phronk 905 Posted March 13, 2014 PenguinInATuxedo: Damn. Sorry that it wasted so much time. Although I've never come across this issue before in any of my test or play sessions, I have seen excessive explosions at the start of a mission in LoyManara. What this means, is that a cache probably spawned inside of an object and the collision caused it to explode. However, when I found INTEL near that destroyed cache, it gave me cache markers in another town for a different cache. My guess though, is that the cache you guys were looking for was either already destroyed due to collision, spawned under a house, or something else. I'll definitely look into it, as well as the "?" cache markers after the cache is destroyed. Blasturbator: Thanks man! I'll take a look at it later tonight or tomorrow. DEVELOPMENT PROGRESS Overall development progress has virtually come to a halt, until the big ALiVE update is released. In the meantime, I'll be working on fixing (or at least making improvements towards fixing) some issues that you guys have reported and will also add additional player slots, as suggested by Shiznyte. If I can get Blasturbator's Mobile HQ script to work in the mission, I'll be including it to a separate version of Takistan Insurgency, which will also include a Virtual Ammobox script and the removal of Igi_PL's IgiLoad Logistical Support Script, Riouken's Gear Menu Script and all crates back at the NATO base. I'll probably also include the MHQ script in the non-VAS version of the mission. Thanks so far for all your feedback and help! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PenguinInATuxedo 18 Posted March 13, 2014 You don't need to apologize for wasting time since it is in dev and we were testing so the time really was not wasted, We did pickup intel after we arrived in town and started searching we got the "200m?" mark after we had cleared most the town including that area near the "200m?". I updated my last post with a picture of hidden cache while in editor debug. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 905 Posted March 13, 2014 Ahhh... yeah, the issue why the INTEL is spawning on objects like walls and inside of rocks is because Alduric did not properly name/classify all objects in A3MP. In other words, everything is considered a "house." Therefore, the scripts for spawning INTEL and Caches are including every object on the map, instead of just houses, such as large rocks and walls. Unfortunately, this looks like something I cannot fix on my own and the A3MP addon would actually need to be fixed by Alduric himself. Thanks for helping pinpoint the issue! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
na_palm 19 Posted March 13, 2014 You could additionally check for the first buildingPos before you spawn something. If it returns [0,0] or [0,0,0] as position it wont be an enterable building. greetings Na_Palm Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 905 Posted March 13, 2014 I think it already checks for that, actually. Maybe I'm wrong. /* Get count of building positions */ getCountBuildingPositions = { private ["_building", "_count"]; _building = _this select 0; _count = 0; while {str(_building buildingPos _count) != "[0,0,0]"} do { _count = _count + 1; }; _count }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PenguinInATuxedo 18 Posted March 13, 2014 (edited) some screen shot of hidden or stuck Cache's. All taken in editor to make use of debug to find them. here is one that must have been under house since it was not inm on or around the house. use gps to find location (244 kB) here is one i found up a guard stand, that pesky all objects house thing again. The same one again but this time the tower fell while trying to destroy while the cache remains (177 kB) I cannot kill it now for some reason might need to make rocket launchers able to destroy. This one I have tried to blow up many times it will not it fell from its original position further up the hill since i touched off so many explosives next to it. (197 kB) Had the cache spawn in the same corner of map again this was first cache of the mission. (184 kB) This time it tried to spawn inside the power line i believe it is below ground. (118 kB) Will post more I find hopefully they help. Probably should REALLY pester Alduric about those bad configs defining most things as houses. Edited March 13, 2014 by PenguinInATuxedo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 905 Posted March 13, 2014 Thanks for another report, PenguinInATuxedo! 1. In the upper left of the image, by the corner of the building, is a blast marking on the ground. Looks like the cache collided with something, like a wall of the building, and exploded. Maybe I'll find a crate less wide, to hopefully prevent this from happening. 