GOS ToF 17 Posted May 3, 2013 (edited) by ToFFSF LAUNCHER A3 Edition Description: The FSFLauncher A3 Edition is a Launcher developped initially for the specific need of the clan F.S.F. This version is the community edition. It allow you to administrate the MODS and Command line Parameter. Screenshot : Features: - Multilingual (FR,US,RU,GR,DE) - Profil administration - External prog administration (TrackIR,FRAPS) Installation: : link Just click on "installer" button. Feedback: Source release and feedback : https://github.com/ChristopheTdn/FSF-LAUNCHER-ARMA3 Required : installed with the app. - Windows Installer 4.5 - Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Credits : - WIN SCP Dev (synchro part) - Grant-Frisken (for his Localization dll) Thanks : - Clan FSF - CFR ARMA - Armaholic - El Doktor - Ghost - Skaven - KiTooN Edited September 9, 2013 by GToF Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[aps]gnat 29 Posted May 4, 2013 Nice ..... but too confusing on install (PISSED it didnt ask where I wanted to install !! ) and then it tried running ArmA3 as root administrator ...... Uninstalled Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GOS ToF 17 Posted May 4, 2013 (edited) Gnat;2388056']Nice ..... but too confusing on install (PISSED it didnt ask where I wanted to install !! ) Welcome' date=' in click once application developped by microsoft essentially for protecting account user (it install in user account) but great for auto updated, uninstall easy, respect of the user's environnement... Gnat;2388056']and then it tried running ArmA3 as root administrator ...... need Admin right for using it with the ACRE MOD without problem. Feature was in test. i removed that in the last update. Gnat;2388056']Uninstalled how sad. Thx for report Edited May 4, 2013 by GToF Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lllKaiten 10 Posted May 4, 2013 Really nice! I love it! Thank you for this launcher (I like "autostart fraps"). Just one thing should be nice and it'll be perfect for me: it's that the window of the launcher minimise of itself by pressing "launch Arma 3". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GOS ToF 17 Posted May 4, 2013 Just one thing should be nice and it'll be perfect for me: it's that the window of the launcher minimise of itself by pressing "launch Arma 3". Good idea !!! run the prog, accept update et enjoy your feature. (option will be save when you'll save your profil) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[aps]gnat 29 Posted May 5, 2013 how sad. Not sad if you're updating it. Good to here. Awaiting your change log. GJ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GOS ToF 17 Posted May 5, 2013 (edited) Changelog : version : 0.99.0504.108 - Administrator mode not required anymore for launching game. - Add "Minimize on launch" option - Some traduction correction - some Improve code For upgrading : accept to upgrade on launch or reinstall the application (FSF LAUNCHER A3 Install (clik once)) Edited May 5, 2013 by GToF Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ck-claw 1 Posted May 5, 2013 Thanks - i like it,been using it a few days now. Needed the minimize option. Ideal for a quick launch of ArmA3 ,if not using PwS :cool: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FSF_TargetZero 10 Posted May 6, 2013 The best launcher anyway ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GOS ToF 17 Posted May 19, 2013 (edited) Update Changelog : version : 0.99.0519.120 - Add deutsch language - Add more advanced param : NVMAX, ExThread, NoMulticore - New design in option Interface - improve some internal function - General Config now store in Register base - Compatible with install outside STEAM directory Known Bug : - some correction has to be made in the interface design - Some traduction For upgrading : accept to upgrade on launch or reinstall the application (FSF LAUNCHER A3 Install (clik once)) Edited May 19, 2013 by GToF Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brainbug 10 Posted May 19, 2013 You might want to give the Dutch their proper flag. Although they sing in their anthem "I'm from German blood", I'm pretty sure they don't really like clicking on black-red-gold ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GOS ToF 17 Posted May 19, 2013 (edited) You might want to give the Dutch their proper flag. Although they sing in their anthem "I'm from German blood", I'm pretty sure they don't really like clicking on black-red-gold ;) that s why i hide the flag in a tab menu ;-) I change this immediatly of course (press F5 in your browser). Most seriously, can you send me some proposition for Deutsch translation. some are missing and my traductor is in hollyday ;-) Thx in advance. Edited May 19, 2013 by GToF Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brainbug 10 Posted May 20, 2013 oh, you meant German and not Dutch. Confusing ;) Most seriously, can you send me some proposition for Deutsch translation. some are missing and my traductor is in hollyday ;-) I couldn't find a human-readable stringtable file (which would be a good idea if you are planning for more languages in the future, easier to maintain than hard-coded strings), so I made a picture. The English part also needs a few improvements. I hope you can figure out what belongs to what: However I don't really understand what "activer la gestion des threads" really does, because that would translate to "activate thread management" / "Threadverwaltung aktivieren", but then choosing an odd number does not make sense. Maybe this is something different and the French description is already incorrect. What exactly does that option do technically? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alpha-Kilo 36 Posted May 20, 2013 This launcher looks very good. Some suggestions for future updates: - If the mod order matters in ArmA3 as it does in ArmA2, can you add the possibility to prioritize mods? - I wonder if you could let the users decide which external programs they wish to launch together with ArmA3. Fraps and TrackIR are very popular but some people use pc-claw, software for sepecific controllers, voice command software, etc. Would it be possible to point the launcher at certain executables which will then be memorized by the launcher? Brainbug made a great translation to German. I agree with his suggestion to leave out the redundant writing and perhaps also the icons. This would give you space for three more languages and longer profile names. There are some little details he hasn't mentioned: - "defaut" is "Vorgabe" in German. - The launch button should read "ARMA 3 starten" with a small "s". - The minimize button should read "Nach Start minimieren" with a capital "S" - After Max. Memory the unit "(MB)" is missing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GOS ToF 17 Posted May 20, 2013 (edited) a quick release for the german translation. Thx so much for your works Mates !!! (ever added your name in the panth of fame !!!!) Can spend more time on it for today (need to go to work). Next update tomorrow. with English translation and i will spent more time to respond to all your proposition (working on priority mods, adding other external prog etc...) thx again all ! Edited May 20, 2013 by GToF Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
