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U.S.A.V (Unmaned Sniper Arial Vehicle)

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This is my first Addon that will be fully finished, and have more on the way.

This is a U.A.V. with a .5 cal machine gun and a 5. cal sniper "weapon" on the base on this U.A.V., I have seen some games with U.A.V's with laser designators, then hellfire missiles, then laser guided bombs, and then one day saw something similar to a U.A.V with a machine gun turret.... so I thought why not have this in Arma 3? This is the future, so why not have Arial marksmen?

This is still a W.I.P. but will be releasing soon, for some input from the community.... just looking for someone to make textures... cause as you will see... I clearly cannot make them myself...

here are some photos










if anyone wants to help put nice textures on this, message me, because i dearly want textures to be on this

Hope you like it

Edited by alexboy
CHANGED THE ROUNDS TO .50 caliber sniper

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I havent fully researched into this, but I have seen some military shows or concepts regarding drones with rifiles



These are what I looked at

Edited by alexboy

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You do know that first video is totally fake ?

I'm not convinced the second one isn't fake too !

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You do know that first video is totally fake ?

I'm not convinced the second one isn't fake too !

forget this post i messed up

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Like I said they are concepts... the second one was what made me really wanna do it... the first one and others were just to see how they looked and the concepts of them

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Jeez, come on guys, it's 2035, remember? Surely we will have this by then... ;)

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@KDK11 I have no idea how to texture at all... All i did was make a picture=>TGA=>paa just a nooby texture if you dont mind me saying

But honestly if anyone wants to make a texture or do the texturing for it... I would let them choose the camo and such so its to their pleasing so once they have it done I could later have multiple versions of it with different textures

Edited by alexboy

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well for now its a 30mm its gonna change... just used it because I already had the ammo, magazine and weapon config already finished... its just a WIP to make sure everything is working properly

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Well I applaud the effort to create addons, and have to say its a neat idea! Will be eager to see this completed!

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if someone could help with textures I could release it right now, because its all done... just game base errors that havent been fixed by the developers... aka the laser but ya basically it works perfectly

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if someone could help with textures I could release it right now, because its all done... just game base errors that havent been fixed by the developers... aka the laser but ya basically it works perfectly

pm me i can give it a shot

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sweet thanks @angelwinggamingjacob

and yea I thought since this is the future... why not have a futuristic sniper... because we already have unmanned long rang bombers that keep our military safe... why not have a sniper that can get close enough... not spotted and beable to take out high-value targets ?

its the future anything could happen

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Sorry for double post.. but @angelwinggamingjacob is now busy and cant do textures. Am again looking for someone to help texture my U.S.A.V so I can release it in a beta format for community input

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I don't know if it's just me, but the frame of the drone seems too light. The body of it, "realistically" would need to be more solid, and have a way to compensate for the recoil of shooting while in the air. What probably would work is to either make it a larger Unmanned vehicle, and give it a larger range capacity, or to maybe allow only lighter caliber bullets, and making the base more unified.

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@Voss.m as I said the 30mm round is just for testing... I already had the config for the 30mm ready while i was testing my U.A.V... it was so i could test the turret and see if it turns, and stays on possition and is able to fire multiple rounds without any erros... the real round will be like a 50 caliber round or a .467 round I havent chosen yet

ones a sniper that can do 1 hit damage...

the other will be a machine gun round that can give support

also... the U.A.V can give support by it self... I havent fully tested this.. but when i put it inside the campaign, when it sees enemies it does fire down at them with the sniper round, which is pretty cool... might some how give the U.A.V operator a way of changing the rounds it uses from the ground... so it can give orders to the U.A.V... or just might let it be how it is and just have to be pilot and force it to change rounds and the U.a.V will fire on its own

its pretty cool... can't wait to release

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You should change the hud a bit so we have some way to gage the shot. Theres already a range finder but some mildots (or something similar) would be useful. Even better, being able to lock on target with the sniper weapon :D (ok ok a bit op but then again the technology already exists these days and Arma 3 is in the future xD)

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well that could be in future versions... but I dont know how to script it to be able to follow targets yet if someone has this script already contact me and i can implement it... but other wise.. this is the Beta version and probably will be released in a mission in steam by my friend whos making the mission for me for all of you guys to test out and give me some input

keep a look out for this forum and next should be a link to the mission for you to play on

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this will be perfect for taking out long range vehicles and squads

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please close thread ===> released on completed addons

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