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Ofp is dead?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ Sep. 09 2002,05:29)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">4.OFP is showing its age, at least to some people. As all games do, OFP may be getting a little stale for some gamers. Although I dont agree with them, I see their point. If you dont delve way into OFP to master your tactics and skills (i.e. learning how to be a one man army in an environment where Rambos have sub-one minute lifespans), it wont hold your attention as long. No big deal though, because it happens to all games, and OFP has lasted longer than most *cough*Medal of Honor*cough*.<span id='postcolor'>

Hmm, MEDAL OF HONOR is dead eh..I guess the 7000+ people playing it online right now would be surprised to hear that

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Nope, OFP is not dead, it is dieing though....REASON: Lack of TRUE support for the mod community by BIS. GUYS, lets face it, the only mod guys getting any support are those elite few and not the MOD community as a whole. The multiplayer fiasco is also another reason it is dieing.


1) BF1942 is ONLY out yet in demo. SO why are people judging it against a game that has been out for 1 1/2 years , has had several patches (and still does not have most of the multiplayer support alot of users want)

2) If you think BF1942 is only RUN and GUN then that means to me, you have not played it very much, and YOU probably died alot. THERE is alot of strategy in that game..DID you every try the SCOUT and ARTILLERY guy combo...very deadly..Did you try the TANK and ENGINEER combo...How about the engineer defense guy..hmmmm, probably not...How about flying the torpedo bomber to take out the enemy carrier or perhaps you did try the AAA guns on the ships to defend against the incoming bomber..

Guys BF1942 is being bashed here for this or that, when right now it is only a demo...YES the combat areas are not a big as OFP , that is true, but the graphics are far superior, my FPS are much higher than in OFP Resistance (latest patch for OFP) for much better graphics. BF1942 has almost 800 servers, BF1942 has in game join...BF1942 has netcode that actually allows you to have multiple people in vehicules without massive warping...etc etc etc....If you are going to bash the game, WAIT till the full version then give it a shot...rent it, borrow from a buddy etc etc...

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I have to correct somethign RIGHT NOW...There have been multiple people post in this thread the BF1942 'stole' the idea of large outdoor areas from OFP...I assume from these statements that people don't realize that OFP and BF1942 were developed along approximately the same timeline...OFP came out 1 year earlier...BF1942 start in dev approx 3 years ago which means it was in dev approx 2 years before OFP was released which means the BF1942 did not steal the idea from anyone

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DeepPocket @ Sep. 09 2002,18:57)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Let me make one thing clear.  OFP is the first of it's kind.  BIS embarked on a daring mission that went beyond the mere arcadish-style video games such as BF1942.  BF1942 is an arcade game for kids.  OFP is for those whose appetites need more than another arcade video game.  It is truly the first major attempt at creating sophisticated virtual-war using low cost PC technology.  BIS deserves a lot of credit for taking the risk they took.  And whether they succeed or not, OFP will become a classic for the mere reason that it forged the way for the rest of the virtual-war market; which has yet to even approach what BIS has already accomplished.  I am 40 years old, and have two teenage sons.  I have introduced them to both games, and after playing BF1942 for a while, they both went back to OFP.  I have exposed them to more sophisticated games and now even as teenagers they see the difference.  I spend more time reading about games than actually playing them.  However, I have spent a considerable amount of time playing OFP.  I just hope that BIS will continue improving it.  I am a computer software engineer and program flight simulators for a living.  I appreciate simulations such as OFP, because I have somewhat of an understanding what it takes to create them.  Trust me when I say there is no PC war simulation on the market today that can even come close to offering what OFP does.  And I will be very surprised if there is in the next year.  It all boils down to how many people out there are even capable of recognizing a game like this.  IMHO, the true devotees to this game have a deeper insight than the average gamer because they want something more advanced than just another stupid war-game.  I don't like wasting my time just playing arcade games.  That's why I play OFP.<span id='postcolor'>

I have never read such ELITEST crap in all my life. First of ALL OFP was NOT the first to attempt this simulation using cheap PC TECHNOLOGY (hmmmm, where have I heard that before, OH now I remember, it is almost a direct quote from the pitch on the old VBS website)

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Do you honestly think that BF1942 has better graphics than Resistance? You gotta be kidding me, BF1942 looks like something out of a cartoon.

