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TPW MODS: enhanced realism and immersion for Arma 3 SP.

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I have no idea how I could see the HUD. What do I need? Classname?

I believe they are in your default inventory (if you have the mod installed correctly). In game - Just hit the "I" button for inventory and drag them to you glasses slot.

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OK, I've seen the HUD now, my player wears tactical shades now (added them via ArmA profile settings). But they do not appear in the Pilgrimage mission. I've put the script folder to a folder TPW in the missions root. I added the following code on top of init.sqf, which is in the missions root. I have no HUD. Double-checked: the tactical shades are equipped.

ArmA has not loaded the TPW mod version. Only JSRS2.

0 = [] execVM "TPW\tpw_core.sqf";
0 = [15,600,1] execvm "TPW\tpw_air.sqf";
0 = [5,10,0,500,1,1,1] execVM "TPW\tpw_ebs.sqf";
0 = [] execVM "TPW\tpw_rainfx.sqf";
0 = [10] execVM "TPW\tpw_houselights.sqf";
0 = [10,1000,1, 1] execVM "TPW\tpw_streetlights.sqf";
0 = [1,1,60] execVM "TPW\tpw_radio.sqf";
0 = [250,10,1,1,1,1,1] execVM "TPW\tpw_fog.sqf";
0 = [
[50,500], // Min/max range of goggles
[1,1,1], // HUD colour
[0,1,1], // Friendly colour
[1,0.5,0], // Enemy units colour
[1,1,1], // Civ colour
[0,1,0], // Squad and marker colour
0.6, // Initial HUD brightness
[1,0.4,0.4,1], // ASL where 1 = active ( 0 = inactive), 0.4 = X position, 0.4 = Y position, 1 = text size
[1,0.5,0.4,1], // AZT
[1,0.6,0.4,1], // GRD
[1,0.4,0.5,1], // LMT
[1,0.6,0.5,1], // TMP
[1,0.4,0.6,1], // HLT
[1,0.5,0.6,1], // RNG
[1,0.6,0.6,1], // VEL
[1,0.5,0.5,1], // PRX
[1,1,0.25,0.5], // UNITS where 1 = active ( 0 = inactive), 1 = icon max size, 0.25 = icon min size, 0.5 = text size ( 1 = same size as HUD text)
[0.03,0], //HUD offset [x,y] -1 to 1
1, // HUD scale. > 1 = larger
1, // Text scale. > 1 = larger
1, // HUD distance degradation. 0 = no degradation
0, // No HUD in 3rd person. 1 = HUD in 3rd person
1, // Add TAC glasses to player's uniform if not present. 0 = don't add
[24,23,30,29,24,23,30,29,22,20], // ICONS [unit,hidden unit,vehicle,hidden vehicle,enemy unit,hidden enemy unit,enemy vehicle,hidden enemy vehicle,marker,predictor]
1.5 // Detection range multiplication factor for vehicles (1.5 = 750m max detection range for vehicles vs 500m for units)
] execVM "TPW\tpw_hud.sqf";

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If this is happening when you're playing on a server then I really can't help you, all I know is that in SP, all sides are correctly displayed.

I can live with civilians & enemies being the same color. It forces me to carefully consider each shot, so I don't shoot civilians. No problem.

I actually just wanted red for enemies for "newbies" who might join our server and need to start out in "easy HUD mode". But they can sink or swim. Hahaha.

You've done MORE than enough to help me. Thank you! Thank you. Thank you.

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@GatorDev: It's already a "just jump into the editor and start fighting" system, regardless of how shiny the AK47s are. I'm not trying to be an arsehole, but what you're proposing is a fair bit of work for what amounts to largely aesthetic changes. There are enormous numbers of weapon mods, and accounting for them all in a comprehensive pool/array of weapons would be pretty daunting. If you want to give me a comprehensive list of weapon classnames then I'll put it in, but I'm not going to compile it myself, sorry.

I think you misunderstood. I wasn't asking for you to compile a list of addons. I was wondering if it was technically possible (based on how you designed it) if it could look at a file or config that the end user manages and adds/adjusts what he wants to use. Similar to how Robalo allowed end-users to add additional 3rd-party units into the various skill arrays in his config for ASR AI.

It may not be possible, or more importantly, you may not even want to do it, but I was just asking as an idea. Please understand I'm still a huge fan and completely understand you not wanting to add more work to your to do list. You've given us such a great mod already. A3 is unplayable for me without it.

