RickRack 0 Posted December 13, 2017 I Downloaded the files from armaholic and assumed they were the latest version. I have used the workshop to get version 4.0.0. i will give that a try and start modding it to our liking. Thanks for the help. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rockapes 103 Posted April 17, 2018 Anyone tell me if they are having any dramas with this mission pack since Tanks update. On a dedicated server something is causing the server to crash shortly after entering the missions, didn't happen before the update but it could be a mod causing the issue so thought I would ask here first. Other missions I have tested don't crash the dedicated server, Thanks Edit-Nope all good just a mod causing it. Love these missions ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ghost 40 Posted April 18, 2018 Thanks for the update Rockapes! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
praetis 12 Posted May 6, 2018 Hi ghost we play with your tanoa maps but we can't delete tent and ours squad leader can't deploy respawn tent there is not in the radio menu, how can we fix that ? Thank you in advance Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
magicsrp 8 Posted May 6, 2018 You need to edit the initplayerlocal.sqf: line78: if (player iskindof "B_Soldier_SL_F") then { -----> if (player iskindof "B_CTRG_Soldier_TL_tna_F") then { and additionally, to correct Recon & UAV operator's role: line48: if (player iskindof "B_recon_JTAC_F") then { ----->if (player iskindof "B_CTRG_Soldier_JTAC_tna_F") then { line68: if (player iskindof "B_soldier_UAV_F") then { ----->if (player iskindof "B_T_Soldier_UAV_F") then { Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ghost 40 Posted May 8, 2018 Sorry about that. I keep forgetting that Tanoa uses different classes. I did a small update on Workshop for Tanoa to address that. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan_fenix 0 Posted July 23, 2018 Hi Ghost, im using the last version of enemy assault altis, in a dedicated server, but when the map load, just i see one marker of objetive and i cant get in the heli, no enemies in map, y try download the map a few times but still bugy, and only in dedicated server, in normal server all works, please neede help. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
magicsrp 8 Posted July 23, 2018 Check the RPT file, that'll be a clue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ghost 40 Posted July 23, 2018 As mentioned Dan_fenix i would need to see your rpt file. You could delete the current one and start a fresh dedicated server for me to see. Again I would need the dedicated server rpt more than likely. Also make sure the latest version is the one from steam workshop. All others are obsolete. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan_fenix 0 Posted July 23, 2018 On 7/23/2018 at 7:27 PM, Ghost said: As mentioned Dan_fenix i would need to see your rpt file. You could delete the current one and start a fresh dedicated server for me to see. Again I would need the dedicated server rpt more than likely. Also make sure the latest version is the one from steam workshop. All others are obsolete. Ghost tnx for the answer, the server is running in alternative pc with a secondary account of steam with no games, im usig the last version of the mision of steamworkshop, i just downloaded the "arma 3 server tool, and configured the server with the "Tophe's Arma Dedicated Server Tool (TADST)". in the server pc, there its not rtp file in local folder, so I guess I have to check my rtp file after joining the server, or not? I'm not sure where to look for the rtp file or if I configure my server well Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ghost 40 Posted July 23, 2018 I believe the rpt for servers by default are where you specify the server folder. should be in the games main directory. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan_fenix 0 Posted July 25, 2018 On 7/23/2018 at 10:13 PM, Ghost said: I believe the rpt for servers by default are where you specify the server folder. should be in the games main directory. well I think it will not be necessary, I've been experimenting , I have tried the dedicated server from my pc that has a copy of "Arma 3" with apex and the map Enemy assault has loaded without failures. It is strange because in the PC with dedicated server only has "Arma 3 server", properly loaded maps as liberation without failure, and other players in my group were able to connect and play smoothly. Conclusion: you need to have a copy of "Arma 3" on the pc that runs the dedicated server to play Enemy Assault, it seems silly but it is not. PD: the enemy reinforcements at the end of the mission is one of the best things on the map, a lot cooperation and tacticts is needed to escape or extract the hostage alive. thank you very much for the map GHOST Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ghost 40 Posted July 25, 2018 Thanks for playing.. Odd problem you are having.. I do not own arma 3 for my dedicated server and have no issues.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rockapes 103 Posted July 26, 2018 I have arma 3 installed on dedicated server and play the ghost missions without issue. I own Arma 3 but havent bought another version as you dont need to own Arma 3 in order to run a dedi server. By the way I spend about 70% of play time on your missions @Ghost as love em. Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ghost 40 Posted July 26, 2018 im glad you are enjoying the missions rock. working on a WWII version on staszow right now. A lot has to be changed since the tech back then isnt like today. not sure exactly what i am going to do about the transport helicopter. I might do a truck or just leave it up to the player to find a way. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
magicsrp 8 Posted July 28, 2018 Good to hear that news. I hope to see it soon. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jnr4817 215 Posted August 20, 2018 @Ghost any way to have the aircraft spawn and vehicle spawn work on the USS Freedom and Liberty? If so, what do I modify in either script? init_vehiclespawn.sqf, ghst_spanair.sqf, ghst_spawnveh.sqf Reveal hidden contents private ["_type","_spawnBoard"]; _type = [_this,0] call BIS_fnc_param; _spawnBoard = [_this,1] call BIS_fnc_param; if(isNil "ghst_vehiclespawnlists_loaded") then { ghst_local_vehicles = []; _vehlist = execvm "SA\scripts\ghst_vehiclespawn\vehiclelist.sqf"; _airlist = execvm "SA\scripts\ghst_vehiclespawn\aircraftlist.sqf"; _boatlist = execvm "SA\scripts\ghst_vehiclespawn\boatlist.sqf"; ghst_vehiclespawnlists_loaded = true; }; if(_type == "ground") then { _spawnBoard addAction ["<t size='1.5' shadow='2' color='#FFA000'>Spawn Vehicle</t> <img size='4' color='#FFA000' shadow='2' image='\A3\armor_f_gamma\MBT_01\Data\UI\Slammer_M2A1_Base_ca.paa'/>", "SA\scripts\ghst_vehiclespawn\ghst_spawnveh.sqf", ["veh_spawn",90], 6, true, true, "","alive _target"]; _spawnBoard setObjectTexture [0, "\A3\armor_f_gamma\MBT_01\Data\UI\Slammer_M2A1_Base_ca.paa"]; }; if(_type == "air") then { _spawnBoard addAction ["<t size='1.5' shadow='2' color='#FFA000'>Spawn Aircraft</t> <img size='4' color='#FFA000' shadow='2' image='\A3\Air_F_EPC\Plane_CAS_01\Data\UI\Plane_CAS_01_CA.paa'/>", "SA\scripts\ghst_vehiclespawn\ghst_spawnair.sqf", ["air_spawn",185], 6, true, true, "","alive _target"]; _spawnBoard setObjectTexture [0, "\A3\Air_F_EPC\Plane_CAS_01\Data\UI\Plane_CAS_01_CA.paa"]; }; if(_type == "sea") then { _spawnBoard addAction ["<t size='1.5' shadow='2' color='#FFA000'>Spawn Boat</t> <img size='4' color='#FFA000' shadow='2' image='\A3\boat_f_beta\SDV_01\data\ui\portrait_SDV_ca.paa'/>", "SA\scripts\ghst_vehiclespawn\ghst_spawnboat.sqf", ["boat_spawn",80], 6, true, true, "","alive _target"]; _spawnBoard setObjectTexture [0, "\A3\boat_f_beta\SDV_01\data\ui\portrait_SDV_ca.paa"]; }; Reveal hidden contents /* V2.3 Script by: Ghost (Original dialog from Kronzky) create a marker and name itand put this in the object initline - ghst_spawnveh = station1 addAction ["Spawn Vehicle", "ghst_spawnveh.sqf", ["spawnmarker",dir], 6, true, true, "","alive _target"]; */ #include "def_VEHsel.hpp" _host = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; _paramarray = _this select 3; _spawn = _paramarray select 0; _dir = _paramarray select 1; _spawn = getmarkerpos _spawn; _check_radius = 10;//radius for vehicle spawn pad check and delete if (not alive _host) exitwith { hint "Vehicle Spawn Closed"; _host removeaction _id; }; if (isnil "ghst_aircraftlist") exitwith {hint "Spawn list not ready yet";}; _vehiclelist = ghst_aircraftlist; _PARAM_PlayerVehicles = "PARAM_PlayerVehicles" call BIS_fnc_getParamValue; {if (count crew _x == 0) then {deletevehicle _x};} foreach (nearestObjects [_spawn, ["AllVehicles"], _check_radius]); {deletevehicle _x;} foreach nearestObjects [_spawn,["CraterLong_small","CraterLong","WeaponHolder","GroundWeaponHolder"], _check_radius]; {if (!(alive _x) or (! canmove _x and count crew _x == 0)) then { deletevehicle _x; ghst_local_vehicles = ghst_local_vehicles - [_x]; };} foreach ghst_local_vehicles; //if (count ghst_local_vehicles == _PARAM_PlayerVehicles) exitwith {hint format ["You can only spawn %1 vehicles", _PARAM_PlayerVehicles];}; #ifndef VBS disableSerialization; #endif // fill dialog with vehicle names createDialog "Selectvehicle"; sleep 0.1; _ctrlList = findDisplay DLG_VEH_IDD displayCtrl DLG_VEH_LIST; private ["_index","_lstidx","_lstpos""_i"]; for "_i" from 0 to (count _vehicleList)-1 do { _vehicle = _vehicleList select _i; lbAdd [DLG_VEH_LIST,format["%1",_vehicle select 1]]; lbSetPicture [DLG_VEH_LIST, _i, _vehicle select 2]; lbSetValue [DLG_VEH_LIST, _i, _i]; }; lbSort (findDisplay DLG_VEH_IDD displayCtrl DLG_VEH_LIST); // put the selection somewhat in the middle of the displayed listing _index = -1; _i=(_index -9) max 0; lbSetCurSel [DLG_VEH_LIST, _i]; lbSetCurSel [DLG_VEH_LIST, _index]; // preview controls _ctrlPic = findDisplay DLG_VEH_IDD displayCtrl DLG_VEH_PIC; _ctrlName = findDisplay DLG_VEH_IDD displayCtrl DLG_VEH_NAME; _ctrlDesc = findDisplay DLG_VEH_IDD displayCtrl DLG_VEH_DESC; _VEHidx = lbValue [DLG_VEH_LIST, _index]; _lstidx = _index; _lstpos = -1; DLG_VEH_SELECTED = false; while {ctrlVisible DLG_VEH_LIST} do { _index = lbCurSel DLG_VEH_LIST; _posidx = _index; #ifdef VBS if !(isNil "DLG_VEH_SEL") then { if (DLG_VEH_SEL select 3) then { _posidx = _ctrlList lbPosIndex [DLG_VEH_SEL select 1,DLG_VEH_SEL select 2]; }; }; #endif if (DLG_VEH_SELECTED) then { _VEHidx=lbValue [DLG_VEH_LIST, _index]; closeDialog DLG_VEH_IDD; }; if (_posidx == -1) then { _posidx = _index; }; if (_lstpos != _posidx) then { _lbidx = lbValue [DLG_VEH_LIST, _posidx]; _wDName = (_vehicleList select _lbidx) select 1; _wPic = (_vehicleList select _lbidx) select 2; _wDesc = (_vehicleList select _lbidx) select 3; _ctrlPic ctrlSetText _wPic; _ctrlName ctrlSetText _wDName; _ctrlDesc ctrlSetStructuredText parseText (_wDesc); _lstpos=_posidx; }; sleep 0.1; }; if (_lstidx == _index) exitWith {}; _VEHsel=(_vehicleList select _VEHidx) select 0; if (isnil "ghst_vehsel") exitwith {_caller groupchat "Nothing Spawned";}; if (ghst_vehsel != "none" && DLG_VEH_SELECTED) then { _veh_name = getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> (_vehsel) >> "displayName"); //_spawnpos = _spawn findEmptyPosition[ 2 , 10 , _vehsel ]; //if (isnil "_spawnpos" or count _spawnpos < 2) exitwith {_caller groupchat "Spawn Pad not clear";}; _padempty = nearestObjects [_spawn, ["LandVehicle","Air"], _check_radius]; if (count _padempty > 0) exitwith {hint "Spawn Pad not