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TPW MODS: enhanced realism and immersion for Arma 3 SP.

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Was just being a smartarse. If you remove tactical goggles from the player then the HUD disappears.

Ah, I figured out the confusion here...We are talking about two different things...I was initially asking about being able to edit/remove the vanilla ArmA3 HC icons that show positions of enemies on the HUD when contact is made (completely unaware of TPW's HUD additions because for some reason I'm not receiving tactical glasses or seeing a HUD at all when loading a DUWS MP mission).


1) Will it ever be possible to edit the vanilla HUD/enemy icons in high command?

2) If I'm not getting tactical glasses at init and not getting TPW HUD, is there a different way to obtain them?

(Have you tested or heard any issues with triple screen setups and your HUD? I'm on a 5760x1080 resolution)

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Hi all

@Gliptal: Thanks as usual for your hard work with TPW SETTINGS. I have updated the download accordingly.

@Rydygier: Not seeing the markers flickering in 3rd person sorry. I take your point about the predictive targetting with grenades, I will look into that. Lastly, awesome settings man!

@sttosin: Currently HUD is set up to add tac glasses to the player by default. I have changed the script slightly so that the glasses function is called whenever there is a team switch. This will only work if tpw_hud_addtac = 1;

@AbortedMan: It probably is possible to edit HC icons but it doesn't fall at all within the remit of TPW HUD so I'm not going to be doing it. If you are using TPW HUD, then by default it will give the player tac glasses and show the HUD. If another script/addon/mission removes the goggles then that's their design decision. It's up to you to manually add the specs to your player's inventory in that case. player additemtouniform "G_Tactical_Clear";

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Thanks tpw for the update. Side note. I just realized why the Rydygier settings for the HUD look/function incredibly well yet familiar. Ubisoft's Watchdogs use similar icons.

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TPW MODS 20140518: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/481663/TPW_MODS_20140518.zip


[HUD 1.25] Playable units will receive tactical glasses by default when team switching. Predictive targetting unchanged when throwing grenades.

And as a bonus I finally tracked down those annoying RPT errors Error Undefined variable in expression: _unit. No hpp changes necessary.

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Not seeing the markers flickering in 3rd person sorry.

Not a problem. Anyway, I play (if I have time for that...) in 3rd only when in vehicles (I'm too shitty driver to control them well from the 1st view). I know from my own experience, so if I can't reproduce the issue, in most cases I can't do anything about it except some blindly guessed attempts. And I know well, how unpleasant feeling it may be: knowing, so someone has an issue with your code, and you can't fix that for him... :)

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Another thing - noted, when switched to the third person view, markers not just disappeared, as I set, but started to flicker randomly.

BTW - your NV is so fairy. Cool. :)

Here are my settings:

// HUD
tpw_hud_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_hud_range[] = {25,600}; // effective range of goggles to scan for units
tpw_hud_colour[] = {0.025,0.8,0.4}; // HUD and friendly units colour
tpw_hud_enemycolour[] = {1,0.1,0.05}; // enemy colour
tpw_hud_squadcolour[] = {0,1,1}; // squad and marker colour
tpw_hud_alpha = 0.65; // initial transparency of HUD. 0 = invisible, 1 = opaque
tpw_hud_asl[] =	{0,1.08,0.76,1}; // ASL = height above sea level. [1 = active ( 0 = inactive), 0.6 = X position, 0.45 = Y position, 1 = 

text size]
tpw_hud_hlt[] =	{0,1.08,0.83,1}; // HLT= health.
tpw_hud_tmp[] =	{1,1.08,0.90,1}; // TMP = temperature (from TPW FOG) .  
tpw_hud_lmt[] =	{1,1.08,0.97,1}; // LMT = local mean time.
tpw_hud_grd[] =	{1,1.08,1.04,1}; // GRD = GPS grid coordinates.
tpw_hud_rng[] =	{1,0.3,1.06,1}; // RNG = range to centre of player's gaze. 
tpw_hud_azt[] =	{1,0.38,1.05,1}; // AZT = azimuth (direction of gaze). 
tpw_hud_vel[] =	{1,0.46,1.06,1}; // VEL = speed of player (or player's vehicle).
tpw_hud_prx[] = {0,0.5,0.5,1}; // PRX = display numbers of nearby units.
tpw_hud_unit[] = {1,1.5,0.5,0.65}; // UNITS/MARKERS displayed on HUD, where 1 = active ( 0 = inactive), 2 = icon max size, 0.5 = icon min 

