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EricJ Taliban Units


- Added a "Taliban Pawnee", since an MD500 doesn't exist for the Armaverse

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Well after some internal debate and nothing else going on, I decided to try the "Cruise Missile Container". it's just going to be a container with four missiles (I'll have to make my own weapon and stuff, but that's later) or so for realism sake that can be used and moved around via helicopter. Weights going to be about 2500 kg, so a Ghost Hawk or so can lift it easy (normal containers in the helo pack weigh 1000 kg) and so on. So far I need to get the turret working so it can look around and launch missiles that are locked on by a laser designator and so on, or however the VLS system works. But more or less once I figure out the turret and stuff, and get the missiles to launch at least vertically (my first test it blew up a helicopter and the container next to it) and so on, but I think I got the missile launcher part working, and so I can just make a new launcher with my own magazine and such, and call it a day, and redo a container so it'll at least look different from the other containers.

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Looks like due to Cruise Missile size, I'll reduce it to one per container. I don't make the rules but the thing is fairly big, and trying to get it to launch vertically is proving a pain, as well as getting the turret to move.

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Current status is that I got the Cruise Missile to launch vertically. The only issue is getting the turret to animate, i.e. simply move around. I don't know why it's being such a pain to do, but I have no issue with the other turrets, maybe I'm missing something currently. Other than that I need to build up the container so it at least looks realistic to have a cruise missile launch from it. I can't do the animated doors (don't know how) to make it at least "work" right for appearance sake. But the good news is that that's the only thing stopping from release, the turret and some 3D model work. I may redo the model so it looks more akin to a launch platform, rather than just a rectangle (I have some concept ideas in my head anyway) that is a box. We'll see.

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Here's the prototype of the Cruise Missile Container:




I made it upright to work with the vertical launch of the missile. I have the turret moved up so you can see over the container and so on. This picture was taken when I was just checking sling load issues, of which there are none. I think the game senses the location of the sling load points and adjusts accordingly, because I didn't have any problem moving it around. I do have to design some things for the model, and make a custom texture to reflect the system. I may make a simple non-functioning geometry for the launch door,, so it will not be just a door texture and the like. Other than that after some work, it should be ready for upload.

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Well after looking at the size of the missile, I can increase the number to four missiles per container.

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More or less the "final" look of the Cruise Missile Contaner:




Once I get the small sensor turret working, I'll upload but as mentioned, can launch up to four missiles. I have to put some stabilizing pads and I think that will finish this project up.

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Here's the issue:




If you can see in the left below the road, the sensor camera is floating from the mount. I'm scratching my head why it's doing that, and trying to fix it, but nothing seems to gel. I'll keep working at it though.

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Apparently if you name something wrong, it forces the stuff not to work. For now it's "working" and will be released sometime tomorrow (more like the morning) for players to work out and see if it fits into their game. I have to admit not knowing how to fully use the VLS system, so it is what it is, and don't know how to lock a target. I made it so it traverses 360 degrees more or less (no up and down movement, but should be okay for general use) Unfortunately I don''t know how to make it fire from each cell, but it's good enough for government work to get working and seeing if players like it. Overall it should be okay for gameplay, and I advise moving it around on as flat a surface as possible, as a test lift made it tip over on it's side and that was that I guess. I could have probably picked it up but overall it should be okay.

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EricJ Helicopter Pack


- Added a "Cruise Missile Container" to the list of available containers. It has four missiles, and is operated like the Mk41 VLS system. While not perfect (no animated doors yet, and fires in one spot), it is functional and is transportable by sling load (a Ghost Hawk is the minimum helicopter that can lift it).



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EricJ Cherokee Containers


- Added a Cruise Missile Container. While not perfect it does work, and works like the Mk41 VLS system. It is also sling loadable by a Ghost Hawk and heavier.

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Okay just added a user-suggested request from Steam, and that was different ROF for the M134 miniguns. I managed to implement it and thankful for Replace function for the text editor I use for coding stuff. The barrels rotate (that was my biggest concern for changing the weapons) so that's good. Now I gotta make the muzzleflash for the left side minigun show, and maybe I'll release, within a few days or so, not sure as there isn't much on the mind for the mods as a whole.

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EricJ Helicopter Pack


- Adjusted the weight of the Cruise Missile Container, with an increase, but still able to be lifted by a Ghost Hawk.
- M134s now have an adjustable fire rate, and coded ammunition that's specific to the weapon
- Fixed left hand miniguns, now have muzzle flashes (thanks to HorribleGoat on the Arma Discord)



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Realized after I uploaded the update for the EricJ Helicopter Pack I noticed the shell casings from the miniguns ejecting from the center of the helicopters. Fixed and will be in next update, within a few days or so.

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Armored SUV


- Added a Task Marker memory point for help with missions.

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Right now I'm trying to focus on some Strike Fighters 2 stuff and so on. I'm mulling over doing a DSHKA for the Taliban Fighters mod, and found a good model from A2 (it was in the A2 Samples), and I had textures for it. I just gotta find the old model.cfg and make a working one for the game. Honestly I'm mulling it over whether I want to finish it (I need to do the config.cpp and model.cfg) or not, but it's in the folder at least. Only version I'm planning is the raised tripod version, no other versions planned. Also on the helo front I need to get the wheels rolling on the wheeled helos. My testbed helo didn't work out as planned, thinking if I used the Test_Plane_01 model.cfg it would work. Not yet but once I get that working, I'll update ASAP.

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Got a request on the EricJ Helicopter Pack Steam page for a "SAM Container", and been thinking of doing it. Once I get the turret working I can see what I can do. More or less it will be a Titan AA style container. I don't have any idea for a more comprehensive system and don't need the Jets DLC for it (the missiles are just going to spawn from the launch tubes/boxes, etc. I don't see much else in the works for the forseeable future, but it could be a good addition. Plans are to make it similar to the VLS system, where you can access it with the Remote Terminal [NATO] and such. Other than that will be done in a week or so, depending on what I want it to look like in the first place.

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I figured I was stretching it a bit, so I made a WIP topic instead:



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EricJ Helicopter Pack


- Black River PMC UH-92 is now accessible in Zeus
- Added a "Titan AA Missile Container", it's an automated system that is useable with the UAV Terminal [NATO],it has 24 missiles and is a container, and is sling loadable by minimum the Wildcat. Other helos should be able to lift it okay, depending on weight limits and such. Right now due to needing to get some updates out, it's a beta. I for some reason can't get the animations to make the view go up to catch enemy aircraft, so in essence it can be used by the AI, but human control is out of the question right now.
- Cleaned up the Open Door helos, removing some named properties so the doors don't actuate when getting in or exiting the respective aircraft.



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EricJ Cherokee Containers

- Added a "SAM Container", that fires Titan AA missiles, and has 24 missiles. It is useable by players and UAV AI alike.

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