Now this it real graphics biggrin.gif


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Hope those springs are well oiled Hovmand smile.gif

If ofp is not a classic , then what is (it aint CS). I mean SWOTL was a classic ( i still play it on my old 486) and i think OFP is as well. I have been buying and playing PC gaems for 17 years. OFP is a classic. Its orignal, nothing ever before was this good. HL was a classic , TA was a classic OFP is a classic

I have been playing this game since it first was rleased as a demo here in Australia. In 1 week I am LANing with a mate for a solid weekend of it. No other game has ever made me pack my PC up and travel 200kms with it just to play.

I have a stack of games sitting on my shelf collecting dust , but only 3 on my PC that have ever been installed and never removed. CC3, Panzer Elite and , oh lets see if you can guess the other.

This game grabbed me like none other, I still play hard for hours on it(when I get the time) and even eith my 56k I still sit there and wait for the mods. (HK pack took 1 hour and 50mins to Dl , but damm was it worth it)

OFP is on my PC to stay and also my mates as well and as soon as I get ADSL on I am MPing and looking forward to it.

Long live OFP.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Mustang60348 @ Sep. 11 2002,11:39)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I have to correct somethign RIGHT NOW...There have been multiple people post in this thread the BF1942 'stole' the idea of large outdoor areas from OFP...I assume from these statements that people don't realize that OFP and BF1942 were developed along approximately the same timeline...OFP came out 1 year earlier...BF1942 start in dev approx 3 years ago which means it was in dev approx 2 years before OFP was released which means the BF1942 did not steal the idea from anyone<span id='postcolor'>

bf1942 took 1 and a half years to make, its just run and gun arcade stuff its not even close to historaclly acurate, the brits have one thing of there own, japs use german stuff. OFP is better, BF copyed much even in controls.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Mustang60348 @ Sep. 10 2002,23:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ Sep. 09 2002,05:29)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">4.OFP is showing its age, at least to some people. As all games do, OFP may be getting a little stale for some gamers. Although I dont agree with them, I see their point. If you dont delve way into OFP to master your tactics and skills (i.e. learning how to be a one man army in an environment where Rambos have sub-one minute lifespans), it wont hold your attention as long. No big deal though, because it happens to all games, and OFP has lasted longer than most *cough*Medal of Honor*cough*.<span id='postcolor'>

Hmm, MEDAL OF HONOR is dead eh..I guess the 7000+ people playing it online right now would be surprised to hear that<span id='postcolor'>

There's no accounting for taste

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No way!! OPF is the best game ever! With me it will take a few more years to die. With its editor and all the scripting/islands/addons/CC2 it will remain my favorite!

If anything OPF is getting better with age.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hovmand @ Sep. 11 2002,00:26)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Do you honestly think that BF1942 has better graphics than Resistance? You gotta be kidding me, BF1942 looks like something out of a cartoon.

Now this it real graphics biggrin.gif

fsscr002_3.jpg<span id='postcolor'>

First of all, have you played the multiplayer demo...and WHAT system do you have but I think I already know..let me take a guess...

You have a p4 2.0 Ghz or better

512 Meg of RAM or more

Geforce 4 Ti4600 with 128meg of Ram or perhaps a Radeon 9700

AND yes I think that the graphics in BF1942 are MUCH better AND btw, just a quick question or two: Is everything turn up to max, is this resistance or original OFP and IF it is turned up to max and it is resistance What are your fps

