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TPW MODS: enhanced realism and immersion for Arma 3 SP.

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5 minutes ago, AirShark said:

Great job !... even better 

however, when playing I encountered unusual error when destroying a truck.. something about setfuel 

image for the error: https://imgur.com/Nwkf0T2

I see you're wasting civilians again...


Well spotted, bug fixed. 

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Please download TPW MODS again, I've incorporated your bug fixes and suggestions.

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5 hours ago, tpw said:

I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing these issues mate. The only long shot idea I can think of - are you running MSI Afterburner? I while ago I had issues with Arma3 crashing if I tried to load mods such as CUP. It turned out to be the old version of MSI AFterburner. I upgraded and everything was ginger peachy after that.


If that's not it then I'm shit out of ideas.


If you can get hold of your rpt file after a crash, that might offer some clues. It'll most likely be in c:\users\ruthal\appdata\arma3 (obviously I have no idea what your windows login is)

Sure thing! I'll send it over a message.

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@ tpw - tried the new build and now nothing is spawning for skirmish...

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6 hours ago, Valken said:

@ tpw - tried the new build and now nothing is spawning for skirmish...

Hmm, I spent quite a few hours working on this and it was absolutely spawning units from multiple custom strings just prior to me uploading. Guess I’d better have another look.


EDIT: All fixed, please download again. There was a massive delay due to multiple scanning of the config for appropriate units. I've "pre scanned" it and use that, so it only scans for custom units now. 

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20 hours ago, tpw said:





Please download TPW MODS again, I've incorporated your bug fixes and suggestions.


Thank you, yet you did not make influence the player’s own bullets. You can not do it?

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3 minutes ago, mickeymen said:


Thank you, yet you did not make influence the player’s own bullets. You can not do it?

I've added the code, but am not sure about it. If you can get 3 ricochets to fly past you in 10 sec it might work. If not, I'm not going to lose sleep over it mate.

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Just now, tpw said:

If you can get 3 ricochets to fly past you in 10 sec it might work.

You probably did not understand me. What ricochets are we talking about if the player shoots himself?

I'm talking about bullet hits in front of player, but not about ricochets.

It seems to me that the trigger for blurring should be - any bullet hit (enemy bullets or player himself bullets), but not a ricochets after first hit. Ricochet is already subsequent hits, but not the first impact of a bullet.


You cannot make every bullet, which hit near the player create a blur (enemy bullets or player himself bullets), while several bullets in a row increase the degree of blur? 



If not, I'm not going to lose sleep over it mate.

I just asked you. If it is difficult, do not bother



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OK so maybe I'm a bit confused. Here's what is happening at the moment. There is an invisible shell about 5m in radius around the player. All it has is a collision geometry, so if a projectile hits it, a hit eventhandler fires. At the moment that eventhandler increments a counter if the projectile comes from an enemy, and if the counter registers 3 times in 10 seconds then it triggers the blur and other suppression effects.


Now I can make it so the counter increments if any bullet hits it, including those from the player's squad if they're firing nearby.  It won't register a hit from the player's own bullets, because they are hitting it on the inside. Player bullets could potentially register if they ricochet off something and hit the shell from the outside. This is what I have coded for, but haven't been able to test.


When I was first doing suppression stuff years ago, I found that allowing bullets from the player's own side made firefights impossible, since the player just ended up visually suppressed constantly, regardless of whether the enemy was suppressing him.   


So what I have come up with is a compromise. All passing bullets will cause a low level of visual blur (but no other suppression fx). More that 3 enemy bullets will cause the full suppression (panting, edge darkening, increased heartrate etc) and heavy blur. 


24 minutes ago, mickeymen said:

I just asked you. If it is difficult, do not bother

Please don't make out that I am being unreasonable. 

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@ tpw... Skirmish is working ... kinda...