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I asked this question in another thread, but I'll ask my question here too because you guys are so helpful.

:confused: Does anyone know of an ARMA 3 mod where a small object [or tiny building] can behave like a "vending machine" that:

1) Gives you a selection of friendly AI soldiers to choose from (machine gunner/medic/pilot/Missile Soldier/Etc.).

2) Allows you to immediately spawn your chosen AI soldier next to you.

3) Lets you join the new AI troop(s) to your squad.

The purpose of this would specifically be for small squad COOP game servers. Meaning - if we do NOT have enough live co-op gamers on our server, it would be really helpful to have a "vending machine" (at base) that allows us to spawn some AI and join them to our squad. Then we'd have more firepower for co-op missions where there's a big mission, but only a few live players!

Edited by heyvern69

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OK, I've seen the HUD now, my player wears tactical shades now (added them via ArmA profile settings). But they do not appear in the Pilgrimage mission. I've put the script folder to a folder TPW in the missions root. I added the following code on top of init.sqf, which is in the missions root. I have no HUD. Double-checked: the tactical shades are equipped.

ArmA has not loaded the TPW mod version. Only JSRS2.

] execVM "TPW\tpw_hud.sqf";[/code]

As explained on the 1st page:

Running TPW MODS from scripts

In addition to the addon, the mods are provided as scripts which can be run on a per mission basis, and examined and modified to suit you (see disclaimer below). TPW MODS scripts are not truly stand alone however. To successfully run TPW MODS scripts you will need to disable/remove tpw_mods.pbo from your Arma3 startup, but retain tpw_hud.pbo, tpw_music.pbo and tpw_sounds.pbo, which provide assets and config data that the scripts will require. Running script versions without disabling the addon versions can and will lead to conflicts and unexpected behaviours as they fight for the same variables. You will also need to run the tpw_core.sqf, which provides functions that the other scripts need. Instructions and parameters for launching each script are provided in the header of each script itself.

See if this helps.

I think you misunderstood. I wasn't asking for you to compile a list of addons. I was wondering if it was technically possible (based on how you designed it) if it could look at a file or config that the end user manages and adds/adjusts what he wants to use. Similar to how Robalo allowed end-users to add additional 3rd-party units into the various skill arrays in his config for ASR AI.

It may not be possible, or more importantly, you may not even want to do it, but I was just asking as an idea. Please understand I'm still a huge fan and completely understand you not wanting to add more work to your to do list. You've given us such a great mod already. A3 is unplayable for me without it.

Thanks gator. If I'm provided a list of weapons and ammo, then adding them to spawned enemies is trivial. It's also no big deal to make it user configurable.

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Any possibility of something similar to the push/kill mod being implemented in which you can knock somebody down and have them ragdoll if you're in close?

It would be a good compromise for a melee weapon in a tight spot if you're close to an enemy and you're out of ammo.

Additionally, is there any potential to make an option for certain bullet class types to not cause AI to fall over when hit? Or perhaps a certain damage threshold to be met for them to fall over, or would that have an adverse impact on performance?

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TPW MODS 20140525: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/481663/TPW_MODS_20140525.zip


[sKIRMISH 1.00] Ambient infantry combat.

Please update your tpw_mods.hpp:

tpw_skirmish_active = 1;
tpw_skirmish_enemysquad_max = 5; // Maximum number of friendly squads around player
tpw_skirmish_enemyvehicles_max = 2; // Maximum number of friendly vehicles around player
tpw_skirmish_friendlysquad_max = 5; // Maximum number of enemy squads around player
tpw_skirmish_friendlyvehicles_max = 2; // Maximum number of enemy vehicles around player
tpw_skirmish_minspawnradius = 500; // Minimum distance from player to spawn units/vehicles
tpw_skirmish_maxspawnradius = 2000; // Maximum distance from player to spawn units/vehicles. Units/vehicles deleted beyond this distance
tpw_skirmish_support = 1; // NATO units can call support
tpw_skirmish_friendlytype = 0; // 0 = NATO, 1 = FIA, 2 = AAF
tpw_skirmish_enemytype = 0; // 0 = CAF_AG, 1 = CSAT, 2 = AAF

Ok, another addon to the TPW MODS suite. TPW SKIRMISH is a simple ambient infantry combat system, based on some code that I've used for some time to automatically populate maps with combatants to test out the other TPW MODS. It automatically spawns enemy and friendly squads and vehicles around the player, and removes distant ones.

TPW SKIRMISH features the ability for NATO AI to call in close air and artillery support - this system is the brainchild of CB65, who approached me a few months ago with the concept and has been instrumental in maturing it, with code ideas, debugging, feedback and support. I'm very pleased to be able to present his brilliant idea to the community, since he's too shy. Thanks mate!

Please read the TPW SKIRMISH README for the lowdown on this mod. And before the suggestions start, let me remind you again that this is not meant to be another ALIVE/DAC/MCC/UPS/UPSMON. Use one of those fantastic mods if you need full fine grained control of your AI combat scenarios.

Edited by tpw

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As explained on the 1st page:

See if this helps.

Thanks, tpw. No it does not. After I loaded @tpw_mods as a mod (with the exception of "c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\@tpw_mods\addons\tpw_mods.pbo"), I cannot get the HUD appear. You said you also use the solution of using your mod per script call... can you give an example? I am still not sure if your scripts are called at all.

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Here's how I call mine:

All scripts are placed in \scripts\tpw_mods in my Arma3 directory.

0 = [] execvm "\scripts\tpw_mods\tpw_core.sqf";
sleep 0.5;
0 = [60,600,2] execvm "\scripts\tpw_mods\tpw_air.sqf";
0 = [10,15,250,75,120] execvm "\scripts\tpw_mods\tpw_animals.sqf";
0 = [2,0.4,0.6,0.8] execvm "\scripts\tpw_mods\tpw_bleedout.sqf";
0 = [5,1000,15,4] execvm "\scripts\tpw_mods\tpw_boats.sqf";
0 = [5,1000,15,3,1] execvm "\scripts\tpw_mods\tpw_cars.sqf";
0 = [5,150,15,4,2,50,2,10,15,1] execvm "\scripts\tpw_mods\tpw_civs.sqf";
if (isNil "bcombat") then {0 = [5,10,0,500,1,1,1] execvm "\scripts\tpw_mods\tpw_ebs.sqf"};
0 = [100,500,10,1,10] execvm "\scripts\tpw_mods\tpw_fall.sqf";
0 = [250,5,1,1,1,1,1] execvm "\scripts\tpw_mods\tpw_fog.sqf";
0 = [60] execvm "\scripts\tpw_mods\tpw_hint.sqf";
0 = [10] execvm "\scripts\tpw_mods\tpw_houselights.sqf";
0 = [
[25,500], // range of goggles
[1,1,1], // HUD colour
[0,1,1], // Friendly colour
[1,0.5,0], // Enemy units colour
[1,1,1], // Civ colour
[0.5,1,0], // Squad and marker colour
0.6, // initial HUD brightness
[1,0.59,0.454,1], // ASL where 1 = active ( 0 = inactive), 0.6 = X position, 0.45 = Y position, 1 = text size
[1,0.5,0.452,1], // AZT 
[1,0.4,0.45,1], // GRD 
[1,0.4,0.5,1], // LMT 
[1,0.59,0.504,1], // TMP 
[1,0.4,0.55,1], // HLT 
[1,0.5,0.552,1], // RNG 
[1,0.59,0.554,1], // VEL 
[1,0.5,0.5,1], // PRX 
[1,1,0.25,0.6], // UNITS/MARKERS, where 1 = active ( 0 = inactive), 2 = icon max size, 0.5 = icon min size, 0.75 = text size (1 = same size as HUD text)
//[-0.02,-0.015], // HUD offset [x,y] -0.5 to 0.5  // centre
[0.35,0.28], // HUD offset [x,y] -0.5 to 0.5  // bottom left
0.8, // HUD scale. > 1 = larger
1.05, // text scale. > 1 = larger
1, // HUD degradation over distance
0, // No HUD in 3rd person. 1 = HUD in 3rd person
1, // Add TAC glasses to player's uniform if not present. 0 = don't add
[24,23,30,29,24,23,30,29,22,20], // ICONS [unit,hidden unit,vehicle,hidden vehicle,enemy unit,hidden enemy unit,enemy vehicle,hidden enemy vehicle,marker,predictor]
1.5 // Detection range multiplication factor for vehicles (1.5 = 750m max detection range for vehicles vs 500m for units)  
] execvm "\scripts\tpw_mods\tpw_hud.sqf";
//0 = [0,100,25,2] execvm "\scripts\tpw_mods\tpw_los.sqf";
0 = [25,300,150,20,15] execvm "\scripts\tpw_mods\tpw_park.sqf";
0 = [1,1,60] execvm "\scripts\tpw_mods\tpw_radio.sqf";
0 = [] execvm "\scripts\tpw_mods\tpw_rainfx.sqf";
0 = [5,2,5,2,500,2000,1,0,0] execvm "\scripts\tpw_mods\tpw_skirmish.sqf";
0 = [5,1000,1,1] execvm "\scripts\tpw_mods\tpw_streetlights.sqf";

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This may take a while.


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This may take a while.


Sorry, it's a big update! Take your time mate.

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Here's how I call mine:

All scripts are placed in \scripts\tpw_mods in my Arma3 directory.

Many thanks, must have been some typo at my side, it works now with your code! (but I call them directly from your mod folder, i.e. "\@tpw_mods\scripts")

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@tpw: either your comments or the parameter names are inverted for minimum and maximum amount of units/vehicles.


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@tpw: either your comments or the parameter names are inverted for minimum and maximum amount of units/vehicles.


Oops, it's the comments.

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New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

Edited by Guest
updated with fixed version

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- added SKIRMISH [1.00]

- slightly tweaked the UI


- color chooser bug fixed


- parameters matching HUD [1.28]

- color chooser now opens when click-selecting a color parameter

- enlarged color chooser slider handles

- shortened tooltip pop up delay to 1 second

- lengthned tooltip duration to 20 seconds

Remember to update your presets:

- Add the lines

tpw_skirmish_active = 1;tpw_skirmish_enemysquad_max = 5;
tpw_skirmish_enemyvehicles_max = 2;
tpw_skirmish_friendlysquad_max = 5;
tpw_skirmish_friendlyvehicles_max = 2;
tpw_skirmish_minspawnradius = 500;
tpw_skirmish_maxspawnradius = 2000;
tpw_skirmish_support = 1;
tpw_skirmish_friendlytype = 0;
tpw_skirmish_enemytype = 0;


tpw_rain_active = 1;

It took less than I thought.


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Thanks gator. If I'm provided a list of weapons and ammo, then adding them to spawned enemies is trivial. It's also no big deal to make it user configurable.

Honestly, sir, the last thing I'm trying to do is give you more tasks to do. If there's a way to add custom weapons/magazines for the end user, that would be more than generous. Honestly, the single biggest reason why I could see this being helpful to mission makers is just so you have magazine compatibility across a mission. I tend to like to make sand box missions, so it can help being able to know all the bits will work with one another.

Regardless, downloading now...

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Hi tpw, really enjoying the "skirmish" update, would love to see this particular mod support more units, and as your open to suggestions, Massi's unit packs, Sudden's Russians, Pomigit's PMC, and Drongo's Middle East Conflict spring to mind.

On a another note, while configuring the hpp. file, i noticed what may be an error, unless i'm reading it all wrong...


tpw_skirmish_enemysquad_max = 5; // Maximum number of friendly squads around player

tpw_skirmish_enemyvehicles_max = 2; // Maximum number of friendly vehicles around player

tpw_skirmish_friendlysquad_max = 5; // Maximum number of enemy squads around player

tpw_skirmish_friendlyvehicles_max = 2; // Maximum number of enemy vehicles around player

Does this part contain a few typo's, regarding enemy/friendly, or am i nuts!!:confused:

Edited by evil-organ
really bad spelling!

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Yes comments are inverted.


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Just downloaded the "dropbox" version and it's been rectified, looks like the Armaholic version has the hpp. typo.

Edited by evil-organ

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Yeah it was my $%^&up. I rectified the dropbox, and included the latest TPW SETTINGS.

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Bear with me as I post a couple of screens of TPW SETTINGS, hopefully hooking more people to use it.






Some of these look blurred because I'm bad at cutting/pasting screenshots using paint. Also, the one depicted is [1.5.0], but latest is [1.9.0].


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Gliptal, fantastic work in the UI. Love it.

TPW, loving the new stuff. Awesome work!!!

BTW, earlier, the enemies were showing up as orange even though I had the "enemy color" set to red. But now the enemies are now showing up correctly as "Red". Which is odd, because I made no color change in the config file between the time they were orange & now they're red. But it works great.

Also . . . you're were right about the civilians too. When they're hostile, they display with the "enemy color". So much fun doing CQB work in large towns with civilians and having to check myself before I fire!

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