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About MitchSchaft

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. MitchSchaft

    Resistance ded server

  2. MitchSchaft

    Dedicated server - cpu usage

    OFP will use all the CPU you can throw at it. It won't make use of a dual cpu system, though. When you see it running at 50%, that's the same as 1 cpu running at 100%. All you can do is get a faster CPU. Your CPU should be fine, though. What you really need to worry about is your upload bandwidth. Our server is run off a T3 and I've seen upload bandwidth being used as high as 9Mb/sec.
  3. MitchSchaft

    V1.60 servers here
  4. MitchSchaft

    Dedicated server question

    Is there even a dedicated server out?
  5. MitchSchaft


    Well, apparently he changed his ID# off of the squad xml. But that's was the original number about 2 weeks ago. We're not worried about it, I just wanted people to see what he's doing.
  6. MitchSchaft


    Yes, we have Raybyrd's player ID. Not only is it made public in Hit Squad's xml, it has also been compared to RayByrd being in game. There were 2 admins present during his little visit. One of them remote desktopped to the server and checked the server's log and compared it to Raybyrd's ID#. It matched. When he came on as the second guy, I told him to check these forums. I'm just trying to let everyone know incase Stoner's is down all week.
  7. MitchSchaft


    That's all he said. Besides trying to start a couple of arguments a couple minutes before.
  8. MitchSchaft


    Umm, why do you think? Public exposure?
  9. MitchSchaft


    Then you come back as 2-ELITE-4-U and say you're just checking something? Man...
  10. MitchSchaft


    What was up with that, man? West (GENERAL RAYDEN): "this is Hit_Sqd_Raybyrd and i think you guys made a huge mistake by messing with my guys prepare to be hacked later on tonite AND i swear TO you guys wont be able to keep this SERVER RUNNING ALL WEEK LONG" That was real cool, man. Not only do we have a screenshot, but we have your player ID off the server log. What is your deal? id: 1330516
  11. MitchSchaft

    Weird eax problems with game theatre xp?

    That's normal. Nobody's quite sure why. Or whether it's microsoft's fault or BIS' fault.
  12. MitchSchaft

    Maxmsgsend=256 then open ports = 256?

  13. MitchSchaft

    multiprocessor and dedicated server

    We need to get this cleared up.
  14. MitchSchaft

    Testing netcode settings

    I went ahead and put those settings in my flashpoint.cfg.
  15. MitchSchaft

    Testing netcode settings

    Am I wasting my time by putting these settings in my flashpoint.cfg? MaxMsgSend=256; MinBandwidth=300000; That's all I have concerning my dedicated. I have a 3Mb download and 360Kb upload. Cable.