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Von Quest

[WIP] Von Quest Industries - H.A.L.O. System

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Wow, that looks like a lot of, um... stuff? I'll giver a try. Thanks! Fingers crossed...


Here's a sneak peak of an upcoming update:


//request a re-route of the Flight Plan, select a more specific area
//---WIP-----------by R.Von Quest aka 'Goblin'--------------WIP-----
private ["_mkAlt"];
_mkAlt 	= _this select 0;

hint "Open Map, 'CLICK' to request NEW Flight Plan and JumpPoint";
sleep 1;

MapClicked = false;

onMapSingleClick "clickPos = _pos; MapClicked = true; onMapSingleClick {};";

waitUntil {MapClicked};

if (random 1 <= 0.95) then { // 95% of Command approval

_newClick = "Sign_Sphere25cm_F" createVehicle clickPos;
hideObject _newClick;

hint "Stand-By....";
sleep 1;

_xX = random 555; // random area, apprx 1km2+
_yY = random 555; // x+y=area
_zZ = 5555 + random 6666; // z is your height

VQIHALO2 attachTo [_newClick,[_xX,_yY,_zZ]];
_newClick setVectorUp [0,0,1];
_newClick setDir random 360;

_mkAlt	= round (((getPosASL VQIHALO2) select 2)*3.2808);

deleteMarker "mkrN";
sleep 2;
hint "No worries! We'll get ya close...";
_mkrN = createMarker["mkrN", getPos VQIHALO2];
"mkrN" setMarkerShape "ICON";
"mkrN" setMarkerType "selector_selectedMission";
"mkrN" setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
"mkrN" setMarkerText format [" New Flight - H.A.L.O. - %1ft",_mkAlt];
"mkrN" setMarkerAlpha 1;

sleep 666;
deleteMarker "mkrN";
} else {
	sleep 2;
	hint "Sorry Sir, Intel reports SAMs in the near area. No can do...";
//WIP v1.x?

Also, Changed code so it should work for you on the USS Nimitz Carrier for this upcoming update

hopefully this weekend. Can you even launch a C-130 off a carrier? Curious...

And I added a few sounds from that Navy Seals movie clip you sent me. Works fairly good, but need

to redo that section to work in MP. You can only hear the "depressurize", "on, green", etc in SP...

If you need to customize that code above more, just let me know what you want done specifically.

Over & Out! :supercool:

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I have successfully launched off nimitz in multiplayer. i will post what i added.

you made it so i can click on the map? thats awesome!

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Wow, that looks like a lot of, um... stuff? I'll giver a try. Thanks! Fingers crossed...

No need to cross those fingers as this information comes from vanilla, is very straight-forward, and has been tested by me before sending it your way. (I don't like giving out broken stuff as that is embarrasing.) It is a lot of information, but only because I sent a little more than needed to give you a clear picture. You are redefining the parent parachute vehicle for ArmA3 to attenuate echos because BIS forgot to. You could set it up to only redefine the
		attenuationEffectType = "OpenHeliAttenuation";
	occludeSoundsWhenIn = 1.0;
	obstructSoundsWhenIn = 1.0;

section and call that good. I included the rest so you could see what else is configurable and that there was a sounds section. My hope is that you can make use of the parachute configuration to achieve the sound effects you have been doing with scripts in a way that is more efficient.

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Was able to do a handful of jumps. Fantastic! No echos so far. Thanks, big time!!!!

I've been fussing with that FOREVER. Was my #1 issue. That is freaking great man...

Thanks again! :dance1:

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I have successfully launched off nimitz in multiplayer. i will post what i added.

you made it so i can click on the map? thats awesome!

Still Waiting!!

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in vqi_demondropper i made the following change:

_Jumpmaster setposasl [getpos _jumpmaster select 0,getpos _jumpmaster select 1, 18.2];

_crewmaster setposasl [getpos _crewmaster select 0,getpos _jumpmaster select 1, 19.7];

drop the vqihalo1 onto the nimitz at 18.3 elevation and it works.

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:exclamation: Looks like if I have time, will be releasing V1 tomorrow. Close enough for now...

Any last comments, questions, requests, or issues before I pack it and upload?

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:exclamation: Looks like if I have time, will be releasing V1 tomorrow. Close enough for now...

Any last comments, questions, requests, or issues before I pack it and upload?

really great mod i enjoy using it. If you could get rid of the vibration at exit that would be great the actual exit out of the aircraft is not that violent in a freefall jump feels like jumping off a diving board or roof into a pull the rest like the deployment is depening on your rig set up and if you are using a slider or not to slow the chute deployment or not. maybe in later version if you could add the pitch created when exiting the aircraft in a natural arched position that would be great sence when you leave the aircraft you are actually going about the same speed horizontally file freefalling till the opposing forces slow you down to a streight decent and the time it takes is dependant on a lot of variables, but this action that takes place is visable and so if you look into skydiving or halo videos where the exiting jumpers are not tracking and just jump with the nutural arched position the will face into the direction of movement so say the jump out head first from side door their head will be looking toward the outer wing wile wait is pointed towards the planes direction of movement and out the rear the head will be facing the earth with the waist looking towards the aircraft till the reach almost a streaght downfall at wich time their body will naturally start transitioning to face a downward spot head looking out to the horizen instead of the ground. me personally that process takes about 3 seconds but i was never halo qualified when i was in the service just decided to get heavy into the sport of skydiving after i got out. again love the mod and using it keep up the awesome work.:bounce3:

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Von Quest Industries presents - Goblin's: H.A.L.O. System


Notes: Some things are not yet MP compatible, but should have

no effect on experience. Not all Maps tested. Can't save glasses or

goggles in Backpack yet. A few minor bugs. METAR quit working for

me for some odd reason. Will polish it more in a few weeks. Enjoy!!!

Edited by Goblin
updated v1.0.1

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New release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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haven't been able to test sence the zues update anytime i go to try the mod my game crashes... :*( pretty much as soon as the box and loadmaster spawns behind the plane it crashes everytime.

Edited by Nusbaum

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Why in your mod you use a random position. Why you don't let the mission maker choose the jump position ?

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New mod v1.0 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


@ Goblin;

Soon you will be able to manage the promo pages of your content on our web platform and publish new content yourself.

To do so, please hit 'this is me' button on the page while logged in and you will get connected to your work.

For now you can send new content or releases our way through withsix.wetransfer.com or add your notification at getsatisfaction.withsix.com.

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FAIL Inspection. Every Time!! What is the secret for passing the Jump Master inspection in the practice mission???

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Update: v1.0.1

Sorry! the JumpMaster gets a little cranky before his first cup of jo.

I pulled him aside and had a talk with him. Should be ok now. :o


Thank You!


Try it now. Had to fix a quick config problem. No promises. Haven't touched Zeus yet.


Did you read the other posts? Did you read the included ReadMe Files?

Did you look in the included wip Folder? This is still a WIP Project.

There is a SQF File included if you want to use it, but it will break

other sections of this Mod. Use Radio Trigger 0-0-9 to call HQ.



@lavbo321 & @GiJoe775

Fixed. Sorry. Should work now. I always forget to disable my other

WIP mods. Some projects are cross-bread so they will work together

OR can be used independent as stand-alone. All classified of course!

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Thanks for the headsup about the fix mate :cool:

New release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Any chance of you doing something for Static line jumps? I really enjoy what you have so far, but HALOs are the minority of jumps performed by the Military...I would LOVE to have the same sort of freedom with a static line kind of jump

This is how we have done it in the past in ArmA...but I have always wanted to shuffle to the door in ArmA3...

Edited by Abshire

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Update: v1.0.1

Sorry! the JumpMaster gets a little cranky before his first cup of jo.

I pulled him aside and had a talk with him. Should be ok now. :o


Thank You!


Try it now. Had to fix a quick config problem. No promises. Haven't touched Zeus yet.


Did you read the other posts? Did you read the included ReadMe Files?

Did you look in the included wip Folder? This is still a WIP Project.

There is a SQF File included if you want to use it, but it will break

other sections of this Mod. Use Radio Trigger 0-0-9 to call HQ.



@lavbo321 & @GiJoe775

Fixed. Sorry. Should work now. I always forget to disable my other

WIP mods. Some projects are cross-bread so they will work together

OR can be used independent as stand-alone. All classified of course!

