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UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

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Hi, has anyone ever had jets respawn successfully, the pilot always seems to spawn outside and can never seem to get back in.

Also is it possible to delay the respawn?

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Also is it possible to delay the respawn?

It will be added in the next version :)

Hi, has anyone ever had jets respawn successfully, the pilot always seems to spawn outside and can never seem to get back in.

I never use jets with UPSMON :o What did you mean by they spawn outside ?

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It will be added in the next version :)


I never use jets with UPSMON :o What did you mean by they spawn outside ?

Well they take off no problem and head towards marker etc, but when they respawn the pilot is spawned outside the jet, and doesn't seem to know how to get back in.. also the Jet may spawn on a different angle than originally placed in the editor with so may end up in a tree or building etc :D

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Is there a minimum size for the area for the Patrol ? I have the problem that in a area with the size of 50x50 the group always get waypoints next to them. Walking 2 steps stop and getting next waypoint 2 steps away. Most of the time they just running around in one spot back an fourth. With a area greater 100x100 all works fine! Is this a known issue ??

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does UPSMON have a built in AI Skill?
I use a script

Change this line to suit your UPSMON requirements. Just leave in "SPAWNED"

nul = [_leader,_patrolArea,"NOWAIT","RANDOM","SAFE","SPAWNED","DELETE:",300] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";


Beerkan's Spawn Patrol, set their skill and have them use UPSMON script.
Version 0.5
Create  a spawn marker where you want them to spawn, then create a Patrol Area where you want them to patrol.
Call this script from Radio function or trigger
_nul = ["spawnPoint_01", "patrolArea_01",SPAWNED"] execVM "scripts\Spawn_OFGrp1.sqf";

if (!isServer) exitWith {};
_spawnPoint = _this select 0;
_patrolArea = _this select 1;
_side = EAST;
_pos = getMarkerPos _spawnPoint;
_grp = [_pos, _side, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfSquad_Weapons")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;	
	{	_x setskill ["aimingAccuracy",(0.1 + random 0.3)];
		_x setskill ["aimingShake",(0.1 + random 0.3)];
		_x setskill ["aimingSpeed",(0.1 + random 0.3)];
		_x setskill ["commanding",(0.2 + random 0.4)];
		_x setskill ["courage",(0.3 + random 0.5)];
//			_x setskill ["endurance",(0.3 + random 0.5)];// No longer used in ArmA3
		_x setskill ["general",(0.3 + random 0.5)];
		_x setskill ["reloadSpeed",(0.1 + random 0.4)];
		_x setskill ["spotDistance",(0.1 + random 0.4)];
		_x setskill ["spotTime",(0.1 + random 0.5)];
		// Now remove NVGoggles
		if (side _x == EAST) then {_x unlinkitem "NVGoggles_OPFOR";_x removeitem "NVGoggles_OPFOR";};
		if (side _x == WEST) then {_x unlinkitem "NVGoggles";_x removeitem "NVGoggles";};
		if (side _x == RESISTANCE) then {_x unlinkitem "NVGoggles_INDEP";_x removeitem "NVGoggles_INDEP";};
		// And add them if it's night time or night time is approaching.
		if ((date select 3) < 6 or (date select 3) > 18)
			then {
				if (side _x == EAST) then {_x linkitem "NVGoggles_OPFOR";};
				if (side _x == WEST) then {_x linkitem "NVGoggles";};
				if (side _x == RESISTANCE) then {_x linkitem "NVGoggles_INDEP";};};				
	} foreach units _grp;

sleep 3;//Allow units to initialise.
_leader = leader _grp;
nul = [_leader,_patrolArea,"NOWAIT","RANDOM","SAFE","SPAWNED","DELETE:",300] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";

Edited by Beerkan
The Spelling Bee told me to.

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thank again Beerkan for your help

Another question how do i stop the AI from leaving the patrol zone

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You can use "NOFOLLOW" parameter in UPSMON parameter:

[leader _grp,_patrolArea,"NOWAIT","RANDOM","SAFE","SPAWNED","DELETE:",300,"NOFOLLOW"] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";

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Using the defense script, my AI units don't wait to see nato troops to move, in editor they move around and patrol at start, regards to the reinforcement script what works best to use this setup? anyone explain to me how to setup reinforcements, How I am doing it now is, place units, place script in unit for reinforcement, place trigger with KRONS to trigger, all in same zones as other units. does that sound correct? someone stated at one time that reinforcements need to be 700 meters or closer.

