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[SP] Pilgrimage

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  On 3/25/2016 at 1:33 PM, major-stiffy said:

Not going to say this is a total fix but worth a try AL and see if it works. So far so good but will see what happens when I do the same exercise today when finished.

I started a new mission on Bornholm instead. It was made for A3 and doesn't rely on CUP so hopefully won't have the same problem.


I hope so anyway. I've just spent three hours pinned down by a Marid with no AT. To make it worse I had just dumped my weapon in the vehicle to loot a sniper I had just killed when I heard it approaching. I didn't get the sniper rifle and couldn't get back to the vehicle so I was left with just a pistol and two mags as a squad poured out of the back of the Marid. As if that wasn't bad enough, some foot patrols and a couple of gunships joined in. Eventually I managed to get the AT off a dead body and deal with the Marid. There are still more enemies nearby and a stronghold 1.5k away, so plenty to look forward to.

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It was interesting to see other peoples mission settings. These are my normal mission settings for Altis. I reduce them for smaller maps.



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  On 3/25/2016 at 8:22 PM, alky_lee said:

I started a new mission on Bornholm instead. It was made for A3 and doesn't rely on CUP so hopefully won't have the same problem.


I hope so anyway. I've just spent three hours pinned down by a Marid with no AT. To make it worse I had just dumped my weapon in the vehicle to loot a sniper I had just killed when I heard it approaching. I didn't get the sniper rifle and couldn't get back to the vehicle so I was left with just a pistol and two mags as a squad poured out of the back of the Marid. As if that wasn't bad enough, some foot patrols and a couple of gunships joined in. Eventually I managed to get the AT off a dead body and deal with the Marid. There are still more enemies nearby and a stronghold 1.5k away, so plenty to look forward to.


Ain't it fun when you get in a pickle like that, trying to survive bullet to bullet. I rarely use SAD because I find the helo is just over powering, it's like it can see through walls otherwise it's a blast when it does go through its search.


I bailed on Lingor for now and started a run through Altis using the settings shown above by me. I'm going to try a run in Lingor with no mods and if have issues I'm going to post in the CUP forum about it. I like Lingor and one of my goals was to go through the entire map without a vehicle and play with only what I can carry on myself. Guess that won't happen. :(

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  On 3/26/2016 at 12:04 PM, major-stiffy said:

Ain't it fun when you get in a pickle like that, trying to survive bullet to bullet. I rarely use SAD because I find the helo is just over powering, it's like it can see through walls otherwise it's a blast when it does go through its search.

The buzz I get from getting successfully out of a pickle like that can last for a couple of days afterwards. The stronghold afterwards was like a damp squib, but I wonder if the infantry from it had contributed towards my pickle.


I love the gunships buzzing around and the ever present threat of getting blasted without even knowing about it. In my last Altis mission, both airfields were on the far side of the island so I didn't see a gunship until I attacked the second stronghold about 11 hours into the mission. I was ready and waiting for it.


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I just got done watching from the link on your twitter page. When you leaned around the building I was leaning too!  Good job mate.

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  On 3/25/2016 at 7:48 PM, major-stiffy said:

Session 3 resume, files corrupt. Flush that theory.


Some good news and some bad news.


Good news https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/184473-icebreakribis-lingor-for-a3/?p=3000747


Bad news https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/184473-icebreakribis-lingor-for-a3/?p=3000883


I was hoping he would release a hot fix for that one item causing errors.

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  On 3/28/2016 at 12:53 PM, major-stiffy said:

Some good news and some bad news.


Good news https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/184473-icebreakribis-lingor-for-a3/?p=3000747


Bad news https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/184473-icebreakribis-lingor-for-a3/?p=3000883


I was hoping he would release a hot fix for that one item causing errors.

And then good news https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/184473-icebreakribis-lingor-for-a3/?p=3001183

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Wow, what a fantastic mission this is! No matter how many times I play it, I just can't get enough. It's quite easily the best open world custom scenario for ArmA series. And... yeah, probably my favourite third party modification for any game I've ever played. According to Steam, I've played 500+ hours for just this one mission, and it just never seems to get old. Every time there is something that goes against my predictions, sometimes it's a sudden garrison of soldiers attacking unexpectedly from point black when I'm not looking, or a team of tanks casually driving by when I'm trying to stay hidden in my ditch knowing full well, that if just one of those things spots me, it's over! When I first started playing Arma 3, this mission was the most fun way to get familiar with the map of Altis and all the non-NATO gear coming with the game. It also offers a surprisingly well-written backstory, with so much flavor that it's an accomplishment by itself. I also love the way Rydygier sets up his missions, giving so much freedom to experiment with different sets of parameters (I've also played HETMAN War Stories countless times, another masterpiece by Rydygier).

So yeah... It's probably been a year or so since I started with this mission. Still playing it, still enjoying it. This is pretty much what I always wanted Arma to be. =)

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As they say in my neck of the woods...


You're hooked you're hooked you're brain is cooked. :lol:


2300 hours for me.

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Thanks, grandelemental. It's always great to hear such voices. :)

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Hi rydygier,

I've been trying to get Pilgrimage working for about a year now, on and off, but no matter what I do the scenario gets stuck immediately after you select the options (for loot abundance, difficulty, etc.). It just shows a (moving, real-time) render of what I assume is Altis island, from a position somewhere off the coast. I've tried leaving it for hours and it does not progress past this point. I've checked a lot of times to see that I put the .pbo files in the right place, that I am playing the Altis version (seeing as I only have the Altis map, and no other addons), and tried clean installs of the base game. I'm at a loss as to what is wrong. Would really like to be able to play this, please say if you can see anything I might be doing wrong.



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Hi. What's your A3 version exactly. Important also, if Win or Linux, because at least last, I checked, Linux version was quite behind the Win version (although update was planned), while Pilgrimage requires 1.54 stable or newer due to introduced in this version scripting commands, Pilgrimage uses. If the version is older, happens exactly, what you described - mission stucks after settings because don't recognize mentioned scripting commands and init scripting fails. 

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Well,I guess that would be the problem. I'm currently running Arma 3  v1.14.116216  on windows, so an update seems to be in order. Thanks for the quick and useful response.

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  On 4/3/2016 at 9:35 PM, Boc_ said:

Well,I guess that would be the problem. I'm currently running Arma 3  v1.14.116216  on windows, so an update seems to be in order. Thanks for the quick and useful response.

You may find that Arma 3 has changed a bit when you update ... hopefully for the better

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Small copy of a great adventure.

I made the following changes
You are a doctor friend of yours engineer.
The island has only infantry and civilian vehicles.
The cost of repairs,
and purchase information above.
The corpse has a UAV terminal.
Perhaps buy loot from civilians.
Civilians are more aggressive, not kill them.




Thanks for the help!

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  On 4/6/2016 at 9:14 AM, a2012v said:

Small copy of a great adventure.


I made the following changes

You are a doctor friend of yours engineer.

The island has only infantry and civilian vehicles.

The cost of repairs,

and purchase information above.

The corpse has a UAV terminal.

Perhaps buy loot from civilians.

Civilians are more aggressive, not kill them.




Thanks for the help!


When I click on Play, nothing happens. File name Stratis 1.26.


NM I got it to work.

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A quick question. I've just started my second playthrough but this time on Bornholm. On Stratis we had the chapels to go and investigate but on Bornholm we don't have them. Could the body be in any random building?


Thanks. :P

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Zoom out the map and check, which icons stay - communication towers of several kinds was used instead of chapels. 

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  On 4/11/2016 at 6:29 PM, rydygier said:

Zoom out the map and check, which icons stay - communication towers of several kinds was used instead of chapels. 


Yes I did do that and went to check on one of them but I noticed a few seemed to be on small buildings. I've turned the 3D icons off so I've got some leg work to do. :lol:


Congrats on a great mod btw.

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Just completed the Bornholm playthrough. The communication towers seem to be indicated by small exact squares on the map so you have to zoom in to see them.


I got lucky this time. I was being attacked by the stomper from a long way off and went to get an Ifrit I could see close by. It was manned however and as the stomper came in the Ifrit killed it. :D

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How to silence my partner?
a few meters away

I hear him speak about the weather,
but also when he is away from me at the distance of several kilometers. :) 


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