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[MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

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9 hours ago, marchiemike said:

Thanks. Is there a way to decrease the enemies spawned when I make adjustments to the parameters?

No really, try this server side in debug console:

btc_city_all apply {_x setvariable ["data_units, []]};

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Heyy ! 
I have a issue with the garage admin system, i enable the garage through the param.hpp but when im in-game i don't have the option, do you know how i can fixe that ? 
Thanks ! 

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I host in local so im admin, the parameter it's enabled to open the admin garage but the logistic point don't show the options 😕
Thanks ! 

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To test everything and adjust the parameters for the main server. 
So i can't test in private ? 

Thanks ! 

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Okok it's weird i always test with a local server and it's was working. 
Thanks for your help ! 


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Hello, I am getting into first time with the new version of Hearts and Minds (Have used previous versions for years) and now I seem to not be able to slingload wrecks.  Land vehicle wrecks can be loaded onto the cargo trucks but for whatever reason now helicopter (RHS or Vanilla) seems to get a "HOOK" option when attempting to sling load.  All vehicles are placed in the correct "respawn" or "no respawn" layers as is displayed in the available templates.  Any idea?


Solved.  My own mistakes.

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All my enemy units keep spawning as Guerilla even though I've changed the parameter... What might be causing this?
Never had this issue before.

Your detection of RHS USAF & AFRF are broken.
AFRF does not spawn any infantry and USAF spawns default enemies...

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1 hour ago, Ellman said:

All my enemy units keep spawning as Guerilla even though I've changed the parameter... What might be causing this?

You selected a faction with the same side of player side.

Read this to change player side: http://vdauphin.github.io/HeartsAndMinds/faction_player


1 hour ago, Ellman said:

Your detection of RHS USAF & AFRF are broken.



1 hour ago, Ellman said:

AFRF does not spawn any infantry

Repair your mod.


1 hour ago, Ellman said:

USAF spawns default enemies...

> You selected a faction with the same side of player side.



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The Hearts and Minds mission 1.22.2 hotfix is here!

Now H&M requires CBA and ACE3 only.


Changelog :


  • Mission.sqm/Param.hpp not changed.
  • FIX: Autoloadout support of new CUP map 2020 (@Vdauphin).
  • FIX: Towing say Not align when vehicles were align but too close to each other (@Vdauphin).
  • FIX: Missing Simplified Chinese translation (@GoldJohnKing).


Have fun!!!

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We have a lot of empty ennemy vehicle (boat, submarines, VTT ... etc). 
Do you know why and where we can fixe that ?

Thanks ! 

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46 minutes ago, 14_MrPatate said:

Do you know why and where we can fixe that ?




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Ok i found the problem ! 
To add more vehicle to a faction we used this line: 


case "MIN_RF_DESERT" : {
btc_type_boats = btc_type_boats + ["HAFM_Admiral", "HAFM_BUYAN", "HAFM_Replenishment_OPF", "HAFM_052C", "HAFM_052D", "HAFM_Yasen"];
btc_type_motorized = btc_type_motorized + ["rhs_tigr_3camo_vdv", "rhs_uaz_open_vdv","rhs_gaz66_vdv","rhs_kraz255b1_flatbed_vdv","rhs_kraz255b1_fuel_vmf"];

btc_type_motorized_armed= btc_type_motorized_armed +        ["rhs_btr80a_msv","rhs_btr80_msv","rhs_bmp3mera_msv","rhs_bmp2k_msv","rhs_t72be_tv","rhs_t90sab_tv","rhs_t80ue1","rhs_t80um","rhs_sprut_vdv","rhs_tigr_sts_3camo_vdv","RHS_BM21_MSV_01","rhs_2s3_tv","RHS_Ural_Zu23_VDV_01","rhs_zsu234_aa","rhs_mi28n_vvs","RHS_Mi8MTV3_vvs","RHS_Mi8mt_vvs","RHS_Mi24P_vvs","rhs_mig29sm_vmf","rhs_mig29sm_vvs","RHS_Su25SM_vvs"]; };

And i saw a lot of this vehicle empty. When i removed the line no more empty vehicle. 
Are we wrong in the way to add more vehicle ?

Thanks ! 

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4 hours ago, 14_MrPatate said:

Are we wrong in the way to add more vehicle ?

