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TrackIR thoughts with Alpha

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Running TrackIR 5 and just curious how any other TIR users have felt about using it in the Alpha so far.

For the MH9 / AH9, it runs nearly flawlessly. The only minor issue is that in first person you can still your head through the left ceiling... but being able to lean out the left side is awesome.

The KA-60... err... absolutely terrible cockpit visibility but TIR makes it a little easier to fly first person. My only big issue is that the first person crosshair follows the movement of your head instead of being fixed to the front (unlike the AH6). This makes it pretty difficult to aim and leaves me wishing for a grease pencil to mark a crosshair on the windshield.

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My observations:

- The helicopter TrackIR x/y/z movement is way too fast. You move your head slightly and the view jumps around. I had to set my x/y/z axis in TrackIR software really low to get a normal head movement effect. However this also affects the leaning with infantry. Since the x/y/z values are so low now - you can't use TrackIR for leaning as infantry :/

- If you look back you can see the neck cut-away effect (especially in prone).

- The KA-60 guns are unusable since the on-screen HUD moves with your eyes and there is no fixed crosshair as in MH-9/AH-9. Also, I agree that KA-60 has horrible visibility and MH-9 as transport vehicle wins hands down.

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Well I tried really hard to get used to TIR5 pro, had it a little while, maybe 5-6 weeks or longer, anyway, back to my old usual method.

Never mind, it just wasn’t to be..

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Running TrackIR 5 and just curious how any other TIR users have felt about using it in the Alpha so far.

For the MH9 / AH9, it runs nearly flawlessly. The only minor issue is that in first person you can still your head through the left ceiling... but being able to lean out the left side is awesome.

Was also the case in Take On, even more noticible when wearing NVGs and having a third person peek about.

Awsome leaning out for landing though.

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I'm not sure if it's the eyepoint or just a matter of scale, but I agree - we shouldn't be banging our heads against the roofs of vehicles. It does feel as though it's a scale issue, something that has carried over from A2. Even with a highly exaggerated axes, it is nearly impossible to get a useful view out of the side window of a Hunter/Ifrit (or HMMWV in A2).

Other than that, no issues at all. Essential gear.

- If you look back you can see the neck cut-away effect (especially in prone).

- The KA-60 guns are unusable since the on-screen HUD moves with your eyes and there is no fixed crosshair as in MH-9/AH-9. Also, I agree that KA-60 has horrible visibility and MH-9 as transport vehicle wins hands down.

Definitely issues if you are not using deadzones and limits. Solution? Use deadzones and limits! They can be tricky to set up so that they feel natural, but once you get it right, it makes a huge difference, limits in particular. Restricting your virtual head movement to realistic limits (no looking back 135 degrees+ without turning your body) not only "feels better", but it increases the resolution of the range you are restricted to. Having your pause, center, and precision mode hotkeys nearby is also essential.

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- The KA-60 guns are unusable since the on-screen HUD moves with your eyes and there is no fixed crosshair as in MH-9/AH-9. Also, I agree that KA-60 has horrible visibility and MH-9 as transport vehicle wins hands down.

I'd love for the secondary screen in the cockpit to have a function rather than simply showing a third fake horizon. A screen that can be cycled between a PiP camera of the ground directly below the cockpit and the gps would be perfect for it, imo, and would help solve visibility issues without going out of realism territory.

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My observations:

- The helicopter TrackIR x/y/z movement is way too fast. You move your head slightly and the view jumps around. I had to set my x/y/z axis in TrackIR software really low to get a normal head movement effect. However this also affects the leaning with infantry. Since the x/y/z values are so low now - you can't use TrackIR for leaning as infantry :/

- If you look back you can see the neck cut-away effect (especially in prone).

- The KA-60 guns are unusable since the on-screen HUD moves with your eyes and there is no fixed crosshair as in MH-9/AH-9. Also, I agree that KA-60 has horrible visibility and MH-9 as transport vehicle wins hands down.

I don't use TrackIR for headtracking but you should be able to use Roll for leaning. And if you don't like the "cut-away effect" effect, just limit the range (e.g. 200° instead of 270°).

edit: nvm roll is way too sensitive too.

Edited by Ephant

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I don't use TrackIR for headtracking but you should be able to use Roll for leaning. And if you don't like the "cut-away effect" effect, just limit the range (e.g. 200° instead of 270°).

edit: nvm roll is way too sensitive too.

You need to do a little tweaking in the TiR software to sort out the sensitivty.

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You need to do a little tweaking in the TiR software to sort out the sensitivty.

I did that - but the same sensitivity is then used for infantry leaning (TrackIR Move Left/Right bindings). Hence, you can either have working infantry leaning or sensible head translation in vehicles with TrackIR. The problem is with Arma helicopter Head movement controls. Just try holding Ctrl and moving your mouse - you will notice how fast the head view is moving. The only fix is for Arma to adjust that sensitivity value.

Also, I don't think Arma models 6 DOF. I think the X and Roll axis is used for the same TrackIR Move Right/Left bindings?

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