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wasteland wasteland wasteland wastleand... does anyone play anything but wasteland?

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I want to play a PvP server but there isn't a single one above a few players right now.... yet there's literally 30+ wasteland servers with 30 or more people right now, I hope people start hosting pvp soon.

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AUSARMA runs PVP constantly... I've seen more than just wasteland too, for instance MSO CQB.

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It's a trend, just like Evolution and Domination were.

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An here I was thinking Wasteland WAS PvP... It's the MP mission I tend to play the most and still have absolutely zero idea what its about or what the end goal is. But who cares -what other game can I be a black dude wearing nothing but skivies and a combat helmet stuntriding my quad racer against other militia rednecks at high altitude while the occasional bullet whiz streaks by? Unbridled awesomeness.

One thing that missions like Evo/DayZ/Wasteland show is that alot of people like to start with little and gradually build up gear/units/access to new stuff.

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*Insert Shameless Plug*

We have a variety of Co-Ops and PvP missions on (including PvpScene's Blitzkrieg):


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plenty of blitzkrieg on our servers too however the map rotation will only switch between the 2 64 player missions (to prevent the issue of the server having > 32 players and then switching to a mission with <= 32 slots).

plenty of active admins to switch out the missions though, or just vote someone admin.

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