No, this is the correct way. This is how vanilla vehicles are added, ask to the mod author to fix his vehicle



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21 hours ago, Vdauphin said:

No, this is the correct way. This is how vanilla vehicles are added, ask to the mod author to fix his vehicle



Thanks ! 

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Heyy ! 
Im back with the same issue. I decided to take the RHS VMF faction (N°176). But when i let's the server run he start to spawn a lot of empty vehicle (screenshot). 
I tried with a clean setup without any modification too and it's do the same issue. 

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15 hours ago, 14_MrPatate said:

it's do the same issue. 

Yes, this clearly demonstrate that the problem is coming from RHS as it is not appearing with vanilla

I will consider to remove RHS as optional mod then



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Heyy Vdauphin ! 
I don't find the CSAT faction in the param.hpp, do i need to create the faction ? 

Thanks ! 

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On 04/03/2022 at 23:42, Vdauphin said:



The Hearts and Minds mission 1.22.1 MAJOR update is here!

H&M requires CBA and ACE3.


Changelog :

  • Mission.sqm changed.
  • Param.hpp changed.
  • Add: ACE Headless support (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: 3 Headless slots (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Limited respawn tickets and bringing back body bag increase respawn tickets (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Limited respawn tickets per player (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Limited respawn per player side (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Player can use horn, beacons and siren to stop civilian mouvements (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: BI spectator during respawn screen (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Give food increase your reputation, removing food reduce reputation (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Deploy color flag to avoid blue and blue on player and vehicle (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Flower bouquets where civilian are killed by player (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Enemy will surrender when city becomes free (@GoldJohnKing).
  • Add: Selectable reputation notification level change (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Disable some door in city when reputation is lower than high (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Random physique intel in houses (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Side mission with contaminated villager (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Pain when player is contaminated by a chemical agent (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Save ammo and magazines count (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Use game logic to detect all pre-placed vehicles (@Zakant).
  • Add: Auto add vehicles and helo to their own array (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: BI Layer for vehicle in mission.sqm (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Remove wheels of civilian vehicles decrease reputation (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Show the number of days since mission start (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Explosive open door (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Reduce the number of patrol and traffic generate on city activation (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Resupply interaction to logistic point (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Resupply points are now persistant (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Patrol Civi and mil should more patrol on city road (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Fully save inventory in cargo (backpack content, weapon attachment) (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Delay find position outside rock (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Can start mission with 0 hideout, pure insurgency game mode (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: City occupation is now deterministic (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Auto disconnect UAV from dead players (@GoldJohnKing).
  • Add: Diary icon (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: ACE flags support (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Flexible tank (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Trigger are created locally (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Use new command syntax units side (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Use unitIsUAV command (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Use new syntax configOf (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Use isNotEqualTo new command (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Remove useless parenthesis (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: compileScript as alias of compile preprocessFileLineNumbers (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Remove variable to disable ace cookoff (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Migrate hideout fnc to a specific folder (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Rewrite create group fnc (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Clean up old function unwind (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Improve inAreaArray syntaxe when z is passed (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Chinesesimp translations for PR #957, #1066, #1067 and #1076 (@GoldJohnKing).
  • Add: Simplified Chinese translation for #1069 (@GoldJohnKing).