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (HellToupee @ Sep. 11 2002,03:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Mustang60348 @ Sep. 11 2002,11:39)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I have to correct somethign RIGHT NOW...There have been multiple people post in this thread the BF1942 'stole' the idea of large outdoor areas from OFP...I assume from these statements that people don't realize that OFP and BF1942 were developed along approximately the same timeline...OFP came out 1 year earlier...BF1942 start in dev approx 3 years ago which means it was in dev approx 2 years before OFP was released which means the BF1942 did not steal the idea from anyone<span id='postcolor'>

bf1942 took 1 and a half years to make, its just run and gun arcade stuff its not even close to historaclly acurate, the brits have one thing of there own, japs use german stuff. OFP is better, BF copyed much even in controls.<span id='postcolor'>

You are wrong, it took 3 years to make and PLEASE explain how BF1942 copied MUCH even controls.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ Sep. 11 2002,03:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Mustang60348 @ Sep. 10 2002,23:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ Sep. 09 2002,05:29)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">4.OFP is showing its age, at least to some people. As all games do, OFP may be getting a little stale for some gamers. Although I dont agree with them, I see their point. If you dont delve way into OFP to master your tactics and skills (i.e. learning how to be a one man army in an environment where Rambos have sub-one minute lifespans), it wont hold your attention as long. No big deal though, because it happens to all games, and OFP has lasted longer than most *cough*Medal of Honor*cough*.<span id='postcolor'>

Hmm, MEDAL OF HONOR is dead eh..I guess the 7000+ people playing it online right now would be surprised to hear that<span id='postcolor'>

There's no accounting for taste<span id='postcolor'>

So is this response an acknowledgment that your attempt at a sound bite was both feeble and pointless.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Mustang60348 @ Sep. 11 2002,16:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (HellToupee @ Sep. 11 2002,03:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Mustang60348 @ Sep. 11 2002,11:39)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I have to correct somethign RIGHT NOW...There have been multiple people post in this thread the BF1942 'stole' the idea of large outdoor areas from OFP...I assume from these statements that people don't realize that OFP and BF1942 were developed along approximately the same timeline...OFP came out 1 year earlier...BF1942 start in dev approx 3 years ago which means it was in dev approx 2 years before OFP was released which means the BF1942 did not steal the idea from anyone<span id='postcolor'>

bf1942 took 1 and a half years to make, its just run and gun arcade stuff its not even close to historaclly acurate, the brits have one thing of there own, japs use german stuff. OFP is better, BF copyed much even in controls.<span id='postcolor'>

You are wrong, it took 3 years to make and PLEASE explain how BF1942 copied MUCH even controls.<span id='postcolor'>

it did take 1 and 1/2 years to make, its infantry controls like crouch prone etc r exactly same as ofp, maps smaller, less vechicles and very cartoony gfx, reason y if runs smoother than ofp is its view distance is much much lower in it i have "increased"it to 200m and can see whole island ofps default is 900 and min is 500. Its islands r huge meaning u dont need like 10 different maps its all on one island, there not empty like bf1942s where have a few trees for decoration ofp has forrests. BF1942 is for all the csers and quakers its not realistic its been ballanced so sherman = tiger, and its very americanised hence brits get american stuff and very few of there own stuff and its name bf1942 missing out 3 years of the war y not bf1939.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (HellToupee @ Sep. 11 2002,05:03)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">it did take 1 and 1/2 years to make, its infantry controls like crouch prone etc r exactly same as ofp, maps smaller, less vechicles and very cartoony gfx, reason y if runs smoother than ofp is its view distance is much much lower in it i have "increased"it to 200m and can see whole island ofps default is 900 and min is 500. Its islands r huge meaning u dont need like 10 different maps its all on one island, there not empty like bf1942s where  have a few trees for decoration ofp has forrests. BF1942 is for all the csers and quakers its not realistic its been ballanced so sherman = tiger, and its very americanised hence brits get american stuff and very few of there own stuff and its name bf1942 missing out 3 years of the war y not bf1939.<span id='postcolor'>

Thank you very much for making me laugh...

1) Crouch and prone are exactly like OFP, as opposed to what exactly..is there another way to crouch and go prone.

2) Not sure what system you have, but the graphics are NOT cartoony on my machine, are you sure you are running the last patch.

3) I don't think the devs ever claimed it was supposed to be realistic..Just for arguments sake...Can an infantry officer, fly a helo, A10s etc etc..Nope, but they can in OFP (same as BF1942).

4) Wow, that was pretty good, can't go after anything else so you have to post the obligatory ANTI AMERICAN post.Unfort this is all too typical

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Mustang60348 @ Sep. 11 2002,17:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Thank you very much for making me laugh...

1) Crouch and prone are exactly like OFP, as opposed to what exactly..is there another way to crouch and go prone.

2) Not sure what system you have, but the graphics are NOT cartoony on my machine, are you sure you are running the last patch.

3) I don't think the devs ever claimed it was supposed to be realistic..Just for arguments sake...Can an infantry officer, fly a helo, A10s etc etc..Nope, but they can in OFP (same as BF1942).

4) Wow, that was pretty good, can't go after anything else so you have to post the obligatory ANTI AMERICAN post.Unfort this is all too typical<span id='postcolor'>

1) well the prone and stuff same key configuration,

2) i got it one full gfx and its cartoony also every body looks the same, same face etc there all clones, and apart from the assualter all other classes suck, assualt can easy kill tanks engineers gun is less useful than a knife, medics only stong point is healin himself and scouts r useless at anything moving.

3) well who sez they cant, hell if your good at falcon 4 u could probly fly and operate a f16, also if they cant fly who sez u cant try in real life, and in bf1942 u can pick up people with a plne by flyin low.

4) well its totaly american biased as in brits get almost none of there own stuff they end up with american weps and tanks, the japanese have german equipment, i suspect the russians r only in there so they can make stalingrad. And what side gets the most stuff. They get b17 p51 corsar 2 others, germans get 109 and ju47, brits get spit v.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (HellToupee @ Sep. 11 2002,05:03)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Mustang60348 @ Sep. 11 2002,16:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (HellToupee @ Sep. 11 2002,03:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Mustang60348 @ Sep. 11 2002,11:39)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I have to correct somethign RIGHT NOW...There have been multiple people post in this thread the BF1942 'stole' the idea of large outdoor areas from OFP...I assume from these statements that people don't realize that OFP and BF1942 were developed along approximately the same timeline...OFP came out 1 year earlier...BF1942 start in dev approx 3 years ago which means it was in dev approx 2 years before OFP was released which means the BF1942 did not steal the idea from anyone<span id='postcolor'>

bf1942 took 1 and a half years to make, its just run and gun arcade stuff its not even close to historaclly acurate, the brits have one thing of there own, japs use german stuff. OFP is better, BF copyed much even in controls.<span id='postcolor'>

You are wrong, it took 3 years to make and PLEASE explain how BF1942 copied MUCH even controls.<span id='postcolor'>

it did take 1 and 1/2 years to make, its infantry controls like crouch prone etc r exactly same as ofp, maps smaller, less vechicles and very cartoony gfx, reason y if runs smoother than ofp is its view distance is much much lower in it i have "increased"it to 200m and can see whole island ofps default is 900 and min is 500. Its islands r huge meaning u dont need like 10 different maps its all on one island, there not empty like bf1942s where  have a few trees for decoration ofp has forrests. BF1942 is for all the csers and quakers its not realistic its been ballanced so sherman = tiger, and its very americanised hence brits get american stuff and very few of there own stuff and its name bf1942 missing out 3 years of the war y not bf1939.<span id='postcolor'>

Here is a link for you...this link shows that Battlefield at the VERY least started it dev in Jan 2000. This report is the annual report for the year 2000 and it shows BF1942 as being in dev in Jan, It even started before that. Since OFP came out in Jun (approx) of 2001, BF1942 was in dev long before OFP was released, and LONG before public knowledge of it was known..


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (HellToupee @ Sep. 11 2002,05:28)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Mustang60348 @ Sep. 11 2002,17:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Thank you very much for making me laugh...

1) Crouch and prone are exactly like OFP, as opposed to what exactly..is there another way to crouch and go prone.