McLupo 118 Posted May 20, 2013 Wow...!:) Great job, mate! Tested at lunch and got a new one tonight. :cool: Thanks alot for the great effort and supporting the com. I wrote a quick preview to the german com, about your good job with a more than positive result. Preview:FSFLauncher A3 Edition Thanks for sharing it. Best regards McLupo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brainbug 10 Posted May 21, 2013 (edited) - "defaut" is "Vorgabe" in German. well, "défaut" should read "default" with an L in English, and in German it can mean "Vorgabe" or "Standard" or maybe "Grundeinstellung", it depends on the context (and we all know it often sounds weird to translate something literally). In this case, for the default profile, all would work equally well. Also, maybe you can think about setting the automatic installer to the language of the machine it is running on. Just a minor thing because it doesn't require much understanding by the user, but it would be nice, just for the sake of completeness. Oh, and regarding the exThreads setting, it would be better not to show the integer values in the dropdown menu, but instead the meaning of it, i.e. whether file operations, texture loading and/or geometry loading is offloaded to another thread: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma2:_Startup_Parameters#exThreads Edited May 21, 2013 by Brainbug Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GOS ToF 17 Posted May 24, 2013 (edited) Thank s a lot All !!! changelog : version 0.99.524.131 - some modification in the option interface. - Many correction for Dutsch and english localization (Greets Brainbug & Alpha-Kilo) - Integrate meaning value for exthread parameter - Automating setting the language on 1rst launch - Auto traduction of the "default" profile for every language About Priority MOD : - I ever work on this fonction. i m worried about a little probleme for saving the order of the mods with profile. - For 3rd Party : i prefer add 3rd party apps in the Launcher interface instead of running a command line. But i still working about your proposition create ligne command to launch an external apps with command line. Wait for your return !! ToF PS : Thx a lot McLupo for your Review !!! Edited May 24, 2013 by GToF Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alpha-Kilo 36 Posted May 24, 2013 GTOF Here is some feedback on v. 0.99.524 (Rev. 136): I like the launcher better with every new version. As usual, the update to new version was easy. No download, unpack, install operation - just a single click at the prompt. Very user-friendly. Re: Profile tab: - If you made the "add a profile" field as wide as the profile list, the icons for delete, favourite, and add a profile would be vertically aligned which may look nicer, don't you think? Of course this is just a simple matter of design, not funcionality. Re: Prioritization of mods: I hope you'll find a way to solve the problem. Re: 3rd-party programs: If you prefer to add 3rd-party apps in the launcher, this is fine. But are you prepared to add check boxes for apps the users start together with ArmA3? If so you might add voice control software such as "GlovePIE" and "VAC". Both are popular. I use VAC and other users may ask for more apps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Αplion 1122 Posted May 24, 2013 (edited) Using this last version and after installation I'm getting this error ... http://prntscr.com/16g0bs ... anyone have the same issue or any idea of what can cause this ? Edited May 24, 2013 by Aplion Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GOS ToF 17 Posted May 24, 2013 hum i see the problem but i don t know why (perhaps a profile pb) but it seems he don t find your userconfig\FSF-LauncherA3 in your ARMA 3 Directory. I sujest you to delete the directory \..\Arma 3\userconfig\FSF-LauncherA3 if it exist and rerun again if the programs failed again : open regedit.exe on your PC and delete the reg key : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Clan FSF\FSF Launcher A3 run again. Tell me if error occured again and tell me your system version (seven or 8). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Αplion 1122 Posted May 24, 2013 (edited) I'm running Windows 7 32bit system and I'm installing your program without any prior version installed. This error occurs immediatelly after installation completion, while the program is opening ... after that I'm able to see the program running but any other action in it produces the same error (I can't even choose language for example). I'll try going through with your suggestions and I'll come back with results. ---------- Post added at 18:19 ---------- Previous post was at 18:09 ---------- UPDATE I just noticed that there is no "userconfig" directory into my A3 folder !! can you give me some more details for this ? I thought that this folder should be there since game installation ... probably my fault ... do I must create this folder before installation manually (I don't think so but just in case) ? Edited May 24, 2013 by Aplion Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GOS ToF 17 Posted May 24, 2013 (edited) yep, i understand. You re not administrator on your machine and visibly, you can t Write anything in the arma3 folder (restriction right) try to right clic on ARMA3 folder and allow writing. Try to create yourself a directory named : userconfig in your arma3 folder. If you can t, the launcher cant do that too.... you have to open your session as admin. If you can t. Ask your admin to unlock write protect in arma3 folder. In last, you can remove UAC. but this option is for expert user. You re system will be less secure. Edited May 25, 2013 by GToF Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Αplion 1122 Posted May 25, 2013 (edited) Nope you are not right on this ... I am admin on my machine and there is no problem with folders writeability ... also I have always UAC removed. Ofcourse I have created a "userconfig" folder into A3 root and tried to reinstall your program with no success (same issue remain and btw nothing is been written into this directory after installation completed - no file in it). Anyway thanks about your efforts so far to help me on that. Edited May 25, 2013 by Aplion Share this post Link to post Share on other sites