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The answer you were waiting for: carriers are possible in arma 3

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Hey guys, glad you like! I'll troll you a little bit and say I had blast with it once I got all the complicated geometry back in place, and the full length of the vessel was in working order. And while it takes quite a while to bring it to a stop from cruise speed, the really nifty part is that it becomes a fairly stable, walkable vessel. Although that still needs some tweaking/hackery, as sea state can bring the pitching and rolling to a point that animation system breaks down. But we're working on sub systems for a number of these things. Which will all be modular, usable by others. Including weapons systems in proxy form and the like. More on that later though.


Just to give a brief idea as to whats going on here, there are effectively two vehicles. One ShipX and the Static. The static model is your typical large structure, made of many parts that look like an aircraft carrier when assembled type. And is assembled in pretty much the same manner as the LHD. I rewrote a script ArmaTec made back in A2 for assembling the LHD, but for all intensive purposes, is still the same script. I just added some extra variables. In addition to that however, Tupolov made some time for me today and added some simple code to manage 'attaching' the parts to the ShipX carrier.

I'll be happy to provide that, just not in the position to do such at the moment. Basically it handles placement based on the offset of the sections, in relation to the 'ShipX' vehicle in the world space. Or something like that, that is what asked for anyway.

Now, beyond that and perhaps what is truly the most critical aspect to all this ... is how I have built the models themselves. While extremely precise in nature in general, it is also quite specific. I would get into it here, but honestly some pictures would say it a whole lot better. I've remodeled a metric ** ton of stuff to get things where they are now. Honestly, Randy reworked it twice before we actually had it solid in game as a static model the first time (ah the joy, of doing it right). The newer physx lods are pretty 'robust', but also split between the static (where most of the internal physx components reside) and the ShipX vehicle (flight deck basically, and some other pieces). The ShipX vehicle carrys the bouy lod obviously, none in the static models. Worth noting that there is no intersecting of physx anything on any of the models, or geo LOD for that matter. Although much of the geo LOD is snapped, whereas Physx things do not, there is spacing between all of those components. Again, it is very precise in nature. Really can not stress how important that is at the end of the day.

Hope that helps a bit. I'll of course break it all down here in the near future. There are still some very real issues that might arise though. For starters, it is perfectly possible a heavy network environment will kill this. I'm fairly optimistic given testing results from some months back though, and still have at least one tweak for that if needed. We'll just have to see. As soon as I'm comfortable with things as they are, I'll get the detailed info to you guys along with some sort of sample. Might give up the super tanker as a reference/guide/tutorial MLOD type asset. Still a bit of testing/sorting to go through.

@All/Warlord: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=21760 (vote it up, maybe it'll get seen)

Join us on Skype in the model makers channel, I'm there probably too frequently. ;)

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With the LHD I used that script too. The offset I managed using specific points in the memory LOD and attached the different pieces to them. It didn't work.

I will try the offset way. It is more cumbersome but I will try get it working

this could also solve the GEO LOD problems my LCS 2 suffers.

now I have finally enabled VLS missiles and next step will be animating the davits and creating a cargo system based on animation states

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hi guys i actualy porting my released ww2 atlantic battle simulation on arma3.

after help to Mankyle and a big testing on submarinex simulation, it occurred to me 2 conclusions logic.

the first is how working submarinex simulation?

a submarinex simulation working on the same logic for choper or plane and use élévating animation on axis.

the second is arma3 engine is not working for warships submarine.

submarinex simulation working only for a small submarine with two passengers one driver and one gunner.

only a driver can really dive with submarine with mapping and commander can only depth in periscope depth.

d'ont try to use this simulation for working a warship submarine simulation this seems to be a dead end.

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submarinex simulation working only for a small submarine with two passengers one driver and one gunner.
*Sigh* It's OT (in the sense of the topic being carriers/amphibious assault ships) but somehow I feared that this would turn out to be the case. :(

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Some great work there Hatchet! I'm about to dust off my Arleigh Burke destroyer and it seems you've made some enormous strides with large ships in Arma 3.

@CERVANTES Are you trying to create a player-controlled submarine or an AI-controlled one?

I haven't tested it myself, but it seems it would be simple enough to reconfigure a vanilla SDV to be slower and far less agile and then use that as the actual 'vehicle' and attachto the custom submarine around it. This method is used in this video on the hidden submarine large model in vanilla A3.

I have long-term plans for AI-controlled/scripted Kilo class subs for the Arleigh Burke to hunt. I've spent hours trying to get a mk54 torpedo model (set up as a submarine) to move through the water properly.

Have you had any success with torpedoes?

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