2) Not sure what system you have, but the graphics are NOT cartoony on my machine, are you sure you are running the last patch.

3) I don't think the devs ever claimed it was supposed to be realistic..Just for arguments sake...Can an infantry officer, fly a helo, A10s etc etc..Nope, but they can in OFP (same as BF1942).

4) Wow, that was pretty good, can't go after anything else so you have to post the obligatory ANTI AMERICAN post.Unfort this is all too typical<span id='postcolor'>

1) well the prone and stuff same key configuration,

2) i got it one full gfx and its cartoony also every body looks the same, same face etc there all clones, and apart from the assualter all other classes suck, assualt can easy kill tanks engineers gun is less useful than a knife, medics only stong point is healin himself and scouts r useless at anything moving.

3) well who sez they cant, hell if your good at falcon 4 u could probly fly and operate a f16, also if they cant fly who sez u cant try in real life, and in bf1942 u can pick up people with a plne by flyin low.

4) well its totaly american biased as in brits get almost none of there own stuff they end up with american weps and tanks, the japanese have german equipment, i suspect the russians r only in there so they can make stalingrad. And what side gets the most stuff. They get b17 p51 corsar 2 others, germans get 109 and ju47, brits get spit v.<span id='postcolor'>

1) That is the silliest thing I have ever heard, did you EVER think that perhaps they picked what most people are used to. AND btw, they are NOT the same on my computer

2) BTW, you do realize this is a demo right and ONCE again, they don't all LOOK THE SAME on my computer

3) I don't like to say this but I think it is necessary, if you think that the engineers gun is useless, it just mean you need more practise...I can snipe fairly easily with it...Scouts are useless at anything moving..hmmm imagine that, a sniper that can't hit a moving target..

4) Another computer geek that thinks cause he can fly in falcon he can take an F-16 for a spin, I think you watch too many movies like IRON EAGLE

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Mustang, you are way off base here. BF1942 has not been in development nearly as long as you claim. The developers only started about a year and a half ago tops, because they were busy with a little abortion known as Codename Eagle.

A- By your questions on that screenshot, you gave away that you obviously dont have the full version of OFP or Resistance- therfore you cant possibly comment on the quality of the game. It is deeper than you can imagine, and if all you know is BF1942 and MOHAA, it is quite possibly beyond your skill level.

B- Dont insult me. you want to argue, thats fine, but dont insult me.

C- BF1942 is a sorry excuse for a game, or at least what I have seen of it is. The physics model is a joke, the airplanes fly like go carts, the tanks are an embarassment, and for some reason you can take half a clip of Thompson rounds and still keep moving right along like nothing happened. If the developers had been developing this game for 3 years (which they werent), they should all be prevented from breeding.

D- BF1942 compromises all the things that could have made it a deep game in exchange for making it more appealing to CS kiddies like you. The 'recoil' is merely a conical model that forces bullets to spread out, no matter what. Simplistic, was done 4 years ago by amateurs in games like CS and DoD.

The tanks are simplistic and for some reason they fire projectiles that obviously were on their way to being in a Worms game but got lost. Also, a Sherman can take as much damage as a Tiger, a PzIV, and a Type 98.

E- The japanese use all German weapons and models except for the Type 98 tank and the airplanes. The graphics are absolutely cartoony- have you been to the beach lately? Does Wake Island or Tobruk ingame have the same color palette, or does it look like you are seeing it through the eyes of an LSD addict? Why does the Japanese carrier more closely resemble the Lexington than the Akagi? Why, if the engine has so much potential, do they limit the game environment to such a limited area? Why is Tobruk a village not even near the water, instead of the large fortress port that it was in the 40s? Its like these guys got their history from reading The Adventures of Sergeant Thunder and His Screaming Commandos comic book.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Mustang60348 @ Sep. 11 2002,17:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">1) That is the silliest thing I have ever heard, did you EVER think that perhaps they picked what most people are used to. AND btw, they are NOT the same on my computer

2) BTW, you do realize this is a demo right and ONCE again, they don't all LOOK THE SAME on my computer

3) I don't like to say this but I think it is necessary, if you think that the engineers gun is useless, it just mean you need more practise...I can snipe fairly easily with it...Scouts are useless at anything moving..hmmm imagine that, a sniper that can't hit a moving target..

