Second project is 4096*4m but I cant fix the "tartanbug" so maybe switching to 5m (and restarting from scratch) could help...

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I have no idea if that would help but so far I've won most battles with the sat layer generator beast. What's the size of the sat texture you're feeding it?

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Thanks, I would have tried it myself but Im on duty all night and I cant access my files

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Thanks, I would have tried it myself but Im on duty all night and I cant access my files

Well, I've been able to export a working map using the following settings:


4096 x 4096 - 4 meter horizontal scale

Satmap and surface mask

16384 x 16384

On the Samplers tab:

Satellite / Surface (mask) tiles:

Size (px): 1024 x 1024

Desired overlap: 256 (taken from Actual overlap on the same tab)

Texture layer:

Size(m): 64 x 64

Using these settings I'm able to get a working terrain which doesn't seem to have those overlap issues. However, I doubt an overlap of 256 pixels is very efficient and the map is already over 300MB without anything on it. Performance wise it seemed ok for now but as it's empty, there's no way to tell.

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Yes, that's my concern aswell.

Right now with 16px overlap and 1 million trees and bushes I had good performance, even with 12 km visibility....

But maybe redoing it from scratch setting a scale of 5 metres could help that way without losing much terrain detail.

Anyways, thank you very much for your help!

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You're welcome :) I'm currently doing one more test with these settings. Bulldozer is currently converting them:


4096 x 4096 - 4 meter horizontal scale

Satmap and surface mask

16384 x 16384

On the Samplers tab:

Satellite / Surface (mask) tiles:

Size (px): 2048 x 2048

Desired overlap: 128 (taken from Actual overlap on the same tab)

Texture layer:

Size(m): 32 x 32

Alright, I can confirm that the above settings lead to overlapping issues :P

It was already happening in Bulldozer when I moved to certain areas so I didn't bother to check it in-game. The Texture Layer seems to determine how much overlap TB wants, if I changed the texture layer to 64 x 64, the overlap would shoot up to 512 which mirrors what I got earlier at 1024 x 1024 with 256 px overlap.

Also, just changing some values in the calculator:

Satmap and surface mask

20480 x 20480

Satellite / Surface (mask) tiles:

Size (px): 2048 x 2048

Desired overlap: 128 (taken from Actual overlap on the same tab)

Texture layer:

Size(m): 64 x 64

Apart from the sat map / surface mask resolution, these are the settings I'm currently using on my WIP terrain (1024x1024 at 2 meters horizontal scale. That overlap seems fair enough. It puts your meter / px ratio to 0.8 instead of 1 (on my terrain it's 0.4).

Edited by BadLuckBurt

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So I'm still stuck...

I remade my project:


4096 x 4096 - 5 meters horizontal scale

Satmap and mask:

20480 x 20480

Overlap?? 64 pixels

Texture layer: 40 x 40

with this settings (and the overlap was suggested by TB) I still have problems.

Any suggestions?

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Schulzit, have you tried generating at 2048x2048 with the settings I posted? I'm assuming you generated at 1024x1024 since it doesn't say in your post :) but that gives me 64px recommended overlap in TB.


Without any details it'll be hard to offer any suggestions to fix it :P

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I'll try some setups and I'll post here to keep track on what is not working:

Project settings:

Grid Size: 4096 x 4096

Cell Size: 5m

Rasters Size: 20480 x 20480

Here's the various tests:

1) 2048x2048 tiles, 128 overlap, 40x40 texture layer: not working

2) 1024x1024 tiles, 64 overlap, 40x40 tex layer: terrain builder doesn't let me go with anything else than 2048x2048 tiles!

3) 2048x2048 tiles, 128 overlap, 20x20 layer: TESTING NOW

4) 2048x2048 tiles, 48 overlap, 40x40 layer: TESTING NOW

5) 2048x2048 tiles, 64 overlap, 40x40 layer: NOT WORKING

Edited by Schultzit

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Hm. If it doesn't work out, tomorrow I'll generate an ass-looking map in L3DT with your dimensions and make a white texture for it in PS to see if I can generate the layers in any way. It could be you just need a slightly bigger sat map resolution to account for the overlap.

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Tried with 25600 (0.8 m/pixel) rasters, but TB doesn't like that (default satellite file doesn't exist).