  • Add: Change function name convention (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Rename variable btc_delay_createUnit to btc_delay_time (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Change variable name for city radius (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Side fnc update for better readability (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Chinesesimp translation for #1109 (@GoldJohnKing).
  • Add: Improve syntaxe of hideout capture system (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Number of civilian, enemies and animals group is now deterministic (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Chinesesimp translation for #1112 & #1130 (@GoldJohnKing).
  • Add: Avoid merge conflict between master and master daily (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Clean up killed event bug since BI fix it (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Rewrite waypoint system (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Simplify cargo size and space set (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Chinesesimp translation for #1137 (@GoldJohnKing).
  • Add: Direct call function in events (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Use ViV event for towing system (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Clean up mission.sqm (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Save custom name of ACE cargo (@Vdauphin.).
  • Add: City cache get reinforcement as before (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Remove btc_fnc_find_veh_with_turret (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Market and stall objects to IED objects (@Vdauphin).
  • Ajout : Nettoyage général et débogage amélioré (@Vdauphin).
  • Ajouter : btc_flag_fnc_int (@Vdauphin).
  • Ajout : Bâton de remorquage à la norme ACE (@Vdauphin).
  • Ajouter : btc_flag_fnc_int (@Vdauphin).
  • Ajouter : supprimer la variable bigShower (@Vdauphin).
  • Ajout : Supprimez le correctif de A3 2.06 pour le remorquage (@Vdauphin).
  • Ajouter : migrer le code dans le corps et réapparaître les événements vers un fnc approprié (@Vdauphin).
  • Ajout : Améliorations générales du code (@Vdauphin).
  • CORRECTIF : La plupart du temps, les caches sont en dehors de la ville (@Vdauphin).
  • CORRECTIF : Certaines routes n'ont pas de sens (@Vdauphin).
  • CORRECTIF : Les statiques n'apparaissent pas dans la ville sans bâtiments accessibles (@Vdauphin).
  • CORRECTIF : impossible d'utiliser plusieurs conservateurs (@Vdauphin).
  • CORRECTIF : cohérence de l'IED et du numéro d'étiquette avec le statut de la ville (@Vdauphin).
  • FIX : StrongpointArea pourrait être choisi pour le côté (@Vdauphin).
  • CORRECTIF : erreur de civtraitement de mission secondaire lorsqu'il n'y a pas de route autour d'une ville (@Vdauphin).
  • CORRECTIF : erreur de point de contrôle de mission secondaire en raison du faible nombre de routes (@Vdauphin).
  • CORRECTIF : l'otage de la mission secondaire renverrait une erreur à propos de _pos introuvable si un bâtiment n'avait qu'une seule position à l'intérieur (@Vdauphin).
  • CORRECTIF : la mission secondaire de piratage pourrait utiliser un objNull comme ville (@Vdauphin).
  • CORRECTIF : Le nom de la ville et le marqueur de nom se chevauchaient dans le débogage (@Vdauphin).
  • CORRECTIF : Avertir lorsque le véhicule n'est pas aligné avec le véhicule tracteur (@Vdauphin).
  • CORRECTIF : ID de clé de table de chaînes échangé pour le ticket de réapparition (@GoldJohnKing).
  • CORRECTIF : Les points de cheminement pour le drone et le suicider prennent 15 ms (@Vdauphin).
  • CORRECTIF : Les bombardiers drones ont un petit rayon de patrouille (@Vdauphin).
  • CORRECTIF : bombardier drone à court de carburant (@Vdauphin).
  • CORRECTIF : N'utilisez pas la position de cachette pour afficher la position de mission latérale (@Vdauphin).
  • CORRECTIF : Les waypoints/puces de propriété sans tête pour le véhicule étaient attribués avant la création de toutes les unités (@Vdauphin).
  • CORRECTIF : Hideout peut cuisiner et détruire la boîte de munitions de la cachette (@Vdauphin).
  • CORRECTIF : Désactiver l'interaction avec le crochet sur un véhicule mort (@Vdauphin).
  • CORRECTIF : Augmentez la portée du coefficient d'apparition de l'unité (@Vdauphin).
  • CORRECTIF : Impossible de définir le nombre de cachettes au-dessus de 5 dans les paramètres de mission (@Vdauphin).
  • CORRECTIF : traduction tchèque manquante (@MJVEVERUSKA).
  • CORRECTIF : Retarde le drone suicider et la création de waypoints (@Vdauphin).
  • CORRECTIF : traduction allemande manquante (@Pictureclass).


How to remove this 
Add: Limited respawn tickets and bringing back body bag increase respawn tickets (@Vdauphin).
Add: Limited respawn tickets per player (@Vdauphin).
Add: Limited respawn per player side (@Vdauphin).

and replace it with a simple blank (respawn_west )?

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The Hearts and Minds mission 1.22.3 hotfix is here!

Now H&M requires CBA and ACE3 only.


Changelog :

  • Mission.sqm/Param.hpp not changed.
  • FIX: Remove Spectator view (@Vdauphin).
  • FIX: Body bag marker stay after wreck repaired with dead body inside (@Vdauphin).
  • FIX: Static spawn on hideout's objects when no house is detected around (@Vdauphin).
  • FIX: Player's ticket saved is wrong after processing a prisoner for player who never died (@Vdauphin).
  • Add: Log to follow player's ticket value (@Vdauphin).
  • FIX: Error when no vehicles in entities layer (@Vdauphin).
  • FIX: Stringtable line ending in documentation (@Vdauphin).
  • FIX: Disable debug teleport when on respawn screen (@Vdauphin).


Have fun!!!

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