Force10 10 Posted August 29, 2013 2.7?!! You mean 2.6 ;)Dunno yet , just tying up loose ends. No campaign unfortunately , maybe a few missions. After 2.6 work will cease on the Arma 2 engine as the team start to port our mainstream stuff to arma 3. <sigh> Don't get me wrong...I love the mod...but I guess it's keeping with the tradition of not really finishing it before you move on to the next engine. I don't think the Unsung mod ever made it out of Alpha before moving from Arma to Arma 2. I would really just love to see more polish and maybe a campaign and more missions before they moved on. I know they do this in their own time and we appreciate that...I don't have great mission making skills so I was hoping the Unsung mod pro's would have taken a crack at it before moving on. I can see the same thing happening again...they will start to show signs of awesomeness with the mod...than have to scrap it and leave it unfinished so they can move on to the Arma 4 engine. Rinse and repeat.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted August 29, 2013 <sigh>Don't get anyone wrong...we love your presence here...but I guess it's keeping with the tradition of complaining about something while you yourself as you state can not make anything for others to enjoy. I don't think people like you with the same complaints even ever publically released something which reached alpha before moving from Arma to Arma 2? We would really just love to see less complaints like this and if you have to complain show you can do better to prove your point, maybe a campaign and some loose missions to start with? I know you could do this in your own time and anyone would appreciate don't have great mission making skills but we all hoped you would at least give it a public try before moving on and complain about the development of a team doing this all for free for their own enjoyement not yours. Everyone can see the same thing happening will start complaining about stuff which is not yours to not be finished while you want it...than have to read you dislike it and leave the thread for a few more years without posting valuable feedback and move on to the Arma 4 engine.......... Rinse and repeat.... ................ See how easy it is to be non-constructive. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Force10 10 Posted August 30, 2013 Whoa...hold up there. No need to take it so personal. Your comment about "as you state can not make anything for others to enjoy" is a little harsh. I said I wasn't great at making missions...what I do for a living is creating something that 75% of the world sees (and possibly enjoys). I guess I'm just too old for these times...I'm 45 and I'm from an older generation that finishes what they start. I know in the gaming world it's always about moving on to the next "shinier" thing. I was just trying to point out that you can't really win trying to always keep up with technology...just my opinion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted August 30, 2013 I did not take it personal, I simply pointed out your post is not constructive at all. You seem to have posted that one message only for one reason, complain about the path choosen by a dev team of people working on something in their free time for their own enjoyement and additionally release it to the public so they can enjoy it too.....if they want. What you could have done instead was offering your services to try and help them to get polished versions out, as you mention yourself. No idea if they need testers but you could help them and test, test test. Give them feedback and at least help solve the missions where and if needed? Word your worries differently and you might have come across more friendly and much more constructive. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Force10 10 Posted August 30, 2013 So let's see... I said "I love the mod" and "I know they do this in their own time and we appreciate that" and "I was hoping the Unsung mod pro's". I guess there is a generation gap here where the mere suggestion that someone finish something is deemed not constructive...and a mod has to come in and rush to their defense. Whatever. They are the one's who worked for years on it so if they want to abandoned's their choice obviously. Arma 3 might be a newer engine....but newer isn't always better in all aspects. There are a lot of Arma faithful that are going to pass on Arma 3 or have the beta and are going back to Arma 2. The consensus is that it's less military simulator, and more Battlefield type game. As what's happened with most great simulations, they have to be "dumbed" down to satisfy the masses and DayZ type players. Some aren't thrilled with Arma 3 requiring Steam's rental service either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted August 30, 2013 I am not even moderating here.......... am I? I am not defending them cause I am sure they have their own thoughts about your post and if they want they can post themselves. Maybe they even like your feedback a lot and just for you will fix all the things, hence the silence cause they immidiatly started to work on things maybe? I have not seen any posts from you with feedback about their work, bug reports and what not. Yet your first post in this thread was the one a few posts back....... want to get invloved? Choose a different path, thats my suggestion. However, it is obvious to me you are really thinking you are being very constructive. So..........thanks for the constructive post. It was a good read and I hope many people can learn from it and this dev team as well as any other who may stumble upon it take your good advice to heart. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sgt_savage 586 Posted August 31, 2013 (edited) Took a spin with the latest version of the mod and played a few missions. This mod is really the best 'Nam experience we have for A2! Polished and Savaged (pun intended ;) ) to the last poly! Really a pleasure to see results from a group of talented individuals.On another note, and down? Do you guys have a website? Blast from the past!! Ladies and gentlemen the creator of the famous "JUNGLE FEVER" has escaped the clutches of that evil bitch in the north Hanoi Hanna :D mate PM me we will talk :) <sigh> Don't get me wrong...I love the mod...but I guess it's keeping with the tradition of not really finishing it before you move on to the next engine. I don't think the Unsung mod ever made it out of Alpha before moving from Arma to Arma 2. I would really just love to see more polish and maybe a campaign and more missions before they moved on. I know they do this in their own time and we appreciate that...I don't have great mission making skills so I was hoping the Unsung mod pro's would have taken a crack at it before moving on. I can see the same thing happening again...they will start to show signs of awesomeness with the mod...than have to scrap it and leave it unfinished so they can move on to the Arma 4 engine. Rinse and repeat.... We have polished our next release a lot more and we have new missions comming your way... BTW the unsung team's average age is 35 so we are not that wet behind the ears :D Agreed its not always great to leave things half finished. But, R1 for A1 and 2.0 for A2 was under different leadership. However, I feel 2.5 has surpassed Alpha and Beta stage upon release. Sure there are a few things to fix but the issues we constantly face are: 1 Manpower , there is a short supply of talented, committed modellers and texture artists. 2 Interest : keeping everyone motivated to complete the list of tasks. Remember the team is not on a payroll and this isn't their full time job ;) 3 Limited source files. Running a Mod like ours is a full time job in itself :) Ask any other large mod groups we all face the same issues. It's not easy ...But I agree we need more missions, and we are addressing that as we speak. The campaign well if we can get everyone on board eg Mission makers and cut scene makers then we can do it. As far as A3 is concerned the thing is we try keep interest in the mod , since the majority of the community has or will shift over to A3 soon we have to move too. In all honesty I have been against moving on to the A3 engine , where I have on numerous occasions commented on the weapon stances and solider movements here and other threads not being "Suitable" for older mods like ours. Its not an easy feat learning a new engine all over again then getting everything in game and working , it takes years. But the points you raise are valid and we are sorting them out in 2.6 ;) Edited August 31, 2013 by SGT_SAVAGE Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Variable 322 Posted August 31, 2013 I think what Foxhound is trying to say is, when you receive a horse as a present, you don't check his teeth. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sgt_savage 586 Posted August 31, 2013 Nice analogy variable :) But I understand Force10's concerns and agree with him. I appreciate that type of criticism compared to some belly-aching I have seen in past posts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Force10 10 Posted August 31, 2013 Wow...I really appreciate you taking the time to answer my post in depth Sgt. Savage! Again...I think the mod is great...the sounds and the feel is top notch and you guys have the best mod out there IMO. And Foxhound is right...I haven't contributed to reporting bugs and feedback. I just last week...upgraded my motherboard, CPU and ram to something good enough to run I'm late to the party for sure. The first thing I did after a fresh install of Windows was to install Arma 2 and grab the Unsung 2.5 mod. Now everybody's I'm just a little frustrated is all...and I was venting because I finally have a rig to run it, and now it's not going to be supported really. In a normal Arma 2 world...the community of awesome mission makers would take up the charge and we would see campaigns and missions showing up...but since Arma 3 is around the corner...they will probably be pulling up stakes as well and moving on. Even though I have owned all of the series since OFP Cold War crisis...I won't be picking up Arma 3, so this is the end of the line for me and many other Arma vets. Just wanted the mod to be the best it can be for my own selfish reasons I suppose. Anyway...looking forward to your final 2.6 release and best of luck on your Arma 3 mod! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
viasko 14 Posted September 6, 2013 Hi all, my SEALs & PBR Base Camp on Cao Bang...the first mission is coming! viaSkO Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kommiekat 12 Posted September 7, 2013 We've (Texkaz, nettrucker and myself) have a 9 mission campaign coming out before end of the year for RWO release. Still thinking of waiting for 2.6 to come out or just release as 2.5...............hmmm.........still thinking......... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sgt_savage 586 Posted September 7, 2013 We hoping to have 2.6 done before that just a few ends to tie up. Just waiting on some team members to check in and finish off their projects. Time to get the whip out ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hcpookie 3770 Posted September 7, 2013 I have to put this on the wife's jeep today: So no soup for me :) :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andy Mcnab 10 Posted September 20, 2013 where is my jungle ?:D progress % mod Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hcpookie 3770 Posted September 20, 2013 (edited) I wanted to showcase some of the new AH-1G variations... biggest change is the new -G model chin turret with Gatling gun AND 40mm GL. The original CSJ model with only the minigun is also present, and will be designated differently (probably as the -E model) just to avoid confusion. Real life it looks like they are all "G" models with different loads on the turrets. Coming soon to a jungle near you :) I will add for the record that the M195 cannon is a blast (pun intended!) as well as the SUU11 pods. We do have an empty loadout for use with Eggbeast's loadout scripts if a TOW-AT model is desired. Keeps things flexible that way. The M158 pods are loaded with smoke marker rounds in case you need to call in arty or call "broken arrow". A "HeliHEmpty" marker is created at the smoke rocket's point of impact... script/mission makers can use the marker for arty, air strikes, etc. All chain guns eject empty shells thanks to Egg's drop scripts. They aren't hot but I wouldn't want to stand underneath them :) Link to larger pic (400k): Edited September 20, 2013 by hcpookie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tempestriser 10 Posted September 20, 2013 Great chopper :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3685 Posted September 21, 2013 top notch mate just been working on the factions and vehicle classes today to tidy it up a bit. planning some improvements to the units... should be done by next week, not sure about the other stuff. ---------- Post added at 01:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:52 AM ---------- i put medics and wounded guys as typical cargo in the dodge ambulance today, so that should work well Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sgt_savage 586 Posted September 21, 2013 Well as you can all see we are still working on the mod. We are now tiding everything up and nearing internal beta testing for 2.6. So not long now. Again this release will mark the final release of the our mod for Arma 2 so we hope you'll enjoy it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andy Mcnab 10 Posted September 22, 2013 Well as you can all see we are still working on the mod. We are now tiding everything up and nearing internal beta testing for 2.6. So not long now. Again this release will mark the final release of the our mod for Arma 2 so we hope you'll enjoy it. a you make new version are patch update to 2.5? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sgt_savage 586 Posted September 22, 2013 Yes new version will be 2.6, it will be the final release for Arma 2 not a patch complete new version. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andy Mcnab 10 Posted September 22, 2013 Yes new version will be 2.6, it will be the final release for Arma 2 not a patch complete new version. I look forward to when you say :Welcome To The Jungle ,but I'll tell you : I Don't Wanna Go To Vietnam :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fitch 10 Posted September 23, 2013 This is the best mod for Arma, keep up the great work! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hcpookie 3770 Posted September 24, 2013 (edited) Thuds! Imported from Alphasim Freeware FSX models. :cool: A question - can anyone identify the "Indian Head 40111" tail? Trying to find a squadron/wing number. It is identified simply as "SJ" in the Alphasim package: larger pic (300k): Underside showing TER and airbrakes fully deployed: Night shot showing lights and articulated steering front gear (note lights): I'm not that good with Gimp although I may try to make a "clean" camo model with no tail numbers. I think I know how the random numbering thing works now so in the future these may have random tail codes... but for now that's what is coming to a jungle near you :) Edit - armed by default with 8x Mk82 - 2 on wing, 6 on TER. Not planning to model the internal bomb bay at this time. Also, only the D model is to be included. There is an F-model 2 seater (the Wild Weasel model) in the FSX Alphasim package, but I don't plan to import it at this time. It is lacking the cockpit gauges and completion of the weapon loadouts. All weapons are proxied (as are fuel tanks!) so this should be fully compatible with the EB_Air weapon loadout scripts. :cool: Edited September 24, 2013 by hcpookie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eggbeast 3685 Posted September 24, 2013 (edited) awesome! well done pook mate - this is gonna be great!!! can you make the second seat work like Ap's A6? can show you how if you didnt see it already that would be great for the AGM12 bullpup and agm45 shrikes in SEAD/wild weasel mode suggest you get theuns_missilebox from sav or me and use it to arm the beast Edited September 24, 2013 by eggbeast Share this post Link to post Share on other sites