3. According to the script, only a satchel charge can destroy the caches. I should probably add information to the briefing about that. :P 4. Make sure you're using satchel charges to blow it up. I think you can use explosive charges too, but am not positive. Will try to expand the list of explosives that can destroy the caches. 5. I've also searched for this mysterious hidden cache for over 20 minutes via helicopter and editor camera mode. Never found it myself, even with thermals. Either the crate is falling beneath the terrain or the script is just blatantly glitching out in the corner of the map for some reason. I'm trying to figure out why it happens, so I can fix it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PenguinInATuxedo 18 Posted March 13, 2014 One last screenshot this time the cache tried to spawn in the structure that is that dark square, it appears as a dark square on map but in game it is just open area so I think crate might be underground. I think I'm done with posting screens of broken cache spawns you seem to know that is going on, Next I think i might make a video of all the civs that try to come through the base should be fun. :) Oh and I will probably put a link to latest build for my edited version of mission. hopefully the changes I made are ok. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 905 Posted March 13, 2014 Thanks again for another interesting (and potentially helpful) report! The mission currently uses tpw's 'tpw_civ.sqf' script (spawns and despawns civilian pedestrians who wander around on foot) and MAD_T's 'MAD Ambient Life Traffic' script (spawns and despawns civilians driving vehicles on roads). These scripts make civilians spawn pretty much anywhere. However, ALiVE's next big update will include civilians which will be spawned in more logical areas and will be cached. I think they also drive and park their vehicles somewhat more intelligibly than the scripted civilians I'm using now, but am not totally positive about that part. With that said, ALiVE's civilians will allow me to get rid of the ambient pedestrians and drivers scripts and replace them with ALiVE's civilian modules. This will get rid of civilians spawning in the airbase. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blasturbator 10 Posted March 13, 2014 A much needed update for the MHQ script: That thing was a death trap xD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 905 Posted March 13, 2014 Unfortunately, the script breaks the A3 Wounding System's respawning and the addAction to Deploy, Stow, or use VAS from the vehicle does not come up until the vehicle is destroyed and respawned first. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blasturbator 10 Posted March 13, 2014 (edited) Unfortunately, the script breaks the A3 Wounding System's respawning and the addAction to Deploy, Stow, or use VAS from the vehicle does not come up until the vehicle is destroyed and respawned first. For that addaction problem i believe you are missing this setVariable ["CamoDeployed", false, true]; from the vehicle init. (needs to be before the deploy/stow addaction lines) Also in the most recent version VAS is added to the spawned crates rather than the truck, it is commented out by default though in case you wish to load the crates some other way. As for the wounding system, i don't know how that works but unless it uses markers of the same names (this can be changed easily) i would assume its part of the text in the description.ext. Which is fine because that can just be deleted, it isn't necessary for the MHQ to work. Edited March 13, 2014 by Blasturbator Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PenguinInATuxedo 18 Posted March 14, 2014 Here is the latest build of my version of your mission Phronk, It's pretty much staying like this until you update your version after ALiVE civ module comes out. Hope you don't mind the changes I made. Download Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 905 Posted March 15, 2014 @Blasturbator: I basically copied and pasted everything from your mission into mine. Still doesn't perform correctly. I think the wounding system is what's breaking it, because of some lines required for it to work are in the description.ext and init-custom.sqf and the wounding system handles respawning, I believe. I'll keep trying to get it to work properly though. @PenguinInATuxedo: I don't mind any changes you make, as long as credit is given where it's due, of course. I'll check it out now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BastiDE 10 Posted March 15, 2014 a short question: Whats the difference between the modded and the normal .pbo? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blasturbator 10 Posted March 15, 2014 @Blasturbator: I basically copied and pasted everything from your mission into mine. Still doesn't perform correctly. I think the wounding system is what's breaking it, because of some lines required for it to work are in the description.ext and init-custom.sqf and the wounding system handles respawning, I believe. I'll keep trying to get it to work properly though. As i said the description.ext part isn't necessary for the MHQ, you can delete those lines. On another note there is a bug with the VAS crates atm anyway, i'm working on fixing the script so i'll post a hopefully working version soon. (It's taking a long time because i'm having to use two computers to test it because the bug isn't apparent to me as the host) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 905 Posted March 15, 2014 @BastiDE: The difference between the unmodded version and the modded version is: 1. UNMODDED: Does not use Ohally's 'CAF ArmA 3 Middle East Aggressors' addon; instead, insurgents are dressed like FIA and civilians are default civilians from Altis. 2. MODDED: Insurgents and civilians are Middle East units added from the Aggressors addon, linked above. I don't think it will require players to have the addon to connect to the mission, but enemies will appear invisible to those who do not have the addon installed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BastiDE 10 Posted March 15, 2014 @BastiDE: The difference between the unmodded version and the modded version is:1. UNMODDED: Does not use Ohally's 'CAF ArmA 3 Middle East Aggressors' addon; instead, insurgents are dressed like FIA and civilians are default civilians from Altis. 2. MODDED: Insurgents and civilians are Middle East units added from the Aggressors addon, linked above. I don't think it will require players to have the addon to connect to the mission, but enemies will appear invisible to those who do not have the addon installed. Ah oka, thanks for the information. And a short second question: can i set the chance of a IED higher? So that more IED's spawn? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
240sxdaniel89 10 Posted March 15, 2014 Is there a work around for the Intel? I like the idea of the system but it a bit of pain in the butt with the bugs on the map "all objects are classed as houses". Until that is fixed would making the Intel and cache spawn around houses be better then inside? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 905 Posted March 15, 2014 @BastiDE: You can modify some parameters in the IED script used in the mission to adjust how many IEDs spawn or the chances they spawn. If you really wanted to, you could even remove them or add more areas where they can spawn, if you edited the mission. However, there are no in-game lobby parameters to setup IED chances. Currently, each area that I've designated as an IED area has a chance to spawn somewhere between 1 or 2 real IEDs, and I think up to 2 fake (decoy) IEDs. 240sxdaniel89: There probably is, but I'm not a scripter and did not create the script, so I have no idea how. Right now, the script finds a house, checks if it is enterable (but probably doesn't work on A3MP maps yet?), and spawns the INTEL somewhere randomly on the floor in that house. The best way this could be fixed would be if Alduric fixes his A3MP addon by giving all objects their correct labels and whatnot. I informed him about this, and he said he'll try to fix it, but also stated that the 1.4 version won't be out for a while. :icon_neutral: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
na_palm 19 Posted March 15, 2014 Hey Phronk, can you show me where the script gets the list of "houses" to create the caches? Most probably uses: nearestObjects or nearestObject Should be an rel. easy edit, to change the search parameters for it. greetings Na_Palm Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oktyabr 12 Posted March 15, 2014 It's a matter of finding what houses are enterable or not. TPW used an expanded list of house definitions in his ambient civ script that is compatible with Altis and Stratis and many A2 maps as well. See spoiler: tpw_civ_habitable = [ // Habitable houses with white walls, red roofs, intact doors and windows "Land_i_House_Small_01_V1_F", "Land_i_House_Small_01_V2_F", "Land_i_House_Small_01_V3_F", "Land_i_House_Small_02_V1_F", "Land_i_House_Small_02_V2_F", "Land_i_House_Small_02_V3_F", "Land_i_House_Small_03_V1_F", "Land_i_House_Big_01_V1_F", "Land_i_House_Big_01_V2_F", "Land_i_House_Big_01_V3_F", "Land_i_House_Big_02_V1_F", "Land_i_House_Big_02_V2_F", "Land_i_House_Big_02_V3_F", "Land_House_L_1_EP1", // Spliffz edit for A3MP "Land_House_L_3_EP1", "Land_House_L_4_EP1", "Land_House_L_6_EP1", "Land_House_L_7_EP1", "Land_House_L_8_EP1", "Land_House_L_9_EP1", "Land_House_K_1_EP1", "Land_House_K_3_EP1", "Land_House_K_5_EP1", "Land_House_K_6_EP1", "Land_House_K_7_EP1", "Land_House_K_8_EP1", "Land_Terrace_K_1_EP1", "Land_House_C_1_EP1", "Land_House_C_1_v2_EP1", "Land_House_C_2_EP1", "Land_House_C_3_EP1", "Land_House_C_4_EP1", "Land_House_C_5_EP1", "Land_House_C_5_V1_EP1", "Land_House_C_5_V2_EP1", "Land_House_C_5_V3_EP1", "Land_House_C_9_EP1", "Land_House_C_10_EP1", "Land_House_C_11_EP1", "Land_House_C_12_EP1", "Land_A_Villa_EP1", "Land_A_Mosque_small_1_EP1", "Land_A_Mosque_small_2_EP1", "Land_Ind_FuelStation_Feed_EP1", "Land_Ind_FuelStation_Build_EP1", "Land_Ind_FuelStation_Shed_EP1", "Land_Ind_Garage01_EP1" ]; This list may not be 100% comprehensive but it's a pretty good start. If you think a building is missing you could create a short script like "checkhouse.sqf" and call it from an addaction: house = nearestBuilding player; m=0; while { format ["%1", (house) buildingPos m] != "[0,0,0]" } do {m=m+1}; m=m-1; player globalchat format["%1 \npositions: %2", typeof house, m+1]; sleep 2; copytoclipboard str([typeof house, m+1]); Find a house you don't think is on that list, enter it (making sure it's enterable!), run the addaction and this script will hint you the house class name as well as paste it to the clipboard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 905 Posted March 15, 2014 (edited) Looks like the issue of caches and INTEL spawning inside of random objects is now fixed, thanks to Na_Palm for 'fixing' the script and to Oktyabr for providing classnames to enterable buildings (I added some others to the list and removed the terrace building from the list) I did a quick test and it looks like INTEL is spawning inside of enterable houses now and is also spawning on other floors of buildings. Some INTEL seems to spawn on the outside of the building wall or even fall through the center of a couple specific houses, but it's still a major improvement. I'm still testing the mission to make sure everything works correctly and there aren't any buildings that are causing caches to explode or become unobtainable, but I'd like to have the update ready soon. Unfortunately, it seems impossible to get Blasturbator's MHQ script to work in the mission. The only way for it to work would be if players destroyed the MHQ at the start of the mission first, or if I destroyed it myself at the start through a command. For now, it will not be included. Due to high demand, I've removed the Clothing Menu script, all weapons/ammunition/supply crates, all signs and custom images for them, and the IgiLoad Logistical Support script, but have added a Virtual Ammobox in the NATO base. I will still be releasing a non-VAS version that still uses vanilla content, crates, clothing menu, and logistical support. Edited March 15, 2014 by Phronk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blasturbator 10 Posted March 15, 2014 This example mission contains the now fully functional version of the MHQ script with no bugs that i have been able to find so far. There should be no conflicts with any other scripts anymore. The VAS crates do work but the VAS option will only show on a dedi server. Fully JIP compatible. Remember to change the vehicle init to the new one (it's on the mhq in the example mission) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phronk 905 Posted March 15, 2014 Pre-Alpha 1.0c Size: 805 KB / 691 KB (VAS version) Download Link ADDITIONS Added: 5 additional player slots (Fireteam CHARLIE) Added: Tonic's 'Virtual Ammobox Script' to the mission (VAS version) Added: UAV drones in the airbase with "this setCaptive true;" in their initialization field (Experimental; VAS version) Added: Unarmed autonomous ground drones which can be utilized for recon or IED triggering (Experimental; VAS version) Updated: brians200's 'Randomly Generated Roadside IEDs Script' to 2.1 in the mission Updated: Igi_PL's 'IgiLoad Logistical Support Script' to 0.9.8 in the mission ADJUSTMENTS Fixed: Fixed: INTEL and Caches now spawn in specific enterable structures and can spawn on upper levels of buildings, balconies, and some rooftops (special thanks to Na_Palm and Oktyabr) Fixed: Advanced wounding script now works for all 17 player slots, not just the first 6. Fixed: 1st SFOD-D Tactical Realism Unit, PogoMan, and Fireball are now properly credited in the Credits under "Insurgency Info" in the map REMOVED Removed: Riouken's 'Gear Menu Script' from the mission (VAS version) Removed: All weapons, ammo, and supply crates (VAS version) Removed: All custom sign images from the mission (VAS version) Removed: Igi_PL's 'IgiLoad Logistical Support Script' from the mission (VAS version) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites