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Syrian Arab Army and Hezbollah

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many thanks for the update Drongo, I believe some BMP's have returned to the fray :D

Optional pack is not showing in PWS download for some reason ?

That's a bummer :( means my mission will break.


Pw6 somehow overwrites/deletes those somehow? It does weird things like that with some mod setups.

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Yes it was removing the optional PBO's etc from the addons folder if you had copied them, but the options folder was there. Now it's not at all.

If you roll versions back it re-appears.


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Yes it was removing the optional PBO's etc from the addons folder if you had copied them, but the options folder was there. Now it's not at all.

If you roll versions back it re-appears.


Greetings, will look into the issue and see how I can help you guys. With every new version we completely replace the files with the new ones to ensure full compatibility. Of course you can choose an earlier version from our network.

Will investigate if you can for example lock your mission with a specific mod version :)

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Thanks Sonsalt. I think someone just missed the options folder from the upload.

I'm reverting to USSR and AFF vehicles with Syrian Leaders to hold their faction as Opfor - for the moment it works, so the mission won't be a bust, but is a little clunky.


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Drongo I'm trying to add gasmasks to certain Syrian SAA units... I think your Random Uniform script is over-writing the Init ?

I can't seem to do with with LEA either... got any ideas ?


Figured it - added a sleep 30; before the LEA call

Edited by serjames

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@ serjames

I'll add any SAA-appropriate gear that gets released by others. I can not model or texture, I can only script, config and make missions. I'd like to learn, but I have a backlog of projects as it is.

For the gas-mask, try putting a 5 second sleep command before adding them. The randomization script strips the units and adds new stuff as soon as they are spawned.

@ GeneralKong

I don't think it makes sense to put them on the Independent side, Syria and Hezbollah are firmly on the side of Iran and are currently at war with NATO special forces and proxies.

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First post updated with version 027. Changes:

  • Added Reyhard's BMP-1 and BMP-2
  • Added some new groups
  • Renamed some groups
  • Made Reyhard and Sudden's mods requirements, not optional

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Arent the bmp's part of Reyhard's tank pack instead of his static weapons pack?

New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


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Edited by Guest

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update v0.2.7 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


@ Chops and Drongo;

Also updated the dependencies :)

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yep... oops looks like the requirment for @rds_tank is missing :)

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Ah, noted. I changed the first post accordingly. Thanks for the mirrors.

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yep... oops looks like the requirment for @rds_tank is missing :)

Dependency also added to PwS :)

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Drongo, for the T72 and BMP's is it possible to create a "ramdomiser" script, much like your uniforms are dynamic and random..

Reason I ask is that there are lots of Tank skins in @RDS_tank all of which are really nice (apart from GUE - which looks a little odd with the red stars for Syria...) but the other tanks and bmps, are really cool with ERA armour etc ?

Adds lots of variety when they tank rush you ! :)

just an idea.. SJ

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I'll look into that.

Chops has been working on a new uniform. While not in use by the SAA, I will probably use it to create a "generic Middle East army" faction. I might put them on the Independent side. Their gear will be much the same as the SAA.


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I just want to ask why not put them on the Opfor side too? just a loyal question ^_^ and what kind of guns will they use?

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At least for the first release they will probably just be a copy-paste of the existing SAA units, so AK74s, RPKs, etc. Contemporary Iranian troops with desert DPM and G3s would be a nice addition, we'll see what happens.

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And another question...would it be possible to add like an AKS-74U or/and AK-74M because the Syrian army are using both.

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Glad you like it.

For anyone who wants to use IDF mod units as OPFOR for these guys, here is a script to give the IDF units Massi's weapons. Call it from init.sqf or place a game logic in the editor and put this in the init field:

nul = [] execVM "IDFgunSwap.sqf";

In the next release I will include a module to simplify this, but for now here is the code:

// Swap out IDF mod weapons for MAS weapons
// Save this code as IDFgunSwap.sqf and put it in your mission folder

sleep 1;

if NOT(isServer) exitWith {};

_units = [];
_man = objNull;

_primaryWeapon = "";
_secondaryWeapon = "";
_handgunWeapon = "";
// Weapons to replace
_weapons = ["arifle_TRG21_black_F","arifle_TRG20_black_F","arifle_TRG21_black_GL_F","arifle_TRG21_black_Holo_pointer_F","arifle_TRG20_black_Holo_pointer_F","arifle_TRG21_black_Holo_pointer_GL_F","arifle_TRG21_black_Hamr_pointer_F","LMG_Zafir_pointer_F","srifle_LRR_SOS_F","hgun_P07_f"];
_magazines = [];
_magazine = "";
_newMagazines = [];
_index = 0;

_go = true;
while {_go} do {
_units = allunits;
while {((count _units) > 0)} do {
	_man = _units select 0;
	_units = _units - [_man];
	_primaryWeapon = primaryWeapon _man;
	_secondaryWeapon = secondaryWeapon _man;
	_handgunWeapon = handgunWeapon _man;
	if ((_primaryWeapon in _weapons) OR (_secondaryWeapon in _weapons) OR (_handgunWeapon in _weapons)) then {
		_magazines = magazines _man;
		removeAllweapons _man;
		// Process magazines first
		_index = 0;
		_newMagazines = [];
		while {(_index < (count _magazines))} do {
			_magazine = _magazines select _index;
			if (_magazine == "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag") then {_man addMagazine "30Rnd_mas_556x45_Stanag"};
			if (_magazine == "150Rnd_762x51_Box") then {_man addMagazine "150Rnd_762x51_Box"};
			if (_magazine == "16Rnd_9x21_Mag") then {_man addMagazine "16Rnd_9x21_Mag"};
			if (_magazine == "SmokeShell") then {_man addMagazine "SmokeShell"};
			if (_magazine == "HandGrenade") then {_man addMagazine "HandGrenade"};
			if (_magazine == "7Rnd_408_Mag") then {_man addMagazine "20Rnd_mas_762x51_Stanag"};
			if (_magazine == "1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell") then {_man addMagazine "1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell"};
			if (_magazine == "1Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell") then {_man addMagazine "1Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell"};
			if (_magazine == "NLAW_F") then {_man addMagazine "mas_M136"};
			if (_magazine == "Titan_AA") then {_man addMagazine "mas_Stinger"};
			_index = _index + 1;
		// Process weapons
		if (_primaryWeapon == "arifle_TRG21_black_Holo_pointer_F") then {_man addWeapon "arifle_mas_m4_e"};
		if (_primaryWeapon == "arifle_TRG21_black_Holo_pointer_GL_F") then {_man addWeapon "arifle_mas_m4_gl_e"};
		if (_primaryWeapon == "arifle_TRG21_black_Hamr_pointer_F") then {_man addWeapon "arifle_mas_m4_h"};
		if (_primaryWeapon == "LMG_Zafir_pointer_F") then {_man addWeapon "LMG_mas_M240_F"};
		if (_primaryWeapon == "srifle_LRR_SOS_F") then {_man addWeapon "srifle_mas_hk417_h"};
		if (_secondaryWeapon == "launch_Titan_f") then {_man addWeapon "mas_launch_Stinger_F"};
		if (_secondaryWeapon == "launch_NLAW_f") then {_man addWeapon "mas_launch_M136_F"};
		if (_handgunWeapon == "hgun_P07_f") then {_man addWeapon "hgun_mas_m9_F"};

	sleep 0.1;
sleep 10;

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First post updated with version 028. Changes:

  • Added a Generic Middle East faction
  • Removed some SAA groups and vehicles (T-100, BTR-K)
  • Added a module to switch IDF mod guns to Massi M4s, etc


For now the GME faction is just a copy-paste of the SAA with desert camo (also for the BMPs and T72). Any ideas for making it more interesting are welcome.

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New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


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When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Drongo thanks for the update.

Using Syria alot in missions.If you want a suggestion to differentiate the SAA vehicles from the generic ME faction,how about a Syrian flag and pole inserted into the SAA rear armour? Maybe not possible,just a nice cosmetic touch if it can be done.

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Hi... thanks for the new units. I have a little wish, can i get you to make an Independent version of the GME force??

Anyway thanks for this great addon :-)

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T-72 with ERA

SAA our hezbollah as an independent.

Edited by wolfgarth

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