person915 11 Posted February 10, 2014 We need a new tutorial for A3. It needs to be clear and concise, and state the steps without referring back to how things were done in A2. It needs to start at the beginning and act like there was no A2. It needs to answer the questions like, "Which BIS Tools do I use for A3?", "Why do the latest BI Tools only say they are compatible with A2 instead of both A2 and A3?", "Where do I download the new(?) tools?", "How are my folders in my partition set up?", "How do I set up the tools to work?", "What do the A3 Steam tools have to do with any of this?". I can't find a tutorial for A3 that starts at the beginning and doesn't refer back to A2 methods, and when you cross tutorials, things go wrong. ArmA 3 is a new game with new assets and new potential, and to maximize that potential, especially for the people who have no idea what the hell they are doing (me), there needs to be something like this that exists. Clear, easy, streamlined, all-in-one. If this exists, I have yet to find it and would be eternally grateful to anyone who provided it. Likewise, I'd be eternally grateful to anyone who makes it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[aps]gnat 29 Posted February 10, 2014 Thanks for volunteering to do this for us person915, cheers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
person915 11 Posted February 10, 2014 Believe me I would if I could. I'm not trying to sound like a jerk but I just really don't know what else to do. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1para{god-father} 105 Posted February 10, 2014 There are NO tools out for A3 yet for terrains but most if not all tool for A2 work This TUT still works in A3 - so i suggest you look there and try that first , hopefully new A3 tools will be out soon. I do not think anyone will make a new TUT until A3 tools come out as there is no point Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bushlurker 46 Posted February 10, 2014 Hi there... got your PM... I'm afraid there are no Arma 3 terrain tools released as yet, so there's not really any hope of tutorials or guides until we get some tools that are actually designed for the job - then people will try them out, figure out a workflow and start writing guides.... There's a few Brave People who've struggled together some partly-working workflows, using the old Arma 2 tools plus some clever messing around with files, and managed to get the basics of some terrains working for A3 but it's a Massive Struggle - Arma 2 Visitor doesn't understand the Arma 3 models at all, for example, so you may need to place simple dummy objects, and swap them for the real ones later, or pull some other equally clever tricks, just to get some objects on the ground and arranged the way you want... I've lost track of the different subterfuges people have evolved to trick the tools we currently have into playing ball sufficiently to muster a functional PseudoA3 terrain... They're all very clever, and it's a testament to that essential terrainmakers skill - sheer dogged bloody-minded persistence, but it's still a shame to see so many talented people spending so much precious time fighting against the Toolkit instead of working with it... It's a waste of that most valuable commodity of all..... enthusiasm... From what we can tell, SOME things are likely to be very similar to Arma 2... the basics of Heightmaps, Sat & Mask layers, clutters & surfaces, the "layers.cfg" (more or less), the main config.cpp (similar, but often more elaborate)... I'd seriously suggest that you spend some time with the A2 tools and an A2 terrain project for now... I believe you struggled a little with the configs stage of things before, so this "gap time" while we wait for the actual A3 terrain tools would be an ideal time for you to get a firm grip on the basics of that, and perhaps also produce some basic terrain files - all of which are likely to be directly transferable to a proper Arma 3 project once they're actually possible.... B Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
raptor 6 actual 13 Posted February 10, 2014 Bushlurker, is there anyway that you could amend your tutorial to get the maps converted over to A3. I have two maps that I made following your tutorials back in A2, and it worked as you laid it out. But, these two maps have absolutely nothing on them, no roads, buildings, shrubs, anything, and I just can't find a way to get the config working to get it in A3. It doesn't feel like a problem where the tools are lacking, but maybe the new structure of the .pbos needed to get it ingame, or the config. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
m1lkm8n 411 Posted February 10, 2014 Raptor 6 In the beginning I used an old a2 config and it worked just fine in a3. However I like splitting the layers into their own folder so I now follow how they do it in a3. If you grab one of the configs from altis/stratis they can easily be altered to get your terrain in game. However as bushlurker said while most things are fairly the same there's much that changed and it would be to confusing to alter tutorials at this point. For instance. Instead of p3d object being used to make roads now we have shape files. While I like them much better than the old way there's currently no way to alter them in visitor. So they have to be completely done outside of it then packed into the map so they can be loaded at runtime. Making it extremely annoying if you need to slightly alter a road to line up with a bridge or something. Then there's the new normal map mask. It is handled the same way as the sat and layer mask. Cut into pieces when importing your sat/layer mask before running buldozer. Its purpose is to provide additional detail to the sat map. But visitor 3 is not set up to import one currently the only way to get it working is to first import your layer and sat map, then move the sat map out and import the layer and normal map, then move the sat map back in and run a nifty tool by mikero called Mat14 which adjusts the sat and layer rvmats to allow for the new stage14 which is the normal map for the sat map in addition to adjusting the terrain shaders to allow everything to function properly in game. Next there's the fact that v3 can't even read the new odol binarized a3 models so all you get in the visitor portion is a barely noticeable black dot of the model. So with all these drawbacks it's really just not worth the effort to amend the tutorials until the new tools are out. Then new tutorials can be written. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
raptor 6 actual 13 Posted February 11, 2014 Thank you for the explanation there. What do you suggest is a good plan of action in the interim? The maps I'm wanting to get in A3 are for WW2 era scenarios, and thus require ALOT of custom art work in the Sat layers. Is it advisable to work on those in photoshop while we're patiently waiting? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
m1lkm8n 411 Posted February 11, 2014 Yea that's what I would do. Currently I'm just experimenting with the new goodies to see what can be abused :) Like this which had some funny effects. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
person915 11 Posted February 11, 2014 Hey, to everyone else who replied. I'm having a bit of trouble with your tutorial (bushlurker), as Mikero has updated his tools... and they're no longer *.rar but *.exe, and that means that I can't extract them, and when I run them, I have no idea where the hell they're installing to, so I can't retrieve them, and I can't see anything in the description before the install as to where it's putting them. What do I do? I can't even install the old .rar files because whenever I click on one to download, there's a server error. Where's the file going? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
m1lkm8n 411 Posted February 11, 2014 Everything is self extracting exe now. Look under programs. I'm sure you'll find them in there somewhere b Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
person915 11 Posted February 11, 2014 Everything is self extracting exe now. Look under programs. I'm sure you'll find them in there somewhere b I have but the file structure in the tutorial does not match up compared to the extractable .rars. There are significantly less files. I found them under Program Files (x86)\Mikero, but even with all the files in the entire mikero folder, NOT separated by subfolders, there still aren't enough files to account for it all. I figured placing everything in the "bin" subfolder of the Mikero folder would work, but ArmA2P doesn't like that and it has no functionality whatsoever. So I really have no idea what to do. I can't even find any explanation on the tools themselves for guidance, but I'll blame that on my lack of knowing where to look. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jakerod 254 Posted February 11, 2014 (edited) Bushlurker, is there anyway that you could amend your tutorial to get the maps converted over to A3. I have two maps that I made following your tutorials back in A2, and it worked as you laid it out. But, these two maps have absolutely nothing on them, no roads, buildings, shrubs, anything, and I just can't find a way to get the config working to get it in A3. It doesn't feel like a problem where the tools are lacking, but maybe the new structure of the .pbos needed to get it ingame, or the config. Here's a config for you. Switch out the yourtag_islandname with whatever you're calling yours. Hopefully that will help a little. The outside terrain part is commented out. If you want infinite terrain then just remove the /* and */ #define _ARMA_ //Class config.bin{ class CfgPatches { class yourtag_islandname { units[] = {"yourtag_islandname"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.0; version = "30/07/2011"; fileName = "yourtag_islandname.pbo"; author = "Your Name"; }; }; class CfgWorlds { class CAWorld; class Stratis: CAWorld { class Grid; class DefaultClutter; }; class yourtag_islandname: Stratis { cutscenes[] = {}; description = "islandname"; worldName = "yourtag\map\yourtag_islandname\yourtag_islandname.wrp"; pictureShot = "yourtag\map\yourtag_islandname\data\av_menu_ca.paa"; startTime = "11:00"; startDate = "07/03/2001"; startWeather = 0.0; startFog = 0.0; forecastWeather = 0.0; forecastFog = 0.0; centerPosition[] = {2560,2560,500}; seagullPos[] = {2560,2560,500}; longitude = 65; latitude = -34; elevationOffset = 2000; envTexture = "A3\Data_f\env_land_ca.tga"; minTreesInForestSquare = 2; minRocksInRockSquare = 2; newRoadsShape = "\yourtag\map\yourtag_islandname\data\roads\roads.shp"; ilsPosition[] = {1024,1024}; ilsDirection[] = {0.5075,0.08,-0.8616}; ilsTaxiIn[] = {}; ilsTaxiOff[] = {}; drawTaxiway = 0; class SecondaryAirports {}; class Sea { seaTexture = "a3\data_f\seatexture_co.paa"; seaMaterial = "#water"; shoreMaterial = "#shore"; shoreFoamMaterial = "#shorefoam"; shoreWetMaterial = "#shorewet"; WaterMapScale = 20; WaterGrid = 50; MaxTide = 0; MaxWave = 0; SeaWaveXScale = "2.0/50"; SeaWaveZScale = "1.0/50"; SeaWaveHScale = 2.0; SeaWaveXDuration = 5000; SeaWaveZDuration = 10000; }; /* class OutsideTerrain { satellite = "yourtag\map\yourtag_islandname\Data\av_satout_co.paa"; enableTerrainSynth = 1; class Layers { class Layer0 { nopx = "yourtag\map\yourtag_islandname\Data\av_sand_nopx.paa"; texture = "yourtag\map\yourtag_islandname\Data\av_sand_co.paa"; }; }; }; */ class Grid: Grid { offsetX = 0; offsetY = 5120; class Zoom1 { zoomMax = 0.15; format = "XY"; formatX = "000"; formatY = "000"; stepX = 100; stepY = -100; }; class Zoom2 { zoomMax = 0.85; format = "XY"; formatX = "00"; formatY = "00"; stepX = 1000; stepY = -1000; }; class Zoom3 { zoomMax = 1e+030.0; format = "XY"; formatX = "0"; formatY = "0"; stepX = 10000; stepY = -10000; }; }; #include "cfgClutter.hpp" class Names { #include "yourtag_islandname.hpp" }; }; }; class CfgWorldList { class yourtag_islandname{}; }; class CfgMissions { class Cutscenes { }; }; //SURFACES #include "cfgSurfaces.hpp" Here's a cfgSurfaces.hpp: class CfgSurfaces { class Default {}; class your_tag_your_island_grass_Surface : Default { files = "your_tag_your_island_grass_f*"; rough = 0.1; dust = 0.05; soundEnviron = "sand"; character = "your_tag_your_island_grass_Character"; soundHit = "soft_ground"; }; }; class CfgSurfaceCharacters { class your_tag_your_island_grass_Character { probability[]={1}; names[]={"your_tag_StrGrassGreenGroup"}; }; }; Here's a clutter: class Clutter { class your_tag_StrGrassGreenGroup: DefaultClutter { model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrGrassGreen_group.p3d"; affectedByWind = 0.6; swLighting = "true"; scaleMin = 0.7; scaleMax = 1.0; }; }; If you apply your knowledge of the old A2 methods you should be good with these. They're basic just to get it setup. I have barely done anything more complicated myself. I have but the file structure in the tutorial does not match up compared to the extractable .rars. There are significantly less files. I found them under Program Files (x86)\Mikero, but even with all the files in the entire mikero folder, NOT separated by subfolders, there still aren't enough files to account for it all. I figured placing everything in the "bin" subfolder of the Mikero folder would work, but ArmA2P doesn't like that and it has no functionality whatsoever.So I really have no idea what to do. I can't even find any explanation on the tools themselves for guidance, but I'll blame that on my lack of knowing where to look. Look at the readme files for the tool you downloaded. He normally has requirements in there for the tool you're using. For example, this is from the readme for ArmA3P and may be the same for ArmA2P (not sure): Installationextract the rar package to anywhere that gives you a thrill Caveats: YOU MUST HAVE a P:\ drive YOU MUST have COPIES OF ExtractPbo.exe auto installer Derap.exe auto installer depbo dll. These packages can be found at dev-heaven None of this is earth shattering stuff. The only use of this batch file is because you're already using the above tools anyway. To be honest with you, Terrain Making sucks sometimes especially the beginning part of setting everything up. Once you're through that though, it is amazing. The end projects are worth the crap you put yourself through in the process. As a wise fish with memory loss once said "Just keep swimming". Edited February 11, 2014 by Jakerod Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
raptor 6 actual 13 Posted February 11, 2014 Thank you Jakerod, I will try those once I get home and report back. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
person915 11 Posted February 11, 2014 There is still the questions of, do I leave the .exe's as is in the Mikero folder? Is ArmA3P a new version FOR ArmA 2, or is it for ArmA3? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luki 53 Posted February 11, 2014 ever tried to read the readme? and yes it is for arma3 and works flawless. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
person915 11 Posted February 11, 2014 I did read it after this because I remembered there actually was a readme. As for the other tools, my O:\Mikero's Tools\ directory looks like so: and it still doesn't work. I can't find "ConvertPEW" as it states to install in the ArmA2P readme, only "CovertWRP", and believe me I checked on Dev-heaven for this thing. It's not listed anymore. I did put ConvertWRP in the file with ArmA2P though. I don't know how to do this with the updated tools. It's more complicated than just downloading .rars and extracting them, especially when names, requirements, and file structures are different. I'm missing something and I don't know where to look, and I already checked the readme, and I'm trying to follow it as best as I can. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
m1lkm8n 411 Posted February 11, 2014 Why do you need convert pew to run arma2 or arma3p. Have you even tried running it yet? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
person915 11 Posted February 12, 2014 Yes. This is what it does: (104 kB) Honestly, I ran it 5 minutes ago and it didn't work at all, and then just now to get the picture, and now this happens. Still, I searched both the Mikero folder for the missing .dll it wants, and the dev heaven. Does anyone know where to find it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jakerod 254 Posted February 12, 2014 It also might help to right-click and run it as admin. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
person915 11 Posted February 12, 2014 If anyone else comes to this thread with similar questions (which I doubt because really only I am that incompotent) I got the missing .dll from here: Just make sure your firewalls are up and you scan the thing before and after extraction. I didn't get any warnings myself, but you never know.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
m1lkm8n 411 Posted February 12, 2014 That's not a mikero dll. Pretty sure that's the Microsoft redisributable file. You need to install that. Go on Microsofts website. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
person915 11 Posted February 12, 2014 I have a while back but now I'm up to another problem. When I try to import the Sat_LCO and Mask_LCO, visitor crashes about 3/4 of the way through EVERY TIME. I think I remember running into this problem before but I don't remember how to fix it. The only deviation I made from the tutorial (Mondkalb's Terrain Tutorial) is taking advantage of L3DT to generate a texture map to replace the Sat_LCO. Any idea where I should look? I'm scouring my files and contents trying to see why it's crashing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jakerod 254 Posted February 12, 2014 Can you give us details on your project? For example, terrain size, cell size, sat_lco size, etc. Do you only have four colors per tile? (Doesn't normally cause a crash but I suppose it could if you had WAY too many). Is your mask the right bit depth? When you right click on your mask_lco and go to properties > details what does bit depth say? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
m1lkm8n 411 Posted February 12, 2014 And is your layer config and ground texture rvmats all pointed to the correct paths? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites