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War in Takistan 1.6 - Official thread (WIT)

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War in Takistan (WIT)



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Version 1.6 - Release

Changelog 1.6:



"War in Takistan" is a realistic military training mission.

Main objective

Soldiers must complete several operations tactics. Thoses operations are of increasing difficulty.

Different types of goals

destruction, sabotage, infiltration, recovery vehicles, etc. ..

To achieve thoses goals, soldiers must analyze, and develop a plan. Soldiers will play as a group and organize. WIT is the only one true cooperative mission, the score assesses the whole team.

Team scoring

Each mission won, the score of the team increases. If the team players are bad and do stupid things like tk respawn at the base, the team score down. If the team score is too low, then the game stops and the war is lost. By cons, if the team score is very high, you will have the chance to be among the best teams ARROWHEAD ARMA 2.


- More than 70 Missions dynamic (convoy, ambush, defend the zone, destroy some goals etc.)

- 20 Maps supported

- 8 levels of increasing difficulty (by default)

- 8 Levels of team ranking

- 7 Levels of personnal ranking

- 3 game modes: Simulation game, arcade game (easier), cheat game

- Open and close game, and also a domination mode

- IED attacked, IA trap vehicles, use mortars, smokes, communicate, send reinforcements troops from enemy base

- Generation of conflict zone around goals

- Dynamic management of addons: weapons, vehicles, infantry addons on the server are automatically available

- Different roles: only medics can revive players, only engineers can repair vehicles unlocker, detect IEDs

- Different clothes

- Dynamic management of the problem: The mission adjusts the difficulty based on the number of players on the server, which also allows single player and up to 40

- Dynamic performance: The mission fits server performance to ensure optimal gameplay.

- Several Ingame video

- 2 langages: English, French

- All the HUD system (vehicle, ranking system, etc)

And a full of features that can not be describe here !

New features

- Warcontext modules (civilian modules, convoy modules, patrols modules)

- refactoring of all the code

- new kind of missions

- must of the works were turned on fun and more realistic scenario

Autoload feature

When you use autoload you must know thoses things:

Autoload feature permits to load dynamically ressources of games on client & server side. If you use autoload feature, you must check that players have exactly the same addons than the server.

If not, clients & server that don't have them, can have big stuttering.

I have a quick example. If players have only ARROWHEAD content , and they turn on "autoload feature" on a combined server , the game will require combined !

I recommend you to not use the autoload feature with open server or withouth the key signature activated.


Author: code34

Warcontext engine : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=98553

Externals credits


- R3F Revive

- R3F Artillery

- R3F Debug

- Domination - Xeno

- Atot

- House patrol

- EI8ght FOB

- US FOB by Mike Usa


- Loadout Presets by Bon

- Warfare - Beny

- Translations - Fruity_Rudy

And all others that i can forgot

Thanks you for your nice work!

Edited by code34

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Congrats, will take a look asap :jump_clap:

Others things will follow, just report the bugs here to fix them in the final release.

I will try to release the it before the end of the month :bounce3:

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you already tried to port it over to A3? I'm dev'ing also , i could try it out..Shouldn't be a problem

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you already tried to port it over to A3? I'm dev'ing also , i could try it out..Shouldn't be a problem

currently, i only works on arma 2 to finish my work. I wait must important bugs of arma3 are solved before. (im not sure to have time in future to continue to develop)

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Awesome, thanks Code, i always liked missions where minimal custom content required, and dynamic - downloading it straight away.

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And uploaded to server. Loved these missions, Time for @sshole team to suit up!

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Hope you will like it :) this version is higly tunable :D

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i'll stick to my old one on adiyaman..i really don#t feel like getting into your new code right away :) i just wanna play..but thx for the updates

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love your Mission. autoload was horrible on our Servers, will tests 1.6 tonight ;)

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to fruity, just report me major bug that i can release final version :D

>> autoload was horrible on our Servers

what do you mean ?

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no time yet to look into your latest one.. i'm still playing a version that works 100% fine for me.. Btw. if anybody wanna join us, we play a customized version with ACE, ACRE , custom units, weapons and of course not takistan :)

Mix of german and english guys... Hop on TS if you want : voip.thegamewardens.net pw: fwiends

We play everyday around 8 pm GMT+1

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well it seems all works fine :) no bugs report !

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Will ace Version also released? We are playing still the 1.44 ace Version and have stuttering in the base (no framerate Problem), autoload is off (and was always off, thought first we put it "on" cause of the stutter).

And with public players impossible ;)

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Will ace Version also released? We are playing still the 1.44 ace Version and have stuttering in the base (no framerate Problem), autoload is off (and was always off, thought first we put it "on" cause of the stutter).

And with public players impossible ;)


there is no ace official version :) you certainly use a mod version.

Normaly, stuttering problem and desync were solved with 1.6 :)

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Looks really good, I'm going to try it out. Looks like it would last hours and have replay values.

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when i use ace with this mission i cant get the javelin to work.

it is the clu attachment that wont show up in game.

would it be possible to add the wind messure device for long range sniping?

we really enjoy this mission , we are a small team from sweden who play one or 2 times a weak and WiT is our main mission we allways come back to.

Thanks alot code34 for still updating this mission u do a great job for many ppl.

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when i use ace with this mission i cant get the javelin to work.

it is the clu attachment that wont show up in game.

would it be possible to add the wind messure device for long range sniping?

we really enjoy this mission , we are a small team from sweden who play one or 2 times a weak and WiT is our main mission we allways come back to.

Thanks alot code34 for still updating this mission u do a great job for many ppl.

hi :)

you can add all your personnal stuffs in the clientside file (weapons, object):


after that lines:

player addweapon "ITEMGPS";

player addweapon "Binocular";

player addweapon "ItemRadio";

this file is executed only on the player part.

i alread changed the items loader for a simple acces; On the final release, you will only have to add your line into the files :


that contains all the player stuff.

Edited by code34

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any other request before the final release ? :)

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I just release the final version 1.6 :)


you can find it at this place:


the report of the 769 commits between the 1.4 version and this one :D


1.6 is now the master of the git repository.

I will release others map later:

Edited by code34

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