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TPW FALL: realistic infantry falling system

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Great mod but it does seem to be broken on development branch.

Units can stand up from falls higher than 4 meters and there aren't any fall to the ground animation, they just lift their legs a little in the mid-air and land on feet like cats :cool:

Anyway, the idea is really great. I wonder if it could work out in the future with active ragdoll (which devs comfirmed some time ago that would be possible <only if>) - like when we fall on the slope terrain fall animation would be transitioned into ragdoll until the body stops.

Both the script and addon version are working in 0.71.107360. Remember, the addon version will only work for the player, not for other AI.

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Both the script and addon version are working in 0.71.107360. Remember, the addon version will only work for the player, not for other AI.

I have ver 0.71.107360 A3 and your newest installment, prone animation don't engage after fall, and it doesnt work for me as a player.

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I have ver 0.71.107360 A3 and your newest installment, prone animation don't engage after fall, and it doesnt work for me as a player.

Are you getting the startup hint?

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Thanks for taking the time to read it.

And when i talk about stance its only for simulate an animation.

Rather than create a new animation for make the character bend his knee, using stance animation make make him lower and back to the normal position can be a free idea to get something who look a minimum realistic without need to recreate an animation.

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Thanks for taking the time to read it.

And when i talk about stance its only for simulate an animation.

Rather than create a new animation for make the character bend his knee, using stance animation make make him lower and back to the normal position can be a free idea to get something who look a minimum realistic without need to recreate an animation.

It's in 1.05, along with several of your other suggestions. Have you tried it yet?

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New vid to show the effects on player and AI.

Using the Script v1.05



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New vid to show the effects on player and AI.

Using the Script v1.05



thats awesome.. I was hoping that TPW would make the addon version affect AI as well ..

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Are you getting the startup hint?

Sorry that I didn't respond to your answer. I didn't had time to log on forums.

I believe that there isn't any startup hint, I will check it again today when I comeback from work :)

I always had issues since A3 Alpha with some scripted mods, like SweetFX for instance - I couldn't configure it to my owny needs like blinking off, reverb on. Maybe it is OS affected? I have Windows 7 64 bit running on Samsung 840 SSD, same directory for Steam/A3Beta.

Edited by fragmachine

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Hi guys. Another day, another version. This one is fairly significant as I finally consider it mature, stable and optimised enough to release as an addon only, which works for the player and all editor placed and spawned combatant AI. There are a few other new features as well, including the ability to change the overall sensitivity of the system in an .hpp configuration file.

TPW FALL v1.06: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/481663/TPW_FALL_106.zip


  • Released as an addon only.
  • Now works for all editor placed and spawned combatant AI.
  • Further simplification and optimisation of code.
  • Fall distance is randomised by +/- 10%.
  • Falls influence unit fatigue.
  • Units must be within a set distance of the player to react realistically to falls, to reduce CPU overhead.
  • Overall sensitivity of the system can be adjusted.
  • Rewritten water fall detection code.

---------- Post added at 21:59 ---------- Previous post was at 21:56 ----------


New vid to show the effects on player and AI.

Using the Script v1.05



Thanks mate, yet another awesome video (and some nice scripting too). I have updated the 1st post with it.

---------- Post added at 22:00 ---------- Previous post was at 21:59 ----------

thats awesome.. I was hoping that TPW would make the addon version affect AI as well ..

Lucky you, v1.06 now works for player and all combatant AI.

---------- Post added at 22:01 ---------- Previous post was at 22:00 ----------

Sorry that I didn't respond to your answer. I didn't had time to log on forums.

I believe that there isn't any startup hint, I will check it again today when I comeback from work :)

I always had issues since A3 Alpha with some scripted mods, like SweetFX for instance - I couldn't configure it to my owny needs like blinking off, reverb on. Maybe it is OS affected? I have Windows 7 64 bit running on Samsung 840 SSD, same directory for Steam/A3Beta.

If you aren't getting a startup hint, it might be that you have either installed/called @TPW_FALL incorrectly, or perhaps have not installed CBA A3?

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Updated version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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If you aren't getting a startup hint, it might be that you have either installed/called @TPW_FALL incorrectly, or perhaps have not installed CBA A3?

I guess i have a bad luck. Newest CBA beta4 installed. I've downloaded 1.06 addon version and put the init line like for other mods -mod=@TPW_FALL, modfolder into A3 steam folder, userconfig into a3 folder userconfig/TPW_FALL/TPW_FALL.hpp.

