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I have only just got ArmA 3 and I am finding it okay to play with just the aforementioned lag occasionally.

I used to love the old "Evolution" missions back when I played ArmA 2 and am really looking forward to your release of of Evolution on ArmA 3.

Keep up the good work. :)

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Well let me be the first to start saying good things about the game. Been playing Arma since it was released with a close group of friends we have logged too many hours playing EVO maps since they started popping up all those years ago. That being said I have been checking your thread about 10 times a day in anticipation for a release (we love EVO). When we first started playing Arma 3 the FPS was basically unplayable so we have waited to release to really mess with things. But with very minor tweaks witch any Arma player should be able to do (god knows getting Arma/Arma 2 mods to work is a lot harder) simply add -cpuCount=8 -maxMem=4096 (those #’s are for my rig) to the game shortcut. Then in game set your visibility sliders to 3000/1000/50 and on any rig we have tested be it $900 new egg special to $2800 stream tastic rig Arma 3 should run 40-55 fps. My standards could be off a little but running a steady 50 fps in Arma is very playable. We have been loving Arma 3 with 237 hours played so far.

In short we look forward to your map and will wait as long as we have to. You do amazing work eggbeast and, even though many of us lurk in the shadows following your progress you do have a loyal following. Your maps make Arma 3 for a lot of players and we hope you keep up the amazing work thank you for the 1000’s of hours of gaming enjoyment and countless WTF Arma moments.


My friends and I have been playing Evo since Arma on almost every map, from Nam to WW2.

Can't wait for an updated version.

While you are waiting for a more stable Arma3, any chance you could port a version for Iron Front?

The game lacks a lot of things and a good Evo mission is one of them.

Thanks for all your hard work!

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sorry i dont have iron front, and no time to work on anything like that.

im getting close to completion of my evo universe mission for arma2 - will then import to arma 3

made a huge breakthrough this week - i have managed to finally get the dynamic playable units spawning and working with all the evo team functions

this means that not only do you get the autofill vehicles, planes, bombs, weapons, hospitals/camo nets etc andenemies based on parameter choice, but you can select the faction you want blufor to be


I was worried it would fail in JIP missions like evo, but i have a test mission we are going to run with this week

I especially worked on it for all the new unsung factions to work on the nam maps

sorry its taking a long time - but much easier to develop this in arma2, which still supports processinitcommands

once the mission is fully working im going to optimise it code-wise and then port back into arma3 which hopefully will be stable by then.

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Finally got some dedicated time to look at the Evo mission today.

Fixed a lot of the problems that was stopping it working on the current live build and we've started testing it this evening.

If it get time tomorrow night i'll post up the revised pbo. Please note this is only fixes for the 2.9 version that was set on Stratis.

Also this is only a stop gap until Egg has new Evo up and running .

Edited by Scorpiomidget

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Finally got some dedicated time to look at the Evo mission today.

Fixed a lot of the problems that was stopping it working on the current live build and we've started testing it this evening.

If it get time tomorrow night i'll post up the revised pbo. Please note this is only fixes for the 2.9 version that was set on Stratis.

Also this is only a stop gap until Egg has new Evo up and running .

GL with that, I hope you can get a working version going, no offense to the other missions but for me EVO has always been enjoyable an unfortunatly the reason i'm not playing ArmA right now(that an my (POS comp). Just can't get into the other game modes. TY for taking the time to make this happen! If'n I knew more about the scripting/codin etc I'd tried to fix it long time ago during the Alpha 8)-

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yeah cool man - let me know how you get around the setvehicleinits - especially in the tower, officer and vehicle respawn scripts

if we have a working version i can do the work on the classnames and the new island in less than a day

btw i got totally stuck again on spawning playable units and am still working on it - it should work in time, just needs a bit of a rethink. carrying vehiclevarnames across characters doesnt seem to be possible so im going to have to take out all the references to player "name" and use some sort of classlist array instead... shuffles off into the darkness

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Hi Eggbeast,

We've done quite a bit of testing over the past 2 days and the mission seems to be pretty stable on Stratis. Because of this i've now put the mission on our public server (see signature) and also a download link for anyone that wants to test it out (again see sig).

There are still some scripting issues i'm working on so there will be another version at somepoint this weekend.

If anyone sees script errors, odd behavior or text localisation issues post em up and i'll see if i can get them sorted this weekend.

I haven't really concentrated on the class specific bonus items, mash, farp or revive scripts so there might still be some issues in those areas.

Anyway, go fire up Arma 3 and have some Evo fun :) it's been LONG overdue !

Edited by Scorpiomidget

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Hi Eggbeast,

We've done quite a bit of testing over the past 2 days and the mission seems to be pretty stable on Stratis. Because of this i've now put the mission on our public server (see signature) and also a download link for anyone that wants to test it out (again see sig).

There are still some scripting issues i'm working on so there will be another version at somepoint this weekend.

If anyone sees script errors, odd behavior or text localisation issues post em up and i'll see if i can get them sorted this weekend.

I haven't really concentrated on the class specific bonus items, mash, farp or revive scripts so there might still be some issues in those areas.

Anyway, go fire up Arma 3 and have some Evo fun :) it's been LONG overdue !


Also is the save loadout not enabled/working tried to save a loadout but did'nt seem to be working.

Edited by Call_911

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Fixed in next release.

Also is the save loadout not enabled/working tried to save a loadout but did'nt seem to be working.

Working in current version.

Other things coming in next release (hopefully later today):

  • Capture Officer fixes. - Done
  • More missing localisation strings added. - Done
  • Add Titan to list that enables AA class bonus placement. - Done
  • Add Titan short to list that enables AT class bonus placement. - Done
  • Change ambulance model from offroad to the proper model. - Done
  • Correct support text "Quadbike" that actually spawns an offroad. - Done
  • Add in all the civilian models so they dont always spawn in the offroad vehicle - Done
  • Rebalance the code that initially spawns the defending vehicles, since putting in the enemy tanks etc, it mainly seems to spawn just tanks with very few of the other vehicles. - Done
  • Script error when officer succesfully dropped off at pow camp - done.
  • Script error in civ vehicles script - done.
  • Misc. fixes - Done / on going.
  • Turn off in game performance stats on global channel (cop of tky performance) [using to pinpoint the excessive spawning of entities] - to do
  • Turn off the instant marker display for Officer and Radio Tower (was activated so it made it easier to test the scripts) - to do
  • Activate the enemy plane patrol script and test. - activated/modifed but needs testing (not seen any planes yet)
  • Add the missing 'east' weapons. - party done, needs finishing
  • Stop the reinforcements script from spawning so many troops over a long period that the server starts lagging (we had it with in excess of 250 units spawned). - WIP

Edited by Scorpiomidget

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wow, you've done loads mate.

am busy on other projects and this is great to see.

could you take a minute to explain how you fixed the setvehicleinits in the vehicle respawn script and officer/ tower spawn scripts?

would put my mind at rest somewhat... been fretting about it for months now, while working on other things

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could you take a minute to explain how you fixed the setvehicleinits in the vehicle respawn script and officer/ tower spawn scripts?

Will do, after i've finished tinkering with the fixes :)

My plan is to get Stratis running nice and smoothly and only then get you (hopefully) to convert it to run on Altis.

TBH there's not much left to do, all the classnames have been sorted out and all the new vehicles and equipment are in, for example the enemy uses the full range of statics now .

Edited by Scorpiomidget

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Were just testing a script to clear up all the dead bodies. See below for stats after we left the mission running over night:


As the majority of my to-do list is complete, there will be a new version out this evening

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hmmm there is already a script to do that scorp

maybe youre not calling it when you're spawning the enemy units?

i think you should just focus on fixing the bits that were broken and let me manage the rest of it

as it is - i already have made many changes to the last mission posted in here - loads of stuff.

so all i need is your update explaining - how the vehicle respawn/ officer and tower functions work without setvehicleinit

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hmmm there is already a script to do that scorp

Yep i know, but from what we can see and what we experienced on all the previous versions there is a gradual slow down of the servers as excessive units build up.

maybe you're not calling it when you're spawning the enemy units?

Nope, i've not added any new code to spawn units all i've done is fixed a loads of errors in the scripts.

i think you should just focus on fixing the bits that were broken and let me manage the rest of it

as it is - i already have made many changes to the last mission posted in here - loads of stuff.[/Quote]

No problem i'll leave it as it is then, I have not the time to go through another version and fix all the things i've seen.

so all i need is your update explaining - how the vehicle respawn/ officer and tower functions work without setvehicleinit

Was done by just replacing the code sections that used 'setVehicleInit' and 'processInitCommands', with BIS_fnc_MP and BIS_fnc_spawn .

For example in 'EVO_Erec.sqf':

_grpO = createGroup (east);
_type = EGG_EVO_meofficer select 0;
_offobj = _grpO createUnit [_type, _pos, [], 300, "NONE"];Sleep EGG_EVO_GlobalSleep;
   //_offobj = createVehicle [_type, _pos, [], 300, "NONE"];Sleep EGG_EVO_GlobalSleep;
_offobj addEventHandler ["killed", {handle = [_this select 0] execVM "scripts\bury.sqf"}];
_recy = [objnull,_grpO] execVM "scripts\grecycle.sqf";
_offobj setVehicleInit "Ocap = [this] execVM 'scripts\submit.sqf'";
_pobj = [_offobj] execVM "scripts\objoff.sqf";

Sleep 3;

Changed to:

_grpO = createGroup (east);
_type = EGG_EVO_meofficer select 0;
_offobj = _grpO createUnit [_type, _pos, [], 300, "NONE"];Sleep EGG_EVO_GlobalSleep;
   //_offobj = createVehicle [_type, _pos, [], 300, "NONE"];Sleep EGG_EVO_GlobalSleep;
_offobj addEventHandler ["killed", {handle = [_this select 0] execVM "scripts\bury.sqf"}];
_recy = [objnull,_grpO] execVM "scripts\grecycle.sqf";
_pobj = [_offobj] execVM "scripts\objoff.sqf";

_sCommand = format ["[{
	[(objectFromNetID '%1')] execVM 'scripts\submit.sqf';
	}]", (netId _offobj) ];

[call compile format["%1",_sCommand],"BIS_fnc_spawn", true, true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; 

Sleep 3;

Apply similar changes to the other code areas where your using setVehicleInit .

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ok mate sounds really promising - i'll have a crack at it soon

meantime feel free to adapt your own mission from mine, but as i say i will be developing it again when im back in A3

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gotta do some fixes for A3 first - will do eventually - unsung 2.6 is steaming for the finish line

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Hey guys getting into Arma3, will have the game this friday, wanted to ask for

confirmation that the mission works with the stable full version of Arma3 correct? or do you need to use the converter from alpha to beta, then something else?

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i haven't done the update yet mate

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Hey guys getting into Arma3, will have the game this friday, wanted to ask for

confirmation that the mission works with the stable full version of Arma3 correct? or do you need to use the converter from alpha to beta, then something else?

I tryed to use the converter some time ago.. but had no luck, we need to wait..

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^^ OI slacker! Get back into A3 :)

Lol Krems speaketh da truth!!! :cool:

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Update on Evolution testing.

After talking to Egg, i'm only going to make one more release following my tweaks to get the last (V2.9) version running on live Stratis.

Once that's done, we will have to wait for him to release his next version but at least we can have some EVO fun in the intervening period.

I only get limited time at the moment to fix as many of the script errors we see while testing it during the evenings, so have a little more patience :)

Fixes completed for next release:

  • Vehicle respawn script fixes - Done
  • Vehicle respawn script handles the init field - Done
  • Destroy Communication tower fixes - Done
  • Capture Officer fixes. - Done
  • Script error when officer successfully dropped off at POW camp - done.
  • Capture POW fixes. - Done
  • Class bonus was always Mortar, now is a specific static - Done
  • NUKE support option and associated scripts. - Fixed [some parts only work for launchee] (Awesome script EGG, very eerie feeling after you've let one off and drive through the desolation)
  • Tested and Fixed the 'Advanced' mode, Counter attacks, - Done
  • More missing localisation strings added. - Done
  • Add Titan to list that enables AA class bonus placement. - Done
  • Add Titan short to list that enables AT class bonus placement. - Done
  • Fixed MHQ ambulance so it re-spawns. - Done
  • Change MHQ ambulance model from off-road to the proper model. - Done
  • Activate the enemy plane patrol script and test. - Done
  • Correct support text "Quad-bike" that actually spawns an off-road. - Done
  • Add in all the civilian vehicle models so they don't always spawn in the off-road vehicle - Done
  • Changed infantry reinforcement model so there's not Divers all over the place - Done
  • Add in the new WEST vehicles at base - Done
  • Add in the new EAST vehicles and statics - Done
  • Rebalance the code that initially spawns the defending vehicles, since putting in the enemy tanks etc. It mainly seems to spawn just tanks with very few of the other vehicles. - Done
  • Script error in civilian vehicles script - done.
  • Turn off the instant marker display for Officer and Radio Tower (was activated so it made it easier to test the scripts) - Done
  • Modified the bury scripts so they actually remove the vehicles and units and also now remove the weapons as well - Done
  • Deploy Class Bonus in base warning hint missing - Fixed
  • Deploy FARP action text missing - Fixed
  • Test FARP - Had a script error, localisation and repair truck classnames. - Fixed .
  • Deploy MASH action text missing - Fixed
  • Fix MHQ ambulance marker - Done
  • Test MASH - Working
  • Fixed typos in static scoring, trying to apply group score to player score - Fixed
  • Killcam - tested and working.
  • AI Recruitment - fixed some minor test localisation issues - Works
  • Many misc. fixes - Done.

In Progress

  • Test FARP marker on dedi server.
  • Test MASH marker on dedi server.
  • Only admin can see in game performance statistics on global channel (modified tky performance script) [using to pinpoint the cleanup of dead vehicles/units and associated equipment] - to do
  • Add the missing 'east' weapons. - party done, needs finishing

Known Problems

  • Can deploy a Recon MHQ without removing the existing one.
  • Revive options in parameters - don't turn on, it breaks the mission currently.
  • Trying to use a Mortar before 'Drop Equipment' has been hit causes a script error.
  • Very occasionally a certain player will never re-spawn with their saved gear. Currently we suspect this could be extra weapon mods messing it up - but this is not confirmed.
  • Civilian vehicle script sometimes errors when it gets confused in choosing available roads/route

Not tested

  • Side Missions
  • Weapon Mods [R3F]
  • Gits Mod
  • Performance - Sky + Environment ON [Only used Original EVO]

Edited by Scorpiomidget

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