Meanwhile I noticed some strange behaviours in my grid references... as you can see from the images, on some spots of my map I have 7 cyphers instead of the usual 6:

Image 1: grid 140408

http://i.imgur.com/J7cVaeC.jpg (294 kB)

Image 2: grid 1401085 (wtf?)

http://i.imgur.com/bqCqJ48.jpg (294 kB)

Image 3: grid 139808

http://i.imgur.com/OxN8dqS.jpg (291 kB)

Edited by Schultzit

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After endless tries, I was able to workaround this bug by downscaling all my rasters to 10m/px resolution, as suggested by Smokedog and Spooky on the Skype channel!

The only problem is that resolution is horrible, especially if you want to have a detailed mask. The whole purpose of using sat normals is also defeated by this low resolution.

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Hello all. hope this could help some with 20480 terrain size settings in sampler area (Terrain Builder)

I've had overlap issues with 20480 terrain/20480 satellite in game and on the map screen and map in editor.

My first settings were:

-Grid Size: 2048x2048

-cell Size: 10m

-Terrain Size: 20480

-Size (px): 20480x20480

-Resolution (m/px): 1

Tiles size (px): 2048x2048

Overlap: 16

Layer size: 10x10

Result was overlaping textures in bulldozer and ingame: http://imgur.com/4FrfjI5

In game it was textures appearing far and disappearing when approaching.

After reading this thread, i tried:

Layer size 40x40 or 80x80

or Overlap: 128

And some more i didn't remember, the overlap texture problem was still there.

Then i tried these settings below and no more overlap appearance/disappearance in buldozer nor in game, but! the map from the editor and map openable ingame still overlap like the picture above. annoying.

-Grid Size: 4096x4096

-cell Size: 5m

-Terrain Size: 20480

-Size (px): 20480x20480

-Resolution (m/px): 1

Tiles size (px): 2048x2048

Overlap: 16

Layer size: 20x20

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Then i tried these settings below and no more overlap appearance/disappearance in buldozer nor in game, but! the map from the editor and map openable ingame still overlap like the picture above. annoying.

Wait, I didnt check that so.... yeah still annoying but at least not game breaking!! Thanks buddy

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Some days ago a blue screen fucked up my terrain in progress so i have to restart from 0.

Does anyone have a terrain 20480*20480 working without overlaping textures in game and on map screen?

If yes, could you share your mapframe settings. :) thanks!

My map was as explained above:

-Grid Size: 4096x4096

-cell Size: 5m

-Terrain Size: 20480

-Size (px): 20480x20480

-Resolution (m/px): 1

Tiles size (px): 2048x2048

Overlap: 16

Layer size: 20x20

with thoses settings, the terrain is fine in game, but the map screen show overlapings http://imgur.com/4FrfjI5 wich is not professionnal. haha

PS: i want if possible keep the 1px reolution to keep a good looking satellite image.

I know that switching to 10m/px resolution could cure the thing.

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I have @ 20480 x 20480 working fine with Sat & Layers @ 1:1

My setting:-

-Grid Size: 4096x4096

-cell Size: 5m

-Terrain Size: 20480

-Size (px): 20480x20480

-Resolution (m/px): 1

Tiles size (px): 1024x1024

Overlap: 16

Layer size: 40x40

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you do want to have your texture layers as close to 40 as possible in pretty much any terrain you build. Excluding any other settings you have. It seems to be the done thing from what I've been told and continualy read on the skype channel. Try and keep that as a rule of thumb basically.

With your cell size at 5m, have you tried putting the resolution to 5 aswell. I've not tried this but worth a shot. if not try putting it to 10. Or even setting your tiles to 1024x1024, O'lap 16, tex layer, 40. See what happens. In many cases it seems to be a bit of juggling around with these settings. But this tiled map screen in game is a bit of a bug atm and we are having to "live with it" for the time being. Until fingers are unplugged from various dark places. lol!

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I have @ 20480 x 20480 working fine with Sat & Layers @ 1:1

My setting:-

-Grid Size: 4096x4096

-cell Size: 5m

-Terrain Size: 20480

-Size (px): 20480x20480

-Resolution (m/px): 1

Tiles size (px): 1024x1024

Overlap: 16

Layer size: 40x40

My settings are just the same as yours, TB will not generate layers with the tile size set to 1024X1024.

The only way it does work is if I change the tile size to 2048X2048, but I get the overlap issue in game.

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Same here,

Tiles size (px): 1024x1024

Overlap: 16

This give "default satellite file does not exist" message while trying to generate layers.

@1PARA{God-Father} are you sure you used those settings?

I'll try to change the overlap, but to what?

Maybe resolution m/px 5 but will degrade the satellite texture. :/

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