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this is what im using. but i get a random few AI moving out of the AO area to investigate

_spawngrp = [getMarkerPos "area0", EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfSquad")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; 
sleep 3;
[leader _spawngrp,"area0","NOWAIT","PATROL","SPAWNED","DELETE:",300,"MIN:",0,"MAX:",0] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf"; 

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I don't get your defense problem.

There's no link between zones, the unit will ask to the nearest unit to support them when they need it. I suggest you to check the manual in the info, it will explain most of the parameters.


Do you try with the "NOFOLLOW", like I wrote in my previous post ?

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oh i do have a group on ambush just outside of the AO maybe they are sending unit to support

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But Have you try the "NOFOLLOW" parameter ? You didn't answer my question :p

Edited by Cool=Azroul13

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I don't get your defense problem.

Yea I don't either, not sure if its a conflict with other scripts, I use distance settings script, field repair, UPSMON, BTC mostly, fast ropes sometimes, But I use

nul=[this,"town","nomove","delete:",300] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";

for all defense units,

they used to take static weapons and wait for nato present to move, now or at least for some time, they don't take static weapons , fortify does though and the defense units just start patrolling at start of mission in editor, not sure why, but I can post a mission for you later.

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You must use "FORTIFY" instead of "NOMOVE".

Ok so for this

•Defensive squad samples:

1 nul=[this,"town","nomove"] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";

2 nul=[this,"town","nomove","delete:",300] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";



has that changed? if so fine, just was not sure. Has there been updated for nomove vs fortify? Sorry I have not kept up with all the replies

Lastly, I know I had asked before, but I have been trying to use this with Headless client trying this with A2MC SQM to SQF, someone told me to change some code once the mission is in sqf form. Is that still the only way to use UPSMON with headless client?

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Lastly, I know I had asked before, but I have been trying to use this with Headless client trying this with A2MC SQM to SQF, someone told me to change some code once the mission is in sqf form.

And this person told you which code need to be changed ?

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From another PM: its related to changing the mission sqm to sqf file for AIspawn.sqf to have HC take the AI. Its not really related to UPSMON as its related more to A2MC.

The reason why your script won't work because there are errors in it. Some of the old code from ARMA 2 won't allow it to work. Mainly setVehicleInit doesn't work at all in ARMA 3 plus it adds an extra semi colon

Also switch setMarkerShape and setMarkerType.

Basically these were the changes I need to make to allow HC to take the sqf file.

My original question was more related to IF anyone was able to use UPSMON with headless client without all the extra work with the NEW sqf file. I usually have 200+ AI units and using HC with an AI behavior script is my goal. I have not met this goal YET.


((Lastly, I know I had asked before, but I have been trying to use this with Headless client trying this with A2MC SQM to SQF, someone told me to change some code once the mission is in sqf form. Is that still the only way to use UPSMON with headless client?))

was more related to an easier way to do this.

Are the defensive commands not working anymore? You had stated use FORTIFY in place of NOMOVE?

•Defensive squad samples:

1 nul=[this,"town","nomove"] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";

2 nul=[this,"town","nomove","delete:",300] execVM "scripts\upsmon.sqf";



Again, thanks for your great work and time. this makes playing arma more fun!

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Well, "FORTIFY" parameter works the same way as "NOMOVE" so I just remove this parameter.

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Well, "FORTIFY" parameter works the same way as "NOMOVE" so I just remove this parameter.

Ok thanks for that update.

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Cool, what I'm seeing is still "RANDOMUP" does not take the top building positions. Not even a single unit goes higher than the first floor. Are you planning to change that? If not (no worries) I'll try to fix this up on my own (but to be honest, UPSMon is far away of my skills)

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I will need more information because I just test the last UPSMON release on Armaholic and I see no problem. All my units takes the highest positions.

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