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Hey Giallustio,

i got a smale question.I have build a mission with your revive skript and its runnig nice ! But i have a little problem with another skript. For the whole Task management im using FHQ TaskTracker - its also a awsome skript like yours. Now my problem is that when a players die i think your skript is creating a new char so the FHQ skript is loosing this unit. My questin is if ther is a part wher i can add somthing like a init for the revived units ?? so that the FHQ skript can pick up the unit again ??

Thx for your help in advance or too any other guy thats helping me. I'm new too this hole skripting stuff :) So any help would be very nice.

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Hey guys!

I downloaded the dev and i took a look at the problem reported by Jman! I was able to fix it.

I made a compatible code for both stable and dev version.

I added the support for civilian and guerrilla side.

I fixed the lifes problem reported by Lordprimate.

Small fixes and tweaked.

Here the link for the rc1, if no more problems will be reported it's gonna be the v 0.9 ;)

Check the first page for the Lucky44 video tutorial! A big thank you mate! ;)


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great work Giallustio as always :)

Just one question can you add in the prameters at the start of a mission to be able to turn the teleporter on or off

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I won't add any parameters at least for now. I think it's better don't make the installation more tricky. You can easily add it to your mission by the way. Let me know if you need some help ;)

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class Params
class BTC_mobile 
// paramsArray[0]
	title="Mobile respawn?"; 
	texts[]={"No", "Yes"}; 
	default = 1; 


line 21

BTC_active_mobile = (paramsArray select 0);

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Thank you very much for this Giallustio. I'm an utter noob but this was pretty easy for me to set up and it's great.

Only problem I've come across (v 0.8) was that a body sunk into the ground when it was still revivable (only happened once though) and whenever you revive someone their gear gets swapped around somewhat between shirt/vest/backpack. You don't lose anything though unless you've basically filled up everything to pretty much maximum. I pretty much maxed out shirt, vest & backpack and lost a missile out of the backpack once revived. It must've gone to put move it into the vest or something on revive and because there wasn't room it dumped it.

So nothing major but maybe worth a little look if you have time.

Once again though thanks mate excellent work :)

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Thank you Freebie!

Inform me if you'll get this error again!

About the gear, i honestly hate it :p I don't know if it's a script problem or a A3 problem. Maybe when the game will be more stable I could look more deep into that, I spent a lot of time into it till now...

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Whenever I'm shot, in as infantry or in a vehicle I my pc freezes for just a quarter second. I found it only happens to me in missions with btc revive. Anyone else have the same issues?

and before you think no big deal, consider flying and taking about 10 small arms shots in the middle of banking.

Also during healing i get about 5 or 6 micro freezes like getting shot. So essentially whenever my health changes I get these little hiccups.

Edited by deethree

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and before you think no big deal

Who said no big deal??

I don't have any freeze btw...Anyone else?

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At this point Ive tried reinstalling, currently testing it now.

Edit: didnt work

I'm the only one in my group with this issue also, it's very frustrating. I have a feeling its something really stupid and possibly not even related to btc, but I'm hoping someone comes forward with the same issue here since I can only recreate it using btc related missions.

Edited by deethree

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I'm the only one in my group with this issue also, it's very frustrating.

Well, i'm not a wizard :P And if the problem is only with you it's very hard for me understand what the problem could be. I think it's more pc related than script related.

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Well, i'm not a wizard :P And if the problem is only with you it's very hard for me understand what the problem could be. I think it's more pc related than script related.

Well you could have guesses "delete your profiles and see if that works"... Geeeez....

That fixed it btw, was most likely nothing to do with you. :yay:

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Hey, first of all, great script! The addition of revive creates some real depth in mission scenarios.

There is one problem however. I'm using a custom gear script with a scroll down action: if you walk up to an ammobox and for instance select 'Rifleman', it will give you a rifleman kit. I found that after using the scroll down option, the revive doesn't work anymore. Once you get killed, you respawn and the screen fades into black and stays that way. Could there be any possibility of the gear script conflicting with the revive script? I'm a worse-than-novice scripter, but after using the search function I did find mentions of the problem also occuring to people using the Virtual Gear Script.

Again, the script only bugs out after using the scroll down menu and selecting the action. Before that, it works fine. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I'd love to use this script in our unit's missions but can't because of this bug :(

Thank you in advance.

The gear script called rifleman.sqf:

player = _this select 0;

removeAllWeapons player;
removeAllItems player;

sleep 0.5;

player addWeapon "arifle_TRG21_F";
player addWeapon "hgun_P07_F";

player addMagazine "30Rnd_65x39_case_mag";
player addMagazine "30Rnd_65x39_case_mag";
player addMagazine "30Rnd_65x39_case_mag";
player addMagazine "30Rnd_65x39_case_mag";
player addMagazine "30Rnd_65x39_case_mag";
player addMagazine "30Rnd_65x39_case_mag";

player addMagazine "16Rnd_9x21_Mag";
player addMagazine "16Rnd_9x21_Mag";

player addMagazine "HandGrenade";
player addMagazine "HandGrenade";
player addMagazine "HandGrenade";
player addMagazine "HandGrenade";
player addMagazine "SmokeShell";
player addMagazine "SmokeShell";

player addItem "FirstAidKit";
player addItem "FirstAidKit";

Content of the loadout_init.sqf

player addAction ["Rifleman","loadouts\rifleman.sqf","",5,true,true,"","player distance ammobox_loadouts < 4 && cursorTarget == ammobox_loadouts"];

How the script is called in the init.sqf

execVM "loadouts\loadouts_init.sqf";

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Ops, i forgot to remove the debug stuff :p Re-download or comment line 96 in the =BTC=_revive_init.sqf.

Sorry about that!

@ DogCoyRecruiting

Weird...What version?

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I know why its dropping gear. Ill make some notes on your script and upload it. Im sure youll be able to fix it.

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Hey Giallustio,

i got a smale question.I have build a mission with your revive skript and its runnig nice ! But i have a little problem with another skript. For the whole Task management im using FHQ TaskTracker - its also a awsome skript like yours. Now my problem is that when a players die i think your skript is creating a new char so the FHQ skript is loosing this unit. My questin is if ther is a part wher i can add somthing like a init for the revived units ?? so that the FHQ skript can pick up the unit again ??

Thx for your help in advance or too any other guy thats helping me. I'm new too this hole skripting stuff :) So any help would be very nice.

Nobody can help ?! Just a textHint "Maybe"; ;)

Edited by R0T

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Ok I got diffEq in like 5 hours so not enough time to edit file I'll just write what I thought I seen. Ok in your script I believe on death all gear gets saved such as... keep in mind this isnt anything close just a rough idea of what the script does:

"player" count "items", count "magazines" count "weapons"

and then when loaded it adds such as "_x additems foreach "items", _x addmagazines foreach "magazines" and so on to the players entire gear. What I believe has to be done is you need to count each for each uniform item. Like:

uniform = 
    uniformitems = count items;
    uniformmagazines = count magazines;
vest = ""
backpack = ""

then when loading you have to load each into its respective uniform item, like a foreach inside uniforms for each item, magazine and weapon. For anyone reading this and chiming in that its totally wrong, formatting and scripting commands; I know, this is just for demonstration/theoretical purposes.

if (uniformItem = "uniform") : 
     _x addUniformItem foreach {"uniformitems"};
     _x addUniformMagazines foreach {"uniformmagazines"};
if (uniformItem = "backpack") :
    _x addBackpackItem foreach {"backpackitems"};
    _x addBackpackMagazines foreach {"backpackmagazines"};        or whatever the scripting commands are for adding mags/items to each uniform item
    _x addBackpackWeapons foreach {"backpackweapons"};

Something like that anyway, I'm sure you know what I mean. Basically separate each into an array for its respective uniform item.

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I never use that script and i don't know how it works. I don't create any new char, it's just the arma system. I can't help you more than that, sorry! Try to ask to the FHQ TaskTracker creator!


Where do you find the addUniformMagazines command?

Edited by Giallustio

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Ok the spawn is then just like spawning with the normal function that is included in arma. That's a start ... Thank you !

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