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Arma 3 Headless Client

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When i turn on HC in some mission i can't see the enemy spawned. like a missiom the warstorm. PPL taught me the HC is basically help game perfoence to good. but how? removing or turm off the mission setting that HC want it? I don't single understand this THING

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Running the HC alone doesn't do anything. You have to transfer ownership of editor placed objects or through scripts, spawn AI on the HC itself. On one of my missions I have about 66 soldiers that just stand around to make outposts look occupied. Upon mission start, I transfer ownership of these units from the dedicated server over to the headless client. The headless client then controls those units and the resources being used by the server are freed up.

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  Zlin said:
Running the HC alone doesn't do anything. You have to transfer ownership of editor placed objects or through scripts, spawn AI on the HC itself. On one of my missions I have about 66 soldiers that just stand around to make outposts look occupied. Upon mission start, I transfer ownership of these units from the dedicated server over to the headless client. The headless client then controls those units and the resources being used by the server are freed up.

Can you explain how you make the transfer of the units to the HC?

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Would anybody have a simple HC demo Arma 3 mission? I just can't get the grasp on HC from monsters like Domination and VTS.

Thanks for any help you could provide.

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I've got a small question for you about the Headless Client. My missions and the server includes the Headless Client but the issue is that it's not working properly. The Headless Client isn't taking care of the IAs which makes it difficult for my FPS to follow. In other words, The Headless Client is on but not working... Could you just explain breifly how do I make sure that the Headless Client takes care of the IAs so that I don't have to worry about how much stuff/IAs I put in my mission and so that I dont be limited by the low FPS's.

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You have to tell the server that there is an HC coming!

You have to add this to you server.cfg




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Hello everyone,

I currently have a problem with my HC.

I connect the HC to the game server, I slot in slot are provided for this purpose

I run the mission.

When the mission start the HC does not take into account the IA and it is always the server that manages the IA

I've tested my HC on a mission = BTC = Warstorm and I had no problems.

My request for assistance concerns on how I can get my in my init.sqf HC manage IA

Or are that someone has a script to do it?

I'd really like to create my own missions with a HC that manages IA.

Thank you for your help before.

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There's a pretty good tutorial on HC here...


In his example, he shows several ways to turn AI over to the HC. I have followed his example for editor placed AI by using a trigger that waits for the HC to be present, then the script runs the setOwner command to transfer ownership of the specified units over to the HC.

I also then used this script in my AI Spawn scripts...


I use Arma Server Monitor to monitor both the Dedicated Server and the Headless Client. I can see the editor placed AI units listed as AIL (Local) on the server initially, but as soon as the HC finishes loading, I can see the AI I specified switch over to the HC. The AIL number on the HC goes up and the AIL number on the Server goes down. (AIL is AI local, as opposed to AIR, which is AI remote). Arma Server Monitor is also a great tool if your not already using it.

Edited by Zlin

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Can't totally understand but because of you i might understand what it is meaning

thanks Zlin

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I'm struggle with my HC gets kicked from the server. Steam ticked failed [null]

The server is running standalone, HC has its own license and Battleye is disabled. Both on the same box. Have tried with and without password. It seems that it is connected for a while, but it is not in the lobby. Later it gets kicked with Steam ticked failed [null].

22:19:27 Dedicated client created.

22:19:31 > Player HC connecting

22:19:31 > Welcome to [aCe]Playground COOP!

22:20:05 > We recruit Norwegian players!

22:20:42 > Visit us @ arcticelite.com

22:21:01 > You were kicked off the game.

22:21:02 Client connected:

22:21:03 > Player HC connecting

Edited by Total

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Thanks m8, that worked :o

Edited by Total

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  Total said:
Thanks m8, that worked :o

Glad i could help. Restarting STEAM always solves a lot of problems. :rolleyes:

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  Total said:
I'm struggle with my HC gets kicked from the server. Steam ticked failed [null]

The server is running standalone, HC has its own license and Battleye is disabled. Both on the same box. Have tried with and without password. It seems that it is connected for a while, but it is not in the lobby. Later it gets kicked with Steam ticked failed [null].

22:19:27 Dedicated client created.

22:19:31 > Player HC connecting

22:19:31 > Welcome to [aCe]Playground COOP!

22:20:05 > We recruit Norwegian players!

22:20:42 > Visit us @ arcticelite.com

22:21:01 > You were kicked off the game.

22:21:02 Client connected:

22:21:03 > Player HC connecting

Do you have separate copy of game for HC ? (I know it is ridicolous...)

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I got my headless client setup and working fine. I run both the dedicated server and the dedicated client on the same full-box dedicated machine, and run several pairs of servers and dedicated clients on it as well. To finally get the thing working, among numerous other tricky things and changes, I had to remove the -ip=x.x.x.x startup parameter from my servers. I have no idea why, but after changing everything else, that was the final change that got the dedicated clients to actually connect to the server. Problem is, now my servers don't show up in the ArmA3 (GameSpy) server browser for more than half of my players, and out of those that can see it, some get a connection failed message when trying to join. Nothing else, just simply 'connection failed'. People are also reporting seeing pings of 2500 in the server browser, and remote connection seems to work for some, and not work for others.

I also tested to see if this issue was a direct consequence of removing the -ip= parameter. First I left everything as is with the -ip param still removed, but did not boot up my headless clients. No joy. Then I added back in the -ip= param, and all players could freely join again, whether or not I started up the headless clients. Of course, with the -ip tag back in, the headless clients never connected. I tried turning my firewall off, changing rules, etc.. No luck.

A little context:

I run a full-box, unmanaged dedi from NFO Servers

Windows Server 2012 R2

Running the dedicated server branch for the two servers and the normal client with -client for the HCs

Steam is running and signed in

I assigned the 1st server to ports 2300-2305, and the 2nd to 2310-2315

I have a total of 5 IPs assigned to this machine, and I was originally using the -ip= param to bind the game to a single IP

If there's any more information I can provide, please let me know. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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1.º put the -ip=x.x.x.x on your startup parameters of your server

2.º restart steam

3.º Make an integrety check (via steam) on your arma3 and arma3 server

4.º Try and see if it works

Edited by Nuno Basto

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Unfortunately I've done that to some degree with no luck.

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I've got it working.

You need a server side steam account with a global game key (not region locked)

You must then create a profile named HC, and on the mission have a playable slot (i.e. a rabbit) on mission named HC

then as quoted by Tankbuster: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?104991-Tophe-s-Arma-Dedicated-Server-Tool-(TADST)&p=2459937&viewfull=1#post2459937

you will need to set up a desktop short cut with the following:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe" -connect=localhost -port=2326 -client -nosound -name=HC -profile=HC

in the target location of the shortcut. This allows for connection to different server ports, just change the port as appropriate, and the file route IF different on the server.

On the server TADST make sure you tick the HC on the first tab to allow it on the server and make it work.

The next stage I am working on is the auto start for the actual slot so the HC assigns and 'plays'. In its current state I am server admin moving to the slot and starting the game locking it in.

Server @ 50 FPs and 50CPS constant.

Find me on TS or steam if needed for further details


Working on server, auto joining slot, takes first unit placed in mission sqm so ended up taking a bluefor unit and I have just moved it away from base.

This can run multiple HC's for multiple server mission ports.

Edited by tmortensen

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  tmortensen said:
The next stage I am working on is the auto start for the actual slot so the HC assigns and 'plays'.

Try to enter this in the unit's init field (Change "Headlessclient" to whatever you HC profile name is)

if (profileName == 'Headlessclient') then {selectPlayer this};


Sorry, didn't see your update, you seem to have figured that out

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Ty CaptainGalaxy got it sorted now, just forced it to the starting unit and moved it off to a secret location of invincibility.

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