size, 0.75 = text size ( 1 = same size as HUD text).
tpw_hud_offset[] = {0,0}; //HUD offset. [x,y] -0.5 to 0.5
tpw_hud_scale = 0.6; // HUD scale. > 1 = larger
tpw_hud_textscale = 0.7; // HUD text scale. > 1 = larger
tpw_hud_degradation = 1; // HUD performance reduced with distance. 0 = no degradation
tpw_hud_thirdperson = 0; // No HUD in 3rd person. 1 = HUD in 3rd person
tpw_hud_addtac = 0; // Automatically add tactical glasses to the player's inventory if they are not already carrying/wearing them. 0 = 

don't add glasses 

tpw_hud_icons[] = {6,5,12,11,16,15}; // HUD icon types, see key below
{unit,hidden unit,vehicle, hidden vehicle, marker, predictor}
0: empty
1: 2px_cross
2: 2px_cross_open
3: 2px_cross_small
4: 2px_diamond
5: 2px_diamond_half
6: 2px_diamond_open
7: 2px_dot
8: 2px_line
9: 2px_line_open
10: 2px_square
11: 2px_square_half
12: 2px_square_open
13: 2px_x
14: 2px_x_open
15: 2px_x_small
16: 3px_circle
17: 3px_circle_half
18: 3px_circle_open
19: 3px_cross
20: 3px_cross_open
21: 3px_cross_small
22: 3px_diamond
23: 3px_diamond_half
24: 3px_diamond_open
25: 3px_dot
26: 3px_line
27: 3px_line_open
28: 3px_square
29: 3px_square_half
30: 3px_square_open
31: 3px_x
32: 3px_x_open
33: 3px_x_small

tpw_hud_asl_txt = "<t align ='right' size='1.8' shadow='2'>%1<t size='0.8'><br />Height</t>"; // ASL
tpw_hud_grd_txt = "<t align ='right' size='1.8' shadow='2'>%1<t size='0.8'><br />Coordinates</t>"; // GRD
tpw_hud_lmt_txt = "<t align ='right' size='1.8' shadow='2'>%1:%2<t size='0.8'><br />Local Time</t>"; // LMT
tpw_hud_tmp_txt = "<t align ='right' size='1.8' shadow='2'>%1°C<t size='0.8'><br />Temperature</t>"; // TMP
tpw_hud_hlt_txt = "<t align ='right' size='1.8' shadow='2'>%1<t size='0.8'><br />Health</t>"; // HLT
tpw_hud_rng_txt = "<t align ='center' size='1.3' shadow='2'>%1<t size='0.7'><br />meters</t>"; // RNG
tpw_hud_azt_txt = "<t align ='center' size='1.5' shadow='2' font='PuristaBold'>%1<t size='1.0'><br />%2</t>"; // AZT
tpw_hud_vel_txt = "<t align ='center' size='1.3' shadow='2'>%1<t size='0.7'><br />km/h</t>"; // VEL
tpw_hud_airvel_txt = "<t align ='center' size='1.2' shadow='2'>%1<t size='0.7'><br />kn/h</t>"; // VEL IN AIRCRAFT
tpw_hud_prx_txt = "<t color='%4' size='0.7'>%1</t> <t color='%5' size='0.7'>%2</t> <t color='%6' size='0.7'>%3</t><t size='0.25'><br 

/></t>"; // PRX

EDIT: reduced by 30% units counter numbers size (these in the center of the screen) and removed "PRX" text to make this element less intrusive. Result.

Your HUD will flickering in 3rd Person mode when tpw_hud_thirdperson = 0; is set to 0. Set to 1 will fix the flickering in 3rd Person mode

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Uhuh, and if you ever have any issues with the HUD, you can fix most of them by updating the HUD opacity. Whenever my HUD disappears I just Ctrl+H and it's always back.

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Can one of you blokes give me some sort of repro because I can't get flickering markers no matter how hard I try. With tpw_hud_thirdperson = 0 all HUD stuff vanishes in 3rd person. With tpw_hud_thirdperson = 1 all markers and icons are flicker free. I worked very hard to make them flicker free too, so if you can help me track down the problem it'd be appreciated.

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Your HUD will flickering in 3rd Person mode when tpw_hud_thirdperson = 0; is set to 0. Set to 1 will fix the flickering in 3rd Person mode

0 is intended. I wanted icons disappear in 3rd, not flicker.

I worked very hard to make them flicker free too, so if you can help me track down the problem it'd be appreciated.

It's apparently nothing, that happens every time. I'm just testing and can't reproduce this so far. Perhaps this happens only if view is switched, when the code is in the some certain point? I'll try to read through HUD's code for clues.

EDIT: I got the flickering again, after about 20 switches... After that I had this every switch by some time, then flickering was gone. One thing: it is regular, cyclical, like 1 or 2 times per second icons showing up for a single frame or something like that.

EDIT2: Correction. Managed to get this another time by many quick switches, this time it also was like one frame short, but not cyclical, like previous. Something, like not every such cycle it happened. One thing: Seems, it affects only unit icons. GUI text elements wasn't flicker in 3rd view. (No. Now I see, text also flickers, just wasn't visible due to short time of visibility) Somehow fits to the "short loop", I found in the code, with 0.51 sleep. But this irregularity in some cases... Could it be some unexpected interferrence with tpw_hud_fnc_glitch?

If this glitch is only possible for hits - then no. The way to reproduce is just patient switching the view till it happens. Beeing hit not required.

Edited by Rydygier

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Just a thought: are you certain that you're not running the script and addon version at the same time by mistake? That's a guaranteed way to get flickering and other unexpected behaviours as the scripts compete for variables.

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No, addon only.

Studied shortloop function. Inside infinite while-do you are doing two things:

1. Check if player wears the goggles - if so, show the HUD, if not - hide the HUD;

2. Only after that you check, if camera is external, and if so, you hide the HUD.

So, technically, if I'm wearing the glasses and I'm in the 3rd view in the single loop cycle code enables the HUD and disables it back right away. If I'm not mistaken here, then strange is, why this flickering is present only sometimes. Perhaps it because some minimal exec delays, that makes enough time interval between first if-then, where HUD is enabled, and the second if-then, where HUD is disabled again, and otherwise, if time interval between both if-then is below single frame, flickering not happens, despite fact, HUD was enabled and disabled. Only a theory, but fits also to the partial regularity of this occurence - thing is cyclical, but need temporary exec delay to generate visible effect, and such delays aren't regular.

IMO there should be only single if-then in the loop, where are tested both conditions at once: if player wears the goggle AND (it is 1st view OR 3rd view variable is 1) THEN show the HUD ELSE hide the HUD. One test per cycle, one time per cycle only HUD may be switched on or off.

Edited by Rydygier

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Good call, I'll have a go at it now

EDIT: Try this on for size

tpw_hud_fnc_shortloop =
private ["_display","_ctrl_asl","_ctrl_azt","_ctrl_grd","_ctrl_lmt","_ctrl_tmp","_ctrl_hlt","_ctrl_rng","_ctrl_vel"];
_display = uiNamespace getVariable "TPW_HUD_DISPLAY"; 
_ctrl_asl = _display displayCtrl 100001; 
_ctrl_azt = _display displayCtrl 100002; 
_ctrl_grd = _display displayCtrl 100003; 
_ctrl_lmt = _display displayCtrl 100004; 
_ctrl_ctr = _display displayCtrl 100005; 
_ctrl_tmp = _display displayCtrl 100006; 
_ctrl_hlt = _display displayCtrl 100007; 
_ctrl_rng = _display displayCtrl 100008;
_ctrl_vel = _display displayCtrl 100009;

while {true} do
	// Only show/update HUD if player wearing tactical goggles and permitted to in external view
	if (((goggles player) in ["G_Tactical_Black", "G_Tactical_Clear"]) && {cameraview != "external" || tpw_hud_thirdperson == 1}) then 
		tpw_hud_active = true;

		// Show HUD
			_x ctrlshow true;
			_x ctrlsettextcolor (tpw_hud_colour + [tpw_hud_alpha]);
			} foreach [_ctrl_asl,_ctrl_azt,_ctrl_grd,_ctrl_lmt,_ctrl_ctr,_ctrl_tmp,_ctrl_hlt,_ctrl_rng,_ctrl_vel];

		// Update display data
			[] call _x;
			} foreach tpw_hud_shortfunc;
		} else
		if (tpw_hud_active) then
			tpw_hud_active = false;
			// Hide HUD
				_x ctrlshow false;
				} foreach [_ctrl_asl,_ctrl_azt,_ctrl_grd,_ctrl_lmt,_ctrl_ctr,_ctrl_tmp,_ctrl_hlt,_ctrl_rng,_ctrl_vel];

			// Disable unit display - remove PFEH
			if (tpw_hud_eh) then
				["tpw_hud", "onEachFrame"] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler;
				tpw_hud_eh = false;
	sleep 0.51;

Edited by tpw

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I think, problem is defined properly, nailed and fixed. To make more exec delays I multiplied amount of fighting AIs x8 (noticeable FPS drop too).

1. On previous version I got in such prepared testing ground flickering immediatelly, nearly constantly, and heavier (longer visibility), so my theory seems confirmed;

2. With yours newest code - not a bit of such problems. No even single flicker in the same, stressful, circumstancies.


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I think, problem is defined properly, nailed and fixed. To make more exec delays I multiplied amount of fighting AIs x8 (noticeable FPS drop too).

1. On previous version I got in such prepared testing ground flickering immediatelly, nearly constantly, and heavier (longer visibility), so my theory seems confirmed;

2. With yours newest code - not a bit of such problems. No even single flicker in the same, stressful, circumstancies.


Awesome! I will release that code with the next update (tomorrow). Many thanks for your help with this (and other bugs) mate.

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Awesome work on the HUD icons. FANTASTIC!

And for people who don't want a particular icon (or any icons), you can choose the "blank" icon to replace any (or all) of them.

Amazingly clean, simple, and elegant.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


---------- Post added at 06:41 ---------- Previous post was at 06:19 ----------

I did some testing, and I noticed the [vehicle range #] seems to be hard-wired at approximately +100 meters to what-ever your [maximum] tpw_hud_range is.

For example, if:

tpw_hud_range MIN is set for (0 meters)


tpw_hud_range MAX is set for (23 meters)

Then on vehicles, you'll see the range text display when vehicles are anywhere from 0 meters to 123 meters away from you. (Give or take a few meters)

:confused: Question: Is there a way to choose your preferred range for the [vehicle range #] to pop-up, instead of it being hard-wired at +100 meters???

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Awesome work on the HUD icons. FANTASTIC!

And for people who don't want a particular icon (or any icons), you can choose the "blank" icon to replace any (or all) of them.

Amazingly clean, simple, and elegant.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


---------- Post added at 06:41 ---------- Previous post was at 06:19 ----------

I did some testing, and I noticed the [vehicle range #] seems to be hard-wired at approximately +100 meters to what-ever your [maximum] tpw_hud_range is.

For example, if:

tpw_hud_range MIN is set for (0 meters)


tpw_hud_range MAX is set for (23 meters)

Then on vehicles, you'll see the range text display when vehicles are anywhere from 0 meters to 123 meters away from you. (Give or take a few meters)

:confused: Question: Is there a way to choose your preferred range for the [vehicle range #] to pop-up, instead of it being hard-wired at +100 meters???

Thanks for the kind words Vern. The vehicle range is indeed set at range + 100, to allow for them moving during the scanning phase. My original intention was the for range for vehicles and units to be roughly the same, given the scanning limitations of the future technology. I can of course change it, it's just another variable to add to the hpp and piss Gliptal off.

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Don't worry, adding parameters is quite easy on my end.


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Can one of you blokes give me some sort of repro because I can't get flickering markers no matter how hard I try. With tpw_hud_thirdperson = 0 all HUD stuff vanishes in 3rd person. With tpw_hud_thirdperson = 1 all markers and icons are flicker free. I worked very hard to make them flicker free too, so if you can help me track down the problem it'd be appreciated.

I really liked that feature (or glitch) I relied on it when I was lying prone I could switch to 3rd person and see where people were

I dont understand why you cant just make it work in 3rd person it would be so much more useful that way?

and the new style with the solid orange square instead of the nice one with the marker that told me where to shoot and told me that I could actually hit them, that would show up when they could be hit now its just this large orange square I dont like

is there any way to have it back the other way it was before? I looked at the change log and I think I need to be using HUD 1.25 or 1.24 because I just updated after not playing for about 3 days - I tried to use the older verson of the mod 1.68 but it still had the newer style looking markers

also I am using windows 8.1 and this "tpw settings.exe" wont work properly what am I doing wrong I can change things by editing that .hpp file but tying to run this just does nothing at all I figured it would open some type of window with settings

also lately not sure what update but for about 2 weeks now the non-enemy civilians were shown as orange like enemies and I shot a few of them in there cars

I love this mod I just really need it to work like it was 5 days ago I dont care about the flickering hud in 3rd person I really liked that

Edited by sandsquid

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Wait wait wait. If you have a TPW Setings.exe in there you have a very old version of the package: you should see TPW Settings.jar.


---------- Post added at 10:47 ---------- Previous post was at 10:40 ----------

I really liked that feature (or glitch) I relied on it when I was lying prone I could switch to 3rd person and see where people were

I dont understand why you cant just make it work in 3rd person it would be so much more useful that way?

tpw_hud_thirdperson = 0;

and the new style with the solid orange square instead of the nice one with the marker that told me where to shoot and told me that I could actually hit them, that would show up when they could be hit now its just this large orange square I dont like

is there any way to have it back the other way it was before? I looked at the change log and I think I need to be using HUD 1.25 or 1.24 because I just updated after not playing for about 3 days - I tried to use the older verson of the mod 1.68 but it still had the newer style looking markers

tpw_hud_icons[] = {24,23,30,29,22,20};

also lately not sure what update but for about 2 weeks now the non-enemy civilians were shown as orange like enemies and I shot a few of them in there cars
tpw_hud_colour[] = {1,1,1};
tpw_hud_enemycolour[] = {1,0.5,0};
tpw_hud_squadcolour[] = {0,1,1};

I love this mod I just really need it to work like it was 5 days ago I dont care about the flickering hud in 3rd person I really liked that
It seems you have missed a lot lately.


Edited by Gliptal

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Usually I just ignore shit like this but you caught me on a bad night. Seriously mate you need to take more than 30 seconds to read the various documentation and configuration before you mouth off about how this mod isn't doing what you want. Every single thing you whinged about is configurable.

HUD in third person: configurable

Different icons: configurable

Different icon sizes: configurable

.hpp editing: GUI available

Update your hpp from the latest download. Copy tpw_settings.jar to your useconfig/tpw_mods. Read all of the 1st post. Read hud.txt. Read the annotation in the hpp. I spend hours writing that shit for a reason. And if you still have problems after doing these basic things that nearly everyone else has no trouble with, then come back and post something non-insulting.

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@tpw: Gliptal's going to hate this question... Is it possible to code the icons to change shape as well as colour when certain units are identified? I.e. to change from a white diamond on a friendly to a red open diamond on a hostile? Just a random thought that popped into my head while tinkering with the .hpp

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@tpw: Gliptal's going to hate this question... Is it possible to code the icons to change shape as well as colour when certain units are identified? I.e. to change from a white diamond on a friendly to a red open diamond on a hostile? Just a random thought that popped into my head while tinkering with the .hpp

It's certainly possible. I can see how it would be useful to eg just have a small dot for civilians and friendlies which you will never shoot at, and a targetting icon for enemies. I will look into this RS.

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I don't know why but the dog bark SFX is glitched.

The dog bark SFX play whenever I move. The faster I move, the louder it gets. It doesn't matter where I am. I've tried disabling animals, editing the PBO/config files but it persists.

Stable branch and installed the mod through PlayWithSix. Any ideas?

EDIT: Deleted all the dog.ogg sound files and it seems to be working fine, the sound was obnoxious

Edited by Artyom

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I don't know why but the dog bark SFX is glitched.

The dog bark SFX play whenever I move. The faster I move, the louder it gets. It doesn't matter where I am. I've tried disabling animals, editing the PBO/config files but it persists.

Stable branch and installed the mod through PlayWithSix. Any ideas?

EDIT: Deleted all the dog.ogg sound files and it seems to be working fine, the sound was obnoxious

I've heard of similar problems before and it's always turned out to be a missing/dodgy hpp variable.

tpw_animal_noisetime = 60; // maximum time between dog/cat noises

If this variable is missing then you'll get constant dog barking.

Humour me and download and install TPW MODS via the dropbox link, and tell me if your problem persists after that.

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