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New to Arma 3 and FPS on PC, need your advices and opinion.

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After more than 25 years on consoles games and playing FPS on this consoles, maybe I am becoming too old to want to have a true military simulation and I am a bit fed up with basic FPS with no tactics. One of my colleague suggests me to go with Arma 3.

Until now, I was using my PC just for hardcore sims like Xplane and Falcon BMS 4.32.

I am not interested by using vehiules on Arma but just “infantry mode†and true FPS aspects with tactics.

I would like however some advice from your community.

1- I have never played with mouse + keyboard in any FPS, I even don’t know how to do it. I ever used a PAD for FPS. Do you think Mouse and Keyboard are mandatory for Arma 3 and do you think that a 40 years old guy who never played mouse and Keyboard can manage to play this game :) ?

2- If Mouse and keyboard are mandatory which hardware would you recommend ? I was thinking about a Razer Orbweaver for keyboard (easier thant using a classical keyboard I think) and a G602 wireless logitech mouse, what about these articles ? If you have some better hardware it would be very kind of you.

3- I have a track IR 5 for aircraft simulation. Will it be useful in FPS mode (not vehicule mode) ? How will it be combined with the pad or directional keys ?

4- I don’t want to spend a lot of time configuring my hardware, do you think it will be easy to find profiles for Track IR, keyboard and mouses ?

5- I have a core I7 3770K, a GTX 770 4GB, 16 GB RAM 1600 and I am playing on a Dell U2713HM 2560x1440, What can I exepect in quality and frames per seconds ?

6- I am often formatting my Hard disk for cleaning Windows or improving my system, is there a way to save ARma3 or must do all the installation and patches and DLC,… ?

Thanks for all your answer and sorry for my newbie questions.

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hi, im new'ish too and had a similar post to you a few weeks ago, although i cant really answer your question as im still learning it all myself the one thing i can say is to try and get used to mouse and keyboard, its taken me a while to get used to it, cause im left handed its taken me a long while to find the right setup with the keyboard, but once youve set it up you can save it else where on your pc for when you format, its in your documents folder under Amra3/name.arma3profile

btw impressive pc specs, have you though about a SSD ? ive never looked back since getting one and like you i used to format alot but not felt the need to now

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5 - I have a core I7 3770K, a GTX 770 4GB, 16 GB RAM 1600 and I am playing on a Dell U2713HM 2560x1440, What can I exepect in quality and frames per seconds ?

I'm running similar specs on my faster laptop nearly everything maxed, your game should run really fine.

Concerning the use of keyboard and mouse: If you can operate Outlook with a mouse you should be able to adapt to Arma 3 ;-) Create an empty game, take your time to setup all the keys and then run around until you get the hang of it! Maybe you should leave the TrackIR off until you get used to your mouse. Once it works the additional TIR should be an additional help. And when it comes to special hardware ... I'm using just the keys of my laptop and a 10 € mouse and get along just fine.

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Welcom to ArmA3 Falconeye!

1- I have never played with mouse + keyboard in any FPS, I even don’t know how to do it. I ever used a PAD for FPS. Do you think Mouse and Keyboard are mandatory for Arma 3 and do you think that a 40 years old guy who never played mouse and Keyboard can manage to play this game :) ?.

Yes, Mouse and Keyboard is mandatory for ArmA3, especially Infantry. Gamepad/Joystick is good for vehicles and aircrafts.

2- If Mouse and keyboard are mandatory which hardware would you recommend ? I was thinking about a Razer Orbweaver for keyboard (easier thant using a classical keyboard I think) and a G602 wireless logitech mouse, what about these articles ? If you have some better hardware it would be very kind of you.

Mouse sounds good. But don't buy this Razer Orbweaver for ArmA3... you won't be happy with it. Buy a real keyboard. You need all standard keys and nearly no makro keys. I use a Logitech G110 and I am happy with it. My mouse is a logitech G700 (one of the best mice I ever used).

3- I have a track IR 5 for aircraft simulation. Will it be useful in FPS mode (not vehicule mode) ? How will it be combined with the pad or directional keys ?

TrackIR is awesome for infantry combat. Don't forget to lower the "aiming deadzone" in gameoptions if you want to use the TrackIR (that option is actually somekind of simulated trackir).

4- I don’t want to spend a lot of time configuring my hardware, do you think it will be easy to find profiles for Track IR, keyboard and mouses ?

You probably don't need profiles at all. Vanilla TrackIR profiles work great with ArmA, maybe you should change some settings according to your personal likings.

Mouse and keyboard profiles? Can't imagine why you need custom profiles for ArmA3 (you won't need any macros in ArmA3 at all).

5- I have a core I7 3770K, a GTX 770 4GB, 16 GB RAM 1600 and I am playing on a Dell U2713HM 2560x1440, What can I exepect in quality and frames per seconds ?

Depends on the mission you play. Singleplayer performance should be good but don't expect ArmA3 to run at 120 FPS or such numbers... that's not how ArmA3 works. 30/60 FPS are always good.

6- I am often formatting my Hard disk for cleaning Windows or improving my system, is there a way to save ARma3 or must do all the installation and patches and DLC,… ?

You can just copy your ArmA3 folder to a external drive and save 2 values from your registry. That's all you need to backup ArmA3. Also steam has somekind of backup function, but I never used it before.

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Thanks for all your replies !!

Yes, I have an SSD (Samsung 840 Pro 256 GB) and I can't imagine working without it ! I am always using Outlook so I hope I will manage to perform with Arma ;-)

I wanted to use the Razer Orbweaver with Arma since it has a small joystick to move instead of using WASD keys which are difficult for me, I prefered to move with something like a PAD instead of keyboard keys. We are really using all the keyboards keys ? I Though with just 20 keys we could have all key functions.

Is it possible to integrate a Squad when playing online even if we are a newbie ? I am affraid I am so bad I will never find some people to play with :)

Is it possible to find some people from the same country and same level when playing online ? Since I m french, beginning on Arma and with not my mother tongue, it will be complicated.

Thanks again for all you responses ! I think I will order soon Arma 3. There are 2 versions, basic version and delux version (just 5 euros more).

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some ppl i watch have to shift with keys as they've used all the keys up, and i can see why, i wouldnt recommend using the joystick, seriously it wont take long till you get used to using keys, i was a console gamer for over 20 years and im finally getting used to using keys and mouse, just think using the joystick might hamper you later when you start needing quick key response on other keys, sometimes you may need to peek round corners etc so would need to press more than one key for movement,

i feel like you too, dying to go online to experience RL squad based play but feel im not good enough yet, personally i'd get some hrs of play under your belt first, last thing you wanna do is frag a team m8 lol

i ordered the delux as i could see me playing this for a long time, and whats 5 euros lol

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You're definitely going to need to learn mouse and keyboard with this game. WASD it is.

I've used both the Nostromo and Orbweaver for ARMA3 and while they definitely have enough keys for basic play you will have to use your keyboard for 1-0 and F1-F12 for controlling the AI and maybe some other supplementary commands.

I would recommend starting off by playing the Showcases and editor with the default controls until you know what each command does then unbinding everything and customizing it to what feels the most intuitive to you.

I'm using basically all keys on my keyboard except for RTYUJKLOPŨ (Swedish keyboard), Caps Lock, Scroll Lock and Pause Break for ARMA2/3.

You only really have to use a few keys though. ARMA has very effective bindings so standing, crouching and crawling can all be bound to one key quite easily.

When it comes to mouse I'd recommend the SteelSeries Sensei. The most adaptable mouse around.

Great computer. Your screen is very big though so I'm not sure how well the game will run really. I'd love to know though. I’m dreaming of upgrading my monitor to 2560x1600 but I’m afraid everything my 770 finally can handle would start stuttering.

Edited by Sneakson

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Hi Falcon eye,its nice to see new people joining the Arma community where are you from ? maybe i can teach you how this game really works if you have time and disposition to learn i can teach how play the game shooting positions and all the rest.

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I wanted to use the Razer Orbweaver with Arma since it has a small joystick to move instead of using WASD keys which are difficult for me, I prefered to move with something like a PAD instead of keyboard keys. We are really using all the keyboards keys ? I Though with just 20 keys we could have all key functions.

You should definitly start by using Mouse+Keyboard only. If you get that, you can add this Orbweaver and other stuff.

Just for example the Basic Controls:

WSAD -> Movement

Q & E -> Leanding while standing, Rolling while lying

CTRL + Q & E -> Sidestep

W + S -> Toogle fast ad slow movement

C - Toogle tactical stance

Doublepress Shift -> Lower/Raise Weapon

V - Step over obstacle

Num / - Change scope

Num Insert - Look trough scope

R- Reload

F - Change weapon/weaponmode

Alt - Freelock

Numblock in general - Look around


Nearly every button on the keyboard has a function in ArmA3. Some have multiple uses depending on situation or modifier keys. You probably won't need all of them, but you definitly must have all at reach.

And the Orbweaver Stick is not a real stick but a 8-way Stick... so it's the same as using WSAD + 4 extra direction you can't use in ArmA3 or use as "W + A/D" or "S +A/D".

And regarding people to play with: Most Squads are happy to show the game to a newbies.

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I use a Nostromo, plus multi buttoned gaming mouse, more or less for everything gaming (spoiler/sig).

Must say I hardly ever touch the main keyboard/s, the 8 way keymap coupled with the 27 key possibilities i.e. 8x27, allows for more or less everything (includes the 8 options provided by the stick, can be macro’ed for ex-stance positions for A3, you know, lean with your hand in your back pocket whilst reclining, that type of thing ;) ).

Macro in complicated combinations and its really easy to play with. Left hand on Nostromo right hand on mouse. Won’t tell you what I use for the KB.

Takes a while to setup though, be sure to put keymap 1 for general unit movement, after that its anyway you like (that's if you buy one of course or the Orb).

I was going to upgrade to the Orb, may still do so. They lost the wheel on the Orb and I think I would miss that, I use it on the Nos.

I have a gamepad, its of no real use for arma, maybe flying, although I find it all easier nos/mse. Each to their own though.:)

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The wheel on the Nostromo was nice and so are the wheels on the Mad Catz mice but unfortunately they're nearly useless because games have been designed to only use one scroll wheel for two decades.

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"1- I have never played with mouse + keyboard in any FPS, I even don’t know how to do it. I ever used a PAD for FPS. Do you think Mouse and Keyboard are mandatory for Arma 3 and do you think that a 40 years old guy who never played mouse and Keyboard can manage to play this game ?"

I came to infantry play from flightsimming..., still use JS+pedals+mouse.

My js has a trigger + 5 buttons + 4-way hat and the X,Y,Z axis'. [additional buttons on the base.]

Using 'middlemouse button' keyed to 'space' as a modifier [space+button] --that's 20 key commands on the stick, not including 6-ways XYZ.

--all without moving your hand off the stick.

Not to mention some cool macros..., and the pedals.

I fly my Infantryman like he's a Focke-Wulf.

It's cute how the KB guys press W to make their guy move forward....


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Thanks for all your answers,i couldn't think that so much people could take care of newbies starting on PC FPS :)

@Eduzumaki, I am From France, thank you for proposing, I will write you by MP.

@Harzach, I have a Saitek rudder for Xplane and BMS, good idea if we can use it for modifying positions.

I understand that the DPAD of the Orbweaver is just a DPAD :( I am thinkingabout using such a device because my keyboard is too oldand suffering from USB disconnections. I have to change it at all.

I saw the Logitech G13 which has an analog Joystick, can it be used with Arma and what are your feedback for G13 comparing to the Orbweaver. The G13 seems cheaper and with more buttons and one positif point is that it can use the same configuration software like for the mouse. Having razer device + Logitech device will need to launch more softwares running at background and will take more ressources.

Do you have some advices for tutorials ?

Thanks again, you convinced me that I will go for Arma !

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Razer Synapse and Logitech Gaming Software 8.5 take up less than 200Mb RAM and no appreciable CPU time, so I wouldn't worry about that (and if it is an issue, you might have bigger problems). I'll double down on the "don't use a gaming keypad's D-pad/joystick for movement". Set it up as a four-way switch and you'll have four more keys to bind - I use mine for zoom, map, and stance modifier.

That said, you might want to buy yourself a new keyboard first - it'll be less expensive and more useful overall.

Using mouse + keyboard may seem awkward to you at first, as it's a motor skill that must be learned like any other, but certainly no more difficult than learning how to use a gamepad.

The game has several "showcase" missions that will explain some of the basic concepts, but they aren't really the best tutorials. At the very beginning, you might want to just open the editor, place a rifleman, then run around and get a feel for things. You can do the same with vehicles. It will also help to have a few friends on Steam to play with - or to even find a larger community that will take on a new player.

Honestly, if you are already playing BMS, Arma will be relatively simple to learn and master. Good luck, and have fun!

Thanks, I tought is was taking more CPU use.

For changing my mouse and keyboard (I have a 10 years old 350 Logitech), I am thinking about this one (1st at Amazon)


and for mouse :


or http://www.amazon.fr/Logitech-G502-Proteus-Core-Souris-Gaming/dp/B00IGS9LU8/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1397927989&sr=8-3&keywords=proteus


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The Cyborg V7 there in your link, is the same one I use for gaming/typing. I also have in my setup, a Logitech G19 just for monitoring via its screen, handy for temp, gpu, fps monitoring etc.

Any of the Saitek (sorry Mad Catz now) gaming mice are o.k. the Rat 5 I have, few friends use the Rat7 & 9, we all think they're very good, nice solid mouse.

At the moment though my Rat is resting, I'm using the Ballista Mk1, which is not a regular brand (Shogun Bros), but a really fine gaming mouse (good reviews). Of the three I have left Roccat Kone+, Rat 5 & Shogun Ballista, the Ballista feels the best, but only slightly better, but its a very personal thing when it comes to gaming, whatever you like, read up, look at reviews and decide, but decide yourself. Buy from Amazon so you can send back easily and get a refund or exchange if you don't like whichever you bought.

I had a Razer Naga Epic around 12mths ago, but sold it, too many buttons and too small, just couldn't get my fingers to work them correctly. So don't go over the top too much, 6 button gaming mouse is nice or thereabouts, left/right click on the wheel is good too, in A2 I used that for mirrors when driving, then gear and scroll weapons when infantry.

Its all personal taste really.

What I do know though, is that its exciting getting all the peripherals sorted out, then a nightmare trying to get the best setup for them...;)

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6- I am often formatting my Hard disk for cleaning Windows or improving my system, is there a way to save ARma3 or must do all the installation and patches and DLC,… ?

I've installed Windows maybe 10 times in the last 6 months. Not once have I reistalled Arma 3. I still run it from the same folder. Just make partitions or install to another harddrive. Many games don't need Registry-stuff. MMOs especially.

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I've installed Windows maybe 10 times in the last 6 months. Not once have I reistalled Arma 3. I still run it from the same folder. Just make partitions or install to another harddrive. Many games don't need Registry-stuff. MMOs especially.

Oh god why... I'm thinking about doing it every year or so.

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For keyboard, I think I will take the Logitech G105 :


However, I think I will also take a gamepad, definitely moving with WASD is not for me. I read about the G13 and it sems to have a lot of options whereas the Orbweaver seems to be more confortable with its joystick (just under the thumb).

Do you have some feedbacks about the G13 and its joystick (is it better than the Orbweaver one ?) It seems you have to use the side of your thumb to move the joystich which seems less confortable than with the Orbweaver. And the g13 is also analogic which can be better for moving.


Edited by Falconeye

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Welcome to Arma!

Looked up G13, it looks like a very interesting piece of hardware, actually. I have never owned it but perhaps someone else here has. If you think it will really be better for controlling, then go for it. That's quite a lot of keys it has, you could cover most if not all of the infantry movement controls. Having never tried using a gamepad for arma, I'm actually not entirely sure if it supports analog movement input, I know some keybinds are set up for them, but you'll have to try it yourself.

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If the G13 has a analogue joystick, then I would go for that, would be a great help for movement i.e. progressive speed, rather than set speeds when using buttons. I don't think its adjustable for length, which the Nostromo and I think the Orbsweaver is. But perhaps the design doesn't lend itself to that. Looks good though, if you buy one let us know on here how you get on, might have a look myself. I love my peripherals. ;)

The G105 looks nice, although just be warned the backlight on my Logitech keyboard (G19) is pretty weak, and I have heard many comment that their logitechs have weaker backlights. The V7 is really bright, clear and slightly more spaced out keys. But its down to what you feel is right, go for whatever, sounds like a nice combination.

Edit: just a thought how many keymaps, i.e. different key combinations does the G13 have ? you need a few..

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Here is a comparaison between the G13 and the Orbweaver. It seems G13 can have up to 8 keymaps.

I didn't think about modifying speed by keys, it is very annoying. Analog stick would help very much in this case. What is making me afraid about the G13 is its ergonomy, I don't know if it is producing a lot of pressure on carpal tunnelon the wrist and the second thing is tha tI don't know if joystick can be controlled easily since ba just have the side of the thumb on it and not the entire bottom of the thumb like with the Orbweaver, however, the Orb joystick is not analog.

We need some feedback from other people using the G13 and Orbweaver to compare them with Arma.

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Thanks Harzach for your feedback and since you tried all 3 gamepad, I think I will go for the Orbweaver since the nostromo is not yet available. May be I will ask for your profile if you agree.

Last question about the joystick for Orbweaver, is it accurate and precise and is it not too small like some people said. I have some doubts about this joy like the space bar.

Since I only love simulations, I think I will just play with Arma until new simulations will come. ;-)

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Thanks harzach, I will add you as soon as I will purchase arma (next week end)

See you soon ;-)

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I was ready for the orbweaver but I read a lot (especially) on Amazon about glue going out on the palm rest and some quality issues about it. On the other hand, some G13 users are using it since 4 years without issue.

I just hope the G13 will be erginomic and the joystick will be fine for movement. I will let you know.

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Its good to do some research prior to buying, must say I never heard of problems for them, but I don't use one, so not sure. I know the Nostromo has a really good build quality and surprisingly so does the little 'CyberSnipa V2' and thats pretty cheaply priced, not good enough to fully use for this game though, not configurable enough.

When you have your new G13 it would be interesting to hear your views on it, peripherals are not discussed much on here, so any item review, is nice to read, especially from someone using it for this game series.

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