4) Another computer geek that thinks cause he can fly in falcon he can take an F-16 for a spin, I think you watch too many movies like IRON EAGLE<span id='postcolor'>

well the only game this key configuration has been used in so far is ofp, other games us shift or c for crouch etc. Also i dont need no practice the games bloody easy my first try i had twice as many kills than deaths and planes took me about 2 seconds to master. And scouts ive had a target standing still and even tho i head shoted him he lived it takes 2 shots to the leg the arm anywhere, mounted machine guns, tank ones, apc ones etc r next to useless, as one guy said there guy here dies(pointing to mg on tank) the guy there lives(pointing to tank).

also falcon 4 is the most realistic flight sim out there, learning to drop a bomb would take u about 30mins there were over 1000bindable controls i think.

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BF1942 is not a game for us. It is a game for people that like Quake and other similar games. I'm pretty sure that developers of this game did the best they could. You guys have no right to say that it sucks. I just don't like the game, and you guys don't like the game, but that doesn't mean that it sucks. Operation Flashpoint is the game for us. BF1942 is just not the right game for us. It is obious that BIS spent much more time on this game, but BF1942 still doesn't suck because of that. It's a great game for younger population. You can't expect that everyone will play OFP. It is just too hard and too realistic at times for some people.

OFP is the only realistic war game. And that's something i always wanted. I'm pretty sure that BIS will make another great game like Operation Flashpoint with better graphic and better netcode. I would really like to see that. They really are great developers and i like this community. Younger population can get really annoying.

And guys please. Stop this flaming.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SpaceAlex @ Sep. 11 2002,06:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">BF1942 is not a game for us. It is a game for people that like Quake and other similar games. I'm pretty sure that developers of this game did the best they could. You guys have no right to say that it sucks. I just don't like the game, and you guys don't like the game, but that doesn't mean that it sucks. Operation Flashpoint is the game for us. BF1942 is just not the right game for us. It is obious that BIS spent much more time on this game, but BF1942 still doesn't suck because of that. It's a great game for younger population. You can't expect that everyone will play OFP. It is just too hard and too realistic at times for some people.

OFP is the only realistic war game. And that's something i always wanted. I'm pretty sure that BIS will make another great game like Operation Flashpoint with better graphic and better netcode. I would really like to see that. They really are great developers and i like this community. Younger population can get really annoying.

And guys please. Stop this flaming.<span id='postcolor'>

see, youre right on all points except that it does suck- If I was on the dev team, I would return my paycheck to EA, and then maybe kill myself to preserve my honor.

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Had a couple of sessions on BF1942 recently and it was a whole lot of fun. The "ticket" system combined with Conquest mode make for a very interesting game dynamic that has not previously been done. Yeah, aspects of it are cartoony and I had the same frustration with the damn sniper rifle like everyone else, but there is no denying it is fun. Probably the best thing is that you can join a game in progress, play for half an hour, have a good time, then leave.

Now, OFP is by far my favourite game ever. I lapped up the first two campaigns, and ever since getting Resistance have been trying to play MP online. With a couple of friends on the same server using Teamspeak it is as good as it gets. What tends to ruin the experience is:

(a) waiting for current game to end before joining. Have to agree with a previous poster who suggested TDM and CTF should be able to have join in progress.

(b) reliance on Admin to kick players who have lost connection for one reason or another, or who have very high pings (>1000 ms). Or just reliance on Admins altogether. How many times have you guys had the ole "everyone type in #vote Admin [23]_jasper!@!" routine go on for 5 minutes or more? Maybe a GUI-style voting system for maps like BIS improved the Choose Side/Role selection already.

© maps that are just too far between objectives with too few players. Guess the individual servers and admins need to address that one at the time.

(d) CS-style gamers playing for themselves and not the team. I guess BF1942 should take care of this one :)

Maybe some of the bigger servers could arrange for a "lock-in" for a number of hours - with people who join it committed to playing for the arranged length of time. That way the mindset of the players would be appropriate and most of the joining issues would be ...well, avoided.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ Sep. 11 2002,06:25)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SpaceAlex @ Sep. 11 2002,06:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">BF1942 is not a game for us. It is a game for people that like Quake and other similar games. I'm pretty sure that developers of this game did the best they could. You guys have no right to say that it sucks. I just don't like the game, and you guys don't like the game, but that doesn't mean that it sucks. Operation Flashpoint is the game for us. BF1942 is just not the right game for us. It is obious that BIS spent much more time on this game, but BF1942 still doesn't suck because of that. It's a great game for younger population. You can't expect that everyone will play OFP. It is just too hard and too realistic at times for some people.

OFP is the only realistic war game. And that's something i always wanted. I'm pretty sure that BIS will make another great game like Operation Flashpoint with better graphic and better netcode. I would really like to see that. They really are great developers and i like this community. Younger population can get really annoying.

And guys please. Stop this flaming.<span id='postcolor'>

see, youre right on all points except that it does suck- If I was on the dev team, I would return my paycheck to EA, and then maybe kill myself to preserve my honor.<span id='postcolor'>

Afcourse. You don't like the game. That's why it sucks. I don't like BF1942 either. That's just how it is. It seems that Mustang doesn't like OFP. Well, he is in the wrong forum. Just ignore his posts. It's the best thing to do.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ Sep. 11 2002,05:50)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Mustang, you are way off base here. BF1942 has not been in development nearly as long as you claim. The developers only started about a year and a half ago tops, because they were busy with a little abortion known as Codename Eagle.

A- By your questions on that screenshot, you gave away that you obviously dont have the full version of OFP or Resistance- therfore you cant possibly comment on the quality of the game. It is deeper than you can imagine, and if all you know is BF1942 and MOHAA, it is quite possibly beyond your skill level.

B- Dont insult me. you want to argue, thats fine, but dont insult me.

C- BF1942 is a sorry excuse for a game, or at least what I have seen of it is. The physics model is a joke, the airplanes fly like go carts, the tanks are an embarassment, and for some reason you can take half a clip of Thompson rounds and still keep moving right along like nothing happened. If the developers had been developing this game for 3 years (which they werent), they should all be prevented from breeding.

D- BF1942 compromises all the things that could have made it a deep game in exchange for making it more appealing to CS kiddies like you. The 'recoil' is merely a conical model that forces bullets to spread out, no matter what. Simplistic, was done 4 years ago by amateurs in games like CS and DoD.

The tanks are simplistic and for some reason they fire projectiles that obviously were on their way to being in a Worms game but got lost. Also, a Sherman can take as much damage as a Tiger, a PzIV, and a Type 98.

E- The japanese use all German weapons and models except for the Type 98 tank and the airplanes. The graphics are absolutely cartoony- have you been to the beach lately? Does Wake Island or Tobruk ingame have the same color palette, or does it look like you are seeing it through the eyes of an LSD addict? Why does the Japanese carrier more closely resemble the Lexington than the Akagi? Why, if the engine has so much potential, do they limit the game environment to such a limited area?  Why is Tobruk a village not even near the water, instead of the large fortress port that it was in the 40s? Its like these guys got their history from reading The Adventures of Sergeant Thunder and His Screaming Commandos comic book.<span id='postcolor'>

1) I have the FULL version of OFP, and had the demo before that

2) Please see the link I provided with regards to the development cycle. According to their own year end report from 2000 they started in at least Jan 2000. Of course you won't believe that as it does not fit into your argument.

b) Hmm, don't insult you eh...ok, right back at you

c) So do most of the aircraft in OFP. Once again, I just tested BF1942 , YOU can't take half a clip of thompson rounds and move right along like nothing happened. Again see my link regarding the dev cycle

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