PrienU24 10 Posted August 8, 2014 Is it possible to randomize or spread this between a few different variants, to allow for machine gunners and marksmen? Yes you can. Look at: You can put a script similar instead of: _unit addWeapon "hlc_rifle_ak47"; _unit addMagazine "hlc_30Rnd_762x39_t_ak"; _unit addMagazine "hlc_30Rnd_762x39_t_ak"; _unit addMagazine "hlc_30Rnd_762x39_t_ak"; _unit addMagazine "hlc_30Rnd_762x39_t_ak"; You must launch the script as "[_unit,2] execVM "randomize.sqf" (take care where you put the script, you must write all the addr) The script can teach you to create your own one with the weapons. Thx to djotacon I have "civils" armed in my missions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
callmesarge 7 Posted August 9, 2014 (edited) Thanks Prien - could you share an example of what your setSkill.sqf file looks like please (just the bit that triggers the script)? Edit: NM, got it working (by putting script in the mission root folder) - awesome script! Thanks dude! Edited August 9, 2014 by CallMeSarge Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ange1u5 11 Posted August 12, 2014 When I do a zone for naval units and spawn light or heavy vehicles, it spawns the boats fine but never any crew/driver? Am I missing something here? I did have a view through the thread, I couldn't find any reference to it, but I didn't look over 90 pages in that much detail =P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bangabob 45 Posted August 13, 2014 When I do a zone for naval units and spawn light or heavy vehicles, it spawns the boats fine but never any crew/driver? Am I missing something here? I did have a view through the thread, I couldn't find any reference to it, but I didn't look over 90 pages in that much detail =P Make sure you have filled the crew array in UnitPools.sqf Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ange1u5 11 Posted August 13, 2014 Ah I see, its set to look at diverpool at the moment (which is empty) and not crewpool as I was expecting. Thank you :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bangabob 45 Posted August 13, 2014 Ah I see, its set to look at diverpool at the moment (which is empty) and not crewpool as I was expecting. Thank you :) Glad you got it sorted. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daantjeeuh 10 Posted August 18, 2014 Is there a function or a global array that contains all string values of the marker names? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bangabob 45 Posted August 18, 2014 Is there a function or a global array that contains all string values of the marker names? Yeah _eosMarkers=server getvariable "EOSmarkers" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daantjeeuh 10 Posted August 18, 2014 That's what I figured by looking at your scripts, but this doesn't seem to work for me (in the init.sqf): _markers = server getvariable "EOSmarkers"; _cache1Pos = _markers call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _cache2Pos = _markers call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; call compile preprocessfile "SHK_pos\shk_pos_init.sqf"; { _x setpos (_cache1Pos call SHK_pos) } foreach [cache1]; { _x setpos (_cache2Pos call SHK_pos) } foreach [cache2]; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bangabob 45 Posted August 18, 2014 That's what I figured by looking at your scripts, but this doesn't seem to work for me (in the init.sqf): _markers = server getvariable "EOSmarkers"; _cache1Pos = _markers call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _cache2Pos = _markers call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; call compile preprocessfile "SHK_pos\shk_pos_init.sqf"; { _x setpos (_cache1Pos call SHK_pos) } foreach [cache1]; { _x setpos (_cache2Pos call SHK_pos) } foreach [cache2]; You will have to wait a few seconds to allow EOS to complete its initialization. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daantjeeuh 10 Posted August 19, 2014 Thanks! Got it working now! :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gfresco 21 Posted August 27, 2014 (edited) Just recently today I am experiencing an error with EOS. When it spawns in units they seem to "freeze" in place, and won't move/patrol until one of them is injured. Its very curious - maybe the new arma update? I did not have this issue with ANY of my EOS missions before, now in all of them. I videotaped the Error in the default EOS sample/demo mission to ensure its not due to my own modifying of EOS. Here is my error video so you can see what I'm talking about: Edit: 'm a fucking moron. left TPW mods enabled, it seems TPW causes this issue as of the latest update. Stupid me. 'll leave my original post up as is in case someone else has an issue using TPW and EOS and google/forum searches it or something. Edited August 27, 2014 by Gfresco Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
meatball 25 Posted August 29, 2014 Random question. I have an EoS zone based on a marker that will expand/contract over time. Is there any way to have the zone adjust the number of infantry in the zone based on the size of the marker? I know I can calculate that when I originally start the zone, with something like this: null = [["MarkerName"],[0,0,0],[((getmarkerSize "MarkerName" select 0)/10),0,100],[0,0,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0,0],[2,1,500,INDEPENDENT,TRUE,FALSE]] call EOS_Spawn; Though if I do that, I think that the number of infantry will never change and be based on the size of the marker when I made that first call. I want the number of infantry to adjust up or down, based on the size of the marker when the players cross spawn distance threshold. So, say for example the marker is 100m in size, the original call should calculate 10 infantry groups. But say the players go into the zone later and the marker is now 200m in size, I'd want there to be 20... Any way to make that work? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
