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Flying bodies Physics Mod

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Haha.. That is the actual title of the mod :cool:

haha true but I would love to see this mod get close to proper flying bodies is all :) Im going to mess with the current settings and see what i can come up with.

Anyone care to explain the values a bit more?

Edited by TG_bigboss

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Yea you can make changes, its fairly easy just depbo the mod, and open the config in a editor and mess about with this stuff and repack simples.


class PhysXParams {
	epeImpulseDamageCoef = 3000.0;
	impulseForceRagdollCoef = 15;
	impulseTorqueRagdollCoef = 1;
	maxRagdollImpulseForceMagnitude = 5000;
	maxRagdollImpulseTorqueMagnitude = 400;
	ragdollUnderwaterBuoyancyCoef = 9.7;
	ragdollUnderwaterResistanceCoef = 0.005;
	ragdollOnCollideSpeedLimit = "2500.0f";
	ragdollOnCollideMassLimit = "0.0f";
	ragdollOnCollideForceCoef = "20.0f";
	ragdollOnCollideMaxForce = "25.0f";
	ragdollOnCollideMaxOffset = "2.0f";
	ragdollOnCollideMaxOffsetSpeed = "50.0f";
	ragdollOnCollideVehicleImpulseCoef = "0.5f";
	ragdollUnconsciousSleepCoef = "0f";
	ragdollHitTime = "10f";
	ragdollHitForceCoef = "800.0f";
	ragdollHitDmgLimit = "10000f";
	ragdollVehicleCollision = 1;
The main settings for force, impulse etc and other stuff is these settings in the config

        impulseForceRagdollCoef = 15;
	impulseTorqueRagdollCoef = 1;
	maxRagdollImpulseForceMagnitude = 5000;
	maxRagdollImpulseTorqueMagnitude = 400;
These are actually a bit less comical.

Pretty sure someone can make a userconfig

The rest of the config id not mess about with, i was trying to get the ragdolls to work after death but gave up.



Sorry for dredging up old thread but i was wondering if its possible to turn this into a script that can be used in missions, i just tried it out and it adds a lot of fun factor although it can be toned down a bit! if so what would be the procedure to make it a mission script?

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