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john681611 (INF_Mike64)


Simple script to simulate the Fulton surface-to-air recovery system for infantry. Now working with Arma 3 and any aircraft with cargo space.

- A balloon visual represented by a parachute.
- Realistic catch system where the player is moved into the sky then put in the aircraft.
- 130M catch line (aircraft must hit top of line for a catch)
- Modifiable line length
- Usable with any aircraft.
- Dismantle skyhook
- NV Beacons along rope.
-A3 compatable.

To initalise execVM "Skyhook.sqf"; init.sqf (NOT MP tested yet)
Any object wanting to have a skyhook add this to init : this setVariable ["SKM",["P",(Baloon height NUM),(hit range NUM),(Lights BOOL),(texture NUM {0,1,3}),""],true]; EG this setVariable ["SKM",["P",30,50,true,1,""],true];
Any vehicles wanting to catch add this to init: _catcher setVariable ["SKM_Catcher",1,true];

- Modifiable for ACE/A3 balloon type.
- Modifiable for AI to use.



Change log:


- Added vehicle cargo loading (speed and pull up recommended)


-Complete Re-Write

-Variable based now

-Better Looking Balloon

-Any baloon can be interacted catched by any catcher vehicle

-Rope Technology

-Slingloads compatible vehicles  / objects

-Attach for non compatible  vehicles / objects

-Mass Simulated for unit (90KG + gear) and vehicle (tanks work as land anchors)

-Range of balloon textures

-NOT MP tested (yet)

-15 second refresh for any new Skyhooks

- Clear Sky check

- Animation for man.

-Probably a load more




-Moved to .SQF
-removed blinking light
-Added Arma 3 compatibility
-Balloon now rises from peoples back
-Added HALO animation
-Fix no more moving underground.


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Neat, can't wait to try it!

Edited by kylania

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What a great idea and implementation! Well done mate.

EDIT: Link still isn't working on Armaholics.

Edited by Kremator

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Patience please, patience. :bounce3:

I just got home, need a coffee and a little time to update it all. Refresh later to see the release here!


Released, have fun! And thanks to the author for sending it our way.

Edited by Guest

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Modified your files a bit to work with all helicopters that are spawned (The camo one specifically) currently adding all helis, Love using this in zeus


player removeaction ls;

player removeaction initialize_hook;

ls = player addAction ["Launch Skyhook", "Scripts\Hook\Skyhook.sqf", [], 1, false, true, "", "call FAR_Check and player == vehicle player"];


//INF_Mike64's Skyhook system.


//Directions:linelength is the length of line x -1, hitz is the radius of the hit zone for a successful pick up.

// the aircraft selected for pick up must be named catcher.

//ls = player addAction ["Launch Skyhook", "Skyhook.sqf"]; must be put into the unit wished to have the Skyhook ability.

//IF your using ACE change ParachuteMediumWest_EP1 to ACE_B61_Parachute for a more accurate representation


//You can choose between three IR-Targets:

//"NVG_TargetC": Independent AI will attack this.

//"NVG_TargetW": West AI will attack this.

//"NVG_TargetE": East AI will attack this.


_linelength = -130;

_hitz = 60;

_n2 = 0;

_balloon = "Steerable_Parachute_F";

_IRBeacon = "Chemlight_green";



_stop = "false";

player removeaction ls;

para = _balloon createVehicle (position player);

_x =2;

while {_x < -_linelength} do {

para attachto [player,[0,0,_x]];

_x = _x +0.5;

sleep 0.01};

para attachto [player,[0,0,-_linelength]];

lightNV = _IRBeacon createVehicle (position para);

lightNV Attachto [para,[0,0,0]];

lightNV1 = _IRBeacon createVehicle (position para);

lightNV1 Attachto [para,[0,0,-20]];

lightNV2 = _IRBeacon createVehicle (position para);

lightNV2 Attachto [para,[0,0,-40]];

lightNV3 = _IRBeacon createVehicle (position para);

lightNV3 Attachto [para,[0,0,-60]];

dt = player addaction ["Dismantle Skyhook","Scripts\Hook\skyhookend.sqf", [], 1, false, false];

while {alive para} do {

sleep 0.2;

if (_stop == "true") exitWith{};

_list = (position para) nearEntities ["B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F", 80];


if (para distance _x < 80) exitWith {

bject = getPos player nearestObject "B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F";

[_x,para,lightNV,lightNV1,lightNV2,lightNV3] spawn {

_heli = _this select 0;

_para = _this select 1;

_lightNV = _this select 2;

_lightNV1 = _this select 3;

_lightNV2 = _this select 4;

_lightNV3 = _this select 5;

_linelength = -130;

_hitz = 60;

_n2 = 0;

