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Create your own billboard/signpost/flags

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how do you make your very own signpost /flags onto a object

does this command work

this setobjecttexture [0, "uk.jpg"]

also does it have to be a certain sizes

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user texture object - in helpers add this to init

this setdir getdir(tipsSignPost01); this SetObjectTexture [0,"pics\xxxxxxxxxxx.jpg"]; this attachTo [tipsSignPost01,[0,-.1,0.6]];  

Create an Object - Sign name it tipsSignPost01

Hope that helps

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Used user texture to display map then attached it to the board with attachto. probably the wrong way to go about it :)

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I have an idea, doing a script to write anything on a board, using the toArray, making all unicode characters in jpeg or png, naming them by their values, positionning them with different attachTo coordinates, depending on fonts jpegs size... as this been already done?

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I have the user textures working - but one thing - is it me or are they really bright? I've imported jpegs and the colours are really vivid and I can't tone them down. Has anyone else noticed this? Also, is there a way to make the textures smaller on the editor? The 1m texture covers a lot of space and it's sort of awkward to use.

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I have the user textures working - but one thing - is it me or are they really bright? I've imported jpegs and the colours are really vivid and I can't tone them down. Has anyone else noticed this? Also, is there a way to make the textures smaller on the editor? The 1m texture covers a lot of space and it's sort of awkward to use.

try changing the brightness of the image quite a bit. If you want smaller textures, consider .paa with alpha channel. Make .png with lots of transparent area around it, then convert, should work.

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Ok, but how do I set the brightness? Whatever I do to the colour brightness in my image software doesn't reflect on the in-game user texture. If I select a dark green, in-game it will be a bright green!

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Ok, but how do I set the brightness? Whatever I do to the colour brightness in my image software doesn't reflect on the in-game user texture. If I select a dark green, in-game it will be a bright green!

Darken it more!

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It doesn't work! Unless you mean you can darken an image in-game via a script or command? If this is what you mean, I don't know how to do that! If you darken the image in, I don't know, say photoshop or paint.net, then Arma seems to auto-select the brightest colours for your user texture. It's well strange. Is this just me?

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I cant say that I really noticed it being bright, only when I made a white on black image did it look a tad sharp perhaps. I made mine using photoshop saved as a .PNG then converted to .PAA with textview 2 for the billboard and just a .jpg for the flag. I wonder if it could just be a setting in your video options perhaps ?


Edited by Andie

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It's not the video settings. And I've tried with .paa file now. Still way too bright. Looks like a computer screen! Very strange indeed. Thanks for all the suggestions though. The screenshots above look very good, and not bright like mine. So weird. Can't work out where I'm going wrong!

---------- Post added at 12:57 ---------- Previous post was at 12:55 ----------

There's even a visible halo of light.

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No, I haven't actually. Is that something I need to do on the Tex2view tool?

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Also noticed that sometimes the colours are inverted. Yellow for instance, becomes blue. Does anybody know the correct settings for the Texture Viewer? How it appears on screen is different in the game ...

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Strange thing I noticed that the custom flag texture I set to the flagpole have an animation in the editor but not on the server.

Any solution for it?

Edited by Anjan-Riot

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Did the template I posted also look bright ? I'm wondering if this could be a local issue, if so then not everyone is seeing it the same ...

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Strange thing I noticed that the custom flag texture I set to the flagpole have an animation in the editor but not on the server.

Any solution for it?

Not sure what you mean.

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Joy! Here's what the problem was. The user textures were inside buildings on a sunny day. For some reason they were illuminated despite being inside. I set the mission status to overcast and it was all good. However, this does mean you can't place user textures inside buildings with a clear sky without them looking weirdly bright. Also, I found that setting textures to RGB and DX5 on the tex2view tool sorted out the colour distortion.

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