Any chance of you doing something for Static line jumps? I really enjoy what you have so far, but HALOs are the minority of jumps performed by the Military...I would LOVE to have the same sort of freedom with a static line kind of jump

This is how we have done it in the past in ArmA...but I have always wanted to shuffle to the door in ArmA3...

thank you brother downloading now and trying, there is a crash 10 static line mod being created right now that this could play into.

Update: just tryed it and is still crashing as soon as the ammo box loads in behind the plane, not sure how to grab a crash log so then maybe it could shed some light into what might be causing it. and a small vid of three of us trying the old version out about 2 weeks back.

found this in my rpt file: "File vqi_halo\config.cpp, line 266: '/cfgFunctions/VQI/functions/HALO.file': Missing ';' prior '}'

Unknown entity: 'uuml'

Unknown entity: 'uuml'

Unknown entity: 'auml'

Unknown entity: 'uuml'

Unknown entity: 'uuml'

Unknown entity: 'auml'

Unknown entity: 'ouml'

Cannot evaluate 'ReadAndCreate' - no file"


Edited by Nusbaum

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Just a quick FYI. The host (server) controls the Jumplighting & Audio.

For the best experience, the host pc should be with the group that is

jumping. Not required of course. For MP and a in-sync experience, the

Lighting is tied to, and waiting for, the host player to arrive in the

airborne C-130. Then the Audio is tied to that Lighting...

Blue, Red1, Red2, Green. (during the day, no lighting can be seen, just audio)

So if you play with a MP group, and the host player stays on the ground

for whatever reason, there will be no jump lighting/audio in the plane. This

is the best I could do right now for MP. I had to figure out how to control

the entire timing system that was run just once from a set start-point in

a finicky MP environment where each element is spawned-in from a Addon.

For larger groups in MP, the host/squad-leader, may want to be last into

the plane for maximum 'get ready' time since it won't start until you arrive.

If playing night, the first players will be in the dark as they wait though.

I'll do a quick update soon to smooth this out. Did this make any sense?

Anyway... Main Point: the Host (server) pc controls the Jump Lights/Audio.

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Just a quick FYI. The host (server) controls the Jumplighting & Audio.

For the best experience, the host pc should be with the group that is

jumping. Not required of course. For MP and a in-sync experience, the

Lighting is tied to, and waiting for, the host player to arrive in the

airborne C-130. Then the Audio is tied to that Lighting...

Blue, Red1, Red2, Green. (during the day, no lighting can be seen, just audio)

So if you play with a MP group, and the host player stays on the ground

for whatever reason, there will be no jump lighting/audio in the plane. This

is the best I could do right now for MP. I had to figure out how to control

the entire timing system that was run just once from a set start-point in

a finicky MP environment where each element is spawned-in from a Addon.

For larger groups in MP, the host/squad-leader, may want to be last into

the plane for maximum 'get ready' time since it won't start until you arrive.

If playing night, the first players will be in the dark as they wait though.

I'll do a quick update soon to smooth this out. Did this make any sense?

Anyway... Main Point: the Host (server) pc controls the Jump Lights/Audio.

I actually did the same thing with ur code before the update.

im kinda bummed now. I spent the last several weeks working on your code and now you released a great update. I will have to start over.

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I had several simple Triggers for a long time now myself, but getting it to work right in MP was a nightmare. I tried numerous systems to get it working. Each with its own unique set of problems. Right now, its not perfect, but its very damn cool.

I got very close to what I wanted for a v1 release. What did you think of the Navy Seals sounds? Freaking radical, right? I love it!

There's more work to do now on the creative end. The fun end. I'll be adding more fogged effects and other little efx off and on throughout the summer. Some sounds need to be tweaked yet. I need to move on to my other projects, but will come back every few weeks with an upgrade.

Thanks for the C-130 vid. Wow. What a machine. Quite the little work horse! "Look Ma, No Wire" LOL

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I love the sounds. I recorded myself and added cool radio effects for my version of your script. If you want the sounds, I will send them to you; they may serve better because there's no music in the background.

I am formally requesting fog effects without the mask UI. do you have them saved? if so, pm me.

Also, in my version, I made it so you add a marker anywhere on the map named "drop" and that's where you'll jump from. I'm just trying to figure out how to put the random jump height back in.

One more thing, with this updated version I should be able to drop a c130 (vqihalo1) on the nimitz, and the crewmaster & jumpmaster should spawn correctly, yes?

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