_stop = "false";

while {_para distance _heli > _hitz} do {

if (_stop == "true") exitWith{};


deleteVehicle _para;

deleteVehicle _lightNV;

deleteVehicle _lightNV1;

deleteVehicle _lightNV2;

deleteVehicle _lightNV3;

player switchmove "HaloFreeFall_non";

_linelength = getPosATL _heli select 2;

_linelength = (_linelength - 1) * -1;

while {_linelength < -5} do {

player attachto [_heli,[0,_n2,_linelength]];

_linelength = _linelength + 0.5;

_n2 = _n2 - 0.1;

sleep 0.01


while {_n2 < 0} do {

player attachto [_heli,[0,_n2,-4]];

_n2 = _n2 + 0.2;

sleep 0.01


detach player;

player moveincargo _heli;

sleep 0.5;

player moveincargo _heli;

player removeaction dt;



}forEach _list;



deleteVehicle para;

deleteVehicle lightNV;

deleteVehicle lightNV1;

deleteVehicle lightNV2;

deleteVehicle lightNV3;

_stop = "true";

ls = player addAction ["Launch Skyhook", "Scripts\Hook\Skyhook.sqf", [], 1, false, true, "", "call FAR_Check and player == vehicle player"];

player removeaction dt;

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No helicopter needed to be named catcher (Changed it to be only from any B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F, currently adding more), launching skyhook with far_revive wont work will deny them privileges. umm lots of changes look for yourself in the spoilers above.

Check Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5q958k3wqvy6unk/WLo5kfvJMv

Edited by Jetfox

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Ok thats looking great, your welcome to keep working on it. Just remember it was designed for transport aircraft if possible you could add a check for a vehicle named catcher as well as specified helicopters. This would allow both of our ways to work and make it compatible with mods.

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Hey guys,

Love the script, and seems to work for single player just fine, but when I try to get the script up and running for multiplayer I have having some problems?

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Hey could you give details of the problems thanks.


When i load up the preview mode from the editor, or run the mission in single-player the skyhook functions properly. I have the proper add action, I can execute the sky hook and get picked up.

When I run the same mission, exported to the multiplayer, I have no available skyhook action (like the add action is broken) to select.

I am relatively new to scripting, modding and mission building, but I understand the basics and some intermediate stuff. I recently read about server locality and am starting to wonder if that is where the issue lies.

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This script was written so long ago that it was actually written before Arma 3 was in Alpha (old A2OA) and when through a small conversion for A3 alpha, since then the way localisation has been done has changed and I have not changed the code to fit. I'll do some testing of my own and if i can find a quick fix I'll post it, though its more likely that a major rewrite is needed and that will take time as I am working IRL and working on a rewrite for my Offroader Augmentation script.

---------- Post added at 11:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:39 AM ----------

Tested the A3 version, It works as expected on local, hosted and Dedicated.

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I'm curious is this script would be remade for hooking whole group in MP game so we could make extract SF-mission.

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Generally the system wasn't designed to deal with more than one person, I guess it could be modified to use vehicles

I am waiting for a Arma 3 update to addition proper ropes and maybe light sling loading.

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Generally the system wasn't designed to deal with more than one person, I guess it could be modified to use vehicles

I am waiting for a Arma 3 update to addition proper ropes and maybe light sling loading.

Using the script since the ArmA 2 version, actual ropes whould be amazing. Also you just gave me the idea, can I modify the script to try and lift vehicles, with the people in them?

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Its been a while since i've looked at the code. but at the end of one of the files there should be some code adding the unit into the aircraft that is catching. You need to replace this with a attachTo between the vehicle and the aircraft in a position that looks like its stored in the cargo bay.

You will have to write you own script to release the vehicle out the back, when the aircraft has landed.

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Is there a way to modify script to 'get up' more than one unit? It would be awesome way to extract whole team that way - for example synchronized or grouped units in editor and team leader would deploy baloon like now one man can.

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Its probably more accurate to just give everyone a balloon to use. The aircraft should be able to deal with a group going up at once.

a modification to do that would need a large change to the script.

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Im not sure if this has been asked, but are there planes on using ropes when the new update comes?

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If the last two question askers just checked this page, not even read the whole small thread, but just the last 3 posts by the author...

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Im not sure if this has been asked, but are there planes on using ropes when the new update comes?

I'll start working on ropes as soon as I can after the main branch release. (bi need to release documentation for scripting commands) as for will it work with planes? more or less as long as it has cargo space it would work, you could even use a ATV if you could get it to jump high enough :D

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(bi need to release documentation for scripting commands)

I'm no BI but I did write something about the ones I know of: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?183149-Rope-Feature-Discussion-Feedback-(dev-branch)&p=2790097&viewfull=1#post2790097

I actually tried to recreate the Skyhook with ropes, and it worked ok. Only problem was preventing the rope from breaking when you attach a man in the end at 250km/h. :)

Edited by Greenfist

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Its more the exact explanations of each command, within the commands list. I'll keep that in mind when developing the new version.

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