Long story:


I have set all 3 factions to custom factions only

I have set all 3 factions to spawn between 1 to 3 mods each (a*,b*,c*)

I goto editor, select Altis, place a civilian and then play the game.

tpw_config is set to spawn skirmish in 30 seconds but it takes about 6x seconds to spawn it.

animals spawn in ~ 30 seconds.


Blufor mixes custom + Nato

Redfor mixes custom + Csat

Greenfor either spawns custom or does not (spawns AAF).


Good thing is that it spawns custom vehicles including tanks!!! Now lets see it do the same for custom air and heli units!


It kinda works but the effect was not what I had intended. The April builds did work before for squads...


Maybe I am using TOO many mods?!


I will try to drop my mods further to see if matters such as blastcore but it never affected the game.


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Thank you for the detailed report. Now we understand better how it works. These are just some thoughts you can dispute if you wish.


3 hours ago, tpw said:

OK so maybe I'm a bit confused. Here's what is happening at the moment. There is an invisible shell about 5m in radius around the player. All it has is a collision geometry, so if a projectile hits it, a hit eventhandler fires. At the moment that eventhandler increments a counter if the projectile comes from an enemy, and if the counter registers 3 times in 10 seconds then it triggers the blur and other suppression effects.


Please try to do not "3 times in 10 seconds" but once in any convenient to you interval - It will be more accurate! Lets, each bullet will be palpable for player!  If the bullets will be more than one, then let the blur effect increase its impact!

In this case -2 and more bullets will give more blur than one bullet.

If possible, set a threshold for the maximal number of bullets the system should track.

For example this may be the number 5. Means that more than 5 bullets during your time interval should not be counted


3 hours ago, tpw said:

Now I can make it so the counter increments if any bullet hits it, including those from the player's squad if they're firing nearby. 


Any bullets hits - Namelly! Seems to me it will be cool


3 hours ago, tpw said:

It won't register a hit from the player's own bullets, because they are hitting it on the inside.


I understand you perfectly, but I have seen that self-suppression is possible in Arma3!

As I said, VeteranMod was able to do that, they probably used a different way to realise this goal. I am very sorry that I did not keep the previous versions of this mod, otherwise I could consider this as an example. This is not working in new versions...

If you can not do it in TPW then do not worry. The main thing that you know that this is possible! Maybe in time you can figure out how to do it.


3 hours ago, tpw said:

When I was first doing suppression stuff years ago, I found that allowing bullets from the player's own side made firefights impossible, since the player just ended up visually suppressed constantly, regardless of whether the enemy was suppressing him.   


I suspect that your way of supression bluring at players fire is different from the way VeteranMod used. Please believe me, I've seen it for several years! It worked fine, but I lost this old version of VeteranMod, replacing it with a new version in which it was already broken.


3 hours ago, tpw said:

So what I have come up with is a compromise. All passing bullets will cause a low level of visual blur (but no other suppression fx). More that 3 enemy bullets will cause the full suppression (panting, edge darkening, increased heartrate etc) and heavy blur. 


Thank you! The main thing is let the player feel every enemy or allied bullet (even if own bullets feel not work) 


some Supression questions:


1. Will you still have ONLY two degrees of supression?
Light degree when a player gets < 3 bullets and heavy when a player gets > 3 bullets?

Do you have the opportunity to create a suppression system that I described above:



Please try to do not 3 times but once - It will be more accurate! Lets, each bullet will be palpable for player!

If the bullets will be more than one, then let the blur effect increase its impact!

In this case -2 and more bullets will give more blur than one bullet.

If possible, set a threshold for the maximal number of bullets the system should track.

For example this may be the number 5. Means that more than 5 bullets during your time interval should not be counted



What do you think about it? It is a bad idea ?


2. You talk about other FX effects. What are these effects I have never seen them, please describe


3. tpw_duck_player = 1; // audiovisual cues when player is suppressed.  ( 0 - 1, where 0 = don't show , 1 - strong blurring)

Player can set value which will be < 1? For example tpw_duck_player = 0.44 or not? 



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Please download TPW MODS again, I've incorporated your bug fixes and suggestions.


I found some stuff during my tests:

-civilians are disappearing when not in sight... when I chase them they quickly run to a corner or building and despawn  (not good in some cases)

-now they rarely spawn and hard to find... sometimes found non (trust me its not my fault this time)

-their is a lot of sounds are not playing, I heard just Athan sounds repeating over and over again... in Anizay map at least...

-some parked vehicles are just spawning and switching (a truck became car and then a bus...etc) in sight and even in close range in some locations (old bug)

-when I injured a civilian he was glitching standing and then playing injured animations, the process was repeating till he despawn (maybe incompatibility with ace ?)


killing civilians is more challenging this time I tried everything flamethrowers, grenades, guns ,knifes and some of them successfully escape... I cant wait for the new expansion to use Gas instead...

...and there is no RPT errors everything is clear and clean  this time  = )

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7 hours ago, Valken said:

@ tpw... Skirmish is working ... kinda...


Long story:


I have set all 3 factions to custom factions only

I have set all 3 factions to spawn between 1 to 3 mods each (a*,b*,c*)

I goto editor, select Altis, place a civilian and then play the game.

tpw_config is set to spawn skirmish in 30 seconds but it takes about 6x seconds to spawn it.

animals spawn in ~ 30 seconds.


Blufor mixes custom + Nato

Redfor mixes custom + Csat

Greenfor either spawns custom or does not (spawns AAF).


Good thing is that it spawns custom vehicles including tanks!!! Now lets see it do the same for custom air and heli units!


It kinda works but the effect was not what I had intended. The April builds did work before for squads...


Maybe I am using TOO many mods?!


I will try to drop my mods further to see if matters such as blastcore but it never affected the game.


Thanks for the detailed report mate. The last version I uploaded (about 8 hours ago) is working well at my end. My setup spawns 

2 custom blufor, chooses between 2 preset opfor, and 2 preset indfor. I can think of two possible reasons for it being tardy on your setup. 1 - you have enormous numbers of things in CfgVehicles due to mods. When you use a custom faction string, it has to scan all these CfgVehicles entries. The more custom strings, the more times it has to do it.  2 - you’ve got a dodgy string or more, that can’t find a matching unit in CfgVehicles.  This would cause an empty group to spawn, which might give the appearance of nothing happening.  

If you could try dropping the skirmish time down to 10sec, and just spawn some presets for all your factions, and see how rapidly  the system populates. That might tell me where skirmish is bogging down for you.


I’m going to try to further refine the system by prescanning just the man class entries out of CfgVehicles.

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6 hours ago, AirShark said:


I found some stuff during my tests:

-civilians are disappearing when not in sight... when I chase them they quickly run to a corner or building and despawn  (not good in some cases)

-now they rarely spawn and hard to find... sometimes found non (trust me its not my fault this time)

-their is a lot of sounds are not playing, I heard just Athan sounds repeating over and over again... in Anizay map at least...

-some parked vehicles are just spawning and switching (a truck became car and then a bus...etc) in sight and even in close range in some locations (old bug)

-when I injured a civilian he was glitching standing and then playing injured animations, the process was repeating till he despawn (maybe incompatibility with ace ?)


killing civilians is more challenging this time I tried everything flamethrowers, grenades, guns ,knifes and some of them successfully escape... I cant wait for the new expansion to use Gas instead...

...and there is no RPT errors everything is clear and clean  this time  = )


Civs are spawning just fine. The walking TPW CIVS will spawn in houses near you, and walk from house to house. The stationary TPW CROWDS will spawn near houses more than about 75m from you, and will disperse to other houses if you get near them (or if battle or rain starts). Both civs rely on habitable houses, not ruins.  The more you move around an area, the more you'll see. 

Thanks for the heads up on the glitching of injured CROWD civs. This happens because the system tried to keep them animating when they aren't moving. I've added the additional code to prevent this when their damage is > 0.

Since you insist on tormenting CROWD civs by chasing them, then yes you will notice that they despawn when out of sight. That's the design. I've added additional code so that they have to be out of sight and >20m from the player. CROWD and CIV civs are intended to be decorative, to make an area seem inhabited, and have just enough awareness of the player and environment so that they'll gradually disappear when battle starts, to free up CPU. Because everything is dynamic, despawning is built into both.  I'm not trying to be a prick here, but your edge case of civilian interaction is pushing right up against the design of TPW CIVS/CROWD, you might be better served with one of the numerous other CIV mods. 


Parked vehicles are very (I mean very) difficult to implement correctly. Why do you think BIS dropped the idea? PARK tries to pick appropriate places to spawn a car, but if it senses that the car is being damaged during spawn, will rapidly despawn it and try another car. Usually it succeeds after a couple of tries. All this is CPU intensive so I can't run it on a really fast loop, which means you can sometimes have the great good fortune of observing the process.


TPW SOAP is working fine on Anizay and other maps. Most of the sounds are disabled once battle starts though, by design. Have you changed the config in some way?

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7 hours ago, mickeymen said:

1. Will you still have ONLY two degrees of supression?
Light degree when a player gets < 3 bullets and heavy when a player gets > 3 bullets?

Do you have the opportunity to create a suppression system that I described above:


What do you think about it? It is a bad idea ?


2. You talk about other FX effects. What are these effects I have never seen them, please describe


3. tpw_duck_player = 1; // audiovisual cues when player is suppressed.  ( 0 - 1, where 0 = don't show , 1 - strong blurring)

Player can set value which will be < 1? For example tpw_duck_player = 0.44 or not? 



Hi mate


1 - The system as it stands will give light blurring and no other suppression fx when any bullet passes the player, and heavier blurring and other fx when 3 enemy bullets pass in 10 seconds. I'm happy with that to be honest and am not really keen on further complicating the system. Try downloading the current TPW MODS and see for yourself.


2 - The other FX are those built into the fatigue system. So if you're suppressed you get panting and pulsing darkened screen edges. If you use TPW BLEEDOUT then you'll get optional camera shaking to simulate increased heartrate. And of course screen blurring courtesy of TPW DUCK (if radial blur is enabled).


3 - Yes the value can be anywhere between 0-1. tpw_duck_player = 0.44 if that's what you want :)

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TPW SOAP is working fine on Anizay and other maps. Most of the sounds are disabled once battle starts though, by design. Have you changed the config in some way?

first, thank you for the explanations above I found them really useful...

And nope I didnt change anything I removed my old configs and replaced them by the default ones, and yes im not hearing sounds even when not in battle just the Athan ones.

however I will do more tests tomorrow = )

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TPW MODS 20190529: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u7w3b1h0l0834un/TPW_MODS.zip



  • [CARS 1.67] Orphaned drivers or passengers from commandeered or crashed vehicles will be deleted if out of sight of the player (thanks AirShark). Fixed setfuel error (also thanks AirShark).
  • [CROWDS 1.19] Civs will not despawn if closer than 20m to the player, even if not visible (thanks AirShark).
  • [DUCK 1.11] Degree of visual blur when suppressed may now be specified. 0 = no blur -> 1 = strong blur. Player will get slight blurring of vision when any bullets pass by, and stronger blurring and other FX when suppressed by enemy bullets (thanks mickeymen).
  • [SKIRMISH 1.51] Changed behaviour of units to prevent walking under combat conditions (thanks Zakuaz). Proper selection of multiple custom unit or vehicle strings (thanks Valken)

Thanks for all the testing, suggestions and bug reports guys.



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TPW MODS 20190529 - I have error message


Seems to me supression not work


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1 hour ago, mickeymen said:

TPW MODS 20190529 - I have error message


Seems to me supression not work


Do you play without TPW HUD?


I've fixed it. Please download again mate.

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2 hours ago, tpw said:

Do you play without TPW HUD?

Yes! As already said, I do not use TPW HUD. 

As far as I know TPW HUD shows to player additional information on the screen, while I prefer minimalism and realism.

In real life there is no information on the screen :icon_cool:


2 hours ago, tpw said:

I've fixed it. Please download again mate.

Thank you!

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@ tpw - I found the problem with skirmish!


If I set custom units and list out multiple mods such as ("a*", "b*", "c*") for any sides in twp_config, but DO NOT actually load any one or more of the mods, example - only load a and b, but not c, then when tpw_mod is spawning and does not find c, it will then load the "default" units for that side during that spawn cycle. Nato for Blufor, CSAT for redfor and AAF for Greenfor.


If I set the custom units explicitly and load them, to match, then it works perfectly!!!


This is crazy because in the previous versions before the tank unit support, it would SKIP the unloaded or missing mod strings and just goto the next one or cycle back to only listed mod strings a, then b and c.


I hope you can use this to fix it or at least we know now how to minimize the unwanted effects.


A side effect of this:


In previous versions before tank skirmish support, if I also enabled zombies and loaded Max Zombies and ANY OTHER ZOMBIE mod such as RAVAGE, and so long as the units match the zombie string, it would load other zombie units automatically for the next spawn, slightly randomly.


Now, if I make skirmish explicit and load all listed mods, it DOES NOT spawn ravage zombies and only max zombies even if I have ravage actually loaded.


So can you add support for ravage zombies as well or just allow the *zombie* string or make it user configurable whitelist, and check it to cycle to the next zombie if one of the strings do not match or was not loaded, to get ahead of the load "default" unit if string not found bug? 


Also, it seems zombies still focus on player even set to 2, target anyone with skirmish on. I've seen all the zombies bunch up on me, while I was spectating. Good thing I put my civilian player onto the top of the house in the editor while I was testing the spawning.


Lastly, during the airstrikes called in by the AI, I saw a bunch of very slow moving missiles flying BACKWARDS (flames towards the target with missile head facing the back). Its kinda cool to see the missiles but should orient it correctly so the missile is facing the targets.


Lastly lastly... any possibility of a random NUKE or MOAB during called in airstrikes? maybe a very low probability? You can use Aliascartoons nuke effect... would be randomly "woah wtf cool"...


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Tpw thank you for the mod! Im glad you have expanded the ability to spawn custom units! Great work sir 🙂 Does the feature also support vehicles (light armored, tanks, etc)? I know it is probably written somewhere ... Anyways, is there any chance to see this greater level of customization also affect TPW_AIR so we can select which planes and helicopters spawn during the flybys?

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I was playing and then some errors pops up...


and this one (I couldnt take a screen shoot for it)...

19:06:52 Error in expression <ore_civs)));
_civ = _sqname createUnit [_civtype,_spawnpos, [], 0, "FORM"]; 
19:06:52   Error position: <_civtype,_spawnpos, [], 0, "FORM"]; 
19:06:52   Error Undefined variable in expression: _civtype
19:06:52 File TPW_MODS\tpw_crowd.sqf, line 117



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14 hours ago, Valken said:

@ tpw - I found the problem with skirmish!


If I set custom units and list out multiple mods such as ("a*", "b*", "c*") for any sides in twp_config, but DO NOT actually load any one or more of the mods, example - only load a and b, but not c, then when tpw_mod is spawning and does not find c, it will then load the "default" units for that side during that spawn cycle. Nato for Blufor, CSAT for redfor and AAF for Greenfor.


If I set the custom units explicitly and load them, to match, then it works perfectly!!!


This is crazy because in the previous versions before the tank unit support, it would SKIP the unloaded or missing mod strings and just goto the next one or cycle back to only listed mod strings a, then b and c.


I hope you can use this to fix it or at least we know now how to minimize the unwanted effects.


Mate this is working exactly as I always intended it to, just not the way you like :)  If you  have ("a*", "b*", "c*") set, and don't have mod b loaded, then in effect your list becomes ("a*","nato","c*")., not ("a*","c*").  If you have no mods loaded then it becomes ("nato","nato","nato"). But since you're a VIP customer I'll try to change it for you.


14 hours ago, Valken said:

In previous versions before tank skirmish support, if I also enabled zombies and loaded Max Zombies and ANY OTHER ZOMBIE mod such as RAVAGE, and so long as the units match the zombie string, it would load other zombie units automatically for the next spawn, slightly randomly.


Now, if I make skirmish explicit and load all listed mods, it DOES NOT spawn ravage zombies and only max zombies even if I have ravage actually loaded.


So can you add support for ravage zombies as well or just allow the *zombie* string or make it user configurable whitelist, and check it to cycle to the next zombie if one of the strings do not match or was not loaded, to get ahead of the load "default" unit if string not found bug? 


Also, it seems zombies still focus on player even set to 2, target anyone with skirmish on. I've seen all the zombies bunch up on me, while I was spectating. Good thing I put my civilian player onto the top of the house in the editor while I was testing the spawning.

I had an explicit string to remove any classnames containing "zomb". I'll remove it, see how you go with that. Zombies spawned by TPW SKIRMISH will always attack the player. Only those spawned by TPW ZOMBIES can have their focus altered. If I were me (and I am) I'd just use TPW ZOMBIES if I want zombies.



14 hours ago, Valken said:

Lastly, during the airstrikes called in by the AI, I saw a bunch of very slow moving missiles flying BACKWARDS (flames towards the target with missile head facing the back). Its kinda cool to see the missiles but should orient it correctly so the missile is facing the targets.


Lastly lastly... any possibility of a random NUKE or MOAB during called in airstrikes? maybe a very low probability? You can use Aliascartoons nuke effect... would be randomly "woah wtf cool"...


Hmm. Airstrikes don't actually drop anything, I just spawn a bomb at groundlevel and let it explode. I'll look into it. 


As for nukes, I think that might be slightly outside the remit of the skirmish philosophy - I don't imagine a squad calling in a tac nuke on an enemy squad 1km away -  but I'll have a peek at the code anyway. 

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I have some suggestions that may help maintaining realism...

-give commandere vehicles when ordered to stop 50% chance to pull over and disembark and 50% to accelerate and ignore (50% to play the script)

-give commandere vehicles when got fired 50% chance to pull over and disembark and 50% to accelerate and ignore (50% to play the script)

-spawn wild horses in groups and in the open only (like western movies)

-spawn horses with Saddles individually  near the cities only, 50-100 m away (spawning them in the open without their owners looks weird)

-spawn dogs inside the cities close to buildings only... to simulate watch dogs (to avoid finding them in crazy places like the middle of the desert)

-if any fire shots or fire shots sounds happened near by animals they spread out and run a way (if you want to make it like far cry)

-give dogs when got fired or heard fire shots sounds 50% chance to run away and 50% to engage and attack (you already have the sounds just tweak them with some scripts 😃

-give civis more static animations for more immersion... anything useful to avoid killing them 

-add weapons spawn inside buildings... currently any other mod with that cause CTD with TPW because of furnitures 

-add gendarmerie vehicles in the TPW cars without giving them commandere  option (GTA style)

-add traffic cars and crash sites... maybe as optional because of the heavy cpu load : 3

-any chance to add in game configurations with CBA instead of userconfig restarting the game to execute every change in the userconfig is waste of time... or maybe im the lazy one... (except if you have Ui issues)

...I do have other suggestions but those are the best for TPW I guess...  for realism purposes, TPW needs more wild stuff = ) 

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