clear";}; _veh1 = createVehicle [_vehsel,_spawn, [], 0, "NONE"]; _veh1 setdir _dir; _veh1 setposatl [_spawn select 0, _spawn select 1, 0.2]; _veh1 setVectorUP (surfaceNormal [(getPosatl _veh1) select 0,(getPosatl _veh1) select 1]); ghst_local_vehicles = ghst_local_vehicles + [_veh1]; [_veh1] spawn DEVAS_AutoPilot; [_veh1] spawn DEVAS_Loiter; _PARAM_NIMITZ = "PARAM_NIMITZ" call BIS_fnc_getParamValue; if ((_PARAM_NIMITZ == 1) and ((_vehsel == "JS_JC_FA18E") or (_vehsel == "JS_JC_FA18F"))) then { NIMCAT_GAMELOGIC synchronizeObjectsAdd [_veh1]; [_veh1,NIMCAT_GAMELOGIC] spawn TTT_fnc_syncCatapult; }; //_veh1 addEventHandler ["killed", {_this execvm "scripts\ghst_vehdelete.sqf"}]; [_veh1, "ColorGrey", _veh_name] spawn ghst_fnc_tracker; //cutText [Format ["%1 Spawned", _veh_name],"PLAIN",2]; hint format ["%1 Spawned", _veh_name]; } else {hint "Nothing Spawned";}; Reveal hidden contents /* V2.4 Script by: Ghost (Original dialog from Kronzky) create a marker and name itand put this in the object initline - ghst_spawnveh = station1 addAction ["Spawn Vehicle", "ghst_spawnveh.sqf", ["spawnmarker",dir], 6, true, true, "","alive _target"]; */ #include "def_VEHsel.hpp" _host = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _id = _this select 2; _paramarray = _this select 3; _spawn = _paramarray select 0; _dir = _paramarray select 1; _spawn = getmarkerpos _spawn; _check_radius = 10;//radius for vehicle spawn pad check and delete if (not alive _host) exitwith { hint "Vehicle Spawn Closed"; _host removeaction _id; }; if (isnil "ghst_vehiclelist") exitwith {hint "Spawn list not ready yet";}; _vehiclelist = ghst_vehiclelist; _PARAM_PlayerVehicles = "PARAM_PlayerVehicles" call BIS_fnc_getParamValue; {if (count crew _x == 0) then {deletevehicle _x};} foreach (nearestObjects [_spawn, ["AllVehicles"], _check_radius]); {deletevehicle _x;} foreach nearestObjects [_spawn,["CraterLong_small","CraterLong","WeaponHolder","GroundWeaponHolder"], _check_radius]; {if (!(alive _x) or (! canmove _x and count crew _x == 0)) then { deletevehicle _x; ghst_local_vehicles = ghst_local_vehicles - [_x]; };} foreach ghst_local_vehicles; //if (count ghst_local_vehicles == _PARAM_PlayerVehicles) exitwith {hint format ["You can only spawn %1 vehicles", _PARAM_PlayerVehicles];}; #ifndef VBS disableSerialization; #endif // fill dialog with vehicle names createDialog "Selectvehicle"; sleep 0.1; _ctrlList = findDisplay DLG_VEH_IDD displayCtrl DLG_VEH_LIST; private ["_index","_lstidx","_lstpos""_i"]; for "_i" from 0 to (count _vehicleList)-1 do { _vehicle = _vehicleList select _i; lbAdd [DLG_VEH_LIST,format["%1",_vehicle select 1]]; lbSetPicture [DLG_VEH_LIST, _i, _vehicle select 2]; lbSetValue [DLG_VEH_LIST, _i, _i]; }; lbSort (findDisplay DLG_VEH_IDD displayCtrl DLG_VEH_LIST); // put the selection somewhat in the middle of the displayed listing _index = -1; _i=(_index -9) max 0; lbSetCurSel [DLG_VEH_LIST, _i]; lbSetCurSel [DLG_VEH_LIST, _index]; // preview controls _ctrlPic = findDisplay DLG_VEH_IDD displayCtrl DLG_VEH_PIC; _ctrlName = findDisplay DLG_VEH_IDD displayCtrl DLG_VEH_NAME; _ctrlDesc = findDisplay DLG_VEH_IDD displayCtrl DLG_VEH_DESC; _VEHidx = lbValue [DLG_VEH_LIST, _index]; _lstidx = _index; _lstpos = -1; DLG_VEH_SELECTED = false; while {ctrlVisible DLG_VEH_LIST} do { _index = lbCurSel DLG_VEH_LIST; _posidx = _index; #ifdef VBS if !(isNil "DLG_VEH_SEL") then { if (DLG_VEH_SEL select 3) then { _posidx = _ctrlList lbPosIndex [DLG_VEH_SEL select 1,DLG_VEH_SEL select 2]; }; }; #endif if (DLG_VEH_SELECTED) then { _VEHidx=lbValue [DLG_VEH_LIST, _index]; closeDialog DLG_VEH_IDD; }; if (_posidx == -1) then { _posidx = _index; }; if (_lstpos != _posidx) then { _lbidx = lbValue [DLG_VEH_LIST, _posidx]; _wDName = (_vehicleList select _lbidx) select 1; _wPic = (_vehicleList select _lbidx) select 2; _wDesc = (_vehicleList select _lbidx) select 3; _ctrlPic ctrlSetText _wPic; _ctrlName ctrlSetText _wDName; _ctrlDesc ctrlSetStructuredText parseText (_wDesc); _lstpos=_posidx; }; sleep 0.1; }; if (_lstidx == _index) exitWith {}; _VEHsel=(_vehicleList select _VEHidx) select 0; if (isnil "ghst_vehsel") exitwith {_caller groupchat "Nothing Spawned";}; if (ghst_vehsel != "none" && DLG_VEH_SELECTED) then { _veh_name = getText (configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> (_vehsel) >> "displayName"); //_spawnpos = _spawn findEmptyPosition[ 2 , 10 , _vehsel ]; //if (isnil "_spawnpos" or count _spawnpos < 2) exitwith {_caller groupchat "Spawn Pad not clear";}; _padempty = nearestObjects [_spawn, ["LandVehicle","Air"], _check_radius]; if (count _padempty > 0) exitwith {hint "Spawn Pad not clear";}; _veh1 = createVehicle [_vehsel,_spawn, [], 0, "NONE"]; _veh1 setdir _dir; _veh1 setposatl [_spawn select 0, _spawn select 1, 0.2]; _veh1 setVectorUP (surfaceNormal [(getPosatl _veh1) select 0,(getPosatl _veh1) select 1]); ghst_local_vehicles = ghst_local_vehicles + [_veh1]; /* if (_vehsel iskindof "B_Truck_01_mover_F") then { ghst_Towing = _veh1 addAction ["<t color='#ffff00'>Tow Cannon</t>", "scripts\Towing\ghst_Towing.sqf", [], 5, false, true, "","alive _target and _this == driver _target"]; }; if (_vehsel iskindof "2b14_82mm_base") then { {_veh1 addmagazine "8Rnd_82mmHE_2B14"} foreach [1,2]; }; if (_vehsel iskindof "M252_base") then { {_veh1 addmagazine "8Rnd_81mmHE_M252"} foreach [1,2]; }; */ //_veh1 addEventHandler ["killed", {_this execvm "scripts\ghst_vehdelete.sqf"}]; [_veh1, "ColorGrey", _veh_name] spawn ghst_fnc_tracker; //cutText [Format ["%1 Spawned", _veh_name],"PLAIN",2]; hint format ["%1 Spawned", _veh_name]; } else {hint "Nothing Spawned";}; Thank you Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jnr4817 215 Posted August 22, 2018 Figured it out. I added an arrow to the top of the USS Freedom and collected its height at the deck. Then added 0.1 in total to this line _veh1 setposatl [_spawn select 0, _spawn select 1, 235.5]; Work like a charm. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ry4nD 84 Posted August 23, 2018 On 7/25/2018 at 5:31 AM, Dan_fenix said: well I think it will not be necessary, I've been experimenting , I have tried the dedicated server from my pc that has a copy of "Arma 3" with apex and the map Enemy assault has loaded without failures. It is strange because in the PC with dedicated server only has "Arma 3 server", properly loaded maps as liberation without failure, and other players in my group were able to connect and play smoothly. Conclusion: you need to have a copy of "Arma 3" on the pc that runs the dedicated server to play Enemy Assault, it seems silly but it is not. PD: the enemy reinforcements at the end of the mission is one of the best things on the map, a lot cooperation and tacticts is needed to escape or extract the hostage alive. thank you very much for the map GHOST Sounds like the way you have your server set up on your machine, I've never had any problem running Ghost missions, some of my favorites. I recommend maybe watching a few videos or guides how to set up a server. I have a few guides/videos around ;-) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jeza 5416 Posted August 23, 2018 On 7/25/2018 at 5:31 AM, Dan_fenix said: Conclusion: you need to have a copy of "Arma 3" on the pc that runs the dedicated server to play Enemy Assault, it seems silly but it is not. Not true, on ghostland myself and ghost use the virtual server he owns and we have never had a copy of ArmA 3 on there and we've been running enemy assault for many years. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ry4nD 84 Posted August 23, 2018 Here is a pretty straightforward guide https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Dedicated_Server Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beno_83au 1369 Posted August 24, 2018 @Ghost, I just loaded "Incoming Mission" and got these errors at the beginning: 14:17:06 Error in expression < %1, expected %2, on index %3, in %4", [_par] call _fnc_getTypeName, [_x] call _> 14:17:06 Error position: <_par] call _fnc_getTypeName, [_x] call _> 14:17:06 Error Undefined variable in expression: _par 14:17:06 File A3\functions_f\Debug\fn_errorParamsType.sqf [BIS_fnc_errorParamsType], line 146 14:17:06 Error in expression <eh,_pos, [], 0, "NONE"];_armor1 setdir _direction;_armor1 setposatl (getposatl> 14:17:06 Error position: <_direction;_armor1 setposatl (getposatl> 14:17:06 Error Undefined variable in expression: _direction 14:17:06 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\scripts\eveh_sentry_spawn.sqf, line 50 All I'm running mod wise is RHS (AFRF/GREF/SAF/USAF). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ghost 40 Posted August 24, 2018 On 8/24/2018 at 4:23 AM, beno_83au said: @Ghost, I just loaded "Incoming Mission" and got these errors at the beginning: 14:17:06 Error in expression < %1, expected %2, on index %3, in %4", [_par] call _fnc_getTypeName, [_x] call _> 14:17:06 Error position: <_par] call _fnc_getTypeName, [_x] call _> 14:17:06 Error Undefined variable in expression: _par 14:17:06 File A3\functions_f\Debug\fn_errorParamsType.sqf [BIS_fnc_errorParamsType], line 146 14:17:06 Error in expression <eh,_pos, [], 0, "NONE"];_armor1 setdir _direction;_armor1 setposatl (getposatl> 14:17:06 Error position: <_direction;_armor1 setposatl (getposatl> 14:17:06 Error Undefined variable in expression: _direction 14:17:06 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\scripts\eveh_sentry_spawn.sqf, line 50 All I'm running mod wise is RHS (AFRF/GREF/SAF/USAF). Honestly I probably will not be updating any missions other than enemy assault. Time is not on my side and I would rather spend what little time I have on the enemy assault missions. Sorry. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beno_83au 1369 Posted August 24, 2018 On 8/24/2018 at 5:12 AM, Ghost said: Honestly I probably will not be updating any missions other than enemy assault. Time is not on my side and I would rather spend what little time I have on the enemy assault missions. Sorry. All good, and it still seemed to function properly anyway. Well, right up until what I can only assume was a guided AT round hit my Hunter while I was midair doing a huge jump lol. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
magicsrp 8 Posted August 24, 2018 On 8/24/2018 at 4:23 AM, beno_83au said: 14:17:06 Error in expression < %1, expected %2, on index %3, in %4", [_par] call _fnc_getTypeName, [_x] call _> 14:17:06 Error position: <_par] call _fnc_getTypeName, [_x] call _> 14:17:06 Error Undefined variable in expression: _par 14:17:06 File A3\functions_f\Debug\fn_errorParamsType.sqf [BIS_fnc_errorParamsType], line 146 14:17:06 Error in expression <eh,_pos, [], 0, "NONE"];_armor1 setdir _direction;_armor1 setposatl (getposatl> 14:17:06 Error position: <_direction;_armor1 setposatl (getposatl> 14:17:06 Error Undefined variable in expression: _direction 14:17:06 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\scripts\eveh_sentry_spawn.sqf, line 50 From my Enemy Assault mission experience, The first part error(line 146) occurs even in Enemy Assault, but not serious to run the script. The Second part(line 50), I think, occurs on the road where the road connection failed. So enemy armored vehicle is not spawned on the given road. not that serious, only the vehicle is not spawned. and if you want to fix it, try to replace the following script in eveh_sentry_spawn.sqf : //Get array of roads in area //_roads = (_patrol_mark nearRoads _rad); // old _roads = (_patrol_mark nearRoads _rad) select {((_x isEqualType objNull) && (!((roadsConnectedTo _x) isEqualTo [])))}; // new Share this post Link to post Share on other sites