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Middle East Conflict mod

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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Is the language bug associated with East vs West fixed? (Where all units except the Russians speak English) that's the only reason I don't want to get the mod... Also you should think about porting A2OA Arabic for your units :)

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Still seeing the "no ammo" appear from time to time, but it's not as severe as previously, are Hezbollah now wearing helmets by design? Just asking so I know I don't have any or issue.

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Drongo - getting the

File MiddleEastConflict\SAA\Random.sqf, line 71
Error in expression <Each _items;
{_this addItem _x} forEach _assitems;
{_this assignItem _x} forEach>
 Error position: <_assitems;
{_this assignItem _x} forEach>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _assitems
File MiddleEastConflict\SAA\Random.sqf, line 71
Error in expression <Each _items;
{_this addItem _x} forEach _assitems;
{_this assignItem _x} forEach>
 Error position: <_assitems;
{_this assignItem _x} forEach>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _assitems
File MiddleEastConflict\SAA\Random.sqf, line 71
Error in expression <Each _items;
{_this addItem _x} forEach _assitems;
{_this assignItem _x} forEach>
 Error position: <_assitems;
{_this assignItem _x} forEach>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: _assitems

not sure if that's a known one or not :)

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Amazing mod, this is definitely be one of my favorites, but when you use the standard NATO Sniper unit with this mod activated, the rifle has no scope. The same goes for the AAF's Lynx rifle as well.

I believe the team that created the R3F Armes encountered a similar issue awhile back but was able to patch it.

If no one else is receiving this issue then just ignore this post and thanks!

UPDATE: Actually I think the problem is with a mod that this mod depends on: The East vs West mod. I have posted on that thread about this issue as well.

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I only ever had that bug with All In Arma. I have not seen it when I am not using AIA.


The Hezbollah helmets are by design, they usually wear helmets. I used the balaclava/helmet to differentiate them from the SAA.


Thanks, I'll take a look at it.


Glad you like the mod. I'll see if it is my capabilities to fix the scope bug, but more realistically we'll have to wait for East vs West to get a patch.

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still getting random Pants-jihadists... i.e. naked SAA units ?


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The new Random.sqf files have a loop that checks if the unit has a uniform and should keep looping until it does. I can only assume that the culprit is the addUniform command which is local, whilst addHeadgear etc are global. Sometimes in coop I see naked units where the other player sees clothed units. The only sure-fire way I can think of to remove the problem is to have static uniforms and random headgear, vests and packs, not an ideal solution.

Ideally though BIS would make addUniform a global command.

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Is there any reason as to why your faction for me irregulars dont spawn vehicles for ALiVE?

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Western Black Ops Player is no longer spawning naked or with invisible limbs, but now he spawns in some weirdly textured uniform. It's got this large red and white checkered pattern.

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The most likely answer is that I have made a config error somewhere. I'll look into it.


That's a new one. They spawn fine for me. Is it happening in SP or MP?

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Does it happen every time? Is it every class, or only one?

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Hey, I was thinking it would REALLY improve the immersion of this mod and make it much more realistic if the rebels spoke Arabic, along with the SAA. The voices can be fairly simply ported from Arma 2: OA, from what I understand. Kaelies has already done this successfully with the Russians and Czech speaking units of his mod, you could probably contact him for instruction if you don't know how to do it. Thanks!

Edited by FistoGames

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I'll look into it.

For anyone who is interested, I have released an SP/Coop dynamic mission generator featuring the SAA versus FSA on Takistan here.

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I took a look but I can't see where I am going wrong regarding ALIVE. If anyone can spot the error, please let me know:

class CfgGroups
class INDEP
	name = "Independent";
	class drirregularsI
		name = "ME Irregulars";
		class Infantry
			name = "Infantry";
			class DRI_RifleSquad
				name = "Rifle Squad";
				faction = "drirregularsI";
				side = 2;
				rarityGroup = 0.5;
				class Unit0
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_SquadLeader";
					rank = "SERGEANT";
					position[] = {0,5,0};
				class Unit1
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_Grenadier";
					rank = "CORPORAL";
					position[] = {3,0,0};
				class Unit2
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_MachineGunner";
					rank = "PRIVATE";
					position[] = {5,0,0};
				class Unit3
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_RPG7Soldier";
					rank = "PRIVATE";
					position[] = {7,0,0};
				class Unit4
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_Engineer";
					rank = "PRIVATE";
					position[] = {9,0,0};
				class Unit5
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_RPG7Grenadier";
					rank = "CORPORAL";
					position[] = {12,0,0};
				class Unit6
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_AutomaticRifleman";
					rank = "PRIVATE";
					position[] = {14,0,0};
				class Unit7
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_Medic";
					rank = "CORPORAL";
					position[] = {16,0,0};
				class Unit8
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_Marksman";
					rank = "PRIVATE";
					position[] = {18,0,0};
			class DRI_WeaponsTeam
				name = "Weapons Team";
				faction = "drirregularsI";
				side = 2;
				rarityGroup = 0.5;
				class Unit0
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_SquadLeader";
					rank = "SERGEANT";
					position[] = {0,5,0};
				class Unit1
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_RPG7Soldier";
					rank = "CORPORAL";
					position[] = {3,0,0};
				class Unit2
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_RPG7Grenadier";
					rank = "PRIVATE";
					position[] = {5,0,0};
				class Unit3
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_ATSoldier";
					rank = "PRIVATE";
					position[] = {7,0,0};
				class Unit4
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_AASoldier";
					rank = "CORPORAL";
					position[] = {9,0,0};
				class Unit5
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_AutomaticRifleman";
					rank = "PRIVATE";
					position[] = {12,0,0};
			class DRI_FireTeam
				name = "Fire Team";
				faction = "drirregularsI";
				side = 2;
				rarityGroup = 0.5;
				class Unit0
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_SquadLeader";
					rank = "SERGEANT";
					position[] = {0,5,0};
				class Unit1
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_AutomaticRifleman";
					rank = "CORPORAL";
					position[] = {3,0,0};
				class Unit2
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_RPG7Grenadier";
					rank = "PRIVATE";
					position[] = {5,0,0};
				class Unit3
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_Rifleman";
					rank = "PRIVATE";
					position[] = {7,0,0};
			class DRI_SniperTeam
				name = "Sniper Team";
				faction = "drirregularsI";
				side = 2;
				rarityGroup = 0.5;
				class Unit0
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_Marksman";
					rank = "SERGEANT";
					position[] = {0,5,0};
				class Unit1
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_Rifleman";
					rank = "CORPORAL";
					position[] = {3,0,0};

			class DRI_EngineerTeam
				name = "Engineer Team";
				faction = "drirregularsI";
				side = 2;
				rarityGroup = 0.5;
				class Unit0
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_Engineer";
					rank = "SERGEANT";
					position[] = {0,5,0};
				class Unit1
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_Repair";
					rank = "CORPORAL";
					position[] = {3,0,0};
				class Unit2
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_Explosives";
					rank = "PRIVATE";
					position[] = {5,0,0};

			class DRI_SentryTeam
				name = "Sentry Team";
				faction = "drirregularsI";
				side = 2;
				rarityGroup = 0.5;
				class Unit0
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_Rifleman";
					rank = "CORPORAL";
					position[] = {0,5,0};
				class Unit1
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_Rifleman";
					rank = "PRIVATE";
					position[] = {3,0,0};
			class DRI_LargeSquad
				name = "Large Squad";
				faction = "drirregularsI";
				side = 2;
				rarityGroup = 0.5;
				class Unit0
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_SquadLeader";
					rank = "SERGEANT";
					position[] = {0,5,0};
				class Unit1
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_Grenadier";
					rank = "CORPORAL";
					position[] = {3,0,0};
				class Unit2
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_MachineGunner";
					rank = "PRIVATE";
					position[] = {5,0,0};
				class Unit3
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_RPG7Soldier";
					rank = "PRIVATE";
					position[] = {7,0,0};
				class Unit4
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_RPG7Grenadier";
					rank = "PRIVATE";
					position[] = {9,0,0};
				class Unit5
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_RPG7Grenadier";
					rank = "CORPORAL";
					position[] = {12,0,0};
				class Unit6
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_AutomaticRifleman";
					rank = "PRIVATE";
					position[] = {14,0,0};
				class Unit7
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_Medic";
					rank = "CORPORAL";
					position[] = {16,0,0};
				class Unit8
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_Marksman";
					rank = "PRIVATE";
					position[] = {18,0,0};
				class Unit9
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_Rifleman";
					rank = "PRIVATE";
					position[] = {20,0,0};
				class Unit10
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_Rifleman";
					rank = "PRIVATE";
					position[] = {22,0,0};
				class Unit11
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "DRI_AutomaticRifleman";
					rank = "PRIVATE";
					position[] = {24,0,0};
		class Motorized
			name = "Motorized";
			class DRI_Technical_1
				name = "Technical (1)";
				faction = "drirregularsI";
				side = 2;
				rarityGroup = 0.5;
				class Unit0
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "dri_Offroad_01_armed_F";
					rank = "SERGEANT";
					position[] = {0,5,0};
			class DRI_Technicals_2
				name = "Technicals (2)";
				faction = "drirregularsI";
				side = 2;
				rarityGroup = 0.5;
				class Unit0
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "dri_Offroad_01_armed_F";
					rank = "SERGEANT";
					position[] = {0,5,0};
				class Unit1
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "dri_Offroad_01s_armed_F";
					rank = "CORPORAL";
					position[] = {3,0,0};
			class DRI_Technicals_3
				name = "Technicals (3)";
				faction = "drirregularsI";
				side = 2;
				rarityGroup = 0.5;
				class Unit0
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "dri_Offroad_01_armed_F";
					rank = "SERGEANT";
					position[] = {0,5,0};
				class Unit1
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "dri_Offroad_01s_armed_F";
					rank = "CORPORAL";
					position[] = {3,0,0};
				class Unit2
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "dri_Offroad_01s_armed_F";
					rank = "PRIVATE";
					position[] = {5,0,0};
			class DRI_Technicals_4
				name = "Technicals (4)";
				faction = "drirregularsI";
				side = 2;
				rarityGroup = 0.5;
				class Unit0
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "dri_Offroad_01_armed_F";
					rank = "SERGEANT";
					position[] = {0,5,0};
				class Unit1
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "dri_Offroad_01s_armed_F";
					rank = "CORPORAL";
					position[] = {3,0,0};
				class Unit2
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "dri_Offroad_01_armed_F";
					rank = "PRIVATE";
					position[] = {5,0,0};
				class Unit3
					side = 2;
					vehicle = "dri_Offroad_01s_armed_F";
					rank = "PRIVATE";
					position[] = {7,0,0};

Edited by Drongo69

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HI, Can you make the Egyptian army? there is already one for arma 2 in case you need ideas

thank you

Edited by watchurass

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I would try posting in the ALiVE thread and asking them.

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Great mod, love it. DR Irregulars and now the ME Irregulars have been my stock opponents for my group games since you brought it out.

I'd really love to ramp up using the Qud faction however, for various scenario reasons. Only thing stopping me is their platecarriers have US flags on, and they're on the whole using the G3 as opposed to some AK variant.

What was your thinking behind that, and is there any way to make a change?

Loving the Qud mix of kit schemes, yet it's clearly a semi official uniform of types.

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I didn't see that with the platecarriers, I'll fix it for the next release. In general, most of the uniform randomization scripts will removed in the next release (except for the irregulars). I just couldn't find a way around the BIS addUniform bug. I have also removed the texture problems with the Western Black Ops.

As for the G3, it is the main service rifle of the Iranian Army. I also wanted the Quds Force to be distinct from the other AK-toting factions.

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Brilliant, looking forward to see it.

As for the G3, it is the main service rifle of the Iranian Army. I also wanted the Quds Force to be distinct from the other AK-toting factions.

Never knew that, learn something every day! ;)

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In general, most of the uniform randomization scripts will removed in the next release (except for the irregulars). I just couldn't find a way around the BIS addUniform bug.

No need to. BIS finally made addUniform global with the rest of the addGear commands. It's currently in the latest dev branch.

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