I get no startup hint and have exactly the same effect in-game as before.

I might have some problem with CBA because when I start the game there is some code showing up at loading screen.

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Thanks a lot for your efforts so far! But imo it would make most sense to fall to the FRONT, correct? Because when I usually jump down somewhere I do this in a forward manner and not sidestepping or so.

If I had your skills I would do it this way:

Falling < 50 cm resulting in a forward crouch, not standing crouch or sidestepping.

Falling > 50 cm resulting in a forward prone crawl.

Keep it up!

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Thanks a lot for your efforts so far! But imo it would make most sense to fall to the FRONT, correct? Because when I usually jump down somewhere I do this in a forward manner and not sidestepping or so.

If I had your skills I would do it this way:

Falling < 50 cm resulting in a forward crouch, not standing crouch or sidestepping.

Falling > 50 cm resulting in a forward prone crawl.

Keep it up!

There is no falling forward animation unfortunately. I'm not military but when I did skydiving training we were taught to absorb the shock of a 2-3m fall with our thighs and then roll sideways rather than pitch forward. I imagine the military would insist on something similar, also as it protects the weapon.

---------- Post added at 08:00 ---------- Previous post was at 07:58 ----------

Love the script -any chance for a script 1.06?

Sigh, I knew this would happen :) I will update the 1st post soon.

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Awesome mod! I messeged you (or the guy doing videos for you) on youtube but Ill leave this suggestion here anyway. Could you make units fall when they are shot in the chest are or something explodes very close to them? The units falling feature (when shot in the chest) already was in ACE mod on ARMA 2 and it was awesome, but there was no ragdoll. Id love to see that in your mod!

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Awesome mod! I messeged you (or the guy doing videos for you) on youtube but Ill leave this suggestion here anyway. Could you make units fall when they are shot in the chest are or something explodes very close to them? The units falling feature (when shot in the chest) already was in ACE mod on ARMA 2 and it was awesome, but there was no ragdoll. Id love to see that in your mod!

Not a bad idea valentinbk. I've tested the concept out and got it working using the current fall animations (no ragdoll), but will have to refine it a bit. Unfortunately the animation viewer seems broken in the latest dev release so I can't experiment with different animations.

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Not a bad idea valentinbk. I've tested the concept out and got it working using the current fall animations (no ragdoll), but will have to refine it a bit. Unfortunately the animation viewer seems broken in the latest dev release so I can't experiment with different animations.

Sweet, looking forward to playing it with this feature(psst, if you need a tester I wouldnt mind).

Edited by valentinbk

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When you have much in your pack, all that weight makes falling forward unlikely. It all sort of depends on the terrain and the landing as well. It'd be cool if there was a way to sort of fall in a random direction with a small chance to fall forward in some way, but as it is it's plenty realistic other than falling straight to the side and only having two directions, but that's more of a limit of what we have available in the game than anything else.

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TPW FALL 1.07: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/481663/tpw_fall_script-107.zip

Here is a test (script only) version of TPW FALL which introduces valentinbk's suggestion to have units fall when shot/damaged.

Currently it is very simple: if a unit is standing and is shot (any bullet) or damaged from an explosive nearby, it will drop using the same weapon dependent animations as for falling, lie on the ground for a few seconds, and then get back up. The unit's fatigue will be increased, but all other health and damage stuff is handled by the engine. There is no ragdoll, unless the unit is killed. Crouching or prone units react to bullets as per default.

To install:

Extract the tpw_fall directory to your mission directory

To use:

Call the script from the init.sqf or the init field of anything in the editor

0 = [100,200,1] execvm "tpw_fall\tpw_fallinit.sqf";

100 = the sensitivity

200 = distance from player that realistic falls will occur

1 = hint

I know the animations aren't the most realistic or appropriate, but the effect still looks cool and better than the default of standing there absorbing damage. Please test it and let me know if it's worth pursuing.

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For some reason when I run the global script: 0 = [100,200,1] execvm "tpw_fall\tpw_fallinit.sqf";

...all functionality of the Switch Weapons script is gone :confused:

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For some reason when I run the global script: 0 = [100,200,1] execvm "tpw_fall\tpw_fallinit.sqf";

...all functionality of the Switch Weapons script is gone :confused:

Hmm, that doesn't narrow it down much. Which switch weapons script are we referring to here?

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