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All in Arma Standalone (AiA SA) - A1/A2/OA content in A3

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;2765577']@ papy.rabbit.08

Don't use the dev branch. BI changed this on request recently.

The next AiA update will align with that.

Thanks, it made it!

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This product is unfinished WTF!! ..... are not infantry units of the Arma 2 OA are units of Arma 3.The vehicles and weapons have many errors.

Just uninstall Arma 2 , i thought this would supplant it.

The truth is that the attempt is appreciated but this mod is very buggy and break for the moment...

OK, now i see that note:

"By default all A1/A2/OA infantry units use A3 models. The AiA SA High Quality pack offers replacements based on community made mods.

In the future Community Upgrade Project should provide quality ports of the A1/A2/OA infantry directly.

Tanks and cars are missing most engine sounds and tanks easily flip over. Only BI can sort these out."

too late xD, it's my fault.!

My only hope is Community Upgrade Project.....ETA?

Edited by LDU30

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Private multi mirror system (requires JavaScript) provided by Rockhount added. :bounce3:

Give em hell boys. :p

@ LDU30

Reading skills help..

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OK now I'm preparing All in Arma High Quality pack, but is a fuc***g puzzle some patience I guess....

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OK now I'm preparing All in Arma High Quality pack, but is a fuc***g puzzle some patience I guess....

Nothing new, in my opinion Arma3 should have never leave Alpha/Beta stadium, everyone who plays this game can tell a different negative story. It was my first Arma Game, for sure it was the last.

@ Topic:

Wasnt somewhere here a manual how to remove this wierd black bars on custom maps ,called the watermarks i think?


Need to deactivate some things from the AiA Folder, after a time the game stucks when opening the inventory (game runs, but it takes too long for me until the whole Inventory is loaded)

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@ LSD_Timewarp82

Check the FAQ in the first post about waterline bug.

Can you please upload your arma3.rpt log files from sessions when you have encountered this problem.

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;2766791']@ LSD_Timewarp82

Check the FAQ in the first post about waterline bug.

Can you please upload your arma3.rpt log files from sessions when you have encountered this problem.

Sure, i actually activated logging for the next start caused i played without logging last time. But this log will be a mess for sure, i play this game with over 50 activated mods, are you sure you want to see such massive rpt.log, i mean it will spit errors instantly ^^

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@ LSD_Timewarp82

Don't worry - I have means to filter it easily and quickly. :)

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;2765619']@ Patrix87

Fair points in general. However did you check the first post yet?

* Lists all terrains in the pack

* Has a FAQ at the end

* All mentioned mods are fully integrated. Will add that to the FAQ and list the integrated mods there.

* A3MP is obsolete with AiA TP. AiA TP is obsolete with AiA SA. Also explained in the FAQ.

* AiA TP / AiA SA is compatible to any other mod. Just some are obsolete.

* A3MP-AP can be used with AiA TP - however it basically only adds the terrain selection images anyway (and set an outdated lighting to the mentioned terrains - which is not recommended).

Does that answer all your questions?

Edit: Just realized this is the AiA SA thread.. my bad. Will add the terrain list also in here.

Thanks' date=' yes I did read it but I did not see the FAQ.

Anyway Thanks for the clarification.

But now I'm having an Issue. I don't know if it's related to your pack or not.

But the long range texture in some maps like Thrisk are glitched.


As you can see it show both in the editor and on the map but when you get closer it change for the right texture.

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I have AiA high quality terrain pack. If I download AiA lite, does the combination of both represent the the Complete AiA install?

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@ mazza

Yes. However make sure you load AiA TP first:



You have to remove these AiA_TP_*.pbos from @AllInArmaTerrainPack\addons.

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Fantastic to see you release this kju!

I don't know if this is an issue with All in ArmA specifically (as it may apply to A3MP as well), or if its already been raised as an issue, but the mountainous backdrops to Takistan and similar maps look like they're stretched vertically. Walking across Takistan while checking my horizon feels like I'm walking to Mordor!

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@ LSD_Timewarp82

The crash is instant you get too close to the border or watch in the direction.

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Ah okay, i thought it would be the kind of a random crash. Nevermind^^

There is a map called TakistanMountains, but i cant find the .pbo for it in the pack. I would like to load the map on a customized Altis mission so what i have to type to make sure the custom mission will load the Mountain version of takistan?

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@ LSD_Timewarp82

Here is a general trick I use:

You go the editor, make a dummy mission on the given terrain, save the mission as SP.

Go to the arma3\missions folder and learn the extension of the given terrain.

So next you can rename a given mission to that extension and edit it in the editor.

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Wrong thread.

Edited by Denco

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Is there a way to launch CWR2 with AiA without crashes?

I, personally, found a way - the reason of crashing are shadows of some objects - 'scola' on Nogova, for example. So swithing shadows off removes the crushes and let me play, but arma without shadows look terrible - maybe there is another way?

BTW, desert island and winter Kolgujew doesn't crash even with shadows on.

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;2767101']@ EddiePrice

You are welcome :)

Had to disable infinite terrain unfortunately as BI broke it causing crashes:



Thanks for that, just wondered why. Is it possible to just turn them off or would this involve modifying the islands themselves?

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I think that is why Carriagdubh and Favslev didnt work, because infinite terrains.

Anyway I remember trying to open up favslev and changed a value about it, but it didnt work :(

I do believe its a map specific thing in the config, I dont think they can "fix" maps that currently have it enabled, with the exception of the arma 2 ones which obviously because its in their mod, they can modify it.

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I'm going back to ArmA 2 without looking back, the last big game of BIS, is much better and more fun game in my humble opinion., i leave this(Arma3) for impossible.! integration of mods is bad, there are plenty and variety of weapons packs without standard,many bugs....etc,etc...

Edited by LDU30

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@ Strelok93

Contact mikero and see if he can help you.

@ EddiePrice

Check post #416.

@ MikeTim

Please provide me links to Carriagdubh and Favslev.

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Here some of my expierence i had with the AiA Maps (on each tested map i load the WholeLottaAltis Mission to check if it works)

  • Celle - mapsize was to small for mission, didnt played it
  • Chernarus - works good
  • clafghan - played 1 hour, no problems
  • everon2014 - played a couple of hours with no problems until the "massive delay" bug started
  • FATA - waterlinebug, didnt played it
  • Podagorsk v 1.1 - works good (4 hours played)
  • isladuala "lite" - worked for hours, i aborted to test other maps^^
  • lingor - doesnt work, best map in Armaverse. Too bad. Freezes while setup the mission
  • napf - worked good for hours, great map but have sometimes waterlinebug
  • panthera2 - played 4 hours, aborted for next mission
  • sara (saharani from the mappack) - same as lingor, freeze
  • saharani full port standalone - 3 hours played, no problem
  • taviana - freeze
  • Zargabad - optical boring map, aborted

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