meatball 25 Posted September 1, 2014 Man oh man, I just can't figure out how to adjust the number of groups that get respawned after caching to adjust based on the marker size at that time. I believe I've narrowed down the block I need to edit I think to this one in eos_core.sqf: // SPAWN PATROLS for "_counter" from 1 to _bGrps do { if (isnil "_bGrp") then {_bGrp=[];}; if (_cache) then { _cacheGrp=format ["PA%1",_counter]; _units=_eosActivated getvariable _cacheGrp; _bSize=[_units,_units]; _bMin=_bSize select 0; if (_debug)then{player sidechat format ["ID:%1,restore - %2",_cacheGrp,_units];}; }; if (_bMin > 0) then { _pos = [_mkr,true] call SHK_pos; _bGroup=[_pos,_bSize,_faction,_side] call EOS_fnc_spawngroup; 0 = [_bGroup,_mkr] call EOS_fnc_taskpatrol; _bGrp set [count _bGrp,_bGroup]; 0=[_bGroup,"INFskill"] call eos_fnc_grouphandlers; if (_debug) then {PLAYER SIDECHAT (format ["Spawned Patrol: %1",_counter]);0= [_mkr,_counter,"patrol",getpos (leader _bGroup)] call EOS_debug}; }; }; Basically I just want the respawning groups from the AAF Side to increase in number based on marker size (the marker will slowly get larger until the players wipe it out.) I know I just need to plug something in like this if (_side==INDEPENDENT) then {_groupsVariable = floor(_mkrX / 10);}; Anyone have any idea where I should plug that in and what that '_groupsVariable' should be? I've tried _bGrps and _counter with no luck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ssglimey 10 Posted September 1, 2014 I'm having an issue on my Altis Insurgency map/MP mission where all of the EOS-spawned units are suddenly invincible. No matter how many times they are hit, or naded etc, they just won't die. Everything was working just fine before, i added some new markers that seem to be OK (they show up red on the map). Any ideas? This problem is killing me (pun intended!) :-D Thanks! -Limey Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cruoriss 12 Posted September 6, 2014 I'm having an issue on my Altis Insurgency map/MP mission where all of the EOS-spawned units are suddenly invincible. No matter how many times they are hit, or naded etc, they just won't die.Everything was working just fine before, i added some new markers that seem to be OK (they show up red on the map). Any ideas? This problem is killing me (pun intended!) :-D Thanks! -Limey If you're using TPW/Alive try without . If not put your openme.sqf here . Is there a way to reset a bastion zone ? Deleting / Creating a new marker with the same name breaks the zone . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pit_1 14 Posted September 9, 2014 hi I have a problem when I use "bastion mode". Throw a script error and does not create units. any idea? the mission of example does not work in either mode bastion. Thx Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ice_age0815 37 Posted September 17, 2014 try to spwan a EOS zone with a trigger what is the best way to do this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cota 1 Posted September 18, 2014 Hello. I'm trying to do a mission, with several regions in a big city. And I noticed that only units inside the houses give respawn. The Infantry Patrolling not appear I'm using this null = [["EOSzone1"],[10,1],[10,2],[0,0],[0],[0],[0,0],[5,1,800,EAST,FALSE,TRUE]] call EOS_Spawn; null = [["EOSzone2"],[20,2],[20,2],[2,0],[0],[0],[0,0],[5,1,800,EAST,FALSE,TRUE]] call EOS_Spawn; null = [["EOSzone3"],[20,2],[20,2],[2,0],[0],[0],[0,0],[5,1,800,EAST,FALSE,TRUE]] call EOS_Spawn; null = [["EOSzone4"],[20,2],[20,2],[2,0],[0],[0],[0,0],[5,1,800,EAST,FALSE,TRUE]] call EOS_Spawn; null = [["EOSzone5"],[10,2],[10,2],[2,0],[0],[0],[0,0],[5,1,800,EAST,FALSE,TRUE]] call EOS_Spawn; null = [["EOSzone6"],[10,2],[10,2],[2,0],[0],[0],[0,0],[5,1,800,EAST,FALSE,TRUE]] call EOS_Spawn; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darkangel___ 10 Posted September 23, 2014 hello bangabob this is so easy and cool you should put it on it would definitely get my vote. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ssglimey 10 Posted September 23, 2014 (edited) EDIT: think i solved my problem. i changed the difficulty the wrong way. :( Edited September 23, 2014 by ssglimey Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darkymdq007 10 Posted September 24, 2014 in BASTION why the enemy transport helicopter lands 2 meters close to the units? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blitzer134 1 Posted September 27, 2014 is there a variable or something after bastion waves are complete on a marker named"05" found this "EOSmarkers" not sure how to implement it thanks again Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thegame3202 10 Posted November 6, 2014 This addon is awesome! Trying to get it working with my server, but for some reason in multiplayer, it doesn't respawn the units if you go outside the trigger and back in AFTER you attack/kill one. If you just dance on the line, it works just fine. Any ideas why it wouldn't be launching again? Thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jandrews 117 Posted November 13, 2014 hey all. I like this EOS so I am wondering is there a AI script/mod that works with this? it seems VCOMAI does not. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites