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Excellent script! Is this able to be modified so only a medic carrying a medkit can revive other players?

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In the init file if you change "man" to "class_name" of the character you want it should work. I believe thats why he put it in there.

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Here is what I am asking for. This is the init file I modified. Notice in my MHQ's I have all the mhq's defined. But I would like to add actions to each so I can get back to base or go from one to the other. However once you go to the mobile mhq's alpha and bravo you cant get back which was my intention. I am hoping the addaction to each spawnpoint can be put into an array like the mhq's. Like an array for BTC_base_flag_w/e. You'll see my custom lines at the bottom.

Created by =BTC= Giallustio
version 0.7
Visit us at: 

////////////////// EDITABLE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
BTC_revive_time_min = 5;
BTC_revive_time_max = 600;
BTC_who_can_revive  = ["Man"];
BTC_loop_check      = 0;
BTC_disable_respawn = 0;
BTC_respawn_gear    = 1;
BTC_active_lifes    = 0;
BTC_lifes           = 10;
BTC_black_screen    = 0;//Black screen + button while unconscious or action wheel and clear view
BTC_action_respawn  = 1;//if black screen is set to 0 you can choose if you want to use the action wheel or the button. Keep in mind that if you don't use the button, the injured player can use all the action, frag too....
BTC_respawn_time    = 3;
BTC_active_mobile   = 1;//Active mobile respawn (You have to put in map the vehicle and give it a name. Then you have to add one object per side to move to the mobile (BTC_base_flag_west,BTC_base_flag_east) - (1 = yes, 0 = no))
BTC_mobile_respawn  = 1;//Active the mobile respawn fnc (1 = yes, 0 = no)
BTC_mobile_respawn_time = 30;//Secs delay for mobile vehicle to respawn
BTC_need_first_aid = 0;//You need a first aid kit to revive (1 = yes, 0 = no)
BTC_pvp = 0; //(disable the revive option for the enemy)
BTC_injured_marker = 0;
BTC_vehs_mobile_west = [MHQ_Alpha, MHQ_Bravo, SeaPort, LZ_Spartan, Base];//Editable - define mobile west
BTC_vehs_mobile_east = [mobile_east_0];//Editable - define mobile east
BTC_vehs_mobile_guer = [];//Editable - define mobile independent
////////////////// Don't edit below \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

call compile preprocessFile "=BTC=_revive\=BTC=_functions.sqf";

if (isServer) then
if (BTC_active_mobile == 1 && count BTC_vehs_mobile_west != 0) then {for "_i" from 0 to ((count BTC_vehs_mobile_west) - 1) do {_veh = (BTC_vehs_mobile_west select _i);_var = str (_veh);_veh setVariable ["BTC_mobile_west",_var,true];if (BTC_mobile_respawn == 1) then {_resp = [_veh,_var,"BTC_mobile_west"] spawn BTC_vehicle_mobile_respawn;};};} else {{deleteVehicle _x} foreach BTC_vehs_mobile_west;};
if (BTC_active_mobile == 1 && count BTC_vehs_mobile_east != 0) then {for "_i" from 0 to ((count BTC_vehs_mobile_east) - 1) do {_veh = (BTC_vehs_mobile_east select _i);_var = str (_veh);_veh setVariable ["BTC_mobile_east",_var,true];if (BTC_mobile_respawn == 1) then {_resp = [_veh,_var,"BTC_mobile_east"] spawn BTC_vehicle_mobile_respawn;};};} else {{deleteVehicle _x} foreach BTC_vehs_mobile_east;};
if (BTC_active_mobile == 1 && count BTC_vehs_mobile_guer != 0) then {for "_i" from 0 to ((count BTC_vehs_mobile_guer) - 1) do {_veh = (BTC_vehs_mobile_guer select _i);_var = str (_veh);_veh setVariable ["BTC_mobile_guer",_var,true];if (BTC_mobile_respawn == 1) then {_resp = [_veh,_var,"BTC_mobile_guer"] spawn BTC_vehicle_mobile_respawn;};};} else {{deleteVehicle _x} foreach BTC_vehs_mobile_guer;};
BTC_killed_pveh = [];publicVariable "BTC_killed_pveh";
BTC_drag_pveh = [];publicVariable "BTC_drag_pveh";
BTC_marker_pveh = [];publicVariable "BTC_marker_pveh";
if (isDedicated) exitWith {};

BTC_dragging = false;
BTC_respawn_cond = false;
[] spawn
waitUntil {!isNull player};
waitUntil {player == player};
"BTC_drag_pveh" addPublicVariableEventHandler BTC_fnc_PVEH;
"BTC_marker_pveh" addPublicVariableEventHandler BTC_fnc_PVEH;
"BTC_killed_pveh" addPublicVariableEventHandler BTC_fnc_PVEH;
player addRating 9999;
BTC_side = side player;
BTC_respawn_marker = format ["respawn_%1",side player];
if (BTC_respawn_gear == 1) then {player addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", BTC_fnc_handledamage];};
player addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", BTC_fnc_handledamage];
player addEventHandler ["Killed", BTC_player_killed];
player setVariable ["BTC_need_revive",0,true];
if ([player] call BTC_is_class_can_revive) then {player addAction [("<t color=""#ED2744"">") + ("First aid") + "</t>","=BTC=_revive\=BTC=_addAction.sqf",[[],BTC_first_aid], 8, true, true, "", "[] call BTC_check_action_first_aid"];};
player addAction [("<t color=""#ED2744"">") + ("Drag") + "</t>","=BTC=_revive\=BTC=_addAction.sqf",[[],BTC_drag], 8, true, true, "", "[] call BTC_check_action_drag"];
if (BTC_active_mobile == 1) then 
	switch (true) do
		case (side player == west) : {{_spawn = [str (_x)] spawn BTC_mobile_marker;BTC_base_flag_west addAction [("<t color=""#ED2744"">") + ("Move to mobile " + format ["%1",_x]) + "</t>","=BTC=_revive\=BTC=_addAction.sqf",[[str (_x)],BTC_move_to_mobile], 8, true, true, "", format ["[str (%1)] call BTC_mobile_check",_x]];

		// Custom Lines
		SeaPort addAction [("<t color=""#ED2744"">") + ("Move to mobile " + format ["%1",_x]) + "</t>","=BTC=_revive\=BTC=_addAction.sqf",[[str (_x)],BTC_move_to_mobile], 8, true, true, "", format ["[str (%1)] call BTC_mobile_check",_x]];
		LZ_Spartan addAction [("<t color=""#ED2744"">") + ("Move to mobile " + format ["%1",_x]) + "</t>","=BTC=_revive\=BTC=_addAction.sqf",[[str (_x)],BTC_move_to_mobile], 8, true, true, "", format ["[str (%1)] call BTC_mobile_check",_x]];

		// End Custom Lines

		} foreach BTC_vehs_mobile_west;};
		case (side player == east) : {{_spawn = [str (_x)] spawn BTC_mobile_marker;BTC_base_flag_east addAction [("<t color=""#ED2744"">") + ("Move to mobile " + format ["%1",_x]) + "</t>","=BTC=_revive\=BTC=_addAction.sqf",[[str (_x)],BTC_move_to_mobile], 8, true, true, "", format ["[str (%1)] call BTC_mobile_check",_x]];} foreach BTC_vehs_mobile_east;};
		case (side player == guer) : {{_spawn = [str (_x)] spawn BTC_mobile_marker;BTC_base_flag_guer addAction [("<t color=""#ED2744"">") + ("Move to mobile " + format ["%1",_x]) + "</t>","=BTC=_revive\=BTC=_addAction.sqf",[[str (_x)],BTC_move_to_mobile], 8, true, true, "", format ["[str (%1)] call BTC_mobile_check",_x]];} foreach BTC_vehs_mobile_guer;};
BTC_gear = [] call BTC_get_gear;
if (BTC_loop_check == 1) then {[] spawn BTC_revive_loop;};
//[] spawn {while {true} do {sleep 0.5;hintSilent format ["%1",BTC_gear];};};

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Giallustio when using the latest version when in a vehicle mostly and I get engaged my FPS goes from 40-50 to 7-10 when AI reload FPS goes normal was getting a script error each time rounds hitting the vehicle have not edited script in any way and same with your test mission and used your template minus script was fine any idea how I can fix thank (found 0.4 no problems at all)

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I tried to get some shots while in a vehicle and i let you know.

J don't get this by the way...

(found 0.4 no problems at all)

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Before report a bug/problem please download the last version (0.7 rc2)

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Before report a bug/problem please download the last version (0.7 rc2)

the problem for me is with this version other version is fine

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Hi, first I'm sorry for my english, I'm french and do not have a good English ^^ , I may be gone next to the answer to my question.

Thank you for this good revive but I encountered a problem when using the revive, ammunition players disappear. Do you know the cause and possibly a solution?

thank you (v0.7 rc2)

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Hi, first I'm sorry for my english, I'm french and do not have a good English ^^ , I may be gone next to the answer to my question.

Thank you for this good revive but I encountered a problem when using the revive, ammunition players disappear. Do you know the cause and possibly a solution?

thank you (v0.7 rc2)

You have to add some details

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sorry, you want my revive_init i think

BTC_revive_time_min = 5;

BTC_revive_time_max = 300;

BTC_who_can_revive = ["Medic"];

BTC_loop_check = 0;

BTC_disable_respawn = 0;

BTC_respawn_gear = 1;

BTC_active_lifes = 1;

BTC_lifes = 20;

BTC_black_screen = 1;//Black screen + button while unconscious or action wheel and clear view

BTC_action_respawn = 0;//if black screen is set to 0 you can choose if you want to use the action wheel or the button. Keep in mind that if you don't use the button, the injured player can use all the action, frag too....

BTC_respawn_time = 10;

BTC_active_mobile = 1;//Active mobile respawn (You have to put in map the vehicle and give it a name. Then you have to add one object per side to move to the mobile (BTC_base_flag_west,BTC_base_flag_east) - (1 = yes, 0 = no))

BTC_mobile_respawn = 1;//Active the mobile respawn fnc (1 = yes, 0 = no)

BTC_mobile_respawn_time = 30;//Secs delay for mobile vehicle to respawn

BTC_need_first_aid = 1;//You need a first aid kit to revive (1 = yes, 0 = no)

BTC_pvp = 0; //(disable the revive option for the enemy)

BTC_injured_marker = 1;

BTC_vehs_mobile_west = [mobile_west_0];//Editable - define mobile west

BTC_vehs_mobile_east = [mobile_east_0];//Editable - define mobile east

BTC_vehs_mobile_guer = [];//Editable - define mobile independent

and maybe my init.sqf :

call compile preprocessFile "=BTC=_revive\=BTC=_revive_init.sqf";

execVM "briefing.sqf";

You need more?

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BTC_who_can_revive = ["Medic"];

You need the class name.

And leave the array empty if you don't use mobile respawn:

BTC_vehs_mobile_west = [];//Editable - define mobile west
BTC_vehs_mobile_east = [];//Editable - define mobile east

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i've try with "Man" it's the same, the revive is ok, weapon and dress is ok, but no ammunition on him

i try without the array empty and say to you

Edited by shakaah

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I have a strange problem with 0.7 rc2, every time I do get hit by a bullet or when I do heal myself and the heal animation starts, the FPS drops to unplayable ... 5-7 FPS,

when be hit by bullet or healing stops frame rates go back to normal.

I do not have this problem with old version 0.6

Edited by maquez

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Is there a way i can turn of re spawns so you got say 1 life but can be revived sorta thing.

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In the init file there is an option "btc_disable_respawn=0" set this to 1 and it disables it. Youll still be able to revive.

---------- Post added at 05:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:45 AM ----------

You might want to set the revive time up a LOT higher.

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did some further test with 0.7 rc2 and FPS decrease

there must be something wrong,

get hit by bullet, get wounded and heal yourself generates massive framerate dropdowns (down to 5- 10 fps)

dropped version 0.7 rc2 from my mission and installed again 0.6 and all went back to normal, there is still a little framerate dropdown in version 0.6 but it's barely noticeable


did some further investigation with this framerate dropdown problem, it seems version 0.7 rc2 is not compatible with the actual Developer Build.

Version 0.6 works without any problem with the Dev Build

keep up your good work but please can you have a look in to this problem?

I think many people and missionbuilders do use actual the Dev Build and with 0.7 rc2 it renders many good missions not playable due massive framerate dropdown.

Edited by maquez
further investigation of problem

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good work on this revive script script THX!

... but I have little bit problem with BTC_respawn_gear when I set it to 0. (I would like to use own script to save weapons and items layout )

Black screen (titleText ["", "BLACK OUT"]) will not disappear after kill all time.

I used this configuration

////////////////// EDITABLE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
BTC_revive_time_min = 5;
BTC_revive_time_max = 600;
BTC_who_can_revive  = ["Man"];
BTC_disable_respawn = 0;
BTC_respawn_gear    = 0;
BTC_active_lifes    = 1;
BTC_lifes           = 10;
BTC_black_screen    = 1;//Black screen + button while unconscious or action wheel and clear view
BTC_action_respawn  = 0;//if black screen is set to 0 you can choose if you want to use the action wheel or the button. Keep in mind that if you don't use the button, the injured player can use all the action, frag too....
BTC_respawn_time    = 10;
BTC_active_mobile   = 0;//Active mobile respawn (You have to put in map the vehicle and give it a name. Then you have to add one object per side to move to the mobile (BTC_base_flag_west,BTC_base_flag_east) - (1 = yes, 0 = no))
BTC_mobile_respawn  = 0;//Active the mobile respawn fnc (1 = yes, 0 = no)
BTC_mobile_respawn_time = 30;//Secs delay for mobile vehicle to respawn
BTC_need_first_aid = 1;//You need a first aid kit to revive (1 = yes, 0 = no)
BTC_pvp = 0; //(disable the revive option for the enemy)
BTC_injured_marker = 1;
BTC_vehs_mobile_west = [];//Editable - define mobile west
BTC_vehs_mobile_east = [];//Editable - define mobile east
////////////////// Don't edit below \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

btw : I noticed some strange line in =BTC=_revive_init.sqf :)

[color="#FF0000"]if (BTC_respawn_gear == 1) then {player addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", BTC_fnc_handledamage];};[/color]
player addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", BTC_fnc_handledamage];

Edited by [FF]FriZY

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Hi all,

i have a prob with the new Arma3 Dev update, afther this the script dosent work for me! after revive i have no more ammo in my gear, and the respawn is southwest by the map border and not by the named cargo box. dont no can i send anyone the mission to check ore something ??


author = [RmK]Gandi;
onLoadName = Fast In, Fast Out;
loadScreen = "rsc\intro.paa";
onLoadMission = Suchen und Zerstören;

Respawn = 3;
RespawnDelay = 4;
#include "=BTC=_revive\=BTC=_respawn.h"

class Header
gameType = COOP;
minPlayers = 1;
maxPlayers = 8;


BTC_revive_time_min = 5;
BTC_revive_time_max = 600;
BTC_who_can_revive  = ["Man"];
BTC_loop_check      = 0;
BTC_disable_respawn = 0;
BTC_respawn_gear    = 1;
BTC_active_lifes    = 1;
BTC_lifes           = 10;
BTC_black_screen    = 0;//Black screen + button while unconscious or action wheel and clear view
BTC_action_respawn  = 0;//if black screen is set to 0 you can choose if you want to use the action wheel or the button. Keep in mind that if you don't use the button, the injured player can use all the action, frag too....
BTC_respawn_time    = 10;
BTC_active_mobile   = 1;//Active mobile respawn (You have to put in map the vehicle and give it a name. Then you have to add one object per side to move to the mobile (BTC_base_flag_west,BTC_base_flag_east) - (1 = yes, 0 = no))
BTC_mobile_respawn  = 1;//Active the mobile respawn fnc (1 = yes, 0 = no)
BTC_mobile_respawn_time = 30;//Secs delay for mobile vehicle to respawn
BTC_need_first_aid = 0;//You need a first aid kit to revive (1 = yes, 0 = no)
BTC_pvp = 0; //(disable the revive option for the enemy)
BTC_injured_marker = 1;
BTC_vehs_mobile_west = [speedboat];//Editable - define mobile west
BTC_vehs_mobile_east = [];//Editable - define mobile east
BTC_vehs_mobile_guer = [];//Editable - define mobile independent

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Some people reported that after playing for a while, they didn't respawn with full gear, but they respawned with whatever they had when they died. This is happening on version 6.

Here's what I edited:

BTC_revive_time_min = 15;

BTC_revive_time_max = 300;

BTC_who_can_revive = ["B_medic_F", "O_medic_F"];

BTC_disable_respawn = 0;

BTC_respawn_gear = 1;

BTC_active_lifes = 0;

BTC_lifes = 10;

BTC_black_screen = 0;//Black screen + button while unconscious or action wheel and clear view

BTC_action_respawn = 0;//if black screen is set to 0 you can choose if you want to use the action wheel or the button. Keep in mind that if you don't use the button, the injured player can use all the action, frag too....

BTC_respawn_time = 10;

BTC_active_mobile = 0;//Active mobile respawn (You have to put in map the vehicle and give it a name. Then you have to add one object per side to move to the mobile (BTC_base_flag_west,BTC_base_flag_east) - (1 = yes, 0 = no))

BTC_mobile_respawn = 0;//Active the mobile respawn fnc (1 = yes, 0 = no)

BTC_mobile_respawn_time = 30;//Secs delay for mobile vehicle to respawn

BTC_need_first_aid = 0;//You need a first aid kit to revive (1 = yes, 0 = no)

BTC_pvp = 0; //(disable the revive option for the enemy)

BTC_injured_marker = 0;

BTC_vehs_mobile_west = [];//Editable - define mobile west

BTC_vehs_mobile_east = [];//Editable - define mobile east

Apart from that, I didn't change anything.

Is "BTC_respawn_gear = 1;" the problem? Should it be set to 0? If I do that, then after you die, you simply respawn using BIS respawn and you get a black screen that doesn't go away (that part of the script seems to be broken).

By the way, nice job creating this thing! It's really cool!

Edited by BlackAlpha

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