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What is the best Antivirus and Firewall in 2013

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i have tried nod32, mse, mcaffee and bitdefender. the one i think that does the best work is bitdefender. It does slow your computer sometimes but i think it is worth it for the protection it gives. I head good stuff about g data. I might try that out when i have time. But for now, bitdefender has my vote. You can get some feedback on bitdefender at http://www.hopreviews.com/reviews/bitdefender-internet-security-2013/ if you need it.

Edited by TechnoNinja

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I seen this somewhere else and got a kick out of it. "I use Common Sense 2013."

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I seen this somewhere else and got a kick out of it. "I use Common Sense 2013."

Did you hear of the massive botnet attacks on wordpress websites a few days ago? Even pages you'd consider as no danger could pose a threat. This is not about common sense.


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And I hear some people are so wonderful that

"I use Common Sense 2013."
is all they ever need. 100% protection at all times!!

I use Avast for years set on non-default settings and has yet to fail me. I usually let windows updates install whenever they're available too

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Did you hear of the massive botnet attacks on wordpress websites a few days ago? Even pages you'd consider as no danger could pose a threat. This is not about common sense.


I understand that, but there are still a lot of people that download things they shouldn't and visit shady sites. Common Sense goes a long ways.

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I use Nod32 for AV and Comodo Firewall for, duh, firewall for years. Always secure and safe.

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All I run is Microsoft Security Essentials and my router's firewall. At current status, Win7 is pretty safe if you keep it updated and avoid doing "stupid" things.

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I use a combo of MSE+Win 7 Firewall+Spybot(in case some nasty mofo manages to slip in).Oh and I keep my Win updated.

You can never have 100% protection but for regular users most AV should do their jobs,if you're specially targeted you can have Fort Knox security you'll still get hammered unless you plug off your net cable.:p

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