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Angry Radish

Resistance ded server

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When I run flashpointserver.exe, either by itself, or through a .bat file with options, I get "Server creation failed : 2302" in the titlebar of the console window, and "Dedicated server created" in the console window itself. All this after maybe a 10 second delay with nothing happening.

I'm hoping to change the server over to resistance by friday, so any help would be appreciated!

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Well I am no expert (at least not OFP Error code one), it looks like you have a problem opening a socket at port 2302. (my guess)

If so, you have some network issues most likely, check that all your network card/drivers are proper and functioning.

Anyone else?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I get "Server creation failed : 2302" in the titlebar of the console window, <span id='postcolor'>

This title is used whenever session creation fails for any reason.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">This title is used whenever session creation fails for any reason.<span id='postcolor'>

It might be worth trying to run server in DirectPlay mode (use -dplay argument) to see if the problem is specific to sockets or not. If it is sockets specific, reinstalling sockets component may help.

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The -dplay switch worked fine, so evidently it IS sockets specific. I'm a little unclear as far as what to do for reinstalling the sockets component though.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Angry Radish @ July 17 2002,07:04)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Anyone?

Or am I missing something obvious, like reinstalling tcp/ip?<span id='postcolor'>

I think, if you feel up to it, remove all TCP/IP services, then clear out all yor network card drivers(preferrably in safe mode).

(Not sure which Windows u have... but it's similar.)

Then, reinstall the network card drivers one by one(or just one). Install only TCP/IP services and see what happens.

Are you running any kind of FTP daemon? Or any kind of daemon on your machine or which ever machine connects to the internet?

Do not do any of this if you are missing network card drivers or if you think you are not capable of resolving any problems that Windows might find for you. At your own risk.

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Well, I thought it my have been an early version of the winXP service pack 1 tht I installed, so today I completely reinstalled XP, and am still having the same prob. So now I'm running out of ideas.

The only other thing I think that could be different from the average setup, is that I run 2 NICs, though even with one of them disabled, I still get the same thing.

Suma, are there any provisions for specifying which NIC or IP the server should use for transport?

Any other suggestions would be most welcome, since if I can't get this working soon, I may have to just stop hosting OFP, directplay is no good if noone can see the server from the ingame browser OR ASE.

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I figured I could forgoe the reinstall of tcp/ip since I reinstalled the entire OS, after fdisking and reformatting:-)

For some reason, XP is kind of stubborn about removing tcp/ip, so I took the next best route, and figured I'd rule out my unofficial SP1 copy at the same time.

No daemons running packet filtering or NAT, the machine is outside my firewalls all by itself:-)

I'm a netadmin by trade, so I've got a pretty good handle on things from this side, but for some reason the implementation of winsock with ofpr just doesn't seem to want to play nice with my configuration. :-(

haven't had any probs with any of the other ded servers I've hosted, and it wouldn't be so bad if ASE could see the server, but with it not showing in ANYTHING, i'm getting desperate :-)

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Have you tried running NETSTAT -a to see if the ports are already in use? Stranger things have happened...

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Sorry I haven't said a word for a while....

First I would like to say it's great you are a net admin in this situation, but also you probably have this problem because you did something funky on your machine at one time or another... I'll bet biggrin.gif

Anyway, I would personally go through and remove all network card drivers and follow what I said in the previous post. (Also go in the registry and clear out any references to network adapters left)

Reason: I have seen windows create way too many entries for network adapters in the registry, especially when installing 2 or more cards. It could be that you have a reference to a non existant network card in the registry.

I am just guessing, since i have not seen your machine, but it's a fair shot.

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Yeah, i've scoured the registry for any references of my NICs, removed em, and installed a totally different manufacturer nic in the machine, removing the other 2, still nothing...

I had a similar problem with ofp and 2 nics on w2k server, though disabling 1 of them fixed the problem in that case.

I think I'm going to try reinstalling XP again, this time with only 1 nic, and see what happens...

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Dunno if this helps but I have the exact same problem with the resistance dedicated server. -dplay works fine, but otherwise it won't create a server. I've been using it w/ 1.46 w/o any problems for quite some time.  My server is a W2K PIII800 box and I only have one NIC that connects to a router THAT connects to a DSL Modem. I tried changing the port just for shits sake -w/ -port ____- but it didn't help obviously. So AR you're not the only one don't feel bad tounge.gif .

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I'm having the same problem, only one NIC installed though.

What kind of NIC are you using?

I'm using a 3Com 3C905C-TC For complete management.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Setup:

Running Resistance v.1.85 in Windows XP (sans SP-1).

Internet Connection Sharing disabled, cable modem connection.


Can’t host a Multiplayer game with Sockets option (besides, it’ says “creating clientâ€, instead of “creating server†and kicks me back to previous screen).

I can’t join (Remote) other game created by my friends.

Runs fine:

I can host it with DirectPlay, but this is of no use for me, as I don’t have a LAN setup. I just want to play with my friends.

I can connect without problems to servers listed in Internet Games screen. <span id='postcolor'>

Above I described similar problems creating a server for multiplayer (the only difference being that it wasn't a dedicated server).

I am sorry I can't provide any solution, I tried "netstat -a" and everything is ok with port 2302 (default in OPF Resistance): is occuped when running the game and free when not...

The only thing that I know is that I had no problems prior to upgrading to Resistance...

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I should add that Angry Raddish and I have been discussing this further, and it seems like there's not much that can be done to solve this problem.

Fresh reinstalls of the OS do not help (tried with multiple variants of Windows, 9x, 2k, XP) and neither does changing NICs.

So apparently some other hardware incompability with the Windows Dedicated Server is to blame.

However, what DOES seem to work is to install linux or FreeBSD on the same hardware and run the linux dedicated server on either of those operating systems.

Weird indeed.

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wow.gif5--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (xyouthx @ Nov. 11 2002,10wow.gif5)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">what DOES seem to work is to install linux or FreeBSD on the same hardware and run the linux dedicated server<span id='postcolor'>

I have this problem with linux ds - all files taken from win2k ds which works perfectly. On linux i have "server creation failed" msg. No firewall, other services like ftp, www or mail server have no problems.

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I did get it to work in Linux

you need the contents of res/bin from the win32 dedicated server zip

edit: I did get it to work in linux once. The server segfaulted so i tried to restart the ded server (server creation failed) then i restarted the machine and tried again (server creation failed)


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As expected, 1.90 does not fix this error.